This is not a fetish story. It is a story meant to tell the tale of a pony with disabilities who struggles with how he is perceived by others as a result of being no bigger than a young colt, , having incontinence, underdeveloped legs, and a speech impediment.
“Buzz off!” Swaddle Puff growled from inside his room.
“I tolds ya’ to scram!” the upset, foal-sized stallion stated. “Ya’ gots mud in ya’ ears, or somethin’?”
Pinkie could be heard giggling from the other side of the door.
“No, silly!” she cheerfully replied. “I just want to finish our playdate together.”
Swaddle Puff turned to face his bedroom door.
“Are yous for real?” he asked. “Whoot part of ‘buzz off’ do yous not understand?”
“Oh, I’m very real,” said Pinkie. “And I’m not a bee and only a bee can buzz off, silly.”
Swaddle Puff slammed a hoof over his face.
“Fine!” he stated. “Yous can comes into muh room.”
“Thanks!” cheered Pinkie Pie as she seemed to just appear in front of Swaddle Puff without having opened the door.
“Wait…,” wondered the pastel-pink pony. “Hows you do that?”
“Do what?” Pinkie playfully replied.
“Comes into muh room without so much as openin’ the door,” he stated.
“A true magician never tells her secrets,” she replied with a wink.
“…,” Swaddle Puff was now the one who was speechless.
“So what can we do to make your case of the grumpy-grumps go away?” asked Pinkie.
Swaddle Puff thought for a moment.
“Yous can shows me hows you gots into muh room without openin’ muh door,” he said.
“Okay!” agreed Pinkie. “However, if you want to know one of my secrets, you need to show me one of yours.”
Swaddle Puff thought for a second before heading over to a bookshelf and removing a family photo album.
“I’s got your secret right here,” he proclaimed while gesturing towards the photo album he had sat upon the floor. “And if any of ooht I tells ya’ ever leaves this room, I’ll make ya’ regret it.”
Pinkie started into the motions of her ‘Pinkie Promise’.
“Cross my heart and hope to fly,” she motioned towards her chest before gesturing towards one of her eyes. “Stick a cupcake in my eye.”
“I’m sure you noticed muh folks were awkward,” Swaddle stated while opening the photo album to its first page. “Is cause, like me, they’ve gots disabilities.”
“Really?” wondered Pinkie while taking notice of how the first page of the album had a picture of Swaddle’s parents holding him after he had been born. She also noticed how, below the picture, it read ‘Welcome to the Ash family’.
“Wheelie,” Swaddle replied before turning the page. “Muh dad is almost blind and muh mom has OCD.”
“What’s OCD?” asked Pinkie with genuine curiosity.
Swaddle looked up at the pink mare with disbelief.
“Yous dunno’?” he asked. “OCD is when ya’ obsess over havin’ and doin’ things a certain ways.”
“Oh…,” thought Pinkie as she considered how much this OCD reminded her of how her friend, Twilight Sparkle, could be when it came to organization, planning, and lists.
Swaddle Puff turned the page to show his birth certificate. However, the name on it was not Swaddle Puff. Instead, the name written on the certificate of live birth was Shining Ash.
“That’s muh birth name,” he stated while gesturing towards the document. “I no longer goes by that name.”
“Why not?” asked Pinkie. “Shining Ash is a good name.”
“Not after whoot happened to me and muh folks,” he firmly stated.
Oh?” wondered Pinkie.
Swaddle Puff pointed to the next page’s picture. In it, his mom could be seen holding him in a rocking chair.
“Nows listen up,” he said. “I’s gots lots to tell ya’.”
“As yous can see,” continued Swaddle Puff. “I was a normal foal untils I gots to the age of two.”
“What happened when you turned two?” asked Pinkie while she watched the pastel-pink coated pony turn to another page of the album.
