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I was starstruck. Everything, at least so far since I’d been kicked out of the nest was going almost exactly as the Manga predicted it would. With only a few differences here and there. But somehow even with all the hard work I put into being a better dragon, I still wound up in a situation where I was rescued by Dearia.
My eyes sparkled as they were captivated by the elf’s appearance. If my staring made them uncomfortable, Dearia never showed it. His face, stoic and as calm as ever even as he had to arch his head up to get a good look at me. “What is a dragon, of all things doing this far out anyway? Far as I know…your kind prefer the mountains and volcanic regions. At least…Flame dragons do.”
“Ah! That’s right!” An ! Mark appeared above my head as I remembered what it was I was doing out here in the forest. One fisted hand dropped down onto my palm below. “I’m in need of your services!”
{You’re not even going to ask me what I’m talking about?!}
“I haven’t said anything yet! Besides aren’t you the slightest bit curious how I know about you? You’re Dearia…An Architect for magical creatures, and a Realtor that also has the title of Dark Lord.”
“That’s correct.”
{Jeez! You could at least look a little shocked that I just summarized your entire life profession!}
“So uh…I need a house. Ah wait…Sorry, my name is Letty. I should have started with that, I’m so sorry.” I placed both hands over my eyes, feeling ashamed by my lack of manners. Already I could hear father’s voice roaring in my ear about how dragons above all else should be courteous to the other species. Especially those you’re trying to gain favor from.
All of my screw ups however, didn’t phase Dearia. If anything he just smiled and held up his business card for me to take. A gesture that was almost useless after I explained his own profession but it was a sign that he was willing to help. “Well then Letty. I can help. But please remember that as a Dragon, you’ll require a bigger living space than most. And a home with Anti-Yuusha traps will probably be the most favorable for your size.”
{I think I know where this is going...I thought this was hilarious on television but this is going to be a nightmare...}
“So...uhm...What do you recommend?”
My question was fraught with peril as I only knew TOO well the properties we were going to be visiting on this adventure. But I was determined to make the most of it. To be a braver dragon than my anime counterpart was so that I could stand proud among the dragons of my species.
The answer, came not from a direct response from Dearia. Instead, he took out a spell book, one I didn't even know WHERE he kept and flipped through the pages. I tried reading into what the text said but it was in an Elvish script that I CERTAINLY didn't have any knowledge of, as I could only read common English and Draconic as was what I was educated in during my upbringing. But I didn't need to know how to read the text to recognize an incantation when I saw it.
A circle, one I assumed was one of summoning began to form around our feet and enveloped us in a warm purple glow. Dearia's eyes also featured a similar glimmer as suddenly our surroundings became a blur to the two of us. I had to close my eyes to avoid being blinded.
When I finally took the courage to open my eyes, my jaw dropped. We were standing exactly where I expected us to be. In front of an old Temple structure. Or it SHOULD be old, but everything looked polished...not a crack in the foundation, no moss growing on the sides and the foundation looked as though it were all done within the last couple decades...
“What is this place...? Wait! Did you use Teleportation magic on us just now?”
“Why, yes I did.” The elf took one look towards Letty, before walking up the temple's stairs while explaining the history of the property. “This property is only 27 or so years old but the Architect wanted to design it like that of the temples in the ancient times. It gives an aesthetically pleasing vibe wouldn't you say?”
{I'll say...} Even at my full height, I was maybe only about a third as tall as the structure itself. Suddenly, I felt very small...Which was a very unnatural feeling considering how large my species was. “But it seems a bit...big for one person...Can't we look at a simpler house?”
“I understand your need for simplicity. And while I want to consider my client's wishes when looking at new properties, I also need to factor in the specific requirements for every species. And as a dragon, you're going to need much more room compared to other races.”
“I guess that makes sense...” One clawed finger rest on my chin as I stepped in line behind Dearia, crossing the door frame while admiring the stonework that must have taken ages to cut and put together. Inside, there was a wide, almost empty hall that stretched out as far as Letty could see within the structure. Several lion statues were situated at either side inside the temple, water flowing from their jaws and into a channel that led back outside. Or, half of them did...Some of the statues had channels that led further into the structure that left me confused. In the original work the statues were OUTSIDE of the temple.
{How odd...But then maybe this isn't the same temple that Letty was shown in the original material. That might explain it...}
“I can see you're admiring the intricacy of the property but please do watch where you step. This place is designed to protect the home owner so there are plenty of Anti-Yuusha traps set all around the place.”
“Uhhh right.” My eyes shifted from the clean, almost sparkling walls of the temple interior and now towards the floor. If I remembered right, Letty first fell into the underground dwelling of this temple because he hadn't watched his footing. “Dearia...?”
The Elf turned around, looking up to look me in the eyes. His face unchanging but there WAS a sense of concern in his gaze somehow. “What is it, Letty? Is this place not to your liking?”
“Oh no it's not that.” I waved a hand politely, as though to dismiss the thought and started scratching the side of my muzzle. “But how can I watch my step...if I don't see anything out of place...? Everything looks natural.”
“Oh, is that all?” Dearia's gaze remained undeterred, his spell book close at hand as he flipped through it's pages. “Well that's natural. You wouldn't want your traps to be obvious to would-be invaders now would you? In that case...Don't worry about where you step. I'm well versed in resurrection magic so if you fall into a life ending trap I'll make sure to bring you back.”
{That does not reassure me!!} But the way Dearia said it. The answer so clear cut and obvious to the elf told me they didn't want me harmed. In a way...his cold demeanor was also something I expected and took a small bit of comfort. He didn't show his emotions on his sleeves but his actions were a different story. “O-oh...well that's good to know. Please do that. I wouldn't want to be reincarnated all over again.”
“Reincarnated again?” Dearia let those words sit for a moment. His eyes for the first time having a light under them as he studied the red dragon. They were so cautious, each step careful as though he were trying to avoid stepping on a small person. They'd only just met but he could see that Letty might have it tough out in the open world.
I felt something under my clawed foot give in underneath and saw that a small stone panel had depressed into the flooring. My blood ran cold for only a moment before a large trap door, large enough that my father could have fit, opened up below me. “Aaah! Fly fly fly...!” I started flapping my wings desperately, all these years of training to be a more dependable dragon allowing me to remain in the air long enough that I was able to make my way back to solid flooring.
“Ahh...haahh....haaah...That...was close...” I panted heavy. Steam coming out of my maw with each panted breath. “That was...stressful.” I reached a hand forward, grabbing one of the lion statues for a solid handle to get back up on my feet but as my hand grasped the head I heard a click come from within the head as it shifted.
{Oh no...What now...This wasn't in the anime...!}
The lion head statues around the area stopped generating water, which already left me feeling nervous. I thought something was about to spring out, like some snakes that might have been hiding in the water or maybe some sort of alarm to trigger. Instead, the ground that I was standing on started wobbling. I looked below me and saw how the stone panel that I was standing on was tilting to and fro. The next thing I knew, the floor opened up below me. Or rather it slanted...turning into a slide that left me sliding down into the abyss rather than a straight fall.
The trap chute that I'd fallen through was smooth and quick. I barely had enough time to scream out the Elf's name before I saw a light at the end of the tunnel I was currently being hurled through. When my eyes finally adjusted, I could see a few torches that illuminated the stone walls and heard the steady dripping of water from the ceiling. All in all it looked like I'd fallen into your stereotypical dungeon, only...why was I looking at everything from a birds eye view...?
That's when I looked down and realized the Chute had dropped me 20 feet above the dungeon's surface, and with nothing beneath me to soften my descent, as soon as I dropped down the room shook beneath my weight and a thud resounded through the dungeon area.
“Ah...that really smarts...ow...” I slowly pulled myself up to my feet while rubbing my poor backside. “Ah! My butt's red! That was a really hard fall. Oh wait...” A visible sweat drop formed on my forehead. “I'm a flame dragon...I'm already red...”
My momentary lapse in recognition left my cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink as I tried to ignore my blunder. For now, I had to figure out how I was going to get back up to ground level. “Dearia...!! Heeeeeey! Dearia!!!” I brought both clawed hands towards my muzzle, shouting at the top of my lungs while pacing through the dungeon corridor.
But no sound came from above. Could the elf even HEAR me? What's more...Could I navigate this place without their assistance? After my last bout of yelling, I finally took in a deep breath before sneezing. “It smells so stagnant in here...” I brought one clawed hand to my snout and tried not to think what that scent may be...It WAS a dungeon after all.
Just then however, a bright purple light appeared before me, with the same lines of magic I recalled from the first time I'd seen it. Dearia formed from within it in the blink of an eye and my own started beaming with relief. “aaah! There you are! Where were you?”
“I wanted to give you some time to explore the dungeon of course.” Dearia answered matter of factly. His gaze looking up into my eyes, serenity within them.
“And this is supposed to be a habitable environment...?”
“Yes. Dungeons are pretty common for Dragons like you to reside in.” Dearia explained, his hand ever present on his book. “You see...up on the ground floor there are no bedrooms. Where we are NOW is the main living quarters for the resident who buys this property.”
“But the air is so unpleasant...isn't there something we can do about that?” I asked, rubbing my snout a few times as though to settle my sense of smell but took a few steps when Dearia started walking without even giving me so much as an answer. “Hey...! You're not ignoring me are you?”
