Ok so after a long time, I finally feel confident enough with this story to post it, accompanied by a fun pic by
Devilduk I got for it, showing KC relaxing on the very Salem bench where DJ found her.
Part I: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31299368/
The city of Salem was abuzz with activity, with people from all around the world coming to be bewitched by its mystical charm, although some took that a little more literally.
DJ, with two other friends by her side and a fox head tucked under her arms, trotted down Essex Street. They were heading to one of the more famous witch shops in the city, one that’s been around since the Salem Witch Trials themselves.
She reached over, giving the fox head a pat, who in turn gave her hand a lick. “You guys ready for this shop? My aunt Shenandoah and uncle Rutoko took me here once. They say it’s owned by the legendary Rebecca Nurse, but I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“Rebecca nurse? Wasn’t she hanged during the trials,” one of the two, a large lion, argued.
“According to records, yes. But the record keeping back in 1692 wasn’t exactly top notch, not to mention the hysteria itself. For all we know they may have just locked them away and said they were dead.”
“Fair. But didn’t I read somewhere-“
“Wait, you actually read,” the other fur, a wolf halfcut, interrupted.
The lion gave him a blank look. “If I didn’t love you, I’d sock you where it counts.”
“Where, my crotch, or my ass? Cause at least one of us needs a cock,” he teased more.
“Shut it. Not my fault I was born nullo. At least it means I don’t need to wear clothing. Although I still do have these phantom tingles in my groin. But anyways, I read that her sisters Mary and Sarah were also accused of witchcraft, with Mary heading to the ropes a couple months later.”
DJ stopped for a moment, looking down at the ground and thinking.
“What’s up DJ,” the Fox head asked, snapping DJ out of her trance.
“Huh? Oh nothing, just remembering something my aunt told me about the shop keeper: ‘Keep your guard up around her. She may seem nice and sweet, but those tails of yours will only protect you for so long.’”
The lion stopped next to her, cocking his eyebrows and taking the fox head in his own hands. “Meaning…”
“I don’t know, nor do I think I could if I wanted to right now. Just remember to keep your guard up. Even more so than you usually do in the Witch City.”
The group made their way down the street, finally stopping in front of a normal looking shop front, decorated for Halloween and with signs inviting tourists from all around the world inside. As they opened the door, a cartoonish cat’s screech could be heard.
“Welcome dearies to Nec Prorsus Ipsum. I’m Rebecca. How can I help you today,” a young looking fox greeted from behind a counter. Standing up, she could be seen wearing old-fashioned clothing, stereotypical of the Trials era.
DJ walked up to her, looking around at the typical tourist place, which set itself apart from the other shops in town through the use of more realistic models and mannequins matching a variety of species. Before she even got up to the counter fully though, Rebecca grabbed her head and closed her eyes, sticking her hand out. Her hand began glowing blue, her fur bristling.
“I sense a particular magic in all four of you. A magic I have seldom seen in years. It seems you four have come across my two sisters, Mary and Sarah. With three of you being directly touched and influenced by them, and the other one having a memory block. Please, come closer.”
The group did as told, DJ breathing deeply.
Rebecca reached out, pointing gently to KC. “May I see you please? I need to get a closer look.”
The wolf looked down to the head, the fox nodding. “I’ll be fine, DJ. Don’t ask how I know, I just do.” At that she handed KC over to Rebecca.
“Ah Kacey-Claire Connelly. I’d never forget your beautiful face. Seems you had the worst run in of all. Good old Mary and Sarah. Still up to their black magic tricks. Them and that goddamn demon of theirs.” She turned around quickly, setting KC down on a nearby table, an otherwise fake looking crystal glass ball glowing as blue as Rebecca’s hand. “Hmm, at least they had the kindness to add a memory block. Tell me, are they still going by the names Rosine and Violette?”
“Ah, no need to answer. I can tell that as a yes. Well, at least they got creative in their names. Only Sarah had the power to, you might say, ‘alter reality’, like that. And, from how little the spell has faded, this happened no more than two weeks ago.”
