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The Gaster saga continues once more! :D Three years after Part 1 of this story was released! Well, better late than never, right? Lol. But anyway, it's finally time for Part 2 of this lengthy story, this passion project of mine… I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, you guys! And I say this because everything you'll be reading in this part of the story is the material that I was looking forward to writing the most! More than Part 1, which primarily served as a lead-in, and possible future parts. So, with that in mind, enjoy! Just… enjoy, that's all I can say! ;)
CHAPTERS 3&4: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58948717/
CHAPTERS 5&6: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58973256/
CHAPTER 7: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58994916/
CHAPTER 8: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58994961/
CHAPTER 9: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59017656/
CHAPTER 10: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59017698/
CHAPTERS 11&12: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59041722/
Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 1: Dress For Success!
It is a Saturday afternoon in the secret subbasement of Dr. W.D. Gaster's home. And just recently, Frisk, Chara, Asriel, MK, and Dr. W.D. Gaster himself returned to the large chamber behind the large metallic door at the end of the subbasement's long hallway after eating a wholesome lunch together in the subbasement's diner. A simulation chamber, capable of changing its default red and black appearance and creating holographic objects, structures, and humans and monsters that can be touched and interacted with by speaking to it in Wingdings, Gaster used this chamber earlier to test the kids' magic abilities and fighting skills just before lunch for an upcoming role-playing game, by creating holographic enemies for them to fight. He needed to. He needed to see for himself if the children could handle themselves against the chamber's various "hazards" and "threats" and at the same time, provide MK an opportunity to demonstrate his abilities to the Dreemurr kids. And now that Gaster has done just that and more, he and the kids can finally start playing this role-playing game of his. He designed it himself and as its sole designer and dungeon master, he took into account every possible outcome when designing it. And it's like a tabletop role-playing game too. The only difference is that Gaster and the kids will be performing every action physically rather than rolling dice while sitting at a table or in a circle on the floor. So with that in mind, he and the kids will surely be in for an adventure, no matter how everything plays out during their campaign! :D But first, they're going to need some costumes. And Gaster has just the thing for them too! LARPing costumes that Papyrus has been helping them make during their spare time! More specifically, holographic representations of what their LARPing costumes might look like by the time they're finished! :D The four kids have been wanting to LARP with Papyrus and his group of friends for a while now, but they haven't had many opportunities to work on their costumes for it, for various reasons but mostly due to school. But now that school's out for the summer, they'll have plenty more opportunities to work on their costumes.
Gaster: Hehehehe. Ok, little ones, now that we're back in the room, are you ready to start playing? *asked Gaster with a chuckle shortly after re-entering the chamber and closing its large metallic door*
Kids: Heeheehee! Heck yeah, Uncle Gaster! *exclaimed Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK with great enthusiasm, all four of them anxious to start playing Gaster's game*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent. Truly excellent. But first, you're going to need some costumes. And I know just the thing too…
With that said, Gaster commanded his chamber to create costumes for Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK (as well as four individual mirrors for each of the kids to view themselves in their newly equipped costumes) by speaking to it in Wingdings. But there was a slight miscommunication when he initially did so though. Rather than creating replicas of their LARPing costumes, he accidentally created replicas of costumes of four heroes from a similar but different universe…
Frisk: Woah! Now that's some nice-looking armor! *complimented Frisk, looking at her newly equipped costume in a mirror adjacent to her* (And it feels like it was made just for me too! Or someone similar to me…)
For Frisk, Gaster accidentally created silver armor consisting of shoulder pauldrons, a curiss, gauntlets, and boots; and underneath her armor was a navy blue bodysuit and draped across her right shoulder was a pink cape.
Chara: Heeheehee! Agreed! I'm looking pretty sharp myself as well! Figuratively and literally! *commented Chara upon witnessing her new costume in an adjacent mirror* (Um… why is there a box of chalk in one of the pockets?)
For Chara, Gaster accidentally created a long black vest with purple trims, a sleeveless purple shirt, baggy plum pants, black boots with golden trims, two black bracelets with yellow spikes on each arm, and a black belt with a large golden heart buckle.
Asriel: Oh wow! Would you look at that! Wow! *commented Asriel upon witnessing his costume* (Huh. Not quite what I was expecting since I usually don't play as a wizard in these games.)
For Asriel, Gaster accidentally created a long green coat with a black heart in the center, a green wizard hat, a pair of round glasses, and a pink scarf.
MK: Yo! Uncle Gaster, this is… Actually, what is this? *commented MK upon witnessing his costume* (Seriously! Are these actual clothes or is this just what my body looks like now?!)
And for MK, Gaster accidentally created a black, blue, and white outfit with spades on it, covering every part of his body except for his reptilian face, scaly three-toed feet, and long scaly tail.
Gaster: Oh, my stars, little ones. Those aren't the costumes I wanted to create for you. Ehehehehehe… One moment while I rectify this rather awkward situation.
And rectify the situation Gaster did. In just a matter of seconds, he created holographic versions of LARPing costumes that each of the kids has been working on during their spare time. The actual costumes they've been working on aren't finished yet by any means so what Gaster created for them was actually representations of what each of their costumes might look like by the time they're finished. When playing fantasy-themed tabletop role-playing games, Frisk generally plays as a warlock, Chara generally plays a rogue, Asriel generally plays as a fighter, and MK generally plays as a wizard. And since the LARPing that Papyrus does with his group of friends is generally fantasy-themed, each of the kids has a costume in the works that's based on attributes from one of the aforementioned classes.
Frisk: *gasp* Eeeeeeee! Oh my gosh, I love it! I love it so much, Uncle Gaster! *exclaimed Frisk excitedly upon seeing herself in a mirror with a brand new costume*
Gaster: Hehehehe. I'm glad you do, young princess. I did the best I could with what I had to work with.
For Frisk, a warlock costume was created, consisting of a blue ankle-length robe, blue pants, long brown boots, long brown fingerless gloves, magenta shoulder guards with long upward-facing spikes (three on each shoulder guard) that resemble her DT Saber’s quillons, and a silver chest plate with a red heart emblem in the center (to represent her Determination soul).
Chara: Heeheehee! Now that's more like it, Uncle Gaster! *commented Chara, admiring her new costume in an adjacent mirror*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Thank you, Chara. Happy to hear you find that to be an “improvement” over the previous costume.
For Chara, a rogue costume was created, consisting of a green cloak, long green fingerless gloves, brown bracers, a green shirt with two horizontal straps, green pants, a brown waist guard with a red heart emblem in the center (to represent her Determination soul), two brown knife sheaths around her thighs (one sheath per thigh), and long brown boots with three leather straps around them.
Asriel: Heeheehee! Wow, Uncle Gaster! Man, just when I was starting to think I couldn't look any more like my dad. *commented Asriel, admiring his new costume in an adjacent mirror.
Frisk: Heeheehee! Yeah, I'll say. Now Papyrus will have even more of a reason to call you Little Asgore, Azzy. Heeheehee!
As mentioned, Asriel generally plays as a fighter in fantasy-themed tabletop role-playing games. But rather than creating some generic set of armor for Asriel, Gaster created armor that resembled Asgore’s during his reign as King in the Underground. Asriel greatly admires his father and with a set of armor that resembles his father's, he'll surely live up to the Little Asgore name that Papyrus calls him even more. X3
MK: Holy moly, Uncle Gaster! It's perfect! *commented MK upon witnessing his new costume, turning every which way when necessary to also look at the sides and back of it* Wow, just look at how good I look in this hat and cloak!
Chara: Heeheeheehee! Yes, Lizzy Boy. You make one cute af lizard wizard. *Chara commented, causing MK to giggle and blush in response* Heeheehee!
A lizard wizard is right! For MK, Gaster created a purple wizard’s cloak with a hole in the back of it for his long scaly tail to stick out of and a pointed wizard hat. And no footwear, of course. A pair of durable feet like MK’s; there's abSOLElutely no need to encase them in footwear!
Gaster: Hehehehe. Yes, he does look cute, I agree, Chara. But so do you and your siblings. And not only that, the four of you look like you're ready for everything I’m about to throw at you.
Frisk and Chara: Heeheehee! Heck yeah we are! *shouted Frisk and Chara in perfect unison while conjuring their weapons (Frisk conjuring her DT Saber and Chara conjuring her knife and dagger in her right hand and left hand respectively), both human girls excited to start playing Gaster's game*
Asriel and MK: Hehe. Yeah, us too! *shouted Asriel and MK excitedly while conjuring their respective weapons as well (Asriel conjuring both of his Chaos Sabers and MK conjuring his cleaver-whip)*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent. Truly excellent, little ones. Now… just one last thing before we start… Actually, two things…
Moments later, Gaster created a costume for himself. A black sorcerer's cloak and hat to be exact. This confused the kids at first. Because as the dungeon master of his own game, it isn't exactly advisable for Gaster to also participate as a player like the four of them. But that doesn't mean that he can't wear a costume like them though, hence his reason for creating a sorcerer's costume for himself. That and he also happened to put a limited use spell in his game that allows the kids to summon a powerful sorcerer to aid them in combat for a short duration if they find themselves in a sticky situation. And that powerful sorcerer is Gaster himself! That's right. In addition to guiding the kids through their adventure, he would also aid them in combat in emergency situations for short periods of time. And no more than four times (one use for each kid) because the spell itself is rather OP as the kids would say. Not surprising considering that the sorcerer is no other than Gaster himself. ;)
Frisk: Oh, my God, what a great idea, Uncle Gaster! *commented Frisk once she and the other kids were informed of the spell that Gaster put in his game*
MK: Hehe. Yeah, what… what… what she said! Hehe. *MK added with a large toothy grin, wagging his tail in an excited manner*
Gaster: Hehehehe. I knew you would like it, little ones. And do use it wisely, for it's, as the four of you would say, a rather OP spell.
Asriel: Heeheehee! Oh we will! *shouted Asriel enthusiastically, eager to start playing Gaster's game more than anyone* Heeheehee! (Come on, Uncle Gaster! Let's start playing already! X3)
Chara: Heeheehee! Yes, we will. Heeheehee!
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent. Now just one last thing to do before we start playing. And just for you, Chara. You were so disappointed I didn't allow this to happen earlier, so I felt that I should make it up to you in 3… 2… 1…
Asriel and MK: Eeeeeeeeeeeeep! *shouted the two boys as they floated through the air, the latter losing his wizard hat along the way*
Asriel: Yipe! What the heck?!
