Monster Nomster Lake Serpent (Update to 0.55)
Here's the new boss in the new update for 0.55! Looks like Kram gets gulped down, but can you turn the tables and defeat the beast?
UPDATE 0.55 (Aquatic Additions and Delicious Digestions)
Link to official Itch.io page https://traxiss.itch.io/monster-nomster
(Please note, music/sound volume may need to be adjusted on first launch)
New Boss: The Lake Serpent!
The Lake Serpent is a gargantuan foe who doesn't take kindly to you eating their fish, and who will gladly eat you instead. Originally I was going to have them be a fishing event mini-boss, but the amount of effort in making this enemy I decided was best to use as a full fledged boss fight. The Serpent has a variety of ranged attacks as well as a lunge attack which results in an instant grab and gulp. Since this boss is in a lake and out of reach of your chomp, you'll need to blast with all your breath attacks. Some small fish will occasionally get sent flying onto land periodically so you'll be able to get some fuel for the fight should you run dry. When starting a new game there now will be a 50% chance of either boss, so if you want to fight the new boss just restart until it shows up on the map. Defeating this boss results in the biggest belly yet. Yum!
Enemy digestions and struggle/fishing mini-game!
Now when in an enemy belly (including bosses) you will see an internal stomach shot of you inside and will play a quick time event. A random Arrow direction will appear and if you struggle in the correct direction you'll get a point. A max of 6 points will give you 3 shields upon reforming while less points will give less shields. After the struggle is over you automatically will enter wisp mode and the enemy will digest you. Right now there is only 1 internal stomach bubble animation for all bellies, but I may eventually do other ones that make more sense for the way in which you are gulped. (not curled up for snek or the lake serpent etc) You can still struggle inside when out of reformations but no arrows appear and your fate is sealed.
Fishing mini-game has been replaced with the same quick time event as the belly struggle. The better you do in the QTE the bigger the fish. The biggest size 3 fish is caught on a score of 5 or 6 points. I added a new size 2 fish that you will catch on a score of 3 or 4. A score of 2 or less is a failed catch. (I'll eventually add more fish too, like a small size 1 fish and possibly ones that grant other bonus buffs or money etc and add a random element to your catch.)
New visitor encounter Larwin.
Larwin is a very large earth drake who is curious to see if you can actually fit them inside your belly. (Spoilers, you can!) Larwin is the largest and longest visitor animation I've done so far, but even they are dwarfed by the lake serpent.
Belly sizes, speed and damage.
You can now move and dodge at belly size 3! Bigger belly sizes will now slow you down more and slow your dodge speed & cooldown, but there is a benefit to fighting with a full gut. Each belly size will increase the damage of your breath weapons (but not your chomp) by +20%. I think it makes for a good risk/reward game-play since if you get hit you lose access to the digestion benefits of hunger gained (unless you have the belly blocker perk). Getting hit with a belly still makes you only take ½ damage like normal.
New weapons, Calamity Cannon & Acid Artillery.
The Calamity Cannon features a charge up mechanic where a ball of energy grows larger and deals more damage the more you charge it up. The only size limit is hunger which is ticked into it at a rapid pace. Letting go, dodging or getting hit will discharge the cannon where you are aiming. The shot will pierce all enemy targets so hitting more than one enemy is the most fuel efficient. It makes for a great sniper weapon paired with the sight upgrade perk. Lining up and taking out 3 or more enemies in one shot is super satisfying. Go into practice area, get this plus the deep breath perk and charge it up to the maximum size for hilarity.
Acid Artillery is a slow weapon that will spend 1 belly size to make a large area splash attack that leaves a large toxic damaging pool on a hit or range limit. Shooting this way wont expend hunger since it uses a belly size as fuel. Shooting with an empty belly will be a normal hunger costing smaller non aoe shot that leaves a single toxic pool on hit or range limit.
Other changes and fixes.
Brutes will now do the correct 2 hits worth of damage when belly is full.
Animated enemy red shots so they look better.
Slightly tweaked some enemy shot speed/size especially the pelkin.
Mac and Linux versions of the game. This is simply a Gdevelop export option. I am unable to test the game for Mac and Linux and so cannot guarantee the game will work properly on those systems. Hopefully it does though.