“This place is filled with many traps Letty. I think we should explore every inch of it so you know what to expect. There are two floors below, each one more harrowing than the next. If the air is so unpleasant, it's probably because the bottom floor probably already has victims of heroes trying to plunder the treasure that the previous home owner kept locked away. Oh! But don't you worry, they gave us full permission to explore and even said we could keep whatever we find down here.”
My face went pale. None of that actually made logical sense to me OR made me feel better. The scent was only a minor inconvenience but now I couldn't help but imagine a mountain of bones down below alongside a couple of tombstones! This was a death trap!
I wanted to flee. Get away from this home but I also didn't want to disappoint Dearia, so I trudged forward alongside them. Letting them show me all manner of traps that were installed for the sake of transparency.
Form this point I was subjected to a myriad of traps that I either triggered by mistake, or Dearia insisted be triggered so that I understood the methods behind them. One was a volley of heavy spears that nearly took my head and wings off, making sizeable damaging holes in the stone walls behind me. A human would have been cut in two!
The next, I nearly fell into a bed of spikes. I was only saved by my quick thinking and grasping at the corner of the ledge. I was grateful that I spent all that time in my parents den bulking up and training but my mental strength still needed work as with every trap I grew more and more weary.
The last, was a large rolling boulder that I triggered out of nowhere. I didn't TOUCH anything, it just simply happened as I reached a certain point within the temple. It was there that I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Running on all fours while cursing out whoever made this place before I was unceremoniously flattened by the boulder.
Weirdly enough, it didn't hurt...Maybe it was because I was a dragon. Or maybe my experience in defense went up during this whole escapade...but I knew what it felt like to be a pancake either way. My tail twitched, while Dearia watched from the side. Not really offering outside aide, but he DID look a little concerned until I brought a clawed thumb to my flattened muzzle. I blew as hard as I could. Reinflating my body with cartoon physics that really shouldn't even make sense in real life but it worked!
After popping back into shape I collapsed on the side of the crevice that the boulder had created. “This...really...sucks...”
“Not to fear. We've already made it to the 3rd basement.”
“Let...Me catch...my breath...Wait.” I blinked, suddenly feeling a little better after hearing Dearia mention 3rd. “We're already here?” That lack of energy was now replaced with curiosity of what we might find and I immediately jumped back to Dearia's side as we approached a set of double doors. Each nearly three times as tall as I was. Inscribed on them were two lions posed than in a way that they were in battle with one another leading me to think the architect who built this place was more into felines than anything that should really be occupying this dungeon.
There wasn't anything else down here. And yet...There was an eerie feeling to the door in front of us. Almost like it was begging to be opened and it's contents unleashed. Before I could reach a hand out to push however, Dearia tugged at my tail, grasping the tip of it which abruptly stopped any motion I might have had.
“Don't. Not yet.”
The seriousness in their tone left me trembling. Dearia was always so willing to let Letty stumble into his own mistakes throughout their adventures but this time he was actually stopping me from going in? It was enough that I brought both clawed hands back to my chest and stared curiously at the elf. “O-Okay...but why not?”
“Let's hide. You'll see why.” Dearia answered, letting go of my tail and gesturing towards a pair of support pillars, suggesting that we move behind it where the light of the torches wouldn't reach.
My questions would be answered quick when I heard footsteps. The clanking of metal led me to think maybe an armored hero...? Steel armor by the sounds of it. But when I got a look of them I could see they were accompanied by two others. One was clad in a green tunic with beige pants. They had nothing but a bow in their possession for defense while the last looked to be a mage, wearing a purple silk robe but I couldn't tell if they were male or female.
“I KNOW that dragon had to have come this way.” The Knight grumbled. Looking across the empty room, scanning for any sight or sound that might hint at where their quarry ran off to. “I know he came here.”
“Are we really going to fight a dragon? We're all low level heroes. We're all using level 5 starting gear.” Their ranged fighter spoke up. Not feeling particularly confident in their quest to find the red dragon that was seen roaming around the dungeon.
“Of course we are. You saw how clumsy it was. It triggered every trap on the way down! Do you want some other team to come into this temple and get the rare dragon materials from this spawn drop?” The armored hero argued, hand gripping their sword tighter. “We'd be fools not to take this opportunity.”
Their mage, remaining quiet through their arguing, was approaching the gargantuan doors hiding the treasure they were searching for. Their staff was making a dull Thunk like sound each time it met with the stone floor beneath them. “That dragon wasn't clumsy. It was mighty.”
“What? You saw that thing! It triggered at least 50 different traps on it's way down here. It disabled all of the security measures of this dungeon for us. How can it not be clumsy?!”
“That was a show for us. It KNEW we were watching.” The mage proclaimed, the aura they were producing all too menacing for their companions as they made that prediction. “It triggered every single trap on purpose. To show us that even without all of this dungeon's traps, it could single handedly defeat all of us. We're nothing but snacks to that great beast.”
“S-Snacks...?” The ranger gulped, adjusting the collar of his tunic. “Maybe we should leave then. If that red dragon really is that powerful and boastful, then we're WAY out of our league.”
All this time, I watched silently behind a pillar. Their conversation did not go past me, and three visible dots appeared behind me, as though my very thoughts were processing for all to see. Until the realization dawned on me and a light bulb appeared dimly over my head. {They thought I was doing all of that on PURPOSE?! I nearly fall to my death, get flattened by a boulder...And almost skewered...And they think I was BOASTING?! Well, I guess that's par for the course. My luck must be better...}
On second thought. If they expected me to be this mighty dragon that shouldn't be underestimated then they might send bigger, badder heroes that would have more high ranking, high level gear. In my past life I remember playing games like Monster Hunter and wasting hundreds of hours to get the highest ranking armor and weapons that would help me tackle any creature. Now I WAS the monster.
I brought my paws to my muzzle to keep it shut as my face went flush. So this is what it was like to have Letty's reputation. I'll have to watch my back. And much earlier than I anticipated since we weren't even at the arena yet...!
Just then, Dearia placed a reassuring hand on my arm, forcing me to stifle a yelp before he gestured to the door where the trio found themselves grouped together. I knew what he was saying now, and the reason behind why we were hiding in the first place. {Watch closely...got it.}
With a sense of dread and anticipation, the lead hero, the knight as I found myself calling him would press both hands onto the large double doors and really put his back into it. Arms straining as they tried to pry the six inch thick doors open. Their face was red however as they misjudged just how heavy such an endeavor would be. Both his fellow squad mates joined in, reaching for either door and started pushing together in unison.
For a moment, there was no give in the doors, but then the sounds of stone shifting and a groaning of hinges filled the cavernous room. Steadily, the doors started giving way. A light emitted from the cracks, with their expressions shifting from that of exhaustion and trepidation to that of exhilaration. Gold. Fat stacks of it as though they'd found the dragon's hoard themselves. Rubies the size of ones fist, a crown here and there and even a rare magic staff that was sticking part way through the rubble of gold.
“Aaah! This must be the dragons treasure! Let's grab as much of it as we can. We'll be able to buy all the rare equipment and weapon upgrades we want with all of this loot!”
My eyes and ears widened when I heard how the heroes began to cheer. Entering the treasure room with such merriment I couldn't help but find myself confused. “A heavy door...? Was that really it? No secret trap? No final boss?” I looked down at Dearia, confusion very plastered on my face as my immediate worry was replaced. “Wait, isn't that the treasure the home owner left for us?”
The elf just smiled. Before a loud horrible wail came from the room the trio just entered. The next thing I knew, huge plumes of fire burst out of the room, as if an explosion took place within and that same scent I'd picked up on the first floor basement came trickling into my nostrils again and now I understood that smell. “They were cooked alive...! Wait! So is the reason nobody ever succeeds in this dungeon...”
“That's right.” Dearia slowly moved away from the pillar, all while guiding Letty towards the opened treasure vault so that he could peer inside. The only things that remained of the trio was that of the steel armor the leader of the group had been wearing was now laying at the door without it's owner in sight. “You see, the treasure room here is the biggest trap of all. All of the treasure here IS ripe for the taking...But if you don't get out fast enough you trigger the explosion magic that was set inside. And with how heavy those doors are...Once you're in, you're not liable to get out easy.”
That was terrifying. But what if the owner forgot about their own trap...!? “Uh...Dearia? How does the home owner get around that?”
“There's another entrance to the treasure room from the master bedroom. As long as someone enters from there, then the traps remain dormant.”
{That explains that. But...wait why wasn't there any bones...?} “Dearia...What about the Yuusha? I don't see any physical remains.”
The elf took a breath and gestured for the pile of gold. “That's simple. You see, the home owner isn't fond of having to clean up after the Yuusha. So he paid the cost of having a teleportation circle installed. So any remains get delivered to the closest chapel in the kingdom. So long as their remains are not completely rendered to ash, then the heroes can be revived. They'll just have to pay it out of their own earnings, or their next quest bonus.”
{Heroes have it easy...Getting to revive at a moment's notice if they can get to a chapel. I'm betting monster races don't have that luxury.}
“Now then...You've seen everything that this place has to offer. Would you like to place a bid on it-”
“I refuse. Next house please.” I held both arms out in an X like pattern. Sweat beading along one of my horns as I was very eager to get out of this place. “Where are we going next?”
Using another teleportation spell, Dearia teleported him and myself out of the temple structure and into a thick forested area. I looked up at the sky to see the sun had already set down so we must have been exploring that place for at least 3 hours. When I felt the cold chill on the wind however, my scales all started shivering, and I instinctively spat out a small bout of fire as though to warm myself up as well as get the flame organ inside of my body to start radiating heat internally.