“Muh mom gots tired of all the foal doctors tellin’ her I was just slow meetin’ muh milestones,” he replied while tapping on a picture that nearly showed him as he looked right now. “Fillydelphia gots lots of specialists and muh mom found one that took her concern about muh well-being seriously. They dids lots of tests on me and, whens I turned five years old, I learned that muh muscles in muh bladder and bowels were to never allow me any control over them.”
Pinkie thought about saying something about that being the reason that Swaddle Puff worse such a thick, white, cloth diaper that was held by quite the large safety pin. However, thanks to the experiences she had with saying things that hurt Fluttershy’s feelings over the years, the pink pony knew that would not be such a great idea.
Swaddle Puff turned a few pages to where it showed him celebrating his sixth birthday party.
“As yous can see,” he said while tapping his hoof upon the picture. “I also learned that I’d never grow any bigger than what yous sees me like right now and in this picture.”
“Oh,” was all that Pinkie could bring herself to say.
Swaddle Puff turned to another page that showed him with his family during Hearth’s Warming Eve. In it, he was riding in a modified stroller while wearing a pair of green and red striped socks upon his back hooves.
“Muh parents got muh stroller for muh ninth Hearth’s Warming,” he continued. “They never hads many bits, but they always dids whoot they could to make muh life a happy one.”
Pinkie admired how the stroller was designed in such a way that Swaddle Puff’s chubby, front hooves could reach the wheels so that he could propel himself without needing some pony to physically push him along. There also appeared to be a pair of pedals that he could use his back hooves on to slightly tilt the stroller left, or right, to better guide the stroller to where he wanted it to go.
“Before yous ask,” he said. “The reason I’s gots a stroller is cause my hooves aren’t strong enough to allow me to be on them for long periods of time without physically exhaustin’ muhself.”
Pinkie looked about the room and saw an even more modified version of the stroller placed near an elevated desk.
“I see you have an even cooler one over there,” she said while gesturing towards the desk. “I’m guessing it allows you to do a lot of things that most ponies take for granted? “
Swaddle Puff sighed.
“It did,” he said somberly. “But that’s a longs times ago.”
“Did you want to talk about it?” asked Pinkie. “I promise that I’ll be good and listen without interrupting you.”
Swaddle Puff turned to another set of pictures. One showed him smiling in his stroller while holding up his high school diploma. The other was his actual high school diploma.
“Muh folks really went to bat for me,” he stated. “Theys knew I’s could never attend a normal school. So, after meetin’ with the Fillydelphia School Board, muh folks home schooled me. It’s also hows I gots muh cutie mark. ”
The picture itself did not show Swaddle Puff’s cutie mark, but he decided to briefly show Pinkie what it was by loosening his diaper enough for her to see an image of an abacus imprinted on his flank.
“As yous saw,” he stated while ensuring his diaper was snugly fit around his waist before securing the safety pin that held it up. “It’s an abacus. I’s am quite good with the numbers.”
“Ooh…,” awed Pinkie while looking to her cutie mark of three balloons imprinted on her flank. What were you doing when you got it?”
Swaddle Puff flicked at his pastel-blue tuft of hair as he thought about the question.
“When muh mom gaves me a lesson in accounting,” he said. “Makings all the numbers match for those assets and liabilities was a lots of fun.
“…,” Pinkie said nothing as she thought about how working with numbers and finding math fun was another thing that The Princess of Friendship would enjoy.
“Hows you get yours?” asked Swaddle Puff.
Pinkie smiled.
“I got super inspired to throw a colorful party for my rock farming family after seeing a rainbow explosion in the sky that was actually a sonic rainboom done by my friend, Rainbow Dash!” she replied in a single breath.
“Yous a rock farmer?” asked Swaddle Puff.
“Yeah,” replied Pinkie with a wave of her hoof. “It just wasn’t my jam. That’s why I decided to move to Ponyville, found work as a baker with the Cakes, got offered to live in their spare room up on the second floor of Sugar Cube Corner, and set out on my mission to bring a smile, smile, smile to every pony in Ponyville! And beyond!”
