Link To Contest & Original Art - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/57835553/
Canine Crossroads had nearly become a ghost town. Many of its animal citizens had given up on it ever getting any better and had left in search of new horizons. Fortunately, after years of looking for the right individual to bring life back into the dying town, Isabelle finally found a mayor who was capable of turning things around. However, for as much good as Mayor Yosh did for the growing populace, the Dragon-Duck felt uncomfortable being out-and-about with the citizens and tourists of the town.
“Mayor Yosh,” the yellow-colored Shih Tzu cheerfully called as she came into town hall with her clipboard. “Everyone is just so excited about the new library you suggested.”
“That’s great,” Yosh replied in far less of a happy tone than his bucktoothed assistant. “When will work get underway?”
Isabelle flipped through the papers that were attached to her clipboard.
“We just need Blathers and Celeste to sign off on the project,” she answered with a smile. “Then we only need to request a loan from Tom Nook and everything will be underway.”
“Excellent,” the green-and-white colored dragon-duck replied as he tapped upon the keys of a computer.
“Are you having trouble with the budget system, Mayor Yosh?” asked Isabelle with motherly concern. “Did you want me to help you put in the numbers to ensure all our projects don’t take us beyond our available bells in the town treasury?”
Yosh sighed and removed a C-shaped headset from around his head.
“If you don’t mind,” he moaned while setting the listening device down beside the keyboard.
The dragon-duck hit a sequence of keys that caused the computer to make a screeching sound.
“There you go, Isabelle,” he pouted while getting out of his office chair. “I turned off the blind settings.”
“Thanks, Mayor Yosh,” she said with a smile as she sat down where the mayor had been sitting for the past few hours.
“Mayor Yosh?” the ever-positive assistant began to ask. “Do you need help changing your diaper?”
Yosh’s feathery-white cheeks burned with embarrassment.
“Umm…,” he struggled to say while placing a hand over a wet spot where a pair of gym shorts did little to cover up the droopy diaper that was wrapped around his waist. “If you don’t mind… When you have a moment… Yeah…”
“Just wait right there, Mayor Yosh,” she cooed while entering data into the town’s budget system. “I’ll get all the supplies and have you fresh and clean once I get everything entered into the system.”
Despite all the good that Yosh had done for Canine Crossroads, the dragon-duck found it hard to feel proud of his accomplishments when he was not only totally blind, but also suffered from a weak bladder.
Isabelle had tried to get Mayor Yosh out of town hall on many occasions. However, the dragon-duck was just too embarrassed about his conditions to have himself seen by anyone in town. If he had a speech to deliver, Mayor Yosh would have Isabelle make sure he was placed in such a way that nobody could see the diaper bulge he had from behind the podium. If he had to take care of any business around town, Isabelle would hold his hand and guide him from place-to-place. This wouldn’t be so bad if the shih tzu didn’t seem so much like a mother guiding around their helpless child. Yosh did have a white cane, but he found using it often made things more uncomfortable for those he would come in contact with. There was also how he would still run into trees, signs, and other obstacles even if he was using proper cane traveling techniques.
Isabelle wished there was a way to help Mayor Yosh feel better about himself despite his shortcomings. Especially since the dragon-duck was very smart and extremely invested in making Canine Crossroads the great place to live that she always knew it was meant to be.
Isabelle used both the deadbolt and key lock to ensure that nobody came in while she assisted Yosh with his diaper change.
“Why do you look so sad, Mayor Yosh?” she asked as she slid off his shorts. “I don’t mind helping you with this at all. It really is no trouble and the least I can do after all you’ve done for Canine Crossroads.”
“Oh, Isabelle,” Yosh sighed as he faced away from the ever-cheerful shih tzu. “It’s just… Well… It’s hard to explain.”
Isabelle removed the used diaper and sat it aside while grabbing for the aloe-rich wet wipes.
“There’s nothing wrong with needing diapers,” she assured while cleaning around Yosh’s private area. “Did I ever tell you how thrilled Joey was when he learned that you wear diapers, too?”
“You did,” Yosh replied bashfully while putting his hands over his face. “But he isn’t blind and doesn’t need someone to assist him in doing just about everything.”
“You do lots of things,” assured Isabelle. “I just wish I could help you see all that you do instead of what you can’t do.”
“I can’t ‘see’ anything,” pouted Yosh as Isabelle lifted his legs and slid a fresh diaper under his bottom. “And how can a whole town truly respect a mayor who wears diapers and needs lead around like a toddler?”