DJ stood forward, shaking her head. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Mrs Nurse. Can I call Mrs Nurse? Because you clearly are the Rebecca Nurse my aunt told me about; but how exactly can you tell? I only see one tail on you.”
“My my, Little Dust, I’m surprised you of all people don’t remember me. This is far from the first time we’ve met. But I suppose I can’t be upset that my own memory block is working so well. But it seems you too have been affected by my sisters. You see, you three,” she said, pointing to the two wolves and lion, “have all been affected by this spell. Well, plus the other one you two are under,” she added, nodding to the guys. “Tell me, when do you three remember meeting KC here?”
DJ looked down at the ground, thinking. “I can’t remember. I feel as if she’s been a longtime friend alongside Prince and René. That I took her under my wing when I was younger. Yet I can’t shake this gut feeling I have deep down that she’s not.”
“Same here. KC has always been our friend.”
Rebecca shook her head. “Not quite. My guess is you’ve only known her for a few days. Probably since that demon ditched her.”
KC blinked. “So wait, that wasn’t just a crazy dream? I actually did have a demon hijack my body and leave me on a park bench? I thought that was just mixed memories from a prank my friends pulled on me when we were little.”
Rebecca just shook her head, the Crystal ball glowing brighter, an image slowly forming on it.
“Wait, don’t tell me that thing actually works how I think it does,” DJ exclaimed sarcastically.
“Unfortunately yes, cliche as it may be. The crystal lattice of quartz makes for an excellent conductor of energy. It’s why it’s used to tell time. Add a little magic, and you’ve got a great way to keep an eye on others.”
Behind the fox, her single tail split, becoming seven. An image finally came up on screen of a small room, a single bed in one corner, with a blonde male human laying in it on his phone.
“Ooh, he’s cute,” Prince grinned, licking his chops, but also resulting in twin hits to his shoulders by DJ and René.
“You like him do you?”
KC stared at him, being unable to recognise him.. “Who...is he?”
“From the looks of it, your boyfriend dear. It appears the demon has taken quite a liking to him. Based on the texts he’s receiving from her,” Rebecca grinned, rotating the image in the crystal ball to show his phone screen, cutesy messages coming up on screen.
“I-I don’t remember him. I don’t think any boy would like me the way I am.”
“Wrong, girl,” DJ and the guys shouted in unison, giggling together.
“I agree. You’d be surprised how many people are just in it for the head rather than the body attached. Say nothing of her,” she teased, pointing back to the wolftaur, enticing a “hey!”
“Let’s see what else she’s up to.”
Holding her hands against the ball, the image is dragged and spun, giving the group a look around KC’s dorm room. On the desk can be seen a few open textbooks, and hanging on the wall a bunch of clothing, all short and largely black or dark colored. On the walls were heavy metal and rock posters, a guitar hanging above the bed. The door could be seen opening, a normal looking orange furred fox walking in with a heavy sigh. She looked up and to the side, smiling briefly, a shudder running down her back, causing her to look upwards with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey babe, you good? Have a good test,” a male blonde haired human laying on a bed bearby asked.
“Oh yeah I’m fine. Passed at least. Just got a weird feeling we were being watched is all. It was probably nothing,” the responded.
“Oh well that’s ‘cause we are. Big brother and all that jazz. The man is always watching us and you know it.”
“Heh shut up hon. You’re such a loser sometimes you know?”
“That’s why you bang me, bow chicka bow wow,” he taunted, humping his hips a bit.
The lion leaned away from the crystal ball. “Yep, my boner is officially gone now,” Princeton sighs, looking down at his null crotch, quickly clamping DJ’s mouth shut. “Don’t say it, you!”
“He seems to be all hair no brains,” KC sighs, rolling her eyes.
They all focussed again on the scene playing out inside the crystal ball.
“Heh quiet you,” the fox teased back, pushing his face away, enticing a chuckle. “Now that that’s done though, I should probably focus on my academics for a bit.”