Map selection fix. I think I know what was causing map selection problems and not being able to see the full level selection map etc. The game was designed with a 1920 x 1080 resolution. I think if you use any standard 16:9 aspect resolution there wont be any problems.
Since most people didn't have issues playing the game normally, I suspect this is what was causing problems for some people. But since they probably don't want to change resolution just to play my game, the game now should conform to fit any window size (but may look squashed or stretched as a result)
What's next? Zone 2! I'm gonna take a short break and then I'll have my work cut out for me to do an entirely new zone filled with entirely new enemies, bosses and visitor encounters. It will be a LOT of work, scripting, and animating but I'm up for the challenge! The plan is to get zone 2 done then open up a Patreon and start adding custom visitor encounters and even bosses to the game from people interested in adding their own OC's to Monster Nomster.
What do you think would be a cool theme for zone 2?
Fungal Forest
Crystal Cavern
Magma Meadow
Arctic Area
Disturbing Depths
Or something else?
Let me know what you think and as always tell me about any feedback you have or bugs you encounter. Leaving a nice review on Itch.io would be awesome if you want to help the game out.
Thanks for playing!
UPDATE 0.55 (Aquatic Additions and Delicious Digestions)
Link to official Itch.io page https://traxiss.itch.io/monster-nomster
(Please note, music/sound volume may need to be adjusted on first launch)
New Boss: The Lake Serpent!
The Lake Serpent is a gargantuan foe who doesn't take kindly to you eating their fish, and who will gladly eat you instead. Originally I was going to have them be a fishing event mini-boss, but the amount of effort in making this enemy I decided was best to use as a full fledged boss fight. The Serpent has a variety of ranged attacks as well as a lunge attack which results in an instant grab and gulp. Since this boss is in a lake and out of reach of your chomp, you'll need to blast with all your breath attacks. Some small fish will occasionally get sent flying onto land periodically so you'll be able to get some fuel for the fight should you run dry. When starting a new game there now will be a 50% chance of either boss, so if you want to fight the new boss just restart until it shows up on the map. Defeating this boss results in the biggest belly yet. Yum!
Enemy digestions and struggle/fishing mini-game!
Now when in an enemy belly (including bosses) you will see an internal stomach shot of you inside and will play a quick time event. A random Arrow direction will appear and if you struggle in the correct direction you'll get a point. A max of 6 points will give you 3 shields upon reforming while less points will give less shields. After the struggle is over you automatically will enter wisp mode and the enemy will digest you. Right now there is only 1 internal stomach bubble animation for all bellies, but I may eventually do other ones that make more sense for the way in which you are gulped. (not curled up for snek or the lake serpent etc) You can still struggle inside when out of reformations but no arrows appear and your fate is sealed.
Fishing mini-game has been replaced with the same quick time event as the belly struggle. The better you do in the QTE the bigger the fish. The biggest size 3 fish is caught on a score of 5 or 6 points. I added a new size 2 fish that you will catch on a score of 3 or 4. A score of 2 or less is a failed catch. (I'll eventually add more fish too, like a small size 1 fish and possibly ones that grant other bonus buffs or money etc and add a random element to your catch.)
New visitor encounter Larwin.
Larwin is a very large earth drake who is curious to see if you can actually fit them inside your belly. (Spoilers, you can!) Larwin is the largest and longest visitor animation I've done so far, but even they are dwarfed by the lake serpent.
Belly sizes, speed and damage.
You can now move and dodge at belly size 3! Bigger belly sizes will now slow you down more and slow your dodge speed & cooldown, but there is a benefit to fighting with a full gut. Each belly size will increase the damage of your breath weapons (but not your chomp) by +20%. I think it makes for a good risk/reward game-play since if you get hit you lose access to the digestion benefits of hunger gained (unless you have the belly blocker perk). Getting hit with a belly still makes you only take ½ damage like normal.
New weapons, Calamity Cannon & Acid Artillery.