MK: Uncle Gaster, w-w-what… Eeeeeeeeeeep!
Moments later, Gaster used his telekinesis to pin both Asriel and MK down against the tiled, reflective floor; both boys right next to each other and flat on their backs with the entire front sides of their bodies facing towards the black ceiling. Then to ensure that neither boy escaped during the next while, Gaster conjured eight hands to hold their limbs against the floor (four hands for each boy, one hand per limb). This confused Chara at first. She had already seen both monster boys tickled moments before leaving the chamber earlier to get some lunch. But then suddenly, Gaster commanded the chamber to create a little boss monster girl in an emerald green ankle-length dress. It was Princess Elisa, a character from the upcoming role-playing game! And upon seeing her, Chara figured out what Gaster was intending to do. Gaster had brought Elisa back to dish out some tickling to Asriel's feet! ;) After causing Asriel to faint earlier with a single kiss, Elisa planned to revive him by tickling his feet after being informed by Gaster that he’s ticklish. But before she could do just that, Gaster commanded the chamber to remove her so he could then revive Asriel with MK’s lightning magic instead. That disappointed Chara. Sure, she was impressed by how MK can tickle others with lightning magic whilst being tickled himself but she still really wanted to see Elisa tickle Asriel. After all, it's not every day she gets to see Asriel tickled by a female boss monster around his age. But now she gets to! And as a bonus, Gaster also created Princess Mona, a little lizard girl in an orange ankle-length dress, to dish out some tickling to MK’s feet.
Chara: Wait……… *excited gasp* Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh, my god! Uncle Gaster, thank you! Thank you so much! *exclaimed Chara excitedly upon seeing Elisa*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Why, you're very welcome, young princess. And as a bonus, I'll have Mona do the same to MK.
Chara: Eeeeeeeeeeee! Mona too?! *Chara then asked excitedly at the thought of both Asriel and MK being tickled by their “girlfriends”*
MK: *gasp* Mona? Mona? Where? *asked MK curiously, perking up the moment he heard Mona’s name*
Mona: Heeheehee! Right here, cutie pie. *cooed Mona, wagging her long scaly tail and moving into the boys’ field of vision; leaning over MK and standing next to him with her bare scaly three-toed feet next to his head*
MK: *gasp* Mona! Ehehehehe. H-h-hi. *said MK shyly, blushing noticeably red while wagging his own long scaly tail*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! *Mona just giggled in response*
Elisa: Heeheehee! Hello, boys. *cooed Elisa, wagging her short fluffy tail and moving into the boys’ field of vision as well; leaning over Asriel and standing next to him with her bare fluffy three-toed feet next to his head*
Asriel: Oh! H-h-hi, Elisa. *said Asriel shyly, also blushing noticeably red while wagging his own short fluffy tail*
Elisa: Heeheehee! Hi, Azzy; my knight in shining armor. Heeheehee! Boop! *cooed Elisa, booping Asriel’s snout/snoot with her right innermost toe rather than one of her index fingers, which in turn made Asriel blush even more and go into a lovestruck trance*
Asriel: Eeep! *lovestruck gibberish*
Elisa: Heeheeheehee! Oh, Azzy, you're so funny. *giggled Elisa, now on her hands and knees and nuzzling Asriel's forehead and playing with both of his fluffy ears*
Asriel: Mmmmmmmmmmm~ *more lovestruck gibberish*
Elisa: Heeheeheehee! I love you too, Azzy. I love you too. X3
While Elisa flirted with Asriel, Mona did some flirting of her own with MK…
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Booping with your toe now, huh, sis? Heeheehee! Well two can play at that game! Boop! *stated Mona cheekily, seconds before repeating what Elisa had done to Asriel's snout/snoot with her right innermost toe but to MK’s snout below her*
MK: Eeep! Holy moly! *exclaimed MK, moments before going into a lovestruck trance like Asriel; except unlike Asriel, his dialogue didn't consist of any gibberish*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Awww! Does someone love it when I touch his face with one of my toes? *cooed Mona, adoring MK’s reactions to her affection*
MK: Uh-huh… *answered MK while in his lovestruck trance*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Well then how about I touch it with all six!
Seconds later, Mona sat down right next to MK's head; on her backside with her right foot next to the right side of MK's head and her left foot next to the left side of MK's head. Then without a second thought, she sandwiched MK’s head between her feet, which in turn made him blush like he was going to explode.
MK: Mmmmmmm~ Oh wow! Mona, will… will you marry me? *asked MK, so tantalized by Mona’s loving affection that he didn't realize what he had just asked her*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Yes, cutie pie, yes. *Mona answered, humoring MK whilst continuing to rub her feet against his head* And as your future wife, I plan to make you very… happy. *she added, an “evil” grin spreading across her face* Heeheeheehee!
Chara: Um, Uncle Gaster, this is amusing to watch and all but are they going to start tickling them soon? *asked Chara, eager to see Elisa and Mona tickle Asriel and MK respectively*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Patience, young princess, patience.
Frisk: Heeheehee! Yeah, Chara. Let's see where they go with this. (Heeheehee! I bet the flirting is to distract from the fact that they're about to be tickled.)
Chara was getting a bit impatient. And understandably so! Gaster had summoned Elisa and Mona to tickle Asriel and MK but instead of doing that, they were flirting with them. Not to worry though. Just as Frisk predicted, the primary purpose of their flirting was to get the boys relaxed enough so that they would forget all about the fact that they would be tickled soon. And judging by how relaxed the boys were after just a small amount of affection, it was safe to say that the two girls more than succeeded in achieving their goal. Then before the two boys knew it, their “girlfriends” were sitting directly in front of them in cross-legged sitting positions and tickling their feet; Elisa dancing her fingers up and down Asriel's snow white soles and Mona dancing her fingers up and down MK’s scaly soles. And by doing just that, the two girls instantly snapped the boys out of their trances and filled a good portion of the chamber with their signature bubbly laughter.
Asriel and MK: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *the two monster boys laughed preciously, two holographic girls tickling their feet without a single care in the world*
Elisa: Heeheeheehee! Coochie coochie coo, my love! *cooed Elisa, wagging her short fluffy tail and adoring Asriel's ticklish laughter and expressive fluffy feet* Heeheeheehee!
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Oh, you know you love it, cutie pie, just like how I love you. X3 *cooed Mona, wagging her long scaly tail and adoring MK's ticklish reactions and expressive toes*
Elisa and Mona were very happy to be tickling Asriel and MK, their crushes, as made evident by their wide smiles, giggling, and wagging tails. And in turn, Chara was very happy to finally see the two holographic monster girls themselves tickling two of her favorite monster boys, so happy that she was squealing with delight. At that point, it was safe to say that Gaster had more than made up for his earlier wrongdoing. For three minutes, he let Elisa and Mona tickle Asriel and MK. And during the entirety of the first minute, the two girls focused SOLEly on their soles with their fingers, which was already enough to drive both of them up the wall with bubbly laughter. It wasn't until the second minute that the girls gave the boys’ toes some much-deserved attention, kneading each of them with their fingers to start, until wiggling their fingers all willy nilly in between each of them.
Asriel and MK: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *the two boys laughed once more, Elisa and Mona now playing with their toes*
Elisa: Heeheehee! Awww! How cute! *cooed Elisa, adoring Asriel's bleating, and shortly before bleating along with him* Heeheehee! Coochie coo! Baaaaaaaah! Coochie coochie coo! Baaaaaaaah! Heeheeheehee!
Chara: (*gasp* Oh g-god, her bleats are even cuter than I thought! Eeeeeeee! Don't you dare make me faint, fluffy girl! X3) *thought Chara to herself, adoring how Elisa was bleating with Asriel*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Ahahahawww! My love is super ticklish under his toes. And what fun spots to be super ticklish too! *cooed Mona, adoring MK's more frantic reactions to her tickles* Heeheeheehee!
Elisa and Mona were doing an exemplary job making Asriel and MK laugh with their fingers alone. But then again, it doesn't take much to get Asriel and MK laughing. For barefooters, they have immensely ticklish feet. Just one light stroke and out comes that signature bubbly laughter of theirs; one light stroke from a single finger or multiple fingers… or one light stroke from a single toe or multiple toes… ;)
Moments later…
Elisa: Heeheehee! And last, but not least… *giggled Elisa, scooting backwards a short distance along the floor until she was sitting with her legs stretched and leaning back on her hands, prompting Mona to do the same*
Elisa and Mona: Heeheehee! Footsie tickles! *shouted the two monster girls in perfect sync while holding their feet up and wiggling their toes, deliberately teasing Asriel and MK and making them blush the brightest shades of red before tickling them with said toes*
Then before Asriel and MK knew it, their “girlfriends” were wiggling their toes against their soles, tickling them once more and making them laugh harder than they did when they tickled them with their fingers; Elisa skillfully wiggling her toes up and down Asriel's snow white soles and Mona skillfully wiggling her toes up and down MK's yellow scaly soles. The girls were quite skilled at tickling the boys with their toes; wiggling, raking, and poking and prodding up and down their soles with them with every passing second and even sticking them in between the boy’s toes at one point. And all while keeping up their overly frantic movement! Seriously! No matter which direction the boys moved their feet, the girls’ toes followed, almost as if the girls themselves were psychic!
Elisa: Heeheeheehee! They do! They TOEtally do, my love! *giggled Elisa, proud of herself for making Asriel laugh so much with her furry toes alone*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Ahahahawww! What’s the matter, cutie pie? Are my toesies too much for you? *teased Mona, driving MK up the wall with hearty laughter with her clawed toes alone*
One minute later…
Gaster: Hehehehehe. Ok, girls, that's enough. uttered Gaster, prompting both Elisa and Mona to stop tickling Asriel and MK with their toes* We don't want to tire them out too much before the upcoming game.