“I forgot...It does get pretty chilly in this world at night...Especially in the winter.” I rubbed my arms while occasionally spouting more flame, casting my gaze downward towards Dearia. “We're not...camping outside are we?”
“No, Letty. We're going to be staying indoors tonight.” Dearia's body language did not fidget in the slightest in the night air. Either they were putting up a show for MY sake, or he was very well insulated. “The next property we are going to be visiting will also be where we'll be staying for the night. Also...You should know it's not the winter air you're feeling. You're in haunted territory so you're likely feeling the chill of this locations residents.”
“Ah...Right. We're in haunted territory, that makes more sense.” I didn't even process the information about a haunted location until a few seconds later. “Wait...Haunted...?” My face went pale, and I began scratching the back of my head. “Are we going to the Mansion of the Dead...?”
The mention of the mansion caught Dearia's attention, eyes glancing up toward the red dragon's before a faint smile formed on his face. “Yes. Have you been in this region before, My Letty?”
“No. Well...Not in person. But I've heard rumors about it.” I was just about to start walking away, but Dearia with a quick hand, grabbed hold of my tail and continued towards the structure all while I was digging my claws into the soil to stop our progression. “Noooo...I can't stand ghosts...! I freaked out whenever my siblings would sit around and talk about ghost stories!”
The structure in question, was a large three story mansion. It's design, reminded me of Spencer manor from the Resident Evil series. Some of the differences being the overgrown vines that were climbing up along every surface of the Mansion's exterior. It was as though nature itself was reclaiming the structure. But another interpretation in my mind was that nature itself was keeping the spirits within wrapped within it's embrace.
“Are you sure we should really be staying in here? If it's haunted we shouldn't intrude...”
Upon opening the front door, lightning flashed behind me. I really did NOT want to go into the mansion, but I also didn't want to stay outside so I steeled myself and took a step in. The floorboards creaked under my weight which already gave me the sense that we were off to a bad start. The décor was riddled in cobwebs.
I tried not to think about it. My body trembled at the thought of staying in a real haunted Mansion. Back in my old world, most were passed off as superstition and inspiration for many horror films that I absolutely refused to watch. Now, knowing the world of magic that was in THIS reality, I knew for a fact that ghosts 100% did exist. They not only existed, but from my recollection they weren't all bad spirits. That said...Reading about it and experiencing it first hand was a completely different story.
I clamped my claws around my muzzle after my initial outburst, only to look down at Dearia with a clearly distraught expression. Taking slow breaths to calm myself down before finally removing both claws and clenching my hands. “D-Dearia...! You can't just say something out of nowhere in a place like this! That's not how this kind of thing works! Anyway...W-What is it?”
“We've arrived.” Dearia gestured to a wood door with a floral pattern engraved into the panel. It had no such cobwebs that lined the rest of the place and when Dearia turned the knob, the room we very well kept with a small wardrobe, and a queen sized bed that looked as though it had fresh sheets recently set down in the last day or so. No cracks in the walls, no cracked mirrors. It all looked...NORMAL. “I prepared this room specifically for you.”
I stepped into it's interior, almost expecting a ghost to jump at me but nothing came. My jitters did not go away though, even with the seemingly normal looking bedroom. “Can a normal bed even hold me..? Wait why does it look so clean!”
“I told you. I prepared this room for you.”
{How though...? I know the original Letty was surprised by Dearia's preparedness but I thought there was just a cut in the panel while Dearia was preparing the room. But here I'd been keeping my eyes on them so they had NO time to prepare anything in advance. Maybe their spell book was the answer...}
“I don't know how you did it but you're amazing.” I relented, my features showing a tired expression even as I sank into the mattress. It was pleasantly soft, even for my large bulk. It didn't even groan under the stress it had to be receiving from my heavy frame. “This is amazing!”
“Of course. It might look normal but magical creatures deserve comfort too. And the wood used to put that bed together is built for large dragons so it won't buckle unless you start jumping on it like a hatchling. Oh...That's right...”
I heard the sounds of the wardrobe being opened but I was in such a state of bliss from the soft cushioning of the bed I didn't even take note of what Dearia was doing until I felt something being dropped onto my bed with a thump. It was heavy whatever it was and prompted me to finally open my eyes.
It was...a vacuum cleaner? When I looked at it, it had a pair of shoulder straps that meant it was supposed to be worn and reminded me of Luigi's Mansion. It was even dragon sized, so I could wear it without too much hassle. “Is that...what I think that is?”
“Press the R button to activate the Strobulb.” Dearia spoke up, ignoring Letty's question. “It's a ghost capturing device in case things get out of hand. Make sure you get acquainted with it while you can. Oh...and also.”
Dearia pulled out a type writer of all things from the wardrobe and set it down on the bedroom desk. The weight of it created a shift on the surface, indicating that it did have a considerable weight to it. He set a couple of Ink Cartridges beside the type writer and gestured with one hand towards the set up. “Make sure you make conservative use of this. We only have a set number of cartridges.”
“Uh...Why do I need a Type Writer...? My claws would probably wreck the thing...”
“...Those who know, will know.” Was Dearia's only answer, before making his way towards the door. “Please rest well Letty. I will be in the next room over if you need anything.”
“Dearia...Wait!” I didn't even get to finish my thought before the door shut behind the elf. First I was given a vacuum cleaner...An obvious ghost hunting tool if I ever saw one. And then the Type writer, as if I was going to save my progress in some game. But the jitters from the events of today were beginning to wear me down. I set the vacuum on the floor beside my bed and crawled into the blankets, deciding to sleep as much as I could before the eventual interruption.
That restfulness as I predicted, didn’t last long. Three hours into my supposed nap I heard a chilling laugh echo through the halls of the manor. The sound immediately waking me from my slumber as I gripped the bedsheets, pulling them up to my muzzle. {Remember…this is expected. In the Manga this happened before too.}
My face went white as the laughter picked up, getting CLOSER from the sounds of it that made me roll out of my bed so that I could try and hide under it. Unfortunately…due to my size all I really managed to do was lift the bed clear off the floor as it now rested on my back. “Dearia…If this is a joke…then ha ha…You got me!”
I knew I had to look ridiculous. Any ghost that might step into the room might just start laughing themselves to life from the absurdity of a dragon trying to hide under the bed. For some reason though, despite the laughter coming from outside the hall, the voice NEVER opened the door. “T-This ghost is very polite…”
Once I realized they weren’t going to intrude into my room, I let out a breath of relief. “Maybe they’re not so bad.”
“Play with us!”
“WAAAGH!” I shouted back. Gripping my tail while still trying to steel up my resolve as I spoke to the voice on the other side of the door. “Play...? You want to play a game…?”
“Yes! We want to play our favorite game. Nya-ha-ha-ha!”
A game didn’t seem too bad. But I had to remember…I was either talking to a ghost, or maybe even a zombie. It could have been any other number of haunted creature that walked through these halls. “W-What do I need to do…? If I play then will you let me sleep?”
“Yeeeeees! Yes! Grab the ghost containment device.”
“The…Vacuum cleaner?” Letty looked at the thing sitting where he’d left it last night and grabbed hold of it. Bringing his arms around the straps so that the main contraption rested behind his back though he did look kind of goofy and it only sort of fit around his figure. But he did feel a little safer just putting it on. Maybe it was because the person on the other side of the door was being so chill. “Alright. It’s on!”
The voice didn’t answer back. The silence left me even more apprehensive, but more than that I was also a little annoyed. An anger vein formed comically along one of my horns as I did not like conversations being cut off part way. Nevertheless, I reached towards the doorknob, the likes of which was absurdly tiny to my large clawed hands and pulled. Nothing out in the hallway immediate, but the laughter echoed to my right so it had to be in that direction.
“Alrighty ghostie...Let’s see…” I began fiddling with the contraption on my back, flicking a switch on and jumping when the vacuum started shaking against my back upon it’s initial startup but the rattling would settle after a few moments. “OK. Power on. And this button…” I fiddled with a few buttons on the nozzle that sat in my claws. One, which sat just along my thumb was a flashlight, so that was neat. I wouldn’t be completely blind, and along the button of the grip when I pressed down there was a suction just as you would assume from any other vac.
“Okay…Ok…I’m ready…”
I tried to ignore the occasional groaning of the floor panels below me as I knew a good chunk of it was my weight hitting the wood but when there was no light other than the one on my Vac, and of the occasional moonlight from some of the windows, I was on edge. {Remember…these guys are nice…they’re nice…”
I kept telling myself that as I turned a corner through the west wing of the mansion. A crackle of thunder made me jumpy, enough to bump into one of the hallway tables and shake the urn sitting atop it. I reached over to steady the ceramic and exhaled when it finally stopped wobbling. I then took another step forward, walking past it.
I felt something touch my shoulder and felt the familiar chill in my spine. I knew there was nobody behind me last I checked, and I closed my eyes to calm myself. Taking deep breaths before finally speaking up. “Is that you Dearia…? Thank goodness. Please can we just leave this mansion? I’m so tired…”
I reached an arm out to grab whatever was on my shoulder but paused when my own hand phased through whatever it was. I swiped two more times, the sweat beading down my face growing ever more prominent with each swipe, before I turned around.