“…,” Swaddle Puff was blown away by the party pony’s enthusiasm. “Minds if I continues muh story?”
“Of course!” a very cheerful Pinkie replied as she leaned in closer to get a better look at the pictures that the small stallion was showing to her.
“inevers could grow much hair,” he stated while looking at some of the pages he was flipping through. “Gots stuck with this kiss-curl, widow’s peak thing that made me always be lookin’ like a foal.”
“At least you got your two front teeth,” remarked Pinkie while having noticed that all of Swaddle’s pictures showed himself smiling with a bucktoothed grin. “You look really happy in these photos.”
Swaddle Puff sighed.
“The only teeth I gots is muh two front teeth,” he stated. “Makes it impossible to eats much more than just foal food.”
“Oh…,” worried Pinkie as she realized she may have crossed a line in what to say to Swaddle while he was telling his story.
“This here’s when I graduated from college with my bachelors degree in accountin’,” he stated while pointing to a picture that, like before, showed him proudly holding the diploma in his home while also featuring the diploma itself on the opposite page of the album. “Muh folks helped me gets scholarships that I used to complete muh education heres at home without paying a single bit.”
“You look so happy,” said Pinkie while trying to keep herself from seeming too excited about her observation.
“This is muh whens I gots my masters degree in accounting,” he said while tapping on a picture where he was wearing a cap and gown and strolling through the living room of his house.
“And this is muh getting muh CPA,” he said proudly while pointing to a picture of him sitting at the very desk that was set up in his room.
“CPA?” wondered Pinkie. “What’s that?”
“Certified Public Accountant,” he stated while rubbing a hoof over the notarized document proving he had met all the requirements needed to be a CPA.
“Muh mom is an accountant,” he said while turning to the next page. “She’s also very smarts when it comes to the laws for reasonable accommodations of a job. This is what allowed me to get hired to work from home for the very firm she had been workin’ at for years.”
Wow,” awed Pinkie. “You’re one very smart foal, umm, I mean, stallion.”
“Nots smart enough,” he sighed as he saw a picture of himself with a normal-sized, green-coated mare.
“Who is she?” asked Pinkie.
“She was muh everythin’,” he replied. “She’s also the only pony who’d loved me for who I’s was instead of resentin’ me for what’s I was.”
“Oh…,” Pinkie almost felt her floofy, cotton candy-like hair lose its fluff upon hearing where the story seemed to be going.
“Long story short,” continued Swaddle Puff. “There’s was another pony who’d liked muh Lemon Lime. So, when I was chosen for a promotion overs hims, he made it his personal goal to humiliate me and sabotage muh work.”
“Despite muh hard work,” he grumpily stated. “Those ponies who partnered with muh company were very displeased to know that a ‘foal’ was responsible for all their accounting needs. Muh jealous coworker, who was in competition with me for the promotion also tolds everyone’s he could about all of muh disabilities, how I wore and used diapers, and hows I gots around in a stroller.”
“That’s terrible,” stated Pinkie with an angry look across her face.
“What’s terrible,” Swaddle Puff continued. “Is how that pony turned the entire office against me. Ponies who once respected and appreciated what’s I did started to leave me out of projects, meetings, and any chance I ever had at buildin’ a list of clients to serve.”
“Sounds like a real jerk,” huffed Pinkie.
“The bullyin’ and all got so bad that I had no other choice but to quits muh job,” he growled. “Lemon Lime tried to get me to stay, but I just couldn’t take another day of being treated like a foal by those who had once treated me like a colleague.”
“I think yous gets the idea,” he said while placing the picture album back to where he had it kept. “I once hads muh own apartment, a special some pony, a great job, and now I live as a foal with muh parents.”
“…,” Pinkie didn’t know the right words to say.
“Why’s bother tryin’ to be somethin’ no pony will ever treats you like,” growled Swaddle Puff. “Is easier to just go by a different name, act the foal, and nots be ever be treated horribly evers again."