Isabelle finished changing Yosh’s diaper by adding a generous amount of powder before using the stretchy tabs to secure it around the dragon-duck’s waist.
“I’m sorry you feel that way,” she said while remaining positive despite the mayor’s sadness over his situation. “Perhaps it is time that I did something to help turn that frown of yours upside-down?”
The following day, after getting Blathers and Celeste to sign off on the addition of a public library to the museum, Isabelle headed over to Joey’s house to get some advice.
“What makes me so confident to waddle around town in diapers?” the yellow-colored duck stated as he thought on Isabelle’s question. “I just go with the flow. Diapers are comfy, cozy, and convenient. Wearing them makes me feel safe and everyone in town seems to not think anything of how I go about my daily business with just my diapers on under my shirt.”
Isabelle nodded as she wrote some notes on an empty page of her clipboard.
“Anything else?” she asked. “I know you can see perfectly and don’t need as much help getting around as the mayor does.”
“Bleeeeech,” said Joey. “Didn’t you say that the mayor is from Equestria?”
“That’s right,” the shih tzu assistant replied.
“I don’t know about Equestria,” he said with a wave of his hand. “Folks here just don’t care so much about what you do and how you do it. I like Canine Crossroads because it allows me to be me and, as long as I am not causing trouble for myself, or anybody else, things keep from being all bleeeeech.”
Isabelle smiled as she got an idea.
“Thank you for your time, Joey,” she stated while getting up from the chair she was sitting on. “Is there anything I can do for you before I go back to town hall?”
“Now that you mention it,” the yellow duck replied with a grin. “Is there any chance you could get my request to build a spa café approved more sooner than bleeeeech?”
“I’ll see what I can do for you,” she cheerfully replied before heading back to check on Mayor Yosh.
Before heading back to town hall, Isabelle decided to make a quick stop at The Able Sisters’ Clothing Shop. It was here that she made an inquiry about types of diapers they sold beyond the ones that Mayor Yosh had special ordered. She was quite surprised to learn that the sisters had more than three different brands of protective undergarments. However, what really surprised her is that they also sold bibs and pacifiers for those who sought them to complement their preference in padded protection. There were even those who would buy the diapers and just wear them to feel at ease without using them for their intended purpose. It was this last bit of information that gave Isabelle a great idea.
“Mayor Yosh!” Isabelle called out upon entering into town hall. “I have a special surprise for you!”
“You do?” the dragon-duck inquired from his private office.
The shih tzu assistant grinned while striking a professional pose.
“You’ll have to come here to see,” she teased. “Don’t worry, I’m the only one here.”
“I’m coming,” Yosh nervously replied after using his adaptive technology to enter in a few more notes, take off his headset, and move himself out from behind the safety of his desk.
Yosh stopped in his tracks upon hearing the all too familiar sound of his diaper shuffling along with each of his footsteps.
“Huh?” the blind, dragon duck gasped upon realizing he was hearing the sound of a disposable diaper despite the fact he wasn’t taking any more steps forward.
“Isabelle…?” wondered Yosh upon hearing the sound of rustling plastic grow closer towards where he was standing.
“Mayor Yosh!” the shih tzu cheerfully stated with a bucktoothed smile. “I’m wearing a diaper now, too!”
Yosh felt himself wet a bit more into his diaper as he tried to understand what was going on.
“Isabelle…?” he struggled to ask. “Why… Why are you… What are you doing in a diaper?”
The caring canine giggled over how much she could see Yosh blushing.
“I just wanted to show you that your diapers and need for my help around town aren’t as bad as you think,” she replied confidently.
“What do you mean?” asked Yosh as he tried his best to make eye contact with the yellow-colored shih tzu despite lacking the physical eyesight to do so.
Isabelle reached out to take Yosh’s hand.
“How’s about I show you?” she suggested. “It really would do you a lot of good to not be hiding out here in town hall so much.”
“O-okay…,” the dragon-duck bashfully replied. “Though, if you don’t mind, could you help me get changed before we go out to visit with everyone?”
This story is part of a series of tales that I wrote to help me cope with losing all my eyesight in December of 2016. If you’d be interested in reading more about Yosh in Canine Crossroads, you can do so by visiting https://www.fimfiction.net/story/392349/guide-dogs.