Standing in front of me was an Anthropomorphic wolf. Or rather…the ghost of one, as it’s entire body was green and transparent. It’s eyes beaming at me as it raised it’s claws and stretched itself thin to tower over me. “Boo!”
I wasted no time, turning on the ghost hunting apparatus and sucked the wolf right on inside. The tube shook violently as they struggled to escape the vacuum’s powerful hold before I heard a *THUNK* like sound in the main storage compartment. Even amidst that, I put one hand to my chest to feel my heart pounding like a drum. I was never good with horror, and I silently pleaded for the night to be over. But then…I turned my head around when I heard the wolf’s voice, muffled through the vacuum.
“That was great! Hah hah hah hah! Come on! There’s more of us waiting for ya!”
“Y-You’re not angry…? I just sealed you away y’know…Wait. How are you talking to me in there!?”
“Push to talk! Don’t sweat it. This is why we have those things in the first place. Go on! Have some fun. I promise we won’t hurt ya."
{He's not mad...Wait...he almost sounds happy.}
I decided to follow the wolf spirit's advice, trudging along down the hall, checking each cabinet and door that I could find. It became like a scavenger hunt while I listened to the cheery tunes that the wolf was whistling within the pack. Maybe it was a ghost thing. I wouldn't know, but the way they sounded, it helped to calm my nerves a little.
From there, I began exploring room after room. My first stop was a study. A large room that was filled with a wide array of books. Each of them labeled and placed in a meticulous fashion. Not only by letter, but Genre as well! It was so well kept if not for the cobwebs that made accessing the library of books a dusty endeavor. All except for one. A red book that was seemingly out of place considering it was the only book not caked in a layer of dust.
With a playful grin, I lifted the nozzle of the 'poltergust' as I began calling it due to my experiences with Luigi's mansion, and held it to the book. “You can't hide from me!”
The book jumped out of it's place on the shelf and opened itself wide, revealing two ghosts hiding within the pages. One was an orange anthro tabby, while the other was a sphinx cat. Both reacted as I expected, claws extended and their eyes wide as they began chasing me around the room. I screamed, not exactly surprised by their sudden appearance, but in their tenacity to get their spiritual claws around me. Once I had my back pinned to the wall I lined them up and began sucking each of them into the Poltergust.
They soon joined the wolf in the cramped confines but just as well didn't really resist once they occupied it's space.
“Hey! It's Reggie! So he got you first huh?”
“Yep! And it looks like he got you two! Maybe we should get the decorations started for the rest of the crew when they get here.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
The way they chatted it up in there. I felt like I should be worrying for them...but their demeanor left me feeling more at ease. They weren't bad ghosts...they just wanted to have a little fun.
This continued with each room. I would find one or two ghosts in each major setting in the mansion. And it wasn't just ghosts. When I would take a peek outside of the manor, and walk through the courtyard, I could see zombies. Crawling out of graves, but rather than attack me, they tipped their torn hats and began tending to the gardens.
Even inside. Some of the undead would be seen cleaning up and tidying the place a little. That was when it hit me. “They're the staff. They work here in the mansion. Still...” A sweat bead traveled down the back of my head when I saw how they were purposely setting webbing around some of the banisters. “They're...purposefully making this place spooky...I've heard of keeping a place clean...but keeping it dusty...?”
But then it WAS a haunted house. Still...nobody would want to live in a place like this if they didn't keep it in good shape. By the time I was finished on the first and second floors, I thought about how this place probably wouldn't be such a bad place to live. The ghosts were nice...and the staff were pretty chill. Even if they GAVE me chills. But I had to remember it wasn't their fault.
After two hours of canvassing the whole mansion, scoping each room out. The vac was positively brimming with ghosts. So much so that it was bloating out. Once I was sure that there were no other apparitions in the area, I decided to make my way back down to the main foyer. Each step mindful so I did not trip all while trying not to shake the Poltergust too much. Not that they minded...
I could hear jovial laughter inside of the vac. Everyone was talking at once, as though there was a party actively taking place within it's confines. At one point, I could have sworn I heard the word “BINGO!” come out of the thing. By the end of it, my jitters were all but gone and I was smiling. I wasn't afraid anymore and I got to meet a whole lot of people.
Once I got down to the last step, I checked over the Poltergust and hit the “Reverse” Button, and braced myself as all the ghosts that I had sucked up over the last couple hours began shooting out from the machine. When I was done, I counted at least three dozen ghosts, all 'standing' in the foyer with me. Some of them shaking off the disorientation they felt before a wave of laughter came over everyone.
The wolf ghost, the one that was referred to as Reggie, walked over put both his hands together, grinning from ear to ear. “That was a lot of fun! You're pretty good with that thing y'know.”
“O-Oh...Thanks!” I answered while finally taking the opportunity to remove the heavy contraption from my back. I started making circular motions with my shoulders to get out some of the stiffness and started rubbing my neck. “Y'know...you guys are all pretty nice. How come you didn't try and scare me in my bedroom though...?”
The question took Reggie aback. He looked at his fellow poltergeists and they all just gave him the same look before they all smiled, their eyes softening. “Because you're our guest. It would be rude to barge into your room without you giving us permission. What kind of hosts would we be?”
“Plus...” One of the felines stepped forward. Their face looking apologetic as they looked up into my eyes. “We could kind of see how you were stressed about being here. We know this place isn't for everyone so we wracked our non-physical brains to come up with a way to ease your stress. So we came up with this game!”
{Now I feel horrible. These guys...They did all this to try and make me feel at home.} My eyes sparkled a bit with the realization that everyone here was pretty nice. None of them really wanted to hurt me. In the heat of the moment I actually walked up to them, arms up in the air as I let my tears run freely as they all gathered in for a hug.
“You guys...You're really nice! You're the best friends a dragon could ask for.”
When I uttered those words, I really did feel warm in my heart. Then one of them asked. “So does that mean you'll stay here with us?”
“Mmm...I really do like you guys.” I put a claw to my muzzle as I tried to figure out how to say this last part. I really did like them. They quickly became my friends and helped me de-stress. And they were so hospitable. {Maybe I should be honest. Yeah. Honest but not cruel! That's how I'll do it.}
“The truth is. I really do like you guys. But I...don't think I could ever really get used to this place.” I looked at the web covered banister and the cracked walls and my ears began to droop. “But...How about this? I'll come to visit. Every now and then we'll come back to check on you guys. Maybe we can help with redecorating the place for your next living occupant. How's that...?”
“Oh! Yeah that sounds perfect.” Reggie gave me a thumbs up, a smile plastered on his face as he looked around them. “If you ever decide you want to come live out here. Just give us a shout. You'd make a great master of the manor.” He winked.
{Eheh...Master of the manor...I do like the sound of that really.} My face was pink as I imagined myself in a suit walking down the stairs of the manor. THAT version of me was so regal and formal, but on the inside I knew that was someone I could never be. It didn't feel right. And so, when Dearia finally joined us at the bottom floor, I looked down at them with a apologetic expression and spoke up.
“Sorry...This place isn't right for me...Would you still...be willing to show me more properties? I know you're very busy and I'm taking most of your time...and-”
My words were silenced, when Dearia reached up and placed a hand on my snout. It was a simple and subtle gesture, but one that made me go quiet as he looked me in the eyes. “I won't stop until we've found the most suitable home for you. The House hunting continues.”
Once again, there was a sparkle in my eyes at the elf's words. They felt so warm...even though there was probably a million other things that the dark lord could be doing that was a better use of their time they still spent it with me. “Dearia...”
“Well you two can keep looking...But maybe you should get a little more rest before you do.” Reggie suggested, the smile ever present on his muzzle. “You've still got a few hours before sunlight. Why don't you two rest up a little more. Don't worry, we'll keep the place quiet for ya.”
It was a generous offer. I looked at Dearia, before turning to all my new friends and nodded in agreement. “Alright. We'll stay for the rest of the night and leave tomorrow morning.” I knew I was probably making this decision without input from Dearia, but the truth of the matter was, this place felt safe now. And I didn't want to step foot out of this place in the middle of the night.
Some things just weren't going to change that easy. So with my mind and heart a little more at ease, I began to walk my way back up to the room. Waving to all of the ghosts who were still cheering and laughing to retire back in my room again.
Once there, my thoughts were once again all that kept me company. I could hear everyone downstairs, the muffled racket below slowly dwindling as they did indeed keep their word. As silence slowly enveloped the room, I found myself drifting off into a peaceful sleep...Happy that I was already making so many friends in this new world.
Living Life as Letty Chapter 2
I was starstruck. Everything, at least so far since I’d been kicked out of the nest was going almost exactly as the Manga predicted it would. With only a few differences here and there. But somehow even with all the hard work I put into being a better dragon, I still wound up in a situation where I was rescued by Dearia.
My eyes sparkled as they were captivated by the elf’s appearance. If my staring made them uncomfortable, Dearia never showed it. His face, stoic and as calm as ever even as he had to arch his head up to get a good look at me. “What is a dragon, of all things doing this far out anyway? Far as I know…your kind prefer the mountains and volcanic regions. At least…Flame dragons do.”
“Ah! That’s right!” An ! Mark appeared above my head as I remembered what it was I was doing out here in the forest. One fisted hand dropped down onto my palm below. “I’m in need of your services!”