This is not a fetish story. It is a story meant to tell the tale of a pony with disabilities who struggles with how he is perceived by others as a result of being no bigger than a young colt, , having incontinence, underdeveloped legs, and a speech impediment.
“Buzz off!” Swaddle Puff growled from inside his room.
“I tolds ya’ to scram!” the upset, foal-sized stallion stated. “Ya’ gots mud in ya’ ears, or somethin’?”
Pinkie could be heard giggling from the other side of the door.
“No, silly!” she cheerfully replied. “I just want to finish our playdate together.”
Swaddle Puff turned to face his bedroom door.
“Are yous for real?” he asked. “Whoot part of ‘buzz off’ do yous not understand?”
“Oh, I’m very real,” said Pinkie. “And I’m not a bee and only a bee can buzz off, silly.”
Swaddle Puff slammed a hoof over his face.
“Fine!” he stated. “Yous can comes into muh room.”
“Thanks!” cheered Pinkie Pie as she seemed to just appear in front of Swaddle Puff without having opened the door.
“Wait…,” wondered the pastel-pink pony. “Hows you do that?”
“Do what?” Pinkie playfully replied.
“Comes into muh room without so much as openin’ the door,” he stated.
“A true magician never tells her secrets,” she replied with a wink.
“…,” Swaddle Puff was now the one who was speechless.
“So what can we do to make your case of the grumpy-grumps go away?” asked Pinkie.
Swaddle Puff thought for a moment.
“Yous can shows me hows you gots into muh room without openin’ muh door,” he said.
“Okay!” agreed Pinkie. “However, if you want to know one of my secrets, you need to show me one of yours.”
Swaddle Puff thought for a second before heading over to a bookshelf and removing a family photo album.
“I’s got your secret right here,” he proclaimed while gesturing towards the photo album he had sat upon the floor. “And if any of ooht I tells ya’ ever leaves this room, I’ll make ya’ regret it.”
Pinkie started into the motions of her ‘Pinkie Promise’.
“Cross my heart and hope to fly,” she motioned towards her chest before gesturing towards one of her eyes. “Stick a cupcake in my eye.”
“I’m sure you noticed muh folks were awkward,” Swaddle stated while opening the photo album to its first page. “Is cause, like me, they’ve gots disabilities.”
“Really?” wondered Pinkie while taking notice of how the first page of the album had a picture of Swaddle’s parents holding him after he had been born. She also noticed how, below the picture, it read ‘Welcome to the Ash family’.
“Wheelie,” Swaddle replied before turning the page. “Muh dad is almost blind and muh mom has OCD.”
“What’s OCD?” asked Pinkie with genuine curiosity.
Swaddle looked up at the pink mare with disbelief.
“Yous dunno’?” he asked. “OCD is when ya’ obsess over havin’ and doin’ things a certain ways.”
“Oh…,” thought Pinkie as she considered how much this OCD reminded her of how her friend, Twilight Sparkle, could be when it came to organization, planning, and lists.
Swaddle Puff turned the page to show his birth certificate. However, the name on it was not Swaddle Puff. Instead, the name written on the certificate of live birth was Shining Ash.
“That’s muh birth name,” he stated while gesturing towards the document. “I no longer goes by that name.”
“Why not?” asked Pinkie. “Shining Ash is a good name.”
“Not after whoot happened to me and muh folks,” he firmly stated.
Oh?” wondered Pinkie.
Swaddle Puff pointed to the next page’s picture. In it, his mom could be seen holding him in a rocking chair.
“Nows listen up,” he said. “I’s gots lots to tell ya’.”
“As yous can see,” continued Swaddle Puff. “I was a normal foal untils I gots to the age of two.”
“What happened when you turned two?” asked Pinkie while she watched the pastel-pink coated pony turn to another page of the album.
“Muh mom gots tired of all the foal doctors tellin’ her I was just slow meetin’ muh milestones,” he replied while tapping on a picture that nearly showed him as he looked right now. “Fillydelphia gots lots of specialists and muh mom found one that took her concern about muh well-being seriously. They dids lots of tests on me and, whens I turned five years old, I learned that muh muscles in muh bladder and bowels were to never allow me any control over them.”