Link To Contest & Original Art - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/57835553/
Canine Crossroads had nearly become a ghost town. Many of its animal citizens had given up on it ever getting any better and had left in search of new horizons. Fortunately, after years of looking for the right individual to bring life back into the dying town, Isabelle finally found a mayor who was capable of turning things around. However, for as much good as Mayor Yosh did for the growing populace, the Dragon-Duck felt uncomfortable being out-and-about with the citizens and tourists of the town.
“Mayor Yosh,” the yellow-colored Shih Tzu cheerfully called as she came into town hall with her clipboard. “Everyone is just so excited about the new library you suggested.”
“That’s great,” Yosh replied in far less of a happy tone than his bucktoothed assistant. “When will work get underway?”
Isabelle flipped through the papers that were attached to her clipboard.
“We just need Blathers and Celeste to sign off on the project,” she answered with a smile. “Then we only need to request a loan from Tom Nook and everything will be underway.”
“Excellent,” the green-and-white colored dragon-duck replied as he tapped upon the keys of a computer.
“Are you having trouble with the budget system, Mayor Yosh?” asked Isabelle with motherly concern. “Did you want me to help you put in the numbers to ensure all our projects don’t take us beyond our available bells in the town treasury?”
Yosh sighed and removed a C-shaped headset from around his head.
“If you don’t mind,” he moaned while setting the listening device down beside the keyboard.
The dragon-duck hit a sequence of keys that caused the computer to make a screeching sound.
“There you go, Isabelle,” he pouted while getting out of his office chair. “I turned off the blind settings.”
“Thanks, Mayor Yosh,” she said with a smile as she sat down where the mayor had been sitting for the past few hours.
“Mayor Yosh?” the ever-positive assistant began to ask. “Do you need help changing your diaper?”
Yosh’s feathery-white cheeks burned with embarrassment.
“Umm…,” he struggled to say while placing a hand over a wet spot where a pair of gym shorts did little to cover up the droopy diaper that was wrapped around his waist. “If you don’t mind… When you have a moment… Yeah…”
“Just wait right there, Mayor Yosh,” she cooed while entering data into the town’s budget system. “I’ll get all the supplies and have you fresh and clean once I get everything entered into the system.”
Despite all the good that Yosh had done for Canine Crossroads, the dragon-duck found it hard to feel proud of his accomplishments when he was not only totally blind, but also suffered from a weak bladder.
Isabelle had tried to get Mayor Yosh out of town hall on many occasions. However, the dragon-duck was just too embarrassed about his conditions to have himself seen by anyone in town. If he had a speech to deliver, Mayor Yosh would have Isabelle make sure he was placed in such a way that nobody could see the diaper bulge he had from behind the podium. If he had to take care of any business around town, Isabelle would hold his hand and guide him from place-to-place. This wouldn’t be so bad if the shih tzu didn’t seem so much like a mother guiding around their helpless child. Yosh did have a white cane, but he found using it often made things more uncomfortable for those he would come in contact with. There was also how he would still run into trees, signs, and other obstacles even if he was using proper cane traveling techniques.
Isabelle wished there was a way to help Mayor Yosh feel better about himself despite his shortcomings. Especially since the dragon-duck was very smart and extremely invested in making Canine Crossroads the great place to live that she always knew it was meant to be.
Isabelle used both the deadbolt and key lock to ensure that nobody came in while she assisted Yosh with his diaper change.
“Why do you look so sad, Mayor Yosh?” she asked as she slid off his shorts. “I don’t mind helping you with this at all. It really is no trouble and the least I can do after all you’ve done for Canine Crossroads.”
“Oh, Isabelle,” Yosh sighed as he faced away from the ever-cheerful shih tzu. “It’s just… Well… It’s hard to explain.”
Isabelle removed the used diaper and sat it aside while grabbing for the aloe-rich wet wipes.
“There’s nothing wrong with needing diapers,” she assured while cleaning around Yosh’s private area. “Did I ever tell you how thrilled Joey was when he learned that you wear diapers, too?”
“You did,” Yosh replied bashfully while putting his hands over his face. “But he isn’t blind and doesn’t need someone to assist him in doing just about everything.”
“You do lots of things,” assured Isabelle. “I just wish I could help you see all that you do instead of what you can’t do.”
“I can’t ‘see’ anything,” pouted Yosh as Isabelle lifted his legs and slid a fresh diaper under his bottom. “And how can a whole town truly respect a mayor who wears diapers and needs lead around like a toddler?”