{You’re not even going to ask me what I’m talking about?!}
“I haven’t said anything yet! Besides aren’t you the slightest bit curious how I know about you? You’re Dearia…An Architect for magical creatures, and a Realtor that also has the title of Dark Lord.”
“That’s correct.”
{Jeez! You could at least look a little shocked that I just summarized your entire life profession!}
“So uh…I need a house. Ah wait…Sorry, my name is Letty. I should have started with that, I’m so sorry.” I placed both hands over my eyes, feeling ashamed by my lack of manners. Already I could hear father’s voice roaring in my ear about how dragons above all else should be courteous to the other species. Especially those you’re trying to gain favor from.
All of my screw ups however, didn’t phase Dearia. If anything he just smiled and held up his business card for me to take. A gesture that was almost useless after I explained his own profession but it was a sign that he was willing to help. “Well then Letty. I can help. But please remember that as a Dragon, you’ll require a bigger living space than most. And a home with Anti-Yuusha traps will probably be the most favorable for your size.”
{I think I know where this is going...I thought this was hilarious on television but this is going to be a nightmare...}
“So...uhm...What do you recommend?”
My question was fraught with peril as I only knew TOO well the properties we were going to be visiting on this adventure. But I was determined to make the most of it. To be a braver dragon than my anime counterpart was so that I could stand proud among the dragons of my species.
The answer, came not from a direct response from Dearia. Instead, he took out a spell book, one I didn't even know WHERE he kept and flipped through the pages. I tried reading into what the text said but it was in an Elvish script that I CERTAINLY didn't have any knowledge of, as I could only read common English and Draconic as was what I was educated in during my upbringing. But I didn't need to know how to read the text to recognize an incantation when I saw it.
A circle, one I assumed was one of summoning began to form around our feet and enveloped us in a warm purple glow. Dearia's eyes also featured a similar glimmer as suddenly our surroundings became a blur to the two of us. I had to close my eyes to avoid being blinded.
When I finally took the courage to open my eyes, my jaw dropped. We were standing exactly where I expected us to be. In front of an old Temple structure. Or it SHOULD be old, but everything looked polished...not a crack in the foundation, no moss growing on the sides and the foundation looked as though it were all done within the last couple decades...
“What is this place...? Wait! Did you use Teleportation magic on us just now?”
“Why, yes I did.” The elf took one look towards Letty, before walking up the temple's stairs while explaining the history of the property. “This property is only 27 or so years old but the Architect wanted to design it like that of the temples in the ancient times. It gives an aesthetically pleasing vibe wouldn't you say?”
{I'll say...} Even at my full height, I was maybe only about a third as tall as the structure itself. Suddenly, I felt very small...Which was a very unnatural feeling considering how large my species was. “But it seems a bit...big for one person...Can't we look at a simpler house?”
“I understand your need for simplicity. And while I want to consider my client's wishes when looking at new properties, I also need to factor in the specific requirements for every species. And as a dragon, you're going to need much more room compared to other races.”
“I guess that makes sense...” One clawed finger rest on my chin as I stepped in line behind Dearia, crossing the door frame while admiring the stonework that must have taken ages to cut and put together. Inside, there was a wide, almost empty hall that stretched out as far as Letty could see within the structure. Several lion statues were situated at either side inside the temple, water flowing from their jaws and into a channel that led back outside. Or, half of them did...Some of the statues had channels that led further into the structure that left me confused. In the original work the statues were OUTSIDE of the temple.
{How odd...But then maybe this isn't the same temple that Letty was shown in the original material. That might explain it...}
“I can see you're admiring the intricacy of the property but please do watch where you step. This place is designed to protect the home owner so there are plenty of Anti-Yuusha traps set all around the place.”
“Uhhh right.” My eyes shifted from the clean, almost sparkling walls of the temple interior and now towards the floor. If I remembered right, Letty first fell into the underground dwelling of this temple because he hadn't watched his footing. “Dearia...?”
The Elf turned around, looking up to look me in the eyes. His face unchanging but there WAS a sense of concern in his gaze somehow. “What is it, Letty? Is this place not to your liking?”
“Oh no it's not that.” I waved a hand politely, as though to dismiss the thought and started scratching the side of my muzzle. “But how can I watch my step...if I don't see anything out of place...? Everything looks natural.”
“Oh, is that all?” Dearia's gaze remained undeterred, his spell book close at hand as he flipped through it's pages. “Well that's natural. You wouldn't want your traps to be obvious to would-be invaders now would you? In that case...Don't worry about where you step. I'm well versed in resurrection magic so if you fall into a life ending trap I'll make sure to bring you back.”
{That does not reassure me!!} But the way Dearia said it. The answer so clear cut and obvious to the elf told me they didn't want me harmed. In a way...his cold demeanor was also something I expected and took a small bit of comfort. He didn't show his emotions on his sleeves but his actions were a different story. “O-oh...well that's good to know. Please do that. I wouldn't want to be reincarnated all over again.”
“Reincarnated again?” Dearia let those words sit for a moment. His eyes for the first time having a light under them as he studied the red dragon. They were so cautious, each step careful as though he were trying to avoid stepping on a small person. They'd only just met but he could see that Letty might have it tough out in the open world.
I felt something under my clawed foot give in underneath and saw that a small stone panel had depressed into the flooring. My blood ran cold for only a moment before a large trap door, large enough that my father could have fit, opened up below me. “Aaah! Fly fly fly...!” I started flapping my wings desperately, all these years of training to be a more dependable dragon allowing me to remain in the air long enough that I was able to make my way back to solid flooring.
“Ahh...haahh....haaah...That...was close...” I panted heavy. Steam coming out of my maw with each panted breath. “That was...stressful.” I reached a hand forward, grabbing one of the lion statues for a solid handle to get back up on my feet but as my hand grasped the head I heard a click come from within the head as it shifted.
{Oh no...What now...This wasn't in the anime...!}
The lion head statues around the area stopped generating water, which already left me feeling nervous. I thought something was about to spring out, like some snakes that might have been hiding in the water or maybe some sort of alarm to trigger. Instead, the ground that I was standing on started wobbling. I looked below me and saw how the stone panel that I was standing on was tilting to and fro. The next thing I knew, the floor opened up below me. Or rather it slanted...turning into a slide that left me sliding down into the abyss rather than a straight fall.
“Aaaaah Deeeeaaaariiiiiaaaaaaaaah!”
The trap chute that I'd fallen through was smooth and quick. I barely had enough time to scream out the Elf's name before I saw a light at the end of the tunnel I was currently being hurled through. When my eyes finally adjusted, I could see a few torches that illuminated the stone walls and heard the steady dripping of water from the ceiling. All in all it looked like I'd fallen into your stereotypical dungeon, only...why was I looking at everything from a birds eye view...?
That's when I looked down and realized the Chute had dropped me 20 feet above the dungeon's surface, and with nothing beneath me to soften my descent, as soon as I dropped down the room shook beneath my weight and a thud resounded through the dungeon area.
“Ah...that really smarts...ow...” I slowly pulled myself up to my feet while rubbing my poor backside. “Ah! My butt's red! That was a really hard fall. Oh wait...” A visible sweat drop formed on my forehead. “I'm a flame dragon...I'm already red...”
My momentary lapse in recognition left my cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink as I tried to ignore my blunder. For now, I had to figure out how I was going to get back up to ground level. “Dearia...!! Heeeeeey! Dearia!!!” I brought both clawed hands towards my muzzle, shouting at the top of my lungs while pacing through the dungeon corridor.
But no sound came from above. Could the elf even HEAR me? What's more...Could I navigate this place without their assistance? After my last bout of yelling, I finally took in a deep breath before sneezing. “It smells so stagnant in here...” I brought one clawed hand to my snout and tried not to think what that scent may be...It WAS a dungeon after all.
Just then however, a bright purple light appeared before me, with the same lines of magic I recalled from the first time I'd seen it. Dearia formed from within it in the blink of an eye and my own started beaming with relief. “aaah! There you are! Where were you?”
“I wanted to give you some time to explore the dungeon of course.” Dearia answered matter of factly. His gaze looking up into my eyes, serenity within them.
“And this is supposed to be a habitable environment...?”
“Yes. Dungeons are pretty common for Dragons like you to reside in.” Dearia explained, his hand ever present on his book. “You see...up on the ground floor there are no bedrooms. Where we are NOW is the main living quarters for the resident who buys this property.”
“But the air is so unpleasant...isn't there something we can do about that?” I asked, rubbing my snout a few times as though to settle my sense of smell but took a few steps when Dearia started walking without even giving me so much as an answer. “Hey...! You're not ignoring me are you?”
“This place is filled with many traps Letty. I think we should explore every inch of it so you know what to expect. There are two floors below, each one more harrowing than the next. If the air is so unpleasant, it's probably because the bottom floor probably already has victims of heroes trying to plunder the treasure that the previous home owner kept locked away. Oh! But don't you worry, they gave us full permission to explore and even said we could keep whatever we find down here.”
My face went pale. None of that actually made logical sense to me OR made me feel better. The scent was only a minor inconvenience but now I couldn't help but imagine a mountain of bones down below alongside a couple of tombstones! This was a death trap!
I wanted to flee. Get away from this home but I also didn't want to disappoint Dearia, so I trudged forward alongside them. Letting them show me all manner of traps that were installed for the sake of transparency.