Pinkie thought about saying something about that being the reason that Swaddle Puff worse such a thick, white, cloth diaper that was held by quite the large safety pin. However, thanks to the experiences she had with saying things that hurt Fluttershy’s feelings over the years, the pink pony knew that would not be such a great idea.
Swaddle Puff turned a few pages to where it showed him celebrating his sixth birthday party.
“As yous can see,” he said while tapping his hoof upon the picture. “I also learned that I’d never grow any bigger than what yous sees me like right now and in this picture.”
“Oh,” was all that Pinkie could bring herself to say.
Swaddle Puff turned to another page that showed him with his family during Hearth’s Warming Eve. In it, he was riding in a modified stroller while wearing a pair of green and red striped socks upon his back hooves.
“Muh parents got muh stroller for muh ninth Hearth’s Warming,” he continued. “They never hads many bits, but they always dids whoot they could to make muh life a happy one.”
Pinkie admired how the stroller was designed in such a way that Swaddle Puff’s chubby, front hooves could reach the wheels so that he could propel himself without needing some pony to physically push him along. There also appeared to be a pair of pedals that he could use his back hooves on to slightly tilt the stroller left, or right, to better guide the stroller to where he wanted it to go.
“Before yous ask,” he said. “The reason I’s gots a stroller is cause my hooves aren’t strong enough to allow me to be on them for long periods of time without physically exhaustin’ muhself.”
Pinkie looked about the room and saw an even more modified version of the stroller placed near an elevated desk.
“I see you have an even cooler one over there,” she said while gesturing towards the desk. “I’m guessing it allows you to do a lot of things that most ponies take for granted? “
Swaddle Puff sighed.
“It did,” he said somberly. “But that’s a longs times ago.”
“Did you want to talk about it?” asked Pinkie. “I promise that I’ll be good and listen without interrupting you.”
Swaddle Puff turned to another set of pictures. One showed him smiling in his stroller while holding up his high school diploma. The other was his actual high school diploma.
“Muh folks really went to bat for me,” he stated. “Theys knew I’s could never attend a normal school. So, after meetin’ with the Fillydelphia School Board, muh folks home schooled me. It’s also hows I gots muh cutie mark. ”
The picture itself did not show Swaddle Puff’s cutie mark, but he decided to briefly show Pinkie what it was by loosening his diaper enough for her to see an image of an abacus imprinted on his flank.
“As yous saw,” he stated while ensuring his diaper was snugly fit around his waist before securing the safety pin that held it up. “It’s an abacus. I’s am quite good with the numbers.”
“Ooh…,” awed Pinkie while looking to her cutie mark of three balloons imprinted on her flank. What were you doing when you got it?”
Swaddle Puff flicked at his pastel-blue tuft of hair as he thought about the question.
“When muh mom gaves me a lesson in accounting,” he said. “Makings all the numbers match for those assets and liabilities was a lots of fun.
“…,” Pinkie said nothing as she thought about how working with numbers and finding math fun was another thing that The Princess of Friendship would enjoy.
“Hows you get yours?” asked Swaddle Puff.
Pinkie smiled.
“I got super inspired to throw a colorful party for my rock farming family after seeing a rainbow explosion in the sky that was actually a sonic rainboom done by my friend, Rainbow Dash!” she replied in a single breath.
“Yous a rock farmer?” asked Swaddle Puff.
“Yeah,” replied Pinkie with a wave of her hoof. “It just wasn’t my jam. That’s why I decided to move to Ponyville, found work as a baker with the Cakes, got offered to live in their spare room up on the second floor of Sugar Cube Corner, and set out on my mission to bring a smile, smile, smile to every pony in Ponyville! And beyond!”
“…,” Swaddle Puff was blown away by the party pony’s enthusiasm. “Minds if I continues muh story?”
