Nugs' tribe was defeated by orcs. Traveling human merchants, who accidentally stumbled upon the scene of the massacre, picked up Nugs' egg and raised him as their own. Thus, Baldur's Gate became a new home for the kobold. Nugs quickly mastered literacy, being inquisitive, he liked to study and learn new things. His parents, however, were in no hurry to shower their adopted son with close attention, devoting more time to their trade and merchant travels. Nugs had to learn to stand up for himself, being surrounded by street children and dubious contingent of the Lower City. As the smallest and most unusual among the street scum, his fastest paws and sharp tongue became his most loyal friends. The Lower City corrupted the previously decent young kobold. One day, his charm and wit did not save him from punishment for his tricks, and Nugs ended up in prison. His parents decided that this would be a good lesson for him – no one came for the kobold. The parents' business moved to Upper Town, Nugs never met them again.
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Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Kobold
Gender Male
Size 1400 x 1626px
File Size 774.7 kB