Elisa and Mona: Heeheeheehee! Okie dokie, freaky-looking dude! *said the two monster girls cutely at the same time, pulling their feet away from Asriel and MK’s moments later*
With Elisa and Mona no longer tickling Asriel and MK, Gaster then removed the hands that were holding the latter duo down against the floor, thus freeing them from their predicaments. But that didn't stop them from laughing and giggling due to lingering ticklish sensations on their feet. Due to such skillful tickling from Elisa and Mona’s toes, it took about a minute or so for the boys to completely stop laughing and giggling and therefore catch their breaths. The two girls really did a number on the boys’ feet with their toes. But just like the majority of tickling that Asriel and MK have endured lately, it was all in good fun. X3 Elisa and Mona love Asriel and MK with all their heart and one of their many ways of expressing their love for them is tickling them. And they would've tickled them longer if they could've too. But due to everyone’s eagerness to start playing Gaster's game, the time spent tickling them was cut short. And once Asriel and MK stopped laughing and stood up on the very feet that were tormented by their “girlfriends” for three whole minutes, they started playing said game… but not before first getting some ticklish revenge on their “girlfriends,” to thank them for all of their loving affection towards them. ;) Provided that they have permission to do so from Gaster, of course.
Chapter 2: The Game
Moments later…
Asriel: Alright, Uncle Gaster, I think MK and I are ready to play your game now. *said Asriel, he and MK standing up after enduring tickles to their feet from Elisa and Mona respectively*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent, boys. Truly excellent. But before we start… would you be interested in getting some revenge on your little “girlfriends?” *asked Gaster in a cheeky manner, causing the four real kids to all perk up*
Frisk and Chara: (Oh my gosh, please let them! No tricks, Uncle Gaster!)
Asriel: Oh! W-w-well, as l-long as they're o-ok with us doing that. *answered Asriel in an excited but also shy manner*
Elisa: *gasp* Oh, my gosh, yes, please! *exclaimed Elisa excitedly all of a sudden, while lying down on the floor on her back* Heeheehee! Tickle me, Azzy! Do your worst! *she added, holding her bare fluffy feet up in the air and wiggling all six of her toes to tease Asriel until he started tickling her*
Asriel: Heeheehee! Well alrighty then…
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent… And what about you, MK? Would you like to tickle Mona?
MK: (Yes! A million times yes!) *exclaimed MK excitedly in his head, before calmly but shyly saying out loud,* Ehehehehehehe. Um, s-sure, Uncle Gaster… if… if she'll l-l-let me…
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Awww! Of course I'll let you, cutie pie! *cooed Mona, lying down on the floor on her back just like Elisa did moments ago* Heeheeheehee! Go on now. Tickle me. I'm reeeeeeeally ticklish. Especially on my feet! *she added, holding her bare scaly feet up in the air and wiggling all six of her toes to tease MK until he started tickling her* Heeheeheehee! Go on. Tickle me.
MK: (H-h-holy m-moly! M-Mona may not be real… but my love for her sure is!) YES, YOUR MAJESTY! *shouted MK both loudly and excitedly, despite the fact that he was literally standing right next to Mona XD* Eeep! S-sorry. *he then awkwardly apologized for shouting at someone that was in close proximity of him*
Mona: Heeheehee! Don't be, you silly. I think it's cute. X3 Just like how cute my sister and I are while we're being tickled…
Gaster: Hehehehehe. She's right, you know. So, boys, do yourself a favor and tickle these cuties. You have ninety seconds…
Once Asriel and MK were told that they only had ninety seconds to tickle their precious “girlfriends,” the two boys themselves dropped right down to the floor and did exactly that. Asriel sat down right next to Elisa, wrapped his left arm around both of her ankles (which she crossed left over right moments before Asriel grabbed them), and scribbled his right hand fingers all over every insanely ticklish inch of her snow white soles. As for MK, he sat down next to Mona, wrapped his tail around both of her ankles (which she crossed right over left moments before MK grabbed them), and scribbled his left set of robotic fingers and right set of robotic fingers against her left sole and right sole respectively.
Elisa and Mona: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!! *squealed the two little monster girls, their entire bodies tensing up the moment they felt Asriel and MK's fingers touch their soles* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *they laughed adorably, frantically shaking their feet in their love interests’ grasps and melting the hearts of everyone around them*
Asriel: Heeheehee! Aww! Thanks, Ellie! Happy to make you laugh! (Wow! So far, her feet are ticklish just like mine… and Mom’s… and Dad's as well… Haha! Of course! XD)
MK: Heeheehee! Glad you're enjoying yourself, Mona! (Oh my gosh, I love her so much! So much! X3)
For the first forty-five seconds, Asriel and MK focused SOLEly on Elisa and Mona’s soles, tickling them with their fingers alone and making them laugh ever so preciously all the while they did so. For holograms, they sure are ticklish on their soles. And on their toes as well, which Asriel and MK discovered shortly after ticking their soles. It wasn't until the remaining forty-five seconds that the boys gave the girls’ toes some much deserved attention, first by kneading and gently tugging on every individual toe either one by one (in Asriel's case since he was using only one hand to tickle Elisa’s feet) or two by two (in MK's case since he using both of his robotic hands to tickle Mona’s feet) and then by wiggling their fingers all willy nilly in between every single one of their toes. And just as Asriel predicted, Elisa was most ticklish between her toes, just like him and his parents, making him question if every boss monster before him and his parents were also overly ticklish between their toes. As for Mona, she was overly ticklish at the bases of each of her toes and in between her toes, like MK's mother and kid sister are, making MK himself question if Gaster based Mona’s ticklishness on theirs since the centers of her soles were also overly ticklish!
Elisa and Mona: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *the two little monster girls laughed even more preciously, their combined cuteness almost causing Chara to faint*
Chara: (Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh my god! And here I thought that the combined cuteness of two ticklish monster boys was too much!)
MK: Heeheeheehee! *MK just giggled in response, his precious “girlfriend’s” reactions causing him to blush redder than ever before*
Asriel: Heeheehee! Oh, Ellie. Heeheehee! Baaaaaaaah! Baaaaaaaah! Baaaaaaaaaah! *Asriel bleated along with Elisa*
Chara: (Gah! Gyah! That bleating! Too… cute! I can't…) *thought Chara to herself, on the verge of fainting until suddenly…* Eeeeeeeeeeek! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *she squealed and laughed upon feeling Frisk’s fingers scribble against her neck* Hehehehey! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Frisk, stop thahahahahat! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (Oh my god, thank you, Frisk!)
Frisk: Heeheehee! Oh no, they'll be no fainting on my watch, sis. *said Frisk cheekily, stopping moments later*
Chara: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeeheeheehee…
Moments later…
Gaster: Hehehehehe. Alright, boys, you have 10 more seconds… *uttered Gaster, letting both Asriel and MK know that it's almost time to start playing his game* (10… 9… 8… 7… 6…) *he silently counted down in his head*
Gaster: 5… 4…
Asriel: Wait, what do you mean by that?! *asked Asriel both worriedly and confusedly, wondering what would soon happen to Elisa*
Gaster: 3… 2…
MK: Huh?! Mona, why are you saying that?! *asked MK both worriedly and confusedly, wondering what would soon happen to Mona*
Gaster: 1…
By the time Gaster finished counting down from 10, both Elisa and Mona vanished from Asriel and MK's grasps, resulting in both Asriel and MK tickling air briefly until worriedly shouting not only at them to come back but also Gaster to bring them back.
Asriel: What?! No! Ellie, come back! Come back, Ellie!
MK: Eeeeep! Mona, no! No, bring her back! Come on, Uncle Gaster, bring my sweet Mona back to me, please!
Gaster: Heheheheheh. Worry not, little ones. You'll see your little “girlfriends” again real soon, I promise. *assured Gaster with a chuckle, finding Asriel and MK's reactions to Elisa and Mona disappearing in front of them amusing (and a little alarming considering the fact that the two monster girls themselves aren't even real)*
Asriel: Yeah, we better! *exclaimed Asriel somewhat threateningly, really wanting to see Elisa again as soon as humanly possible*
Frisk and Chara: Woah, take it easy there, Azzy! *said the two human girls, not expecting Asriel to be so worked up over Elisa's disappearance*
Asriel: Oh! S-sorry, Uncle Gaster. *Asriel then awkwardly apologized, embarrassed by how he had reacted to Elisa’s disappearance*
Gaster: Heheheh. It’s alright, young prince. I get it... *said Gaster, understanding why Asriel reacted the way he did* And you really will see them again soon, I mean it.