Form this point I was subjected to a myriad of traps that I either triggered by mistake, or Dearia insisted be triggered so that I understood the methods behind them. One was a volley of heavy spears that nearly took my head and wings off, making sizeable damaging holes in the stone walls behind me. A human would have been cut in two!
The next, I nearly fell into a bed of spikes. I was only saved by my quick thinking and grasping at the corner of the ledge. I was grateful that I spent all that time in my parents den bulking up and training but my mental strength still needed work as with every trap I grew more and more weary.
The last, was a large rolling boulder that I triggered out of nowhere. I didn't TOUCH anything, it just simply happened as I reached a certain point within the temple. It was there that I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Running on all fours while cursing out whoever made this place before I was unceremoniously flattened by the boulder.
Weirdly enough, it didn't hurt...Maybe it was because I was a dragon. Or maybe my experience in defense went up during this whole escapade...but I knew what it felt like to be a pancake either way. My tail twitched, while Dearia watched from the side. Not really offering outside aide, but he DID look a little concerned until I brought a clawed thumb to my flattened muzzle. I blew as hard as I could. Reinflating my body with cartoon physics that really shouldn't even make sense in real life but it worked!
After popping back into shape I collapsed on the side of the crevice that the boulder had created. “This...really...sucks...”
“Not to fear. We've already made it to the 3rd basement.”
“Let...Me catch...my breath...Wait.” I blinked, suddenly feeling a little better after hearing Dearia mention 3rd. “We're already here?” That lack of energy was now replaced with curiosity of what we might find and I immediately jumped back to Dearia's side as we approached a set of double doors. Each nearly three times as tall as I was. Inscribed on them were two lions posed than in a way that they were in battle with one another leading me to think the architect who built this place was more into felines than anything that should really be occupying this dungeon.
There wasn't anything else down here. And yet...There was an eerie feeling to the door in front of us. Almost like it was begging to be opened and it's contents unleashed. Before I could reach a hand out to push however, Dearia tugged at my tail, grasping the tip of it which abruptly stopped any motion I might have had.
“Don't. Not yet.”
The seriousness in their tone left me trembling. Dearia was always so willing to let Letty stumble into his own mistakes throughout their adventures but this time he was actually stopping me from going in? It was enough that I brought both clawed hands back to my chest and stared curiously at the elf. “O-Okay...but why not?”
“Let's hide. You'll see why.” Dearia answered, letting go of my tail and gesturing towards a pair of support pillars, suggesting that we move behind it where the light of the torches wouldn't reach.
My questions would be answered quick when I heard footsteps. The clanking of metal led me to think maybe an armored hero...? Steel armor by the sounds of it. But when I got a look of them I could see they were accompanied by two others. One was clad in a green tunic with beige pants. They had nothing but a bow in their possession for defense while the last looked to be a mage, wearing a purple silk robe but I couldn't tell if they were male or female.
“I KNOW that dragon had to have come this way.” The Knight grumbled. Looking across the empty room, scanning for any sight or sound that might hint at where their quarry ran off to. “I know he came here.”
“Are we really going to fight a dragon? We're all low level heroes. We're all using level 5 starting gear.” Their ranged fighter spoke up. Not feeling particularly confident in their quest to find the red dragon that was seen roaming around the dungeon.
“Of course we are. You saw how clumsy it was. It triggered every trap on the way down! Do you want some other team to come into this temple and get the rare dragon materials from this spawn drop?” The armored hero argued, hand gripping their sword tighter. “We'd be fools not to take this opportunity.”
Their mage, remaining quiet through their arguing, was approaching the gargantuan doors hiding the treasure they were searching for. Their staff was making a dull Thunk like sound each time it met with the stone floor beneath them. “That dragon wasn't clumsy. It was mighty.”
“What? You saw that thing! It triggered at least 50 different traps on it's way down here. It disabled all of the security measures of this dungeon for us. How can it not be clumsy?!”
“That was a show for us. It KNEW we were watching.” The mage proclaimed, the aura they were producing all too menacing for their companions as they made that prediction. “It triggered every single trap on purpose. To show us that even without all of this dungeon's traps, it could single handedly defeat all of us. We're nothing but snacks to that great beast.”
“S-Snacks...?” The ranger gulped, adjusting the collar of his tunic. “Maybe we should leave then. If that red dragon really is that powerful and boastful, then we're WAY out of our league.”
All this time, I watched silently behind a pillar. Their conversation did not go past me, and three visible dots appeared behind me, as though my very thoughts were processing for all to see. Until the realization dawned on me and a light bulb appeared dimly over my head. {They thought I was doing all of that on PURPOSE?! I nearly fall to my death, get flattened by a boulder...And almost skewered...And they think I was BOASTING?! Well, I guess that's par for the course. My luck must be better...}
On second thought. If they expected me to be this mighty dragon that shouldn't be underestimated then they might send bigger, badder heroes that would have more high ranking, high level gear. In my past life I remember playing games like Monster Hunter and wasting hundreds of hours to get the highest ranking armor and weapons that would help me tackle any creature. Now I WAS the monster.
I brought my paws to my muzzle to keep it shut as my face went flush. So this is what it was like to have Letty's reputation. I'll have to watch my back. And much earlier than I anticipated since we weren't even at the arena yet...!
Just then, Dearia placed a reassuring hand on my arm, forcing me to stifle a yelp before he gestured to the door where the trio found themselves grouped together. I knew what he was saying now, and the reason behind why we were hiding in the first place. {Watch closely...got it.}
With a sense of dread and anticipation, the lead hero, the knight as I found myself calling him would press both hands onto the large double doors and really put his back into it. Arms straining as they tried to pry the six inch thick doors open. Their face was red however as they misjudged just how heavy such an endeavor would be. Both his fellow squad mates joined in, reaching for either door and started pushing together in unison.
For a moment, there was no give in the doors, but then the sounds of stone shifting and a groaning of hinges filled the cavernous room. Steadily, the doors started giving way. A light emitted from the cracks, with their expressions shifting from that of exhaustion and trepidation to that of exhilaration. Gold. Fat stacks of it as though they'd found the dragon's hoard themselves. Rubies the size of ones fist, a crown here and there and even a rare magic staff that was sticking part way through the rubble of gold.
“Aaah! This must be the dragons treasure! Let's grab as much of it as we can. We'll be able to buy all the rare equipment and weapon upgrades we want with all of this loot!”
My eyes and ears widened when I heard how the heroes began to cheer. Entering the treasure room with such merriment I couldn't help but find myself confused. “A heavy door...? Was that really it? No secret trap? No final boss?” I looked down at Dearia, confusion very plastered on my face as my immediate worry was replaced. “Wait, isn't that the treasure the home owner left for us?”
The elf just smiled. Before a loud horrible wail came from the room the trio just entered. The next thing I knew, huge plumes of fire burst out of the room, as if an explosion took place within and that same scent I'd picked up on the first floor basement came trickling into my nostrils again and now I understood that smell. “They were cooked alive...! Wait! So is the reason nobody ever succeeds in this dungeon...”
“That's right.” Dearia slowly moved away from the pillar, all while guiding Letty towards the opened treasure vault so that he could peer inside. The only things that remained of the trio was that of the steel armor the leader of the group had been wearing was now laying at the door without it's owner in sight. “You see, the treasure room here is the biggest trap of all. All of the treasure here IS ripe for the taking...But if you don't get out fast enough you trigger the explosion magic that was set inside. And with how heavy those doors are...Once you're in, you're not liable to get out easy.”
That was terrifying. But what if the owner forgot about their own trap...!? “Uh...Dearia? How does the home owner get around that?”
“There's another entrance to the treasure room from the master bedroom. As long as someone enters from there, then the traps remain dormant.”
{That explains that. But...wait why wasn't there any bones...?} “Dearia...What about the Yuusha? I don't see any physical remains.”
The elf took a breath and gestured for the pile of gold. “That's simple. You see, the home owner isn't fond of having to clean up after the Yuusha. So he paid the cost of having a teleportation circle installed. So any remains get delivered to the closest chapel in the kingdom. So long as their remains are not completely rendered to ash, then the heroes can be revived. They'll just have to pay it out of their own earnings, or their next quest bonus.”
{Heroes have it easy...Getting to revive at a moment's notice if they can get to a chapel. I'm betting monster races don't have that luxury.}
“Now then...You've seen everything that this place has to offer. Would you like to place a bid on it-”
“I refuse. Next house please.” I held both arms out in an X like pattern. Sweat beading along one of my horns as I was very eager to get out of this place. “Where are we going next?”
15 minutes later
Using another teleportation spell, Dearia teleported him and myself out of the temple structure and into a thick forested area. I looked up at the sky to see the sun had already set down so we must have been exploring that place for at least 3 hours. When I felt the cold chill on the wind however, my scales all started shivering, and I instinctively spat out a small bout of fire as though to warm myself up as well as get the flame organ inside of my body to start radiating heat internally.
“I forgot...It does get pretty chilly in this world at night...Especially in the winter.” I rubbed my arms while occasionally spouting more flame, casting my gaze downward towards Dearia. “We're not...camping outside are we?”
“No, Letty. We're going to be staying indoors tonight.” Dearia's body language did not fidget in the slightest in the night air. Either they were putting up a show for MY sake, or he was very well insulated. “The next property we are going to be visiting will also be where we'll be staying for the night. Also...You should know it's not the winter air you're feeling. You're in haunted territory so you're likely feeling the chill of this locations residents.”