“Oh come on, that can wait. How about a quickie round? I’ve got the Red Room spell memorized and everything. And, maybe one other spell you might like,” the boy winked. He must have suggested this often given how confident he sounded.
“Heh, would love to, but no. Gotta get this Magitech project finished today asap for history if I have any chance of getting a passing grade.”
“Daw, you’re no fun.”
The group looked at the ball, a small smile on KC’s face.
Rebecca cocked her eyebrows a bit. “Well, for a demon, she sure is studious. She seems to have kept your life going a bit hon. What is it you were studying?”
“Early childhood education and healthcare, with a minor in language studies. I wanted to become a nanny or daycare teacher.”
“It seems the demon shares the same passion.”
DJ stood up, rubbing the top of KC’s head. “KC, isn’t that what you do for me now? You do a wonderful job with Maddie, Andy, and Taryn now as is, even without a degree or anything.”
The fox head blushed, looking up at her friend. “Heh thanks DJ. Yeah, your kids are super cute. I’m happy to help with them.”
“So, what would you say? Want to confront the demon herself now, take back your life,” Rebecca asked, a mischievous grin on her muzzle as her tails glow gently.
KC looked down at the table, and back to the ball with the demon’s portrait now displayed on it. She takes a deep sigh, and looks up at Rebecca.
“Yeah. Let’s do it. Get it out of the way.”
Rebecca’s grin grew wider, the older Kitsune running to a nearby stone arch, waving her hands across some glyphs and quickly chanting an indecipherable incantation. A shimmering blue tinted portal opened up, the room with the two startled students just behind it.
DJ picked KC up, holding the fox head close to her chest, turning to look at the other two. “Princeton, René, you two stay here. Be ready to rush back to Boston if I call. I’ll help KC.”
“Of course,” the two boys say in unison.
DJ looks at Rebecca, who leads the charge into the portal and to the dorm room, the portal closing behind DJ.

Part I: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31299368/
The city of Salem was abuzz with activity, with people from all around the world coming to be bewitched by its mystical charm, although some took that a little more literally.
DJ, with two other friends by her side and a fox head tucked under her arms, trotted down Essex Street. They were heading to one of the more famous witch shops in the city, one that’s been around since the Salem Witch Trials themselves.
She reached over, giving the fox head a pat, who in turn gave her hand a lick. “You guys ready for this shop? My aunt Shenandoah and uncle Rutoko took me here once. They say it’s owned by the legendary Rebecca Nurse, but I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“Rebecca nurse? Wasn’t she hanged during the trials,” one of the two, a large lion, argued.
“According to records, yes. But the record keeping back in 1692 wasn’t exactly top notch, not to mention the hysteria itself. For all we know they may have just locked them away and said they were dead.”
“Fair. But didn’t I read somewhere-“
“Wait, you actually read,” the other fur, a wolf halfcut, interrupted.
The lion gave him a blank look. “If I didn’t love you, I’d sock you where it counts.”
“Where, my crotch, or my ass? Cause at least one of us needs a cock,” he teased more.
“Shut it. Not my fault I was born nullo. At least it means I don’t need to wear clothing. Although I still do have these phantom tingles in my groin. But anyways, I read that her sisters Mary and Sarah were also accused of witchcraft, with Mary heading to the ropes a couple months later.”
DJ stopped for a moment, looking down at the ground and thinking.
“What’s up DJ,” the Fox head asked, snapping DJ out of her trance.
“Huh? Oh nothing, just remembering something my aunt told me about the shop keeper: ‘Keep your guard up around her. She may seem nice and sweet, but those tails of yours will only protect you for so long.’”
The lion stopped next to her, cocking his eyebrows and taking the fox head in his own hands. “Meaning…”
“I don’t know, nor do I think I could if I wanted to right now. Just remember to keep your guard up. Even more so than you usually do in the Witch City.”
The group made their way down the street, finally stopping in front of a normal looking shop front, decorated for Halloween and with signs inviting tourists from all around the world inside. As they opened the door, a cartoonish cat’s screech could be heard.