MK: Ok, Uncle Gaster, ok. But just know that I am really holding you to that promise! *uttered MK, really wanting to see Mona again as soon as humanly possible*
Chara: Heeheehee! Yeah, I can see that, kind of like how I'm holding Uncle Gaster to that promise of him telling us if he's actually ticklish or not. *Chara cheekily pointed out, inadvertently causing Gaster to suddenly feel as if there were butterflies floating around inside of his ribcage*
Gaster: Hehehehehe. In time, little ones, in time… *said Gaster in a very calm manner, acting as if what Chara just said aloud hadn't phased him in any way* Now, before anything else happens, let's play this game…
And with that, Gaster and the kids at last started playing a role-playing game together; a fantasy-themed role-playing game consisting of 12 levels centered around stopping an evil sorcerer named Tesgar and his various minions and thus restoring peace to mystical land, a land ruled by King Elmore and Queen Terisa, two boss monsters that are the biological parents of Princess Elisa and adoptive parents of Princess Mona. And the whole game started with the kids arriving at Elmore and Terisa’s castle via a boat just in time to help the two boss monsters themselves and some of their most loyal subjects fend off an army of undead paladins and knights (like the ones the Dreemurr kids fought earlier to test their skills). And it all ended with the kids, with assistance from Elmore and Terisa, fighting and defeating the paladin and knights’ commander (a stronger knight that rode a horse at the start of the battle). Elmore and Terisa's castle (as well as its surrounding town) was the last territory that Tesgar’s forces needed to capture in order to completely take over the Kingdom. But thanks to the kids, the sorcerer's plans were foiled. For the time being, at least. And from that point forward, the kids would embark on a quest to drive back Tesgar's forces one area at a time until reaching Tesgar himself and with help from some familiar faces along the way. Asriel and MK especially after being informed that their “girlfriends” had been captured and were in need of saving! And the first of those areas was a mine inhabited by friendly dwarves. At least until it was overtaken by goblins and golems. So to restore peace to the mine, the kids needed to clear it of all of its goblins and golems. And helping them clear out the mine was none other than Papyrus! Not the real Papyrus by any means but rather a holographic version of him dressed as a warlock and with the powers of a warlock as well! It was fun having a version of Papyrus assist them in combat and his assistance proved to be more than helpful during the final fight against the head goblin, who was being assisted by a giant golem during the fight. After clearing out the mine, the kids then headed to a valley where evil mages were holding a village of monks hostage. But in order to reach said valley, the kids needed to traverse this mountain pass inhabited by hostile Aarakocra. And because Aarakocra are bird creatures, that means that they spent as much time in the sky as possible, requiring the use of various ranged attacks to bring them down. It was a rather tedious task dealing with these creatures and if it wasn't for the aid of a holographic version of Blooky with the abilities of a ranger, it would've been even more tedious. Ranger Blook to the rescue! :D And his skills were more than needed for the final battle against the head Aarakocra (a strong male Aarakocra with a double-bladed spear capable of shooting projectiles), because only arrows made from his tears could bring this Aarakocra to the ground. And it was at this point that the kids discovered that all of the levels had a recurring theme; clearing areas of forces with assistance from a familiar face and fighting a “boss” at the end. And that theme continued once they reached the valley. There they encountered a monk version of Sans and he assisted them in clearing the valley of evil mages, ending with a fight against not one, not two, but three head mages in the monks’ valley temple (a male mage and two female mages who were twins). Then after the valley was this forest filled with peaceful creatures and their bard protector being terrorized by Kobolds and Gnolls. An alliance formed between short reptilian creatures and tall hyena-headed creatures! Nothing the Dreemurr kids couldn’t handle. But MK on the other hand… MK had difficulty battling against Kobolds at first. Not because they were stronger than him but simply because they were reptilian creatures. Being a reptilian creature himself, he simply couldn’t bring himself to harm other reptilian creatures. Especially ones that were shorter than him. Oh, but that changed once he found out that they, with help from the Gnolls, had captured his beloved Mona and were intending to wed her to the head Kobold (a male Kobold that didn't appear to realize or even care that Mona is an 11-year-old girl, just that she’s a reptilian creature like he was, only taller). Once MK learned of that, then he didn't have a problem fighting them! With help from the Dreemurr kids and the forest bard that they eventually rescued (a bard version of Mettaton EX and when the kids found him, he was surrounded by Gnolls, tied up, and hanging upside down), MK defeated every Kobold and Gnoll in sight throughout the forest. And the last enemy they defeated was the head Kobold’s second-in-command. It was a winged male Kobold, one that flew around a lot of the time and therefore was a real pest to fight. But luckily for the kids, they had help from Bard Mettaton. By casting a spell with his music, he brought the winged kobold to ground level, making him vulnerable to everything else that he and the kids threw at him. With the winged kobold defeated, the kids then proceeded into the forest temple, where Mona was likely being held captive. And along the way, they found a wizard version of Alphys (another wizard lizard like MK) encased in stone. The kids then freed Alphys from her stone prison with a spell and with her assistance, they fought their way through the temple, defeating every remaining Kobold and Gnoll in sight, including the head Kobold and head Gnoll in the final area of the temple where Mona was indeed being held captive and about to be wedded to the former by an ordained minister that they had also captured. It was a more difficult battle, due to the head Kobold and head Gnoll fighting alongside each other the entire time. But luckily for the heroes, they had what they needed to defeat both of them. That being, the combined powers of two wizards. In this case, MK and Alphys, the two lizard wizards. Only with the combined powers of their spells were they able to remove these protective auras that the head Kobold and head Gnoll each had. And MK was a real team player during this battle too! And for good reason! To save his beloved Mona! And once Mona herself had been saved, she thanked MK with a big kiss, much like the kiss she gave him the first time he ever saw her. Except this time, MK felt like he earned a kiss rather than just receiving one for the heck of it. And unlike the first time Mona kissed him, he didn't faint after receiving a kiss from her. But boy did he ever blush! He blushed so red he looked as if he was going to explode. Then not long afterwards, Alphys escorted Mona back to her adoptive parents at their castle with the kids themselves following behind her. Another thing worth mentioning about the kids' adventure is that they've also been repairing and reactivating these magical pads along the way. These pads allow anyone to quickly travel throughout the land. In other words, a fast travel system, one that the kids could use to travel back to previous areas they visited, provided that they had these special crystals in their possession. But they primarily used it to travel back to the town outside of Elmore and Terisa's castle to stock up on any items they might've needed for the remainder of their adventure. And with Mona rescued, MK had even more of a reason to go back there, to visit his precious “girlfriend.” And sure as heck that's what he and the Dreemurr kids did after stocking up on items. ;) And it was at that moment that the four kids took a short break, not only to celebrate their accomplishments up until that point but also to prepare a strategy for the second half of their adventure…
…After taking a short break, the kids then started the second half of their adventure. And just as they predicted, it proved to be more difficult than the first half, making them happy that they hadn't yet used the Sorcerer Gaster spell. And it all started with them traveling back to the enchanted forest to reach this camp of villagers that were driven out of their village by a bunch of ogres, orcs, and trolls. The villagers were planning a strategy to retake their village around the time the kids showed up and once the kids arrived, they were delighted to see that the leader of those villagers was none other than Toriel. A cleric version of her to be exact. They were wondering if Toriel would show up at some point and once they were informed of her plan, they made no hesitation to assist her and her people in retaking their village. It was fun fighting alongside a version of Toriel, aiding her in taking down countless orcs and trolls that had taken over her village (ending with a fight against a strong orc commander). But no ogres though, unfortunately. Cleric Toriel wouldn’t have minded settling a few scores with some ogres but sadly, they were nowhere to be found in her village. Instead, they were in a nearby swamp, their natural habitat, along with the remaining orcs and trolls. And in that swamp was where Princess Elisa was being held captive. Not as an unwilling bride-to-be like Mona was to that Kobold the kids fought earlier but as a pet to this giant ogre commander. Yes, a pet. And that was simply because she’s a cute fluffy creature that's like the size of a housecat compared to the ogre commander himself. That upset Asriel (and the other kids as well but mostly Asriel), because treating a little 11-year-old girl, no matter what species they are, like a pet is wrong on so many levels! That and because he could relate to her situation (due to some interactions he's had with younger children; naughty human children that have tugged on his ears and/or screamed in his face). So once Asriel was informed that ogres were holding Elisa captive in a nearby swamp, he, his siblings, and MK headed there to clear it of all of its ogres, orcs, and trolls. Three different enemy types that time around, which meant more of a struggle for them altogether! It was no particularly easy task fighting three different enemy types. Even with help from a paladin version of Undyne after freeing her from an indestructible cage (one that could only be opened with a key) they still struggled. But they endured though, and without a single use of the Sorcerer Gaster spell. At least until they got to the ogre commander that was holding Elisa captive. It wasn't until facing the ogre commander that the spell was used for the first time and by Asriel of all the kids. And it wasn't used until he deemed it absolutely necessary. The ogre commander was one hell of a brute! And while the spell wasn't powerful enough to ultimately defeat the ogre commander, it was powerful enough to greatly weaken him, allowing Asriel to then finish him off with his Chaos Sabers and Chaos Buster. Since Princess Elisa was in need of rescuing, it of course had to be Asriel that delivered the final blow to the ogre commander. And once he did, he was rewarded with a kiss from Princess Elisa herself, which made him blush like he was going to explode. Then not long afterwards, Undyne escorted Elisa back to her home via a magic pad. And the kids traveled back as well, not only to stock up on items once again but also to see Elmore and Terisa's reaction once they were reunited with their biological daughter. And just as the kids predicted, it was a very heartwarming site. Lots of hugs, cuddles, and nuzzling, three things that boss monsters do best! X3 And Asriel himself even got in on it. As Elisa’s knight in shining armor, it would've been rude not to! Then not long afterwards, the kids resumed their adventure, traveling back to the swamp via a magic pad in order to reach a barbarian village on the other side. There was a problem though. After the swamp and before the barbarian village was this desert-like area infested with creatures lurking underneath the sand itself. These were once peaceful creatures, but Tesgar’s influence on the land had rendered them hostile. And they had poor eyesight as well, making it difficult for them to distinguish between a good person and a bad person. It would've been suicide for the kids to travel through this desert-like area. But luckily, there was a way to completely avoid going through it. By traveling through these catacombs deep underneath of it! And to reach these catacombs, the kids needed to locate this hidden staircase in the swamp’s graveyard, which they did after revisiting the ogre commander’s headquarters and finding a map. After finding the map, the kids headed to the catacombs only to find it infested with evil magic elves capable of summoning giant insects. Or in the case of the elf empress they fought in the last area of the catacombs, changing into one (the lower half of her body was that of a giant scorpion)! And boy was she tough! But luckily, the kids were aided by a druid version of Muffet, who was in chains when they found her, and all of her various spiders (including Cuddles). With help from Muffet and her spiders, the kids destroyed the elf empress and then made their way out of the catacombs entirely. Then once they were out of the catacombs, they traveled to the barbarian village and helped the barbarians take back their village from the elves that had taken over it. More elves to fight! And they were just like the ones the kids fought in the catacombs too! Except this time, their leader was a male; an elf emperor and the husband of the elf empress the kids fought before arriving at the village. And he was even stronger than his wife! Even with assistance from the head barbarian (a barbarian version of Asgore) the kids had difficulty fighting him! He was so agile! And not only that, but he was also capable of transforming his limbs into blades as well as summoning floating weapons and spikes! It was at that point that the kids understood why a group of average-sized elves was able to overpower a village of large muscular barbarians. And when Barbarian Asgore was in danger of being eliminated by the elf emperor himself, Chara used the Sorcerer Gaster spell to save him. She couldn't bear to watch her adoptive father be killed, even if it was a holographic version of him. So to save Barbarian Asgore’s life, she casted the Sorcerer Gaster spell, summoning Gaster himself to greatly weaken the elf emperor. Then with no hesitation whatsoever after weakening the elf emperor, Chara got in close and finished him off with her knife, dagger, and short sword. All three weapons she was capable of conjuring! With the defeat of the elf emperor, the barbarian village had been saved and would thrive again. And that barbarian village happened to be the last area of the land that was in need of saving before entering Tesgar's region. This was it. With the barbarian village saved, they were about to face Tesgar himself in his own personal region of the land! And if he was as powerful as every in-game character claimed, then facing him without a battle plan surely would've been suicide! So, with that in mind, the kids then traveled back to Elmore and Terisa's castle to meet up with everyone they helped up until that point to devise a strategy to put an end to Tesgar's reign once and for all.