“Ah...Right. We're in haunted territory, that makes more sense.” I didn't even process the information about a haunted location until a few seconds later. “Wait...Haunted...?” My face went pale, and I began scratching the back of my head. “Are we going to the Mansion of the Dead...?”
The mention of the mansion caught Dearia's attention, eyes glancing up toward the red dragon's before a faint smile formed on his face. “Yes. Have you been in this region before, My Letty?”
“No. Well...Not in person. But I've heard rumors about it.” I was just about to start walking away, but Dearia with a quick hand, grabbed hold of my tail and continued towards the structure all while I was digging my claws into the soil to stop our progression. “Noooo...I can't stand ghosts...! I freaked out whenever my siblings would sit around and talk about ghost stories!”
The structure in question, was a large three story mansion. It's design, reminded me of Spencer manor from the Resident Evil series. Some of the differences being the overgrown vines that were climbing up along every surface of the Mansion's exterior. It was as though nature itself was reclaiming the structure. But another interpretation in my mind was that nature itself was keeping the spirits within wrapped within it's embrace.
“Are you sure we should really be staying in here? If it's haunted we shouldn't intrude...”
Upon opening the front door, lightning flashed behind me. I really did NOT want to go into the mansion, but I also didn't want to stay outside so I steeled myself and took a step in. The floorboards creaked under my weight which already gave me the sense that we were off to a bad start. The décor was riddled in cobwebs.
I tried not to think about it. My body trembled at the thought of staying in a real haunted Mansion. Back in my old world, most were passed off as superstition and inspiration for many horror films that I absolutely refused to watch. Now, knowing the world of magic that was in THIS reality, I knew for a fact that ghosts 100% did exist. They not only existed, but from my recollection they weren't all bad spirits. That said...Reading about it and experiencing it first hand was a completely different story.
I clamped my claws around my muzzle after my initial outburst, only to look down at Dearia with a clearly distraught expression. Taking slow breaths to calm myself down before finally removing both claws and clenching my hands. “D-Dearia...! You can't just say something out of nowhere in a place like this! That's not how this kind of thing works! Anyway...W-What is it?”
“We've arrived.” Dearia gestured to a wood door with a floral pattern engraved into the panel. It had no such cobwebs that lined the rest of the place and when Dearia turned the knob, the room we very well kept with a small wardrobe, and a queen sized bed that looked as though it had fresh sheets recently set down in the last day or so. No cracks in the walls, no cracked mirrors. It all looked...NORMAL. “I prepared this room specifically for you.”
I stepped into it's interior, almost expecting a ghost to jump at me but nothing came. My jitters did not go away though, even with the seemingly normal looking bedroom. “Can a normal bed even hold me..? Wait why does it look so clean!”
“I told you. I prepared this room for you.”
{How though...? I know the original Letty was surprised by Dearia's preparedness but I thought there was just a cut in the panel while Dearia was preparing the room. But here I'd been keeping my eyes on them so they had NO time to prepare anything in advance. Maybe their spell book was the answer...}
“I don't know how you did it but you're amazing.” I relented, my features showing a tired expression even as I sank into the mattress. It was pleasantly soft, even for my large bulk. It didn't even groan under the stress it had to be receiving from my heavy frame. “This is amazing!”
“Of course. It might look normal but magical creatures deserve comfort too. And the wood used to put that bed together is built for large dragons so it won't buckle unless you start jumping on it like a hatchling. Oh...That's right...”
I heard the sounds of the wardrobe being opened but I was in such a state of bliss from the soft cushioning of the bed I didn't even take note of what Dearia was doing until I felt something being dropped onto my bed with a thump. It was heavy whatever it was and prompted me to finally open my eyes.
It was...a vacuum cleaner? When I looked at it, it had a pair of shoulder straps that meant it was supposed to be worn and reminded me of Luigi's Mansion. It was even dragon sized, so I could wear it without too much hassle. “Is that...what I think that is?”
“Press the R button to activate the Strobulb.” Dearia spoke up, ignoring Letty's question. “It's a ghost capturing device in case things get out of hand. Make sure you get acquainted with it while you can. Oh...and also.”
Dearia pulled out a type writer of all things from the wardrobe and set it down on the bedroom desk. The weight of it created a shift on the surface, indicating that it did have a considerable weight to it. He set a couple of Ink Cartridges beside the type writer and gestured with one hand towards the set up. “Make sure you make conservative use of this. We only have a set number of cartridges.”
“Uh...Why do I need a Type Writer...? My claws would probably wreck the thing...”
“...Those who know, will know.” Was Dearia's only answer, before making his way towards the door. “Please rest well Letty. I will be in the next room over if you need anything.”
“Dearia...Wait!” I didn't even get to finish my thought before the door shut behind the elf. First I was given a vacuum cleaner...An obvious ghost hunting tool if I ever saw one. And then the Type writer, as if I was going to save my progress in some game. But the jitters from the events of today were beginning to wear me down. I set the vacuum on the floor beside my bed and crawled into the blankets, deciding to sleep as much as I could before the eventual interruption.
That restfulness as I predicted, didn’t last long. Three hours into my supposed nap I heard a chilling laugh echo through the halls of the manor. The sound immediately waking me from my slumber as I gripped the bedsheets, pulling them up to my muzzle. {Remember…this is expected. In the Manga this happened before too.}
My face went white as the laughter picked up, getting CLOSER from the sounds of it that made me roll out of my bed so that I could try and hide under it. Unfortunately…due to my size all I really managed to do was lift the bed clear off the floor as it now rested on my back. “Dearia…If this is a joke…then ha ha…You got me!”
I knew I had to look ridiculous. Any ghost that might step into the room might just start laughing themselves to life from the absurdity of a dragon trying to hide under the bed. For some reason though, despite the laughter coming from outside the hall, the voice NEVER opened the door. “T-This ghost is very polite…”
Once I realized they weren’t going to intrude into my room, I let out a breath of relief. “Maybe they’re not so bad.”
“Play with us!”
“WAAAGH!” I shouted back. Gripping my tail while still trying to steel up my resolve as I spoke to the voice on the other side of the door. “Play...? You want to play a game…?”
“Yes! We want to play our favorite game. Nya-ha-ha-ha!”
A game didn’t seem too bad. But I had to remember…I was either talking to a ghost, or maybe even a zombie. It could have been any other number of haunted creature that walked through these halls. “W-What do I need to do…? If I play then will you let me sleep?”
“Yeeeeees! Yes! Grab the ghost containment device.”
“The…Vacuum cleaner?” Letty looked at the thing sitting where he’d left it last night and grabbed hold of it. Bringing his arms around the straps so that the main contraption rested behind his back though he did look kind of goofy and it only sort of fit around his figure. But he did feel a little safer just putting it on. Maybe it was because the person on the other side of the door was being so chill. “Alright. It’s on!”
The voice didn’t answer back. The silence left me even more apprehensive, but more than that I was also a little annoyed. An anger vein formed comically along one of my horns as I did not like conversations being cut off part way. Nevertheless, I reached towards the doorknob, the likes of which was absurdly tiny to my large clawed hands and pulled. Nothing out in the hallway immediate, but the laughter echoed to my right so it had to be in that direction.
“Alrighty ghostie...Let’s see…” I began fiddling with the contraption on my back, flicking a switch on and jumping when the vacuum started shaking against my back upon it’s initial startup but the rattling would settle after a few moments. “OK. Power on. And this button…” I fiddled with a few buttons on the nozzle that sat in my claws. One, which sat just along my thumb was a flashlight, so that was neat. I wouldn’t be completely blind, and along the button of the grip when I pressed down there was a suction just as you would assume from any other vac.
“Okay…Ok…I’m ready…”
I tried to ignore the occasional groaning of the floor panels below me as I knew a good chunk of it was my weight hitting the wood but when there was no light other than the one on my Vac, and of the occasional moonlight from some of the windows, I was on edge. {Remember…these guys are nice…they’re nice…”
I kept telling myself that as I turned a corner through the west wing of the mansion. A crackle of thunder made me jumpy, enough to bump into one of the hallway tables and shake the urn sitting atop it. I reached over to steady the ceramic and exhaled when it finally stopped wobbling. I then took another step forward, walking past it.
I felt something touch my shoulder and felt the familiar chill in my spine. I knew there was nobody behind me last I checked, and I closed my eyes to calm myself. Taking deep breaths before finally speaking up. “Is that you Dearia…? Thank goodness. Please can we just leave this mansion? I’m so tired…”
I reached an arm out to grab whatever was on my shoulder but paused when my own hand phased through whatever it was. I swiped two more times, the sweat beading down my face growing ever more prominent with each swipe, before I turned around.
Standing in front of me was an Anthropomorphic wolf. Or rather…the ghost of one, as it’s entire body was green and transparent. It’s eyes beaming at me as it raised it’s claws and stretched itself thin to tower over me. “Boo!”
I wasted no time, turning on the ghost hunting apparatus and sucked the wolf right on inside. The tube shook violently as they struggled to escape the vacuum’s powerful hold before I heard a *THUNK* like sound in the main storage compartment. Even amidst that, I put one hand to my chest to feel my heart pounding like a drum. I was never good with horror, and I silently pleaded for the night to be over. But then…I turned my head around when I heard the wolf’s voice, muffled through the vacuum.
“That was great! Hah hah hah hah! Come on! There’s more of us waiting for ya!”
“Y-You’re not angry…? I just sealed you away y’know…Wait. How are you talking to me in there!?”