“Welcome dearies to Nec Prorsus Ipsum. I’m Rebecca. How can I help you today,” a young looking fox greeted from behind a counter. Standing up, she could be seen wearing old-fashioned clothing, stereotypical of the Trials era.
DJ walked up to her, looking around at the typical tourist place, which set itself apart from the other shops in town through the use of more realistic models and mannequins matching a variety of species. Before she even got up to the counter fully though, Rebecca grabbed her head and closed her eyes, sticking her hand out. Her hand began glowing blue, her fur bristling.
“I sense a particular magic in all four of you. A magic I have seldom seen in years. It seems you four have come across my two sisters, Mary and Sarah. With three of you being directly touched and influenced by them, and the other one having a memory block. Please, come closer.”
The group did as told, DJ breathing deeply.
Rebecca reached out, pointing gently to KC. “May I see you please? I need to get a closer look.”
The wolf looked down to the head, the fox nodding. “I’ll be fine, DJ. Don’t ask how I know, I just do.” At that she handed KC over to Rebecca.
“Ah Kacey-Claire Connelly. I’d never forget your beautiful face. Seems you had the worst run in of all. Good old Mary and Sarah. Still up to their black magic tricks. Them and that goddamn demon of theirs.” She turned around quickly, setting KC down on a nearby table, an otherwise fake looking crystal glass ball glowing as blue as Rebecca’s hand. “Hmm, at least they had the kindness to add a memory block. Tell me, are they still going by the names Rosine and Violette?”
“Ah, no need to answer. I can tell that as a yes. Well, at least they got creative in their names. Only Sarah had the power to, you might say, ‘alter reality’, like that. And, from how little the spell has faded, this happened no more than two weeks ago.”
DJ stood forward, shaking her head. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Mrs Nurse. Can I call Mrs Nurse? Because you clearly are the Rebecca Nurse my aunt told me about; but how exactly can you tell? I only see one tail on you.”
“My my, Little Dust, I’m surprised you of all people don’t remember me. This is far from the first time we’ve met. But I suppose I can’t be upset that my own memory block is working so well. But it seems you too have been affected by my sisters. You see, you three,” she said, pointing to the two wolves and lion, “have all been affected by this spell. Well, plus the other one you two are under,” she added, nodding to the guys. “Tell me, when do you three remember meeting KC here?”
DJ looked down at the ground, thinking. “I can’t remember. I feel as if she’s been a longtime friend alongside Prince and René. That I took her under my wing when I was younger. Yet I can’t shake this gut feeling I have deep down that she’s not.”
“Same here. KC has always been our friend.”
Rebecca shook her head. “Not quite. My guess is you’ve only known her for a few days. Probably since that demon ditched her.”
KC blinked. “So wait, that wasn’t just a crazy dream? I actually did have a demon hijack my body and leave me on a park bench? I thought that was just mixed memories from a prank my friends pulled on me when we were little.”
Rebecca just shook her head, the Crystal ball glowing brighter, an image slowly forming on it.
“Wait, don’t tell me that thing actually works how I think it does,” DJ exclaimed sarcastically.
“Unfortunately yes, cliche as it may be. The crystal lattice of quartz makes for an excellent conductor of energy. It’s why it’s used to tell time. Add a little magic, and you’ve got a great way to keep an eye on others.”
Behind the fox, her single tail split, becoming seven. An image finally came up on screen of a small room, a single bed in one corner, with a blonde male human laying in it on his phone.
“Ooh, he’s cute,” Prince grinned, licking his chops, but also resulting in twin hits to his shoulders by DJ and René.
“You like him do you?”
KC stared at him, being unable to recognise him.. “Who...is he?”
“From the looks of it, your boyfriend dear. It appears the demon has taken quite a liking to him. Based on the texts he’s receiving from her,” Rebecca grinned, rotating the image in the crystal ball to show his phone screen, cutesy messages coming up on screen.