CHAPTERS 3&4: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58948717/
CHAPTERS 5&6: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58973256/
CHAPTER 7: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58994916/
CHAPTER 8: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58994961/
CHAPTER 9: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59017656/
CHAPTER 10: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59017698/
CHAPTERS 11&12: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59041722/
Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 1: Dress For Success!
It is a Saturday afternoon in the secret subbasement of Dr. W.D. Gaster's home. And just recently, Frisk, Chara, Asriel, MK, and Dr. W.D. Gaster himself returned to the large chamber behind the large metallic door at the end of the subbasement's long hallway after eating a wholesome lunch together in the subbasement's diner. A simulation chamber, capable of changing its default red and black appearance and creating holographic objects, structures, and humans and monsters that can be touched and interacted with by speaking to it in Wingdings, Gaster used this chamber earlier to test the kids' magic abilities and fighting skills just before lunch for an upcoming role-playing game, by creating holographic enemies for them to fight. He needed to. He needed to see for himself if the children could handle themselves against the chamber's various "hazards" and "threats" and at the same time, provide MK an opportunity to demonstrate his abilities to the Dreemurr kids. And now that Gaster has done just that and more, he and the kids can finally start playing this role-playing game of his. He designed it himself and as its sole designer and dungeon master, he took into account every possible outcome when designing it. And it's like a tabletop role-playing game too. The only difference is that Gaster and the kids will be performing every action physically rather than rolling dice while sitting at a table or in a circle on the floor. So with that in mind, he and the kids will surely be in for an adventure, no matter how everything plays out during their campaign! :D But first, they're going to need some costumes. And Gaster has just the thing for them too! LARPing costumes that Papyrus has been helping them make during their spare time! More specifically, holographic representations of what their LARPing costumes might look like by the time they're finished! :D The four kids have been wanting to LARP with Papyrus and his group of friends for a while now, but they haven't had many opportunities to work on their costumes for it, for various reasons but mostly due to school. But now that school's out for the summer, they'll have plenty more opportunities to work on their costumes.
Gaster: Hehehehe. Ok, little ones, now that we're back in the room, are you ready to start playing? *asked Gaster with a chuckle shortly after re-entering the chamber and closing its large metallic door*
Kids: Heeheehee! Heck yeah, Uncle Gaster! *exclaimed Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK with great enthusiasm, all four of them anxious to start playing Gaster's game*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent. Truly excellent. But first, you're going to need some costumes. And I know just the thing too…
With that said, Gaster commanded his chamber to create costumes for Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and MK (as well as four individual mirrors for each of the kids to view themselves in their newly equipped costumes) by speaking to it in Wingdings. But there was a slight miscommunication when he initially did so though. Rather than creating replicas of their LARPing costumes, he accidentally created replicas of costumes of four heroes from a similar but different universe…
Frisk: Woah! Now that's some nice-looking armor! *complimented Frisk, looking at her newly equipped costume in a mirror adjacent to her* (And it feels like it was made just for me too! Or someone similar to me…)
For Frisk, Gaster accidentally created silver armor consisting of shoulder pauldrons, a curiss, gauntlets, and boots; and underneath her armor was a navy blue bodysuit and draped across her right shoulder was a pink cape.
Chara: Heeheehee! Agreed! I'm looking pretty sharp myself as well! Figuratively and literally! *commented Chara upon witnessing her new costume in an adjacent mirror* (Um… why is there a box of chalk in one of the pockets?)
For Chara, Gaster accidentally created a long black vest with purple trims, a sleeveless purple shirt, baggy plum pants, black boots with golden trims, two black bracelets with yellow spikes on each arm, and a black belt with a large golden heart buckle.
Asriel: Oh wow! Would you look at that! Wow! *commented Asriel upon witnessing his costume* (Huh. Not quite what I was expecting since I usually don't play as a wizard in these games.)
For Asriel, Gaster accidentally created a long green coat with a black heart in the center, a green wizard hat, a pair of round glasses, and a pink scarf.
MK: Yo! Uncle Gaster, this is… Actually, what is this? *commented MK upon witnessing his costume* (Seriously! Are these actual clothes or is this just what my body looks like now?!)
And for MK, Gaster accidentally created a black, blue, and white outfit with spades on it, covering every part of his body except for his reptilian face, scaly three-toed feet, and long scaly tail.
Gaster: Oh, my stars, little ones. Those aren't the costumes I wanted to create for you. Ehehehehehe… One moment while I rectify this rather awkward situation.
And rectify the situation Gaster did. In just a matter of seconds, he created holographic versions of LARPing costumes that each of the kids has been working on during their spare time. The actual costumes they've been working on aren't finished yet by any means so what Gaster created for them was actually representations of what each of their costumes might look like by the time they're finished. When playing fantasy-themed tabletop role-playing games, Frisk generally plays as a warlock, Chara generally plays a rogue, Asriel generally plays as a fighter, and MK generally plays as a wizard. And since the LARPing that Papyrus does with his group of friends is generally fantasy-themed, each of the kids has a costume in the works that's based on attributes from one of the aforementioned classes.
Frisk: *gasp* Eeeeeeee! Oh my gosh, I love it! I love it so much, Uncle Gaster! *exclaimed Frisk excitedly upon seeing herself in a mirror with a brand new costume*
Gaster: Hehehehe. I'm glad you do, young princess. I did the best I could with what I had to work with.
For Frisk, a warlock costume was created, consisting of a blue ankle-length robe, blue pants, long brown boots, long brown fingerless gloves, magenta shoulder guards with long upward-facing spikes (three on each shoulder guard) that resemble her DT Saber’s quillons, and a silver chest plate with a red heart emblem in the center (to represent her Determination soul).
Chara: Heeheehee! Now that's more like it, Uncle Gaster! *commented Chara, admiring her new costume in an adjacent mirror*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Thank you, Chara. Happy to hear you find that to be an “improvement” over the previous costume.
For Chara, a rogue costume was created, consisting of a green cloak, long green fingerless gloves, brown bracers, a green shirt with two horizontal straps, green pants, a brown waist guard with a red heart emblem in the center (to represent her Determination soul), two brown knife sheaths around her thighs (one sheath per thigh), and long brown boots with three leather straps around them.
Asriel: Heeheehee! Wow, Uncle Gaster! Man, just when I was starting to think I couldn't look any more like my dad. *commented Asriel, admiring his new costume in an adjacent mirror.
Frisk: Heeheehee! Yeah, I'll say. Now Papyrus will have even more of a reason to call you Little Asgore, Azzy. Heeheehee!
As mentioned, Asriel generally plays as a fighter in fantasy-themed tabletop role-playing games. But rather than creating some generic set of armor for Asriel, Gaster created armor that resembled Asgore’s during his reign as King in the Underground. Asriel greatly admires his father and with a set of armor that resembles his father's, he'll surely live up to the Little Asgore name that Papyrus calls him even more. X3
MK: Holy moly, Uncle Gaster! It's perfect! *commented MK upon witnessing his new costume, turning every which way when necessary to also look at the sides and back of it* Wow, just look at how good I look in this hat and cloak!
Chara: Heeheeheehee! Yes, Lizzy Boy. You make one cute af lizard wizard. *Chara commented, causing MK to giggle and blush in response* Heeheehee!
A lizard wizard is right! For MK, Gaster created a purple wizard’s cloak with a hole in the back of it for his long scaly tail to stick out of and a pointed wizard hat. And no footwear, of course. A pair of durable feet like MK’s; there's abSOLElutely no need to encase them in footwear!
Gaster: Hehehehe. Yes, he does look cute, I agree, Chara. But so do you and your siblings. And not only that, the four of you look like you're ready for everything I’m about to throw at you.
Frisk and Chara: Heeheehee! Heck yeah we are! *shouted Frisk and Chara in perfect unison while conjuring their weapons (Frisk conjuring her DT Saber and Chara conjuring her knife and dagger in her right hand and left hand respectively), both human girls excited to start playing Gaster's game*
Asriel and MK: Hehe. Yeah, us too! *shouted Asriel and MK excitedly while conjuring their respective weapons as well (Asriel conjuring both of his Chaos Sabers and MK conjuring his cleaver-whip)*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent. Truly excellent, little ones. Now… just one last thing before we start… Actually, two things…
Moments later, Gaster created a costume for himself. A black sorcerer's cloak and hat to be exact. This confused the kids at first. Because as the dungeon master of his own game, it isn't exactly advisable for Gaster to also participate as a player like the four of them. But that doesn't mean that he can't wear a costume like them though, hence his reason for creating a sorcerer's costume for himself. That and he also happened to put a limited use spell in his game that allows the kids to summon a powerful sorcerer to aid them in combat for a short duration if they find themselves in a sticky situation. And that powerful sorcerer is Gaster himself! That's right. In addition to guiding the kids through their adventure, he would also aid them in combat in emergency situations for short periods of time. And no more than four times (one use for each kid) because the spell itself is rather OP as the kids would say. Not surprising considering that the sorcerer is no other than Gaster himself. ;)
Frisk: Oh, my God, what a great idea, Uncle Gaster! *commented Frisk once she and the other kids were informed of the spell that Gaster put in his game*
MK: Hehe. Yeah, what… what… what she said! Hehe. *MK added with a large toothy grin, wagging his tail in an excited manner*
Gaster: Hehehehe. I knew you would like it, little ones. And do use it wisely, for it's, as the four of you would say, a rather OP spell.
Asriel: Heeheehee! Oh we will! *shouted Asriel enthusiastically, eager to start playing Gaster's game more than anyone* Heeheehee! (Come on, Uncle Gaster! Let's start playing already! X3)
Chara: Heeheehee! Yes, we will. Heeheehee!
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent. Now just one last thing to do before we start playing. And just for you, Chara. You were so disappointed I didn't allow this to happen earlier, so I felt that I should make it up to you in 3… 2… 1…
Asriel and MK: Eeeeeeeeeeeeep! *shouted the two boys as they floated through the air, the latter losing his wizard hat along the way*
Asriel: Yipe! What the heck?!
MK: Uncle Gaster, w-w-what… Eeeeeeeeeeep!
