The Monkey Strikes Back! (Demon Goat Body-Swap)
Awesome pic I got from Seyumei from last year! Still one of my fave comms, it depicts Jam swapping bodies with Seyumei's goat character Sky. Even wrote a little story for it, which I hope does the pic justice! Might've gotten Sky a BIT off, it's always tough writing other characters sometimes lol.
As always, I ask that you the comm the amazing artist who drew it! Seyumei is a professional artist and worth every cent, this is easily one of my favorite comms and is quite special to me! I dunno when they'll be open next, but keep an eye on their page and you'll be sure to find out~ Also, be sure to check out the animation that inspired it: Animated YCH: NUB CLUB by Seyumei on DeviantArt
Honestly, the animation is legit one of my favorites and I knew I had to work Jam butting his way into the club somehow!
And lastly, if you like my writing work please support me on my Patreon: patreon.com/user?u=29024381
The last thing you'd want when making fun of long-tailed animals is to get your body stolen, but as it turns out that might be what you get! This happened to a demon goat-man named Sky one day, who ran a prestigious club for short-tailed animals called "The Nub Club". This club was incredibly bigoted towards long-tailed animals!
This was apparent when Jam and Meerina went out for supper and arrived at the club hoping to eat at their establishment, only for the pair of cartoon animals to get tossed out on their pantsless butts! Knowing that this injustice can't stand, Jam knew he had to get revenge on those who were prejudiced against their tails! He politely told his meerkat lover to wait outside as he stormed into the building. Sky was waiting for the monkey, ready to punt the tiny simian like a Soccer-ball! Jam had a trump-card though: A big shiny remote with a red button on it!
He pressed the button on his remote before Sky could hit him, releasing an intense red light that blinded both the monkey and goat. They became numb to everything, losing track of both time and their sense of reality. When Sky came to, he found himself looking down at a silly and rather smelly monkey body! His overconfidence and arrogance quickly vanished as he looked over his new shaggy brown fur. It lacked all the elegance of his perfectly combed white goat's fur!
Not only that, but he was now half his original size. Being three feet tall meant that everything towered above him, even his club members who now looked at him with disdain and were blissfully unaware that anything had changed. The monkey uncontrollably scratched himself as the short-tailed anthros watched on, shocked and appalled by the monkey's behavior. His new prehensile tail then started to flail about randomly, as if it had a mind of its own. He grabbed his tail and held it in place, "What is going on?!"
"I'll tell you what's going on..." Sky heard his own voice say.
He turned and saw his own body shaking his ass mockingly as he held up the "Nub Club" sign. Sky noticed the sign was different now and had the "Nub" crossed out and replaced with the word "Jam's", leading to the grammatically incorrect: "Welcome To The Jam's Club!"
Jam closed his eyes as he held aloft the vandalized sign and finished what he was saying: "...THE NUB CLUB IS NOW MINE!"
Sky gasped as he continued to hold his tail, "He stole my nub and my club! Also, his grammar is atrocious."
"Eat it, you prejudice dork!" Jam said as he waved his stolen fanny around, his tight jeans starting to loosen under his constant hip-swaying. The fellow club members all laughed at the silly display, causing the real Sky to blush profusely. Sky looked around for the remote in order to switch back, only to find out that Jam had stuffed it in the back-pocket of his new pants. Sky made a few grabs for the remote, but the goat quickly side-stepped each and every attempt, "Stop this and give me my body back!"
Jam half-opened his eyes and stuck out his new goat tongue, "And what's in it for me?"
Sky gulped, "I'll do whatever you want me to!"
Jam dropped the sign and leaned over to look the monkey in the eyes, "Anything?"
Sky sighed as he hung his head in shame, "Anything..."
An hour passed as Meerina waited outside the establishment for Jam to return. The monkey eventually knuckle-walked out of the building in his own body, "Alright, they're ready for us, Meerina!"
The Meerkat cocked her head in confusion, "B-But I thought long-tailed animals weren't allowed!"