“Push to talk! Don’t sweat it. This is why we have those things in the first place. Go on! Have some fun. I promise we won’t hurt ya."
{He's not mad...Wait...he almost sounds happy.}
I decided to follow the wolf spirit's advice, trudging along down the hall, checking each cabinet and door that I could find. It became like a scavenger hunt while I listened to the cheery tunes that the wolf was whistling within the pack. Maybe it was a ghost thing. I wouldn't know, but the way they sounded, it helped to calm my nerves a little.
From there, I began exploring room after room. My first stop was a study. A large room that was filled with a wide array of books. Each of them labeled and placed in a meticulous fashion. Not only by letter, but Genre as well! It was so well kept if not for the cobwebs that made accessing the library of books a dusty endeavor. All except for one. A red book that was seemingly out of place considering it was the only book not caked in a layer of dust.
With a playful grin, I lifted the nozzle of the 'poltergust' as I began calling it due to my experiences with Luigi's mansion, and held it to the book. “You can't hide from me!”
The book jumped out of it's place on the shelf and opened itself wide, revealing two ghosts hiding within the pages. One was an orange anthro tabby, while the other was a sphinx cat. Both reacted as I expected, claws extended and their eyes wide as they began chasing me around the room. I screamed, not exactly surprised by their sudden appearance, but in their tenacity to get their spiritual claws around me. Once I had my back pinned to the wall I lined them up and began sucking each of them into the Poltergust.
They soon joined the wolf in the cramped confines but just as well didn't really resist once they occupied it's space.
“Hey! It's Reggie! So he got you first huh?”
“Yep! And it looks like he got you two! Maybe we should get the decorations started for the rest of the crew when they get here.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
The way they chatted it up in there. I felt like I should be worrying for them...but their demeanor left me feeling more at ease. They weren't bad ghosts...they just wanted to have a little fun.
This continued with each room. I would find one or two ghosts in each major setting in the mansion. And it wasn't just ghosts. When I would take a peek outside of the manor, and walk through the courtyard, I could see zombies. Crawling out of graves, but rather than attack me, they tipped their torn hats and began tending to the gardens.
Even inside. Some of the undead would be seen cleaning up and tidying the place a little. That was when it hit me. “They're the staff. They work here in the mansion. Still...” A sweat bead traveled down the back of my head when I saw how they were purposely setting webbing around some of the banisters. “They're...purposefully making this place spooky...I've heard of keeping a place clean...but keeping it dusty...?”
But then it WAS a haunted house. Still...nobody would want to live in a place like this if they didn't keep it in good shape. By the time I was finished on the first and second floors, I thought about how this place probably wouldn't be such a bad place to live. The ghosts were nice...and the staff were pretty chill. Even if they GAVE me chills. But I had to remember it wasn't their fault.
After two hours of canvassing the whole mansion, scoping each room out. The vac was positively brimming with ghosts. So much so that it was bloating out. Once I was sure that there were no other apparitions in the area, I decided to make my way back down to the main foyer. Each step mindful so I did not trip all while trying not to shake the Poltergust too much. Not that they minded...
I could hear jovial laughter inside of the vac. Everyone was talking at once, as though there was a party actively taking place within it's confines. At one point, I could have sworn I heard the word “BINGO!” come out of the thing. By the end of it, my jitters were all but gone and I was smiling. I wasn't afraid anymore and I got to meet a whole lot of people.
Once I got down to the last step, I checked over the Poltergust and hit the “Reverse” Button, and braced myself as all the ghosts that I had sucked up over the last couple hours began shooting out from the machine. When I was done, I counted at least three dozen ghosts, all 'standing' in the foyer with me. Some of them shaking off the disorientation they felt before a wave of laughter came over everyone.
The wolf ghost, the one that was referred to as Reggie, walked over put both his hands together, grinning from ear to ear. “That was a lot of fun! You're pretty good with that thing y'know.”
“O-Oh...Thanks!” I answered while finally taking the opportunity to remove the heavy contraption from my back. I started making circular motions with my shoulders to get out some of the stiffness and started rubbing my neck. “Y'know...you guys are all pretty nice. How come you didn't try and scare me in my bedroom though...?”
The question took Reggie aback. He looked at his fellow poltergeists and they all just gave him the same look before they all smiled, their eyes softening. “Because you're our guest. It would be rude to barge into your room without you giving us permission. What kind of hosts would we be?”
“Plus...” One of the felines stepped forward. Their face looking apologetic as they looked up into my eyes. “We could kind of see how you were stressed about being here. We know this place isn't for everyone so we wracked our non-physical brains to come up with a way to ease your stress. So we came up with this game!”
{Now I feel horrible. These guys...They did all this to try and make me feel at home.} My eyes sparkled a bit with the realization that everyone here was pretty nice. None of them really wanted to hurt me. In the heat of the moment I actually walked up to them, arms up in the air as I let my tears run freely as they all gathered in for a hug.
“You guys...You're really nice! You're the best friends a dragon could ask for.”
When I uttered those words, I really did feel warm in my heart. Then one of them asked. “So does that mean you'll stay here with us?”
“Mmm...I really do like you guys.” I put a claw to my muzzle as I tried to figure out how to say this last part. I really did like them. They quickly became my friends and helped me de-stress. And they were so hospitable. {Maybe I should be honest. Yeah. Honest but not cruel! That's how I'll do it.}
“The truth is. I really do like you guys. But I...don't think I could ever really get used to this place.” I looked at the web covered banister and the cracked walls and my ears began to droop. “But...How about this? I'll come to visit. Every now and then we'll come back to check on you guys. Maybe we can help with redecorating the place for your next living occupant. How's that...?”
“Oh! Yeah that sounds perfect.” Reggie gave me a thumbs up, a smile plastered on his face as he looked around them. “If you ever decide you want to come live out here. Just give us a shout. You'd make a great master of the manor.” He winked.
{Eheh...Master of the manor...I do like the sound of that really.} My face was pink as I imagined myself in a suit walking down the stairs of the manor. THAT version of me was so regal and formal, but on the inside I knew that was someone I could never be. It didn't feel right. And so, when Dearia finally joined us at the bottom floor, I looked down at them with a apologetic expression and spoke up.
“Sorry...This place isn't right for me...Would you still...be willing to show me more properties? I know you're very busy and I'm taking most of your time...and-”
My words were silenced, when Dearia reached up and placed a hand on my snout. It was a simple and subtle gesture, but one that made me go quiet as he looked me in the eyes. “I won't stop until we've found the most suitable home for you. The House hunting continues.”
Once again, there was a sparkle in my eyes at the elf's words. They felt so warm...even though there was probably a million other things that the dark lord could be doing that was a better use of their time they still spent it with me. “Dearia...”
“Well you two can keep looking...But maybe you should get a little more rest before you do.” Reggie suggested, the smile ever present on his muzzle. “You've still got a few hours before sunlight. Why don't you two rest up a little more. Don't worry, we'll keep the place quiet for ya.”
It was a generous offer. I looked at Dearia, before turning to all my new friends and nodded in agreement. “Alright. We'll stay for the rest of the night and leave tomorrow morning.” I knew I was probably making this decision without input from Dearia, but the truth of the matter was, this place felt safe now. And I didn't want to step foot out of this place in the middle of the night.
Some things just weren't going to change that easy. So with my mind and heart a little more at ease, I began to walk my way back up to the room. Waving to all of the ghosts who were still cheering and laughing to retire back in my room again.
Once there, my thoughts were once again all that kept me company. I could hear everyone downstairs, the muffled racket below slowly dwindling as they did indeed keep their word. As silence slowly enveloped the room, I found myself drifting off into a peaceful sleep...Happy that I was already making so many friends in this new world.
Living Life as Letty Chapter 2 (C)
I've had this sitting on Patreon for a short bit but I've finally taken time to post it here. Now I need to edit and post the array of POkemon stories that are still there too LOL. But anyway thanks to
godhammer for commissioning this awesome Isekai of being Reborn as Letty. A lot of perils come with becoming the weakest red dragon. From frightful traps, to grandiose rumors leading to misinterpreted reputations, and haunted mansions! With the occasional video game references. While there will be many similarities to the adventures our reborn hero experiences, there will also be vastly different adventures they will have. Next chapter will be ready fairly soon so hopefully this keeps people entertained until it's ready~
This story and MORE can be found on my Patreon Right here! Some Story commissions as well as personal works will be uploaded there two weeks early!
Dragon goes house hunting belongs to Kawo Tanuki, Seven Seas Entertainment, and Signal M.D, Please support the official releases. They deserve tons of support!

This story and MORE can be found on my Patreon Right here! Some Story commissions as well as personal works will be uploaded there two weeks early!
Dragon goes house hunting belongs to Kawo Tanuki, Seven Seas Entertainment, and Signal M.D, Please support the official releases. They deserve tons of support!
Category Story / Transformation
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Male
Size 120 x 68px
File Size 49 kB
Great work on the story's second chapter. I can't wait for the next chapter to come out.
It was also great how Letty made some new friends.
I only hope that the next chapter won't be too difficult for you since this is going to be basically an alteration of episode 3. Anyway, good luck with writing episode three and the others.
It was also great how Letty made some new friends.
I only hope that the next chapter won't be too difficult for you since this is going to be basically an alteration of episode 3. Anyway, good luck with writing episode three and the others.