Isabelle finished changing Yosh’s diaper by adding a generous amount of powder before using the stretchy tabs to secure it around the dragon-duck’s waist.
“I’m sorry you feel that way,” she said while remaining positive despite the mayor’s sadness over his situation. “Perhaps it is time that I did something to help turn that frown of yours upside-down?”
The following day, after getting Blathers and Celeste to sign off on the addition of a public library to the museum, Isabelle headed over to Joey’s house to get some advice.
“What makes me so confident to waddle around town in diapers?” the yellow-colored duck stated as he thought on Isabelle’s question. “I just go with the flow. Diapers are comfy, cozy, and convenient. Wearing them makes me feel safe and everyone in town seems to not think anything of how I go about my daily business with just my diapers on under my shirt.”
Isabelle nodded as she wrote some notes on an empty page of her clipboard.
“Anything else?” she asked. “I know you can see perfectly and don’t need as much help getting around as the mayor does.”
“Bleeeeech,” said Joey. “Didn’t you say that the mayor is from Equestria?”
“That’s right,” the shih tzu assistant replied.
“I don’t know about Equestria,” he said with a wave of his hand. “Folks here just don’t care so much about what you do and how you do it. I like Canine Crossroads because it allows me to be me and, as long as I am not causing trouble for myself, or anybody else, things keep from being all bleeeeech.”
Isabelle smiled as she got an idea.
“Thank you for your time, Joey,” she stated while getting up from the chair she was sitting on. “Is there anything I can do for you before I go back to town hall?”
“Now that you mention it,” the yellow duck replied with a grin. “Is there any chance you could get my request to build a spa café approved more sooner than bleeeeech?”
“I’ll see what I can do for you,” she cheerfully replied before heading back to check on Mayor Yosh.
Before heading back to town hall, Isabelle decided to make a quick stop at The Able Sisters’ Clothing Shop. It was here that she made an inquiry about types of diapers they sold beyond the ones that Mayor Yosh had special ordered. She was quite surprised to learn that the sisters had more than three different brands of protective undergarments. However, what really surprised her is that they also sold bibs and pacifiers for those who sought them to complement their preference in padded protection. There were even those who would buy the diapers and just wear them to feel at ease without using them for their intended purpose. It was this last bit of information that gave Isabelle a great idea.
“Mayor Yosh!” Isabelle called out upon entering into town hall. “I have a special surprise for you!”
“You do?” the dragon-duck inquired from his private office.
The shih tzu assistant grinned while striking a professional pose.
“You’ll have to come here to see,” she teased. “Don’t worry, I’m the only one here.”
“I’m coming,” Yosh nervously replied after using his adaptive technology to enter in a few more notes, take off his headset, and move himself out from behind the safety of his desk.
Yosh stopped in his tracks upon hearing the all too familiar sound of his diaper shuffling along with each of his footsteps.
“Huh?” the blind, dragon duck gasped upon realizing he was hearing the sound of a disposable diaper despite the fact he wasn’t taking any more steps forward.
“Isabelle…?” wondered Yosh upon hearing the sound of rustling plastic grow closer towards where he was standing.
“Mayor Yosh!” the shih tzu cheerfully stated with a bucktoothed smile. “I’m wearing a diaper now, too!”
Yosh felt himself wet a bit more into his diaper as he tried to understand what was going on.
“Isabelle…?” he struggled to ask. “Why… Why are you… What are you doing in a diaper?”
The caring canine giggled over how much she could see Yosh blushing.
“I just wanted to show you that your diapers and need for my help around town aren’t as bad as you think,” she replied confidently.
“What do you mean?” asked Yosh as he tried his best to make eye contact with the yellow-colored shih tzu despite lacking the physical eyesight to do so.
Isabelle reached out to take Yosh’s hand.
“How’s about I show you?” she suggested. “It really would do you a lot of good to not be hiding out here in town hall so much.”
“O-okay…,” the dragon-duck bashfully replied. “Though, if you don’t mind, could you help me get changed before we go out to visit with everyone?”
This story is part of a series of tales that I wrote to help me cope with losing all my eyesight in December of 2016. If you’d be interested in reading more about Yosh in Canine Crossroads, you can do so by visiting https://www.fimfiction.net/story/392349/guide-dogs.
Category All / Baby fur
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1529 x 2409px
File Size 3.47 MB