Von Lycaon is a calm sophisticate and a dutiful attendant in the faction of Victoria Housekeeping. When his services are called upon no stain or grime is left behind, to the naked eye at least. Despite his visibly preened appearance nobody would think the surfaces under his feet are in fact festered with an edible tangible layer of sweaty, linty grime. Keep in mind this wolf is no secret slob, he merely prefers these surfaces be cleaned by others for a change. Any micro rodents unfortunate enough to cross his path are his favourite substitutes for this unnecessarily cruel punishment… even if takes them weeks – let alone months – to fulfill their service. They may never get used to their new life as living insoles but the straps certainly keep them detained in place, no matter how much they struggle and squirm under his weight.
Art is my own! ©grang34
Von Lycaon / ZZZ and all associations are the legal copyright property of miHoYo & COGNOSPHERE
For the record I am completely aware that in-game his legs are metal prosthetics due to the narrative events of his past, but being a furry with a fetish I of course have to depict this handsome guy with his original full legs and for the sake of the art will pretend his in-game legs are merely metal boots :)
Art is my own! ©grang34
Von Lycaon / ZZZ and all associations are the legal copyright property of miHoYo & COGNOSPHERE
For the record I am completely aware that in-game his legs are metal prosthetics due to the narrative events of his past, but being a furry with a fetish I of course have to depict this handsome guy with his original full legs and for the sake of the art will pretend his in-game legs are merely metal boots :)
Category All / Paw
Species Wolf
Gender Male
Size 1874 x 1966px
File Size 663.3 kB
Huff... Mrrf.... I would give anything to be in his sock under his foot with my head between his toes all day every day for a very very long time and trampled with no cares about my comfort at all as I am forced to live off his foot sweat and toejam while he wears me like a normal store bought insole for several years.