Jam grabbed the meerkat by the arm and pulled her inside, "They had a ‘change of heart, now come along."
Meerina followed the eager monkey inside and was surprised to find what appeared to be a maid cafe! All of the short-tailed anthropomorphic animals (including the men) were now in hand-crafted maid outfits, ready to wait on the couple. The meerkat gasped, "You did all this in an hour?!"
The monkey winked, "What can I say? A little body-swap can prompt BIG changes!"
Jam and Meerina sat down at a table as Sky walked out, clad in a skimpy maid outfit that showed off a considerable amount of his furry backside. The goat blushed profusely as he stood before them. He held out his index finger and middle finger in a "peace sign", all with a disinterested look on his face, "Hi! Welcome to the 'All Tails Are Welcome Maid Club'. Tonight is 'Tsundere Night' and... Ugh, do I have to say it?"
Jam reached into his pocket and pulled out the remote, "If you don't want to get swapped with tonight's lobster dish, goat, then I suggest you do!"
Sky let out a disgruntled bleat, "And it's not like I like you or anything, baka! Can I fetch my lord and lady a 'Gudetama Egg Platter'?"
Jam slid the remote back in his pocket, "That would be good, maid! Now move along, chop chop."
Sky grumbled angrily as he stomped off in a hurry, his hard hooves causing cracks in the ground as he did so. Meerina looked at Jam with concern, "Jam, isn't this kind of mean?"
Jam shook his head, "It's way meaner to be prejudiced! I'm just giving the goat and his club a bit of humiliation to humble them, open their eyes to a more inclusive club."
"A-And get free food?"
"Of course! I can never say no to free food!"
Jam and Meerina shared a good laugh at the club's expense. They then went on to have a good supper and left, Sky breathing a sigh of relief once the couple were gone. Regardless of them now being in the clear, he decided it was good to remove the club's prejudices and biases and let anyone in! He had learned a valuable lesson that day: When it comes to prejudice, body-swaps always make everyone equal!
Awesome pic I got from Seyumei from last year! Still one of my fave comms, it depicts Jam swapping bodies with Seyumei's goat character Sky. Even wrote a little story for it, which I hope does the pic justice! Might've gotten Sky a BIT off, it's always tough writing other characters sometimes lol.
As always, I ask that you the comm the amazing artist who drew it! Seyumei is a professional artist and worth every cent, this is easily one of my favorite comms and is quite special to me! I dunno when they'll be open next, but keep an eye on their page and you'll be sure to find out~ Also, be sure to check out the animation that inspired it: Animated YCH: NUB CLUB by Seyumei on DeviantArt
Honestly, the animation is legit one of my favorites and I knew I had to work Jam butting his way into the club somehow!
And lastly, if you like my writing work please support me on my Patreon: patreon.com/user?u=29024381
The last thing you'd want when making fun of long-tailed animals is to get your body stolen, but as it turns out that might be what you get! This happened to a demon goat-man named Sky one day, who ran a prestigious club for short-tailed animals called "The Nub Club". This club was incredibly bigoted towards long-tailed animals!
This was apparent when Jam and Meerina went out for supper and arrived at the club hoping to eat at their establishment, only for the pair of cartoon animals to get tossed out on their pantsless butts! Knowing that this injustice can't stand, Jam knew he had to get revenge on those who were prejudiced against their tails! He politely told his meerkat lover to wait outside as he stormed into the building. Sky was waiting for the monkey, ready to punt the tiny simian like a Soccer-ball! Jam had a trump-card though: A big shiny remote with a red button on it!
He pressed the button on his remote before Sky could hit him, releasing an intense red light that blinded both the monkey and goat. They became numb to everything, losing track of both time and their sense of reality. When Sky came to, he found himself looking down at a silly and rather smelly monkey body! His overconfidence and arrogance quickly vanished as he looked over his new shaggy brown fur. It lacked all the elegance of his perfectly combed white goat's fur!