Moments later, Gaster used his telekinesis to pin both Asriel and MK down against the tiled, reflective floor; both boys right next to each other and flat on their backs with the entire front sides of their bodies facing towards the black ceiling. Then to ensure that neither boy escaped during the next while, Gaster conjured eight hands to hold their limbs against the floor (four hands for each boy, one hand per limb). This confused Chara at first. She had already seen both monster boys tickled moments before leaving the chamber earlier to get some lunch. But then suddenly, Gaster commanded the chamber to create a little boss monster girl in an emerald green ankle-length dress. It was Princess Elisa, a character from the upcoming role-playing game! And upon seeing her, Chara figured out what Gaster was intending to do. Gaster had brought Elisa back to dish out some tickling to Asriel's feet! ;) After causing Asriel to faint earlier with a single kiss, Elisa planned to revive him by tickling his feet after being informed by Gaster that he’s ticklish. But before she could do just that, Gaster commanded the chamber to remove her so he could then revive Asriel with MK’s lightning magic instead. That disappointed Chara. Sure, she was impressed by how MK can tickle others with lightning magic whilst being tickled himself but she still really wanted to see Elisa tickle Asriel. After all, it's not every day she gets to see Asriel tickled by a female boss monster around his age. But now she gets to! And as a bonus, Gaster also created Princess Mona, a little lizard girl in an orange ankle-length dress, to dish out some tickling to MK’s feet.
Chara: Wait……… *excited gasp* Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh, my god! Uncle Gaster, thank you! Thank you so much! *exclaimed Chara excitedly upon seeing Elisa*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Why, you're very welcome, young princess. And as a bonus, I'll have Mona do the same to MK.
Chara: Eeeeeeeeeeee! Mona too?! *Chara then asked excitedly at the thought of both Asriel and MK being tickled by their “girlfriends”*
MK: *gasp* Mona? Mona? Where? *asked MK curiously, perking up the moment he heard Mona’s name*
Mona: Heeheehee! Right here, cutie pie. *cooed Mona, wagging her long scaly tail and moving into the boys’ field of vision; leaning over MK and standing next to him with her bare scaly three-toed feet next to his head*
MK: *gasp* Mona! Ehehehehe. H-h-hi. *said MK shyly, blushing noticeably red while wagging his own long scaly tail*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! *Mona just giggled in response*
Elisa: Heeheehee! Hello, boys. *cooed Elisa, wagging her short fluffy tail and moving into the boys’ field of vision as well; leaning over Asriel and standing next to him with her bare fluffy three-toed feet next to his head*
Asriel: Oh! H-h-hi, Elisa. *said Asriel shyly, also blushing noticeably red while wagging his own short fluffy tail*
Elisa: Heeheehee! Hi, Azzy; my knight in shining armor. Heeheehee! Boop! *cooed Elisa, booping Asriel’s snout/snoot with her right innermost toe rather than one of her index fingers, which in turn made Asriel blush even more and go into a lovestruck trance*
Asriel: Eeep! *lovestruck gibberish*
Elisa: Heeheeheehee! Oh, Azzy, you're so funny. *giggled Elisa, now on her hands and knees and nuzzling Asriel's forehead and playing with both of his fluffy ears*
Asriel: Mmmmmmmmmmm~ *more lovestruck gibberish*
Elisa: Heeheeheehee! I love you too, Azzy. I love you too. X3
While Elisa flirted with Asriel, Mona did some flirting of her own with MK…
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Booping with your toe now, huh, sis? Heeheehee! Well two can play at that game! Boop! *stated Mona cheekily, seconds before repeating what Elisa had done to Asriel's snout/snoot with her right innermost toe but to MK’s snout below her*
MK: Eeep! Holy moly! *exclaimed MK, moments before going into a lovestruck trance like Asriel; except unlike Asriel, his dialogue didn't consist of any gibberish*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Awww! Does someone love it when I touch his face with one of my toes? *cooed Mona, adoring MK’s reactions to her affection*
MK: Uh-huh… *answered MK while in his lovestruck trance*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Well then how about I touch it with all six!
Seconds later, Mona sat down right next to MK's head; on her backside with her right foot next to the right side of MK's head and her left foot next to the left side of MK's head. Then without a second thought, she sandwiched MK’s head between her feet, which in turn made him blush like he was going to explode.
MK: Mmmmmmm~ Oh wow! Mona, will… will you marry me? *asked MK, so tantalized by Mona’s loving affection that he didn't realize what he had just asked her*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Yes, cutie pie, yes. *Mona answered, humoring MK whilst continuing to rub her feet against his head* And as your future wife, I plan to make you very… happy. *she added, an “evil” grin spreading across her face* Heeheeheehee!
Chara: Um, Uncle Gaster, this is amusing to watch and all but are they going to start tickling them soon? *asked Chara, eager to see Elisa and Mona tickle Asriel and MK respectively*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Patience, young princess, patience.
Frisk: Heeheehee! Yeah, Chara. Let's see where they go with this. (Heeheehee! I bet the flirting is to distract from the fact that they're about to be tickled.)
Chara was getting a bit impatient. And understandably so! Gaster had summoned Elisa and Mona to tickle Asriel and MK but instead of doing that, they were flirting with them. Not to worry though. Just as Frisk predicted, the primary purpose of their flirting was to get the boys relaxed enough so that they would forget all about the fact that they would be tickled soon. And judging by how relaxed the boys were after just a small amount of affection, it was safe to say that the two girls more than succeeded in achieving their goal. Then before the two boys knew it, their “girlfriends” were sitting directly in front of them in cross-legged sitting positions and tickling their feet; Elisa dancing her fingers up and down Asriel's snow white soles and Mona dancing her fingers up and down MK’s scaly soles. And by doing just that, the two girls instantly snapped the boys out of their trances and filled a good portion of the chamber with their signature bubbly laughter.
Asriel and MK: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *the two monster boys laughed preciously, two holographic girls tickling their feet without a single care in the world*
Elisa: Heeheeheehee! Coochie coochie coo, my love! *cooed Elisa, wagging her short fluffy tail and adoring Asriel's ticklish laughter and expressive fluffy feet* Heeheeheehee!
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Oh, you know you love it, cutie pie, just like how I love you. X3 *cooed Mona, wagging her long scaly tail and adoring MK's ticklish reactions and expressive toes*
Elisa and Mona were very happy to be tickling Asriel and MK, their crushes, as made evident by their wide smiles, giggling, and wagging tails. And in turn, Chara was very happy to finally see the two holographic monster girls themselves tickling two of her favorite monster boys, so happy that she was squealing with delight. At that point, it was safe to say that Gaster had more than made up for his earlier wrongdoing. For three minutes, he let Elisa and Mona tickle Asriel and MK. And during the entirety of the first minute, the two girls focused SOLEly on their soles with their fingers, which was already enough to drive both of them up the wall with bubbly laughter. It wasn't until the second minute that the girls gave the boys’ toes some much-deserved attention, kneading each of them with their fingers to start, until wiggling their fingers all willy nilly in between each of them.
Asriel and MK: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *the two boys laughed once more, Elisa and Mona now playing with their toes*
Elisa: Heeheehee! Awww! How cute! *cooed Elisa, adoring Asriel's bleating, and shortly before bleating along with him* Heeheehee! Coochie coo! Baaaaaaaah! Coochie coochie coo! Baaaaaaaah! Heeheeheehee!
Chara: (*gasp* Oh g-god, her bleats are even cuter than I thought! Eeeeeeee! Don't you dare make me faint, fluffy girl! X3) *thought Chara to herself, adoring how Elisa was bleating with Asriel*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Ahahahawww! My love is super ticklish under his toes. And what fun spots to be super ticklish too! *cooed Mona, adoring MK's more frantic reactions to her tickles* Heeheeheehee!
Elisa and Mona were doing an exemplary job making Asriel and MK laugh with their fingers alone. But then again, it doesn't take much to get Asriel and MK laughing. For barefooters, they have immensely ticklish feet. Just one light stroke and out comes that signature bubbly laughter of theirs; one light stroke from a single finger or multiple fingers… or one light stroke from a single toe or multiple toes… ;)
Moments later…
Elisa: Heeheehee! And last, but not least… *giggled Elisa, scooting backwards a short distance along the floor until she was sitting with her legs stretched and leaning back on her hands, prompting Mona to do the same*
Elisa and Mona: Heeheehee! Footsie tickles! *shouted the two monster girls in perfect sync while holding their feet up and wiggling their toes, deliberately teasing Asriel and MK and making them blush the brightest shades of red before tickling them with said toes*
Then before Asriel and MK knew it, their “girlfriends” were wiggling their toes against their soles, tickling them once more and making them laugh harder than they did when they tickled them with their fingers; Elisa skillfully wiggling her toes up and down Asriel's snow white soles and Mona skillfully wiggling her toes up and down MK's yellow scaly soles. The girls were quite skilled at tickling the boys with their toes; wiggling, raking, and poking and prodding up and down their soles with them with every passing second and even sticking them in between the boy’s toes at one point. And all while keeping up their overly frantic movement! Seriously! No matter which direction the boys moved their feet, the girls’ toes followed, almost as if the girls themselves were psychic!
Elisa: Heeheeheehee! They do! They TOEtally do, my love! *giggled Elisa, proud of herself for making Asriel laugh so much with her furry toes alone*
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Ahahahawww! What’s the matter, cutie pie? Are my toesies too much for you? *teased Mona, driving MK up the wall with hearty laughter with her clawed toes alone*
One minute later…
Gaster: Hehehehehe. Ok, girls, that's enough. uttered Gaster, prompting both Elisa and Mona to stop tickling Asriel and MK with their toes* We don't want to tire them out too much before the upcoming game.
Elisa and Mona: Heeheeheehee! Okie dokie, freaky-looking dude! *said the two monster girls cutely at the same time, pulling their feet away from Asriel and MK’s moments later*
With Elisa and Mona no longer tickling Asriel and MK, Gaster then removed the hands that were holding the latter duo down against the floor, thus freeing them from their predicaments. But that didn't stop them from laughing and giggling due to lingering ticklish sensations on their feet. Due to such skillful tickling from Elisa and Mona’s toes, it took about a minute or so for the boys to completely stop laughing and giggling and therefore catch their breaths. The two girls really did a number on the boys’ feet with their toes. But just like the majority of tickling that Asriel and MK have endured lately, it was all in good fun. X3 Elisa and Mona love Asriel and MK with all their heart and one of their many ways of expressing their love for them is tickling them. And they would've tickled them longer if they could've too. But due to everyone’s eagerness to start playing Gaster's game, the time spent tickling them was cut short. And once Asriel and MK stopped laughing and stood up on the very feet that were tormented by their “girlfriends” for three whole minutes, they started playing said game… but not before first getting some ticklish revenge on their “girlfriends,” to thank them for all of their loving affection towards them. ;) Provided that they have permission to do so from Gaster, of course.
