Hello, excuse me for being a little late. I finally finished story and first part of step by step TF. I'm really looking forward to share it with you, even through TF is just test artwork. Anyway, this piece would be probably first one, where werewolf is not standing on two legs or all fours, so please let me know if it's fine. Thank you for every support, enjoy the last rays of the summer sun and see you soon! : )
I hope you enjoy!
I was growing up with awareness that I’m werewolf. That’s why early puberty or first transformation, when I entered teens wasn’t anything surprising. My parents were always telling me stories about our kind: Werewolves were regular wolves before, until god decided to give them human brain and mobility, to restore to the world the fastidiousness and innocence of animals that humans have lost over time. However humans were constantly attacking werewolves, because of their monstrous appearance. Werewolves were defending themselves, and that's when first dirty blooded werewolves appeared. God didn't let werewolves to suffer for more, so he gave werewolves human disguise for daytime and fear of darkness to humans. However werewolves were abusing their disguise to be sinners as humans. God was very angry and as the years passed Power of werewolves weakened, allowing them to use their real form and power just when God’s eye - full moon - sees them...
I hope you enjoy!
I was growing up with awareness that I’m werewolf. That’s why early puberty or first transformation, when I entered teens wasn’t anything surprising. My parents were always telling me stories about our kind: Werewolves were regular wolves before, until god decided to give them human brain and mobility, to restore to the world the fastidiousness and innocence of animals that humans have lost over time. However humans were constantly attacking werewolves, because of their monstrous appearance. Werewolves were defending themselves, and that's when first dirty blooded werewolves appeared. God didn't let werewolves to suffer for more, so he gave werewolves human disguise for daytime and fear of darkness to humans. However werewolves were abusing their disguise to be sinners as humans. God was very angry and as the years passed Power of werewolves weakened, allowing them to use their real form and power just when God’s eye - full moon - sees them...
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Scenery
Species Werewolf / Lycanthrope
Gender Male
Size 1614 x 2283px
File Size 397.7 kB