After Laura deflated her belly to normal size, she wanted to find the person who pumped air into her while she slept, after a long time Laura finally finds that person, turns out, it was a mouse named Scarline, who decided to test her new air canister on Laura's belly...
After picking up the mouse by her tail, Scarline tries to apologize to Laura, Laura thinks for a while and accepts her apology, but...
*deep inhale and...*
- Fwoooooooosh!
Scarline's body instantly takes on a spherical shape, and with each exhalation from Laura, the mouse's body continued to expand to a larger size, from the expansion of her body Scarline's lab robe began to ripp
Scarline is now fully inflated, making squeaking and creaking noises
Now Laura has her own personal balloon for fun, which she can deflate her at any time, or let go, so that inflated mouse flew away on the wind flow
Just a sketches for JousimusPrime
After picking up the mouse by her tail, Scarline tries to apologize to Laura, Laura thinks for a while and accepts her apology, but...
*deep inhale and...*
- Fwoooooooosh!
Scarline's body instantly takes on a spherical shape, and with each exhalation from Laura, the mouse's body continued to expand to a larger size, from the expansion of her body Scarline's lab robe began to ripp
Scarline is now fully inflated, making squeaking and creaking noises
Now Laura has her own personal balloon for fun, which she can deflate her at any time, or let go, so that inflated mouse flew away on the wind flow
Just a sketches for JousimusPrime
Category Artwork (Digital) / Doodle
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Female
Size 1564 x 2046px
File Size 408.8 kB