“Of course!” a very cheerful Pinkie replied as she leaned in closer to get a better look at the pictures that the small stallion was showing to her.
“inevers could grow much hair,” he stated while looking at some of the pages he was flipping through. “Gots stuck with this kiss-curl, widow’s peak thing that made me always be lookin’ like a foal.”
“At least you got your two front teeth,” remarked Pinkie while having noticed that all of Swaddle’s pictures showed himself smiling with a bucktoothed grin. “You look really happy in these photos.”
Swaddle Puff sighed.
“The only teeth I gots is muh two front teeth,” he stated. “Makes it impossible to eats much more than just foal food.”
“Oh…,” worried Pinkie as she realized she may have crossed a line in what to say to Swaddle while he was telling his story.
“This here’s when I graduated from college with my bachelors degree in accountin’,” he stated while pointing to a picture that, like before, showed him proudly holding the diploma in his home while also featuring the diploma itself on the opposite page of the album. “Muh folks helped me gets scholarships that I used to complete muh education heres at home without paying a single bit.”
“You look so happy,” said Pinkie while trying to keep herself from seeming too excited about her observation.
“This is muh whens I gots my masters degree in accounting,” he said while tapping on a picture where he was wearing a cap and gown and strolling through the living room of his house.
“And this is muh getting muh CPA,” he said proudly while pointing to a picture of him sitting at the very desk that was set up in his room.
“CPA?” wondered Pinkie. “What’s that?”
“Certified Public Accountant,” he stated while rubbing a hoof over the notarized document proving he had met all the requirements needed to be a CPA.
“Muh mom is an accountant,” he said while turning to the next page. “She’s also very smarts when it comes to the laws for reasonable accommodations of a job. This is what allowed me to get hired to work from home for the very firm she had been workin’ at for years.”
Wow,” awed Pinkie. “You’re one very smart foal, umm, I mean, stallion.”
“Nots smart enough,” he sighed as he saw a picture of himself with a normal-sized, green-coated mare.
“Who is she?” asked Pinkie.
“She was muh everythin’,” he replied. “She’s also the only pony who’d loved me for who I’s was instead of resentin’ me for what’s I was.”
“Oh…,” Pinkie almost felt her floofy, cotton candy-like hair lose its fluff upon hearing where the story seemed to be going.
“Long story short,” continued Swaddle Puff. “There’s was another pony who’d liked muh Lemon Lime. So, when I was chosen for a promotion overs hims, he made it his personal goal to humiliate me and sabotage muh work.”
“Despite muh hard work,” he grumpily stated. “Those ponies who partnered with muh company were very displeased to know that a ‘foal’ was responsible for all their accounting needs. Muh jealous coworker, who was in competition with me for the promotion also tolds everyone’s he could about all of muh disabilities, how I wore and used diapers, and hows I gots around in a stroller.”
“That’s terrible,” stated Pinkie with an angry look across her face.
“What’s terrible,” Swaddle Puff continued. “Is how that pony turned the entire office against me. Ponies who once respected and appreciated what’s I did started to leave me out of projects, meetings, and any chance I ever had at buildin’ a list of clients to serve.”
“Sounds like a real jerk,” huffed Pinkie.
“The bullyin’ and all got so bad that I had no other choice but to quits muh job,” he growled. “Lemon Lime tried to get me to stay, but I just couldn’t take another day of being treated like a foal by those who had once treated me like a colleague.”
“I think yous gets the idea,” he said while placing the picture album back to where he had it kept. “I once hads muh own apartment, a special some pony, a great job, and now I live as a foal with muh parents.”
“…,” Pinkie didn’t know the right words to say.
“Why’s bother tryin’ to be somethin’ no pony will ever treats you like,” growled Swaddle Puff. “Is easier to just go by a different name, act the foal, and nots be ever be treated horribly evers again."
Category Story / My Little Pony / Brony
Species Pony (MLP)
Gender Multiple characters
Size 500 x 559px
File Size 82.6 kB