Chapter 2: The Game
Moments later…
Asriel: Alright, Uncle Gaster, I think MK and I are ready to play your game now. *said Asriel, he and MK standing up after enduring tickles to their feet from Elisa and Mona respectively*
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent, boys. Truly excellent. But before we start… would you be interested in getting some revenge on your little “girlfriends?” *asked Gaster in a cheeky manner, causing the four real kids to all perk up*
Frisk and Chara: (Oh my gosh, please let them! No tricks, Uncle Gaster!)
Asriel: Oh! W-w-well, as l-long as they're o-ok with us doing that. *answered Asriel in an excited but also shy manner*
Elisa: *gasp* Oh, my gosh, yes, please! *exclaimed Elisa excitedly all of a sudden, while lying down on the floor on her back* Heeheehee! Tickle me, Azzy! Do your worst! *she added, holding her bare fluffy feet up in the air and wiggling all six of her toes to tease Asriel until he started tickling her*
Asriel: Heeheehee! Well alrighty then…
Gaster: Hehehehe. Excellent… And what about you, MK? Would you like to tickle Mona?
MK: (Yes! A million times yes!) *exclaimed MK excitedly in his head, before calmly but shyly saying out loud,* Ehehehehehehe. Um, s-sure, Uncle Gaster… if… if she'll l-l-let me…
Mona: Heeheeheehee! Awww! Of course I'll let you, cutie pie! *cooed Mona, lying down on the floor on her back just like Elisa did moments ago* Heeheeheehee! Go on now. Tickle me. I'm reeeeeeeally ticklish. Especially on my feet! *she added, holding her bare scaly feet up in the air and wiggling all six of her toes to tease MK until he started tickling her* Heeheeheehee! Go on. Tickle me.
MK: (H-h-holy m-moly! M-Mona may not be real… but my love for her sure is!) YES, YOUR MAJESTY! *shouted MK both loudly and excitedly, despite the fact that he was literally standing right next to Mona XD* Eeep! S-sorry. *he then awkwardly apologized for shouting at someone that was in close proximity of him*
Mona: Heeheehee! Don't be, you silly. I think it's cute. X3 Just like how cute my sister and I are while we're being tickled…
Gaster: Hehehehehe. She's right, you know. So, boys, do yourself a favor and tickle these cuties. You have ninety seconds…
Once Asriel and MK were told that they only had ninety seconds to tickle their precious “girlfriends,” the two boys themselves dropped right down to the floor and did exactly that. Asriel sat down right next to Elisa, wrapped his left arm around both of her ankles (which she crossed left over right moments before Asriel grabbed them), and scribbled his right hand fingers all over every insanely ticklish inch of her snow white soles. As for MK, he sat down next to Mona, wrapped his tail around both of her ankles (which she crossed right over left moments before MK grabbed them), and scribbled his left set of robotic fingers and right set of robotic fingers against her left sole and right sole respectively.
Elisa and Mona: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!! *squealed the two little monster girls, their entire bodies tensing up the moment they felt Asriel and MK's fingers touch their soles* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *they laughed adorably, frantically shaking their feet in their love interests’ grasps and melting the hearts of everyone around them*
Asriel: Heeheehee! Aww! Thanks, Ellie! Happy to make you laugh! (Wow! So far, her feet are ticklish just like mine… and Mom’s… and Dad's as well… Haha! Of course! XD)
MK: Heeheehee! Glad you're enjoying yourself, Mona! (Oh my gosh, I love her so much! So much! X3)
For the first forty-five seconds, Asriel and MK focused SOLEly on Elisa and Mona’s soles, tickling them with their fingers alone and making them laugh ever so preciously all the while they did so. For holograms, they sure are ticklish on their soles. And on their toes as well, which Asriel and MK discovered shortly after ticking their soles. It wasn't until the remaining forty-five seconds that the boys gave the girls’ toes some much deserved attention, first by kneading and gently tugging on every individual toe either one by one (in Asriel's case since he was using only one hand to tickle Elisa’s feet) or two by two (in MK's case since he using both of his robotic hands to tickle Mona’s feet) and then by wiggling their fingers all willy nilly in between every single one of their toes. And just as Asriel predicted, Elisa was most ticklish between her toes, just like him and his parents, making him question if every boss monster before him and his parents were also overly ticklish between their toes. As for Mona, she was overly ticklish at the bases of each of her toes and in between her toes, like MK's mother and kid sister are, making MK himself question if Gaster based Mona’s ticklishness on theirs since the centers of her soles were also overly ticklish!
Elisa and Mona: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *the two little monster girls laughed even more preciously, their combined cuteness almost causing Chara to faint*
Chara: (Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh my god! And here I thought that the combined cuteness of two ticklish monster boys was too much!)
MK: Heeheeheehee! *MK just giggled in response, his precious “girlfriend’s” reactions causing him to blush redder than ever before*
Asriel: Heeheehee! Oh, Ellie. Heeheehee! Baaaaaaaah! Baaaaaaaah! Baaaaaaaaaah! *Asriel bleated along with Elisa*
Chara: (Gah! Gyah! That bleating! Too… cute! I can't…) *thought Chara to herself, on the verge of fainting until suddenly…* Eeeeeeeeeeek! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *she squealed and laughed upon feeling Frisk’s fingers scribble against her neck* Hehehehey! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Frisk, stop thahahahahat! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (Oh my god, thank you, Frisk!)
Frisk: Heeheehee! Oh no, they'll be no fainting on my watch, sis. *said Frisk cheekily, stopping moments later*
Chara: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeeheeheehee…
Moments later…
Gaster: Hehehehehe. Alright, boys, you have 10 more seconds… *uttered Gaster, letting both Asriel and MK know that it's almost time to start playing his game* (10… 9… 8… 7… 6…) *he silently counted down in his head*
Gaster: 5… 4…
Asriel: Wait, what do you mean by that?! *asked Asriel both worriedly and confusedly, wondering what would soon happen to Elisa*
Gaster: 3… 2…
MK: Huh?! Mona, why are you saying that?! *asked MK both worriedly and confusedly, wondering what would soon happen to Mona*
Gaster: 1…
By the time Gaster finished counting down from 10, both Elisa and Mona vanished from Asriel and MK's grasps, resulting in both Asriel and MK tickling air briefly until worriedly shouting not only at them to come back but also Gaster to bring them back.
Asriel: What?! No! Ellie, come back! Come back, Ellie!
MK: Eeeeep! Mona, no! No, bring her back! Come on, Uncle Gaster, bring my sweet Mona back to me, please!
Gaster: Heheheheheh. Worry not, little ones. You'll see your little “girlfriends” again real soon, I promise. *assured Gaster with a chuckle, finding Asriel and MK's reactions to Elisa and Mona disappearing in front of them amusing (and a little alarming considering the fact that the two monster girls themselves aren't even real)*
Asriel: Yeah, we better! *exclaimed Asriel somewhat threateningly, really wanting to see Elisa again as soon as humanly possible*
Frisk and Chara: Woah, take it easy there, Azzy! *said the two human girls, not expecting Asriel to be so worked up over Elisa's disappearance*
Asriel: Oh! S-sorry, Uncle Gaster. *Asriel then awkwardly apologized, embarrassed by how he had reacted to Elisa’s disappearance*
Gaster: Heheheh. It’s alright, young prince. I get it... *said Gaster, understanding why Asriel reacted the way he did* And you really will see them again soon, I mean it.