The Calamity Cannon features a charge up mechanic where a ball of energy grows larger and deals more damage the more you charge it up. The only size limit is hunger which is ticked into it at a rapid pace. Letting go, dodging or getting hit will discharge the cannon where you are aiming. The shot will pierce all enemy targets so hitting more than one enemy is the most fuel efficient. It makes for a great sniper weapon paired with the sight upgrade perk. Lining up and taking out 3 or more enemies in one shot is super satisfying. Go into practice area, get this plus the deep breath perk and charge it up to the maximum size for hilarity.
Acid Artillery is a slow weapon that will spend 1 belly size to make a large area splash attack that leaves a large toxic damaging pool on a hit or range limit. Shooting this way wont expend hunger since it uses a belly size as fuel. Shooting with an empty belly will be a normal hunger costing smaller non aoe shot that leaves a single toxic pool on hit or range limit.
Other changes and fixes.
Brutes will now do the correct 2 hits worth of damage when belly is full.
Animated enemy red shots so they look better.
Slightly tweaked some enemy shot speed/size especially the pelkin.
Mac and Linux versions of the game. This is simply a Gdevelop export option. I am unable to test the game for Mac and Linux and so cannot guarantee the game will work properly on those systems. Hopefully it does though.
Map selection fix. I think I know what was causing map selection problems and not being able to see the full level selection map etc. The game was designed with a 1920 x 1080 resolution. I think if you use any standard 16:9 aspect resolution there wont be any problems.
Since most people didn't have issues playing the game normally, I suspect this is what was causing problems for some people. But since they probably don't want to change resolution just to play my game, the game now should conform to fit any window size (but may look squashed or stretched as a result)
What's next? Zone 2! I'm gonna take a short break and then I'll have my work cut out for me to do an entirely new zone filled with entirely new enemies, bosses and visitor encounters. It will be a LOT of work, scripting, and animating but I'm up for the challenge! The plan is to get zone 2 done then open up a Patreon and start adding custom visitor encounters and even bosses to the game from people interested in adding their own OC's to Monster Nomster.
What do you think would be a cool theme for zone 2?
Fungal Forest
Crystal Cavern
Magma Meadow
Arctic Area
Disturbing Depths
Or something else?
Let me know what you think and as always tell me about any feedback you have or bugs you encounter. Leaving a nice review on Itch.io would be awesome if you want to help the game out.
Thanks for playing!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Vore
Species Serpent Dragon
Gender Any
Size 800 x 1400px
File Size 271.7 kB
Are you sure~? There's that famous hydra after all! The bulge only goes away once the neck stops and the BIG bulky body begins
Got to reach the lake noodle legitimately and have a few thoughts after playing again
Just thoughts of course ~
1. A minimap or some other indicator. Spent a lot of time running around trying to find the last / few enemies, and there was one case where one was fully lodged in a wall - if it weren't for the attack drone perk I had, I'd have softlocked the game.
2. More a 'distant future' thing, but what if def-eat-ed bosses could show up again during future Dialogue/Encounter events for that run? Reformed in both uses of the word (Reformed after digestion, and reformed as in not an enemy now). A comment on their defeat, and maybe a boon related to them. The wyvern-like boss perhaps could give a float effect to your dodge, or a bonus % damage to flying-based enemies, the serpent maybe extra benefits to fishing, etc. Not going to lie, among anything else in vore scenarios one of the absolute favorite thing for me is this sort of deal (And in general, I like Defeat Means Friendship / rivalry /etc a whole lot)
3. After seeing one of the event-bellies + the lake serpent one, it's interesting how in normal encounters you're capped at three stages when eating, and need to digest before taking in any more. FIrst discovered that when I had five, six enemies in the immediate vicinity but couldn't get them all in ~
4. Birds still ouch xD A nightmare of an encounter (NORMAL encounter, not Elite) had four birds chasing me at once. One is annoying, two is a pain, any amount coupled with other monsters is a hassle, but four birds and later more enemies was just that: A nightmare. And it wasn't even Elite!
