Nothing like riling up the crowd before a good old fashioned execution, especially when the victim is one of those horrid furless beings!
I'm sure every word he's saying is 100% the truth! :P
This is a sequel of sorts to these older sketches here:
The Herimash, the forest-dwelling catfolk of my setting, sometimes have a quite tense relationship with humans.
What likely happened is humans found metals or precious stones in Herimash lands and unsuccessfully tried to drive them away. As the Herimash fought back, a proper army was deployed. The human general kneeling on the ground probably thought dealing with them would be a piece of cake, and decided to rush head-first into the deep forests... the rest is history. :P
I'm sure every word he's saying is 100% the truth! :P
This is a sequel of sorts to these older sketches here:
The Herimash, the forest-dwelling catfolk of my setting, sometimes have a quite tense relationship with humans.
What likely happened is humans found metals or precious stones in Herimash lands and unsuccessfully tried to drive them away. As the Herimash fought back, a proper army was deployed. The human general kneeling on the ground probably thought dealing with them would be a piece of cake, and decided to rush head-first into the deep forests... the rest is history. :P
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Fantasy
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1378 x 1100px
File Size 2.81 MB
Listed in Folders
Love how you drew the human guy! I feel bad for him.. lets hope he actually drinks kitty blood wine and wears kitty skin boots XD Maybe that'll make this less sad!
Also I am sure this very zealous kitty is very good at riling up his troops and making them feel zero mercy to the invaders!! :P
Also I love how the kitty looks like next to the old kitty! He cute!
Also I am sure this very zealous kitty is very good at riling up his troops and making them feel zero mercy to the invaders!! :P
Also I love how the kitty looks like next to the old kitty! He cute!
Human General: "To address a few of your claims: no, we don't make wine out of your blood. Does blood How would that even work? Second of all, beastfolk leather would be an impractical industry, although I can't speak to the hobbies of my cohorts. Third of all, that's not how gunpowder works. Though if you're referring to that time we shot your ancestors ashes *out* of a cannon, I can understand the confusion."
Herimash Elder: "And the taking our children and burning our villages bit?"
Human General: "We burned the villages first and then adopted the war-orphans. Order of events is important."
Herimash Elder: "You are *NOT* helping your case here."
Human General: "Ha! You think I care? I'm as boned as your people were the second we discovered gold in this region!"
Herimash Elder: "And the taking our children and burning our villages bit?"
Human General: "We burned the villages first and then adopted the war-orphans. Order of events is important."
Herimash Elder: "You are *NOT* helping your case here."
Human General: "Ha! You think I care? I'm as boned as your people were the second we discovered gold in this region!"
Amazing scene you've created here.
Yes the words are unfair and untrue. Still based on what we know, it seems like the humans started this and would have done horrible things. Our own history is full of this sort of thing.
My thoughts are that this human general is greedy and has no respect for Herimash lives. He should be held accountable for this.
Yes the words are unfair and untrue. Still based on what we know, it seems like the humans started this and would have done horrible things. Our own history is full of this sort of thing.
My thoughts are that this human general is greedy and has no respect for Herimash lives. He should be held accountable for this.
It is a sequel to this drawing done last year:
Great work on the details of the "front and center" subjects, but I also want to add that I like how you've done the background crowd. For such comparatively basic details being used for them, there's something about how you did them that I like quite a bit. Maybe it's how, at least to me, they're all still clearly cat-folk, and also clearly angry, with their eyebrows and all.
Anyways, good work, man!
Anyways, good work, man!