[DE] Nach einem kleinen 2-wöchigen Legalstreit, den Cody mit der juristischen Macht seines Anwalts, so wie den seines Vaters, in aller Hinsicht der Dinge...vernichten konnte, konnte sich der junge Ledermann endlich wieder auf die wichtigen Dinge konzentrieren. Zum Beispiel: es war Folsom! Und Cody war zu einem Podcast eingeladen und danach war noch ein BLUF-Abendessen und Mr. Berlin Leather 2022 kam sowas immer recht. Für all das verschlug es die Lederratte nach München. In Bayerns Hauptstadt quartierte sich Cody für ein Wochenende in einem Hotel ein, Koffer war bis auf ein Uniformhemd aus Baumwolle, nur voll mit Leder. Auch wenn der Inneneinrichter wirklich einen sehr komischen Geschmack für Gemälde hatte. "Non Smoking" na ja, was war schon jemand um abstrakte Kunst zu deuten... Mit diesen Gedanken ließ er seine fette Zigarre entflammen, um genüsslich den Morgen richtig zu starten.
[EN] After a small 2-week legal battle, which Cody was able to quash with the legal might of his lawyer, as well as his father, in all respects of things...the young leatherman was finally able to focus on the important things again. For example: it was Folsom! And Cody was invited to a podcast and afterwards there was a BLUF dinner and Mr. Berlin Leather 2022 was always up for that. The leather rat ended up in Munich for all of this. Cody stayed in a hotel in Bavaria's capital for a weekend, his suitcase was full of leather except for a cotton uniform shirt. Even if the interior decorator really had a very strange taste in paintings. “Non Smoking” oh well, what was anyone to interpret abstract art… With these thoughts, he lit up his fat cigar to start the morning off right.
Made by the one and onlyyyyyyyyyy https://x.com/akipandad kudos and thanks as always
[EN] After a small 2-week legal battle, which Cody was able to quash with the legal might of his lawyer, as well as his father, in all respects of things...the young leatherman was finally able to focus on the important things again. For example: it was Folsom! And Cody was invited to a podcast and afterwards there was a BLUF dinner and Mr. Berlin Leather 2022 was always up for that. The leather rat ended up in Munich for all of this. Cody stayed in a hotel in Bavaria's capital for a weekend, his suitcase was full of leather except for a cotton uniform shirt. Even if the interior decorator really had a very strange taste in paintings. “Non Smoking” oh well, what was anyone to interpret abstract art… With these thoughts, he lit up his fat cigar to start the morning off right.
Made by the one and onlyyyyyyyyyy https://x.com/akipandad kudos and thanks as always
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Rat
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 1053px
File Size 119.6 kB