Not only that, but he was now half his original size. Being three feet tall meant that everything towered above him, even his club members who now looked at him with disdain and were blissfully unaware that anything had changed. The monkey uncontrollably scratched himself as the short-tailed anthros watched on, shocked and appalled by the monkey's behavior. His new prehensile tail then started to flail about randomly, as if it had a mind of its own. He grabbed his tail and held it in place, "What is going on?!"
"I'll tell you what's going on..." Sky heard his own voice say.
He turned and saw his own body shaking his ass mockingly as he held up the "Nub Club" sign. Sky noticed the sign was different now and had the "Nub" crossed out and replaced with the word "Jam's", leading to the grammatically incorrect: "Welcome To The Jam's Club!"
Jam closed his eyes as he held aloft the vandalized sign and finished what he was saying: "...THE NUB CLUB IS NOW MINE!"
Sky gasped as he continued to hold his tail, "He stole my nub and my club! Also, his grammar is atrocious."
"Eat it, you prejudice dork!" Jam said as he waved his stolen fanny around, his tight jeans starting to loosen under his constant hip-swaying. The fellow club members all laughed at the silly display, causing the real Sky to blush profusely. Sky looked around for the remote in order to switch back, only to find out that Jam had stuffed it in the back-pocket of his new pants. Sky made a few grabs for the remote, but the goat quickly side-stepped each and every attempt, "Stop this and give me my body back!"
Jam half-opened his eyes and stuck out his new goat tongue, "And what's in it for me?"
Sky gulped, "I'll do whatever you want me to!"
Jam dropped the sign and leaned over to look the monkey in the eyes, "Anything?"
Sky sighed as he hung his head in shame, "Anything..."
An hour passed as Meerina waited outside the establishment for Jam to return. The monkey eventually knuckle-walked out of the building in his own body, "Alright, they're ready for us, Meerina!"
The Meerkat cocked her head in confusion, "B-But I thought long-tailed animals weren't allowed!"
Jam grabbed the meerkat by the arm and pulled her inside, "They had a ‘change of heart, now come along."
Meerina followed the eager monkey inside and was surprised to find what appeared to be a maid cafe! All of the short-tailed anthropomorphic animals (including the men) were now in hand-crafted maid outfits, ready to wait on the couple. The meerkat gasped, "You did all this in an hour?!"
The monkey winked, "What can I say? A little body-swap can prompt BIG changes!"
Jam and Meerina sat down at a table as Sky walked out, clad in a skimpy maid outfit that showed off a considerable amount of his furry backside. The goat blushed profusely as he stood before them. He held out his index finger and middle finger in a "peace sign", all with a disinterested look on his face, "Hi! Welcome to the 'All Tails Are Welcome Maid Club'. Tonight is 'Tsundere Night' and... Ugh, do I have to say it?"
Jam reached into his pocket and pulled out the remote, "If you don't want to get swapped with tonight's lobster dish, goat, then I suggest you do!"
Sky let out a disgruntled bleat, "And it's not like I like you or anything, baka! Can I fetch my lord and lady a 'Gudetama Egg Platter'?"
Jam slid the remote back in his pocket, "That would be good, maid! Now move along, chop chop."
Sky grumbled angrily as he stomped off in a hurry, his hard hooves causing cracks in the ground as he did so. Meerina looked at Jam with concern, "Jam, isn't this kind of mean?"
Jam shook his head, "It's way meaner to be prejudiced! I'm just giving the goat and his club a bit of humiliation to humble them, open their eyes to a more inclusive club."
"A-And get free food?"
"Of course! I can never say no to free food!"
Jam and Meerina shared a good laugh at the club's expense. They then went on to have a good supper and left, Sky breathing a sigh of relief once the couple were gone. Regardless of them now being in the clear, he decided it was good to remove the club's prejudices and biases and let anyone in! He had learned a valuable lesson that day: When it comes to prejudice, body-swaps always make everyone equal!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Transformation
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 2337 x 1577px
File Size 3.65 MB