5. Fungal Forest sounds like a good Area 2. Volcanic-themed and Depths-anything aren't usually suitable for a second zone in games, unless there's only 2 or 3 zones total
6. Related to and continuing from #2, but ever play Dead Cells? One thing I think could be potentially cool to see is a Boss that remembers you after future runs and remarks on that before initiating combat / after losing again
7. I didn't know carnivorous plants were in the game - they new in .55 or did I just not see them before~? Made me think of my dear Cha'kaari ~
8. I loooved how the serpent tries escaping if you don't digest them right away, and was half-expecting them to actually escape haha
Got to reach the lake noodle legitimately and have a few thoughts after playing again
Just thoughts of course ~
1. A minimap or some other indicator. Spent a lot of time running around trying to find the last / few enemies, and there was one case where one was fully lodged in a wall - if it weren't for the attack drone perk I had, I'd have softlocked the game.
2. More a 'distant future' thing, but what if def-eat-ed bosses could show up again during future Dialogue/Encounter events for that run? Reformed in both uses of the word (Reformed after digestion, and reformed as in not an enemy now). A comment on their defeat, and maybe a boon related to them. The wyvern-like boss perhaps could give a float effect to your dodge, or a bonus % damage to flying-based enemies, the serpent maybe extra benefits to fishing, etc. Not going to lie, among anything else in vore scenarios one of the absolute favorite thing for me is this sort of deal (And in general, I like Defeat Means Friendship / rivalry /etc a whole lot)
3. After seeing one of the event-bellies + the lake serpent one, it's interesting how in normal encounters you're capped at three stages when eating, and need to digest before taking in any more. FIrst discovered that when I had five, six enemies in the immediate vicinity but couldn't get them all in ~
4. Birds still ouch xD A nightmare of an encounter (NORMAL encounter, not Elite) had four birds chasing me at once. One is annoying, two is a pain, any amount coupled with other monsters is a hassle, but four birds and later more enemies was just that: A nightmare. And it wasn't even Elite!
5. Fungal Forest sounds like a good Area 2. Volcanic-themed and Depths-anything aren't usually suitable for a second zone in games, unless there's only 2 or 3 zones total
6. Related to and continuing from #2, but ever play Dead Cells? One thing I think could be potentially cool to see is a Boss that remembers you after future runs and remarks on that before initiating combat / after losing again
7. I didn't know carnivorous plants were in the game - they new in .55 or did I just not see them before~? Made me think of my dear Cha'kaari ~
8. I loooved how the serpent tries escaping if you don't digest them right away, and was half-expecting them to actually escape haha
1: Minimap would absolutely be good. Unfortunately I really have no idea how to implement it since each level is randomly generated. There is probably a way to do it or maybe at the very least point to the last enemy you can't find. I'm aware of the issue so a portal will show up after X amount of time even if you don't eat anything. So if you get stuck, just wait a few minutes and the portal will pop.
2: Hey that's a cool idea! I could maybe add them as visitors in zone 2 where they are friendly and the gulp animations both ways are already done.
3: The main limit on that is its an extra set of animations for each gulp stage so if I set a belly 4 size I would need to animate like 6 new animations. My thought on how to bypass this would be to utilize throat pouch more so I could animate enemy into pouch then pouch to belly which would cut down on the amount of animations, but I definitely have considered it.
4: Yeah the birds are kind of not where I want them, its just too much spam. Reducing the shots to 2 per flap I though would have fixed the issue but I'll need to change how they attack so they aren't such a pain.
5: Yeah kind of my thought too. I'm planning 3 zones and then final boss and be done.
6: I have not but I have played Hades which does something similar. I could probably do something like that but I would need to save some sort of persistent memory of all the runs you've done, which would be possible.
7: Yes they've always been there I think I made them not show up in the first like 3-4 levels or something, and since enemies are all randomized based on a difficulty budget its very possible you just never encountered any.
8: Yeah I thought that was pretty fun. I considered having them get out more but in the end just the head poking out was easier to animate.
Thanks for all your suggestions and feedback! You are like a vore kung-fu master so it makes me really happy you've taken interest in my little game.
2: Hey that's a cool idea! I could maybe add them as visitors in zone 2 where they are friendly and the gulp animations both ways are already done.