“I-I don’t remember him. I don’t think any boy would like me the way I am.”
“Wrong, girl,” DJ and the guys shouted in unison, giggling together.
“I agree. You’d be surprised how many people are just in it for the head rather than the body attached. Say nothing of her,” she teased, pointing back to the wolftaur, enticing a “hey!”
“Let’s see what else she’s up to.”
Holding her hands against the ball, the image is dragged and spun, giving the group a look around KC’s dorm room. On the desk can be seen a few open textbooks, and hanging on the wall a bunch of clothing, all short and largely black or dark colored. On the walls were heavy metal and rock posters, a guitar hanging above the bed. The door could be seen opening, a normal looking orange furred fox walking in with a heavy sigh. She looked up and to the side, smiling briefly, a shudder running down her back, causing her to look upwards with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey babe, you good? Have a good test,” a male blonde haired human laying on a bed bearby asked.
“Oh yeah I’m fine. Passed at least. Just got a weird feeling we were being watched is all. It was probably nothing,” the responded.
“Oh well that’s ‘cause we are. Big brother and all that jazz. The man is always watching us and you know it.”
“Heh shut up hon. You’re such a loser sometimes you know?”
“That’s why you bang me, bow chicka bow wow,” he taunted, humping his hips a bit.
The lion leaned away from the crystal ball. “Yep, my boner is officially gone now,” Princeton sighs, looking down at his null crotch, quickly clamping DJ’s mouth shut. “Don’t say it, you!”
“He seems to be all hair no brains,” KC sighs, rolling her eyes.
They all focussed again on the scene playing out inside the crystal ball.
“Heh quiet you,” the fox teased back, pushing his face away, enticing a chuckle. “Now that that’s done though, I should probably focus on my academics for a bit.”
“Oh come on, that can wait. How about a quickie round? I’ve got the Red Room spell memorized and everything. And, maybe one other spell you might like,” the boy winked. He must have suggested this often given how confident he sounded.
“Heh, would love to, but no. Gotta get this Magitech project finished today asap for history if I have any chance of getting a passing grade.”
“Daw, you’re no fun.”
The group looked at the ball, a small smile on KC’s face.
Rebecca cocked her eyebrows a bit. “Well, for a demon, she sure is studious. She seems to have kept your life going a bit hon. What is it you were studying?”
“Early childhood education and healthcare, with a minor in language studies. I wanted to become a nanny or daycare teacher.”
“It seems the demon shares the same passion.”
DJ stood up, rubbing the top of KC’s head. “KC, isn’t that what you do for me now? You do a wonderful job with Maddie, Andy, and Taryn now as is, even without a degree or anything.”
The fox head blushed, looking up at her friend. “Heh thanks DJ. Yeah, your kids are super cute. I’m happy to help with them.”
“So, what would you say? Want to confront the demon herself now, take back your life,” Rebecca asked, a mischievous grin on her muzzle as her tails glow gently.
KC looked down at the table, and back to the ball with the demon’s portrait now displayed on it. She takes a deep sigh, and looks up at Rebecca.
“Yeah. Let’s do it. Get it out of the way.”
Rebecca’s grin grew wider, the older Kitsune running to a nearby stone arch, waving her hands across some glyphs and quickly chanting an indecipherable incantation. A shimmering blue tinted portal opened up, the room with the two startled students just behind it.
DJ picked KC up, holding the fox head close to her chest, turning to look at the other two. “Princeton, René, you two stay here. Be ready to rush back to Boston if I call. I’ll help KC.”
“Of course,” the two boys say in unison.
DJ looks at Rebecca, who leads the charge into the portal and to the dorm room, the portal closing behind DJ.
Category Other / Miscellaneous
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Other / Not Specified
Size 2388 x 1668px
File Size 583.9 kB
I hope KC can get her body back with the help of Rebecca. I know I felt bad for her when I read the first part with the picture. Actually I have a stage magician character with real magic who would be upset to hear about what happened to KC. Well him and a couple of my characters including my sona would be upset.