MK: Ok, Uncle Gaster, ok. But just know that I am really holding you to that promise! *uttered MK, really wanting to see Mona again as soon as humanly possible*
Chara: Heeheehee! Yeah, I can see that, kind of like how I'm holding Uncle Gaster to that promise of him telling us if he's actually ticklish or not. *Chara cheekily pointed out, inadvertently causing Gaster to suddenly feel as if there were butterflies floating around inside of his ribcage*
Gaster: Hehehehehe. In time, little ones, in time… *said Gaster in a very calm manner, acting as if what Chara just said aloud hadn't phased him in any way* Now, before anything else happens, let's play this game…
And with that, Gaster and the kids at last started playing a role-playing game together; a fantasy-themed role-playing game consisting of 12 levels centered around stopping an evil sorcerer named Tesgar and his various minions and thus restoring peace to mystical land, a land ruled by King Elmore and Queen Terisa, two boss monsters that are the biological parents of Princess Elisa and adoptive parents of Princess Mona. And the whole game started with the kids arriving at Elmore and Terisa’s castle via a boat just in time to help the two boss monsters themselves and some of their most loyal subjects fend off an army of undead paladins and knights (like the ones the Dreemurr kids fought earlier to test their skills). And it all ended with the kids, with assistance from Elmore and Terisa, fighting and defeating the paladin and knights’ commander (a stronger knight that rode a horse at the start of the battle). Elmore and Terisa's castle (as well as its surrounding town) was the last territory that Tesgar’s forces needed to capture in order to completely take over the Kingdom. But thanks to the kids, the sorcerer's plans were foiled. For the time being, at least. And from that point forward, the kids would embark on a quest to drive back Tesgar's forces one area at a time until reaching Tesgar himself and with help from some familiar faces along the way. Asriel and MK especially after being informed that their “girlfriends” had been captured and were in need of saving! And the first of those areas was a mine inhabited by friendly dwarves. At least until it was overtaken by goblins and golems. So to restore peace to the mine, the kids needed to clear it of all of its goblins and golems. And helping them clear out the mine was none other than Papyrus! Not the real Papyrus by any means but rather a holographic version of him dressed as a warlock and with the powers of a warlock as well! It was fun having a version of Papyrus assist them in combat and his assistance proved to be more than helpful during the final fight against the head goblin, who was being assisted by a giant golem during the fight. After clearing out the mine, the kids then headed to a valley where evil mages were holding a village of monks hostage. But in order to reach said valley, the kids needed to traverse this mountain pass inhabited by hostile Aarakocra. And because Aarakocra are bird creatures, that means that they spent as much time in the sky as possible, requiring the use of various ranged attacks to bring them down. It was a rather tedious task dealing with these creatures and if it wasn't for the aid of a holographic version of Blooky with the abilities of a ranger, it would've been even more tedious. Ranger Blook to the rescue! :D And his skills were more than needed for the final battle against the head Aarakocra (a strong male Aarakocra with a double-bladed spear capable of shooting projectiles), because only arrows made from his tears could bring this Aarakocra to the ground. And it was at this point that the kids discovered that all of the levels had a recurring theme; clearing areas of forces with assistance from a familiar face and fighting a “boss” at the end. And that theme continued once they reached the valley. There they encountered a monk version of Sans and he assisted them in clearing the valley of evil mages, ending with a fight against not one, not two, but three head mages in the monks’ valley temple (a male mage and two female mages who were twins). Then after the valley was this forest filled with peaceful creatures and their bard protector being terrorized by Kobolds and Gnolls. An alliance formed between short reptilian creatures and tall hyena-headed creatures! Nothing the Dreemurr kids couldn’t handle. But MK on the other hand… MK had difficulty battling against Kobolds at first. Not because they were stronger than him but simply because they were reptilian creatures. Being a reptilian creature himself, he simply couldn’t bring himself to harm other reptilian creatures. Especially ones that were shorter than him. Oh, but that changed once he found out that they, with help from the Gnolls, had captured his beloved Mona and were intending to wed her to the head Kobold (a male Kobold that didn't appear to realize or even care that Mona is an 11-year-old girl, just that she’s a reptilian creature like he was, only taller). Once MK learned of that, then he didn't have a problem fighting them! With help from the Dreemurr kids and the forest bard that they eventually rescued (a bard version of Mettaton EX and when the kids found him, he was surrounded by Gnolls, tied up, and hanging upside down), MK defeated every Kobold and Gnoll in sight throughout the forest. And the last enemy they defeated was the head Kobold’s second-in-command. It was a winged male Kobold, one that flew around a lot of the time and therefore was a real pest to fight. But luckily for the kids, they had help from Bard Mettaton. By casting a spell with his music, he brought the winged kobold to ground level, making him vulnerable to everything else that he and the kids threw at him. With the winged kobold defeated, the kids then proceeded into the forest temple, where Mona was likely being held captive. And along the way, they found a wizard version of Alphys (another wizard lizard like MK) encased in stone. The kids then freed Alphys from her stone prison with a spell and with her assistance, they fought their way through the temple, defeating every remaining Kobold and Gnoll in sight, including the head Kobold and head Gnoll in the final area of the temple where Mona was indeed being held captive and about to be wedded to the former by an ordained minister that they had also captured. It was a more difficult battle, due to the head Kobold and head Gnoll fighting alongside each other the entire time. But luckily for the heroes, they had what they needed to defeat both of them. That being, the combined powers of two wizards. In this case, MK and Alphys, the two lizard wizards. Only with the combined powers of their spells were they able to remove these protective auras that the head Kobold and head Gnoll each had. And MK was a real team player during this battle too! And for good reason! To save his beloved Mona! And once Mona herself had been saved, she thanked MK with a big kiss, much like the kiss she gave him the first time he ever saw her. Except this time, MK felt like he earned a kiss rather than just receiving one for the heck of it. And unlike the first time Mona kissed him, he didn't faint after receiving a kiss from her. But boy did he ever blush! He blushed so red he looked as if he was going to explode. Then not long afterwards, Alphys escorted Mona back to her adoptive parents at their castle with the kids themselves following behind her. Another thing worth mentioning about the kids' adventure is that they've also been repairing and reactivating these magical pads along the way. These pads allow anyone to quickly travel throughout the land. In other words, a fast travel system, one that the kids could use to travel back to previous areas they visited, provided that they had these special crystals in their possession. But they primarily used it to travel back to the town outside of Elmore and Terisa's castle to stock up on any items they might've needed for the remainder of their adventure. And with Mona rescued, MK had even more of a reason to go back there, to visit his precious “girlfriend.” And sure as heck that's what he and the Dreemurr kids did after stocking up on items. ;) And it was at that moment that the four kids took a short break, not only to celebrate their accomplishments up until that point but also to prepare a strategy for the second half of their adventure…
…After taking a short break, the kids then started the second half of their adventure. And just as they predicted, it proved to be more difficult than the first half, making them happy that they hadn't yet used the Sorcerer Gaster spell. And it all started with them traveling back to the enchanted forest to reach this camp of villagers that were driven out of their village by a bunch of ogres, orcs, and trolls. The villagers were planning a strategy to retake their village around the time the kids showed up and once the kids arrived, they were delighted to see that the leader of those villagers was none other than Toriel. A cleric version of her to be exact. They were wondering if Toriel would show up at some point and once they were informed of her plan, they made no hesitation to assist her and her people in retaking their village. It was fun fighting alongside a version of Toriel, aiding her in taking down countless orcs and trolls that had taken over her village (ending with a fight against a strong orc commander). But no ogres though, unfortunately. Cleric Toriel wouldn’t have minded settling a few scores with some ogres but sadly, they were nowhere to be found in her village. Instead, they were in a nearby swamp, their natural habitat, along with the remaining orcs and trolls. And in that swamp was where Princess Elisa was being held captive. Not as an unwilling bride-to-be like Mona was to that Kobold the kids fought earlier but as a pet to this giant ogre commander. Yes, a pet. And that was simply because she’s a cute fluffy creature that's like the size of a housecat compared to the ogre commander himself. That upset Asriel (and the other kids as well but mostly Asriel), because treating a little 11-year-old girl, no matter what species they are, like a pet is wrong on so many levels! That and because he could relate to her situation (due to some interactions he's had with younger children; naughty human children that have tugged on his ears and/or screamed in his face). So once Asriel was informed that ogres were holding Elisa captive in a nearby swamp, he, his siblings, and MK headed there to clear it of all of its ogres, orcs, and trolls. Three different enemy types that time around, which meant more of a struggle for them altogether! It was no particularly easy task fighting three different enemy types. Even with help from a paladin version of Undyne after freeing her from an indestructible cage (one that could only be opened with a key) they still struggled. But they endured though, and without a single use of the Sorcerer Gaster spell. At least until they got to the ogre commander that was holding Elisa captive. It wasn't until facing the ogre commander that the spell was used for the first time and by Asriel of all the kids. And it wasn't used until he deemed it absolutely necessary. The ogre commander was one hell of a brute! And while the spell wasn't powerful enough to ultimately defeat the ogre commander, it was powerful enough to greatly weaken him, allowing Asriel to then finish him off with his Chaos Sabers and Chaos Buster. Since Princess Elisa was in need of rescuing, it of course had to be Asriel that delivered the final blow to the ogre commander. And once he did, he was rewarded with a kiss from Princess Elisa herself, which made him blush like he was going to explode. Then not long afterwards, Undyne escorted Elisa back to her home via a magic pad. And the kids traveled back as well, not only to stock up on items once again but also to see Elmore and Terisa's reaction once they were reunited with their biological daughter. And just as the kids predicted, it was a very heartwarming site. Lots of hugs, cuddles, and nuzzling, three things that boss monsters do best! X3 And Asriel himself even got in on it. As Elisa’s knight in shining armor, it would've been rude not to! Then not long afterwards, the kids resumed their adventure, traveling back to the swamp via a magic pad in order to reach a barbarian village on the other side. There was a problem though. After the swamp and before the barbarian village was this desert-like area infested with creatures lurking underneath the sand itself. These were once peaceful creatures, but Tesgar’s influence on the land had rendered them hostile. And they had poor eyesight as well, making it difficult for them to distinguish between a good person and a bad person. It would've been suicide for the kids to travel through this desert-like area. But luckily, there was a way to completely avoid going through it. By traveling through these catacombs deep underneath of it! And to reach these catacombs, the kids needed to locate this hidden staircase in the swamp’s graveyard, which they did after revisiting the ogre commander’s headquarters and finding a map. After finding the map, the kids headed to the catacombs only to find it infested with evil magic elves capable of summoning giant insects. Or in the case of the elf empress they fought in the last area of the catacombs, changing into one (the lower half of her body was that of a giant scorpion)! And boy was she tough! But luckily, the kids were aided by a druid version of Muffet, who was in chains when they found her, and all of her various spiders (including Cuddles). With help from Muffet and her spiders, the kids destroyed the elf empress and then made their way out of the catacombs entirely. Then once they were out of the catacombs, they traveled to the barbarian village and helped the barbarians take back their village from the elves that had taken over it. More elves to fight! And they were just like the ones the kids fought in the catacombs too! Except this time, their leader was a male; an elf emperor and the husband of the elf empress the kids fought before arriving at the village. And he was even stronger than his wife! Even with assistance from the head barbarian (a barbarian version of Asgore) the kids had difficulty fighting him! He was so agile! And not only that, but he was also capable of transforming his limbs into blades as well as summoning floating weapons and spikes! It was at that point that the kids understood why a group of average-sized elves was able to overpower a village of large muscular barbarians. And when Barbarian Asgore was in danger of being eliminated by the elf emperor himself, Chara used the Sorcerer Gaster spell to save him. She couldn't bear to watch her adoptive father be killed, even if it was a holographic version of him. So to save Barbarian Asgore’s life, she casted the Sorcerer Gaster spell, summoning Gaster himself to greatly weaken the elf emperor. Then with no hesitation whatsoever after weakening the elf emperor, Chara got in close and finished him off with her knife, dagger, and short sword. All three weapons she was capable of conjuring! With the defeat of the elf emperor, the barbarian village had been saved and would thrive again. And that barbarian village happened to be the last area of the land that was in need of saving before entering Tesgar's region. This was it. With the barbarian village saved, they were about to face Tesgar himself in his own personal region of the land! And if he was as powerful as every in-game character claimed, then facing him without a battle plan surely would've been suicide! So, with that in mind, the kids then traveled back to Elmore and Terisa's castle to meet up with everyone they helped up until that point to devise a strategy to put an end to Tesgar's reign once and for all.
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 38.1 kB