3: The main limit on that is its an extra set of animations for each gulp stage so if I set a belly 4 size I would need to animate like 6 new animations. My thought on how to bypass this would be to utilize throat pouch more so I could animate enemy into pouch then pouch to belly which would cut down on the amount of animations, but I definitely have considered it.
4: Yeah the birds are kind of not where I want them, its just too much spam. Reducing the shots to 2 per flap I though would have fixed the issue but I'll need to change how they attack so they aren't such a pain.
5: Yeah kind of my thought too. I'm planning 3 zones and then final boss and be done.
6: I have not but I have played Hades which does something similar. I could probably do something like that but I would need to save some sort of persistent memory of all the runs you've done, which would be possible.
7: Yes they've always been there I think I made them not show up in the first like 3-4 levels or something, and since enemies are all randomized based on a difficulty budget its very possible you just never encountered any.
8: Yeah I thought that was pretty fun. I considered having them get out more but in the end just the head poking out was easier to animate.
Thanks for all your suggestions and feedback! You are like a vore kung-fu master so it makes me really happy you've taken interest in my little game.
Your offer of help is great. You don't need to code or animate, all you need to do is make and post some sort of fanart of my game on your page and maybe a link to my page or the game site. You've got like a LOT more watchers and followers than I do, so spreading word of my game would be fantastic.
I just want to say thank you for changing the fishing minigame. It was such a gamble in the old way with the timing being so off due to simple game limitations. It is actually skill dependant now, which might require a bit of fine balancing as a result but removes all the pure rage.
Okay just finished the game again and I really love these changes. The fishing minigame is now properly doable which is already a huge plus.
A major thing I love is the new damage buffs when you have prey in your belly, it really made me incentivize stuffing myself as much as possible to make the most of my attacks, albeit balancing the risk of getting hit a lot more with the weight slowing you down, a very good tradeoff because the buff isn't small in the slightest, especially at Belly 3.
The new weapons are great, especially since they work off managing their drawbacks to really make the most of them. The acid spit is a little tougher to use because of its huge cost outside of having prey, but the powered up version is very strong if you don't need to heal and can deal with big enemy groups if you've got something in your stomach
The Calamity Cannon though is probably my new favorite hands down. I always love impractically powerful abilities that are tricky to work with, and its truly satisfying to get to Belly3 and charge it up for a good 7 seconds before obliterating everything in sight. Good sounds, satisfying usage, if only the Serpent boss let me use it more than once.
And speaking of the boss, it was honestly a lot easier than I thought, way less difficult than early patches of the Fire Drake, though maybe it might just be because I was on Hard mode and got totally loaded up with perks by the time of the battle. I think it has to do with the lower HP of the Serpent, but I feel like that's a good move considering that back in the early versions it was very possible to run out of breath weapon energy midfight and have no way to properly damage the drake besides waiting for the lunge, but that was super risky anyways.
Overall though great stuff you've made so far, I'd totally subscribe to any patreon you had if I could actually pay for it and I hope you have a good rest after all the work you've done. Good game, from a design perspective and a vore perspective
A major thing I love is the new damage buffs when you have prey in your belly, it really made me incentivize stuffing myself as much as possible to make the most of my attacks, albeit balancing the risk of getting hit a lot more with the weight slowing you down, a very good tradeoff because the buff isn't small in the slightest, especially at Belly 3.
The new weapons are great, especially since they work off managing their drawbacks to really make the most of them. The acid spit is a little tougher to use because of its huge cost outside of having prey, but the powered up version is very strong if you don't need to heal and can deal with big enemy groups if you've got something in your stomach
The Calamity Cannon though is probably my new favorite hands down. I always love impractically powerful abilities that are tricky to work with, and its truly satisfying to get to Belly3 and charge it up for a good 7 seconds before obliterating everything in sight. Good sounds, satisfying usage, if only the Serpent boss let me use it more than once.
And speaking of the boss, it was honestly a lot easier than I thought, way less difficult than early patches of the Fire Drake, though maybe it might just be because I was on Hard mode and got totally loaded up with perks by the time of the battle. I think it has to do with the lower HP of the Serpent, but I feel like that's a good move considering that back in the early versions it was very possible to run out of breath weapon energy midfight and have no way to properly damage the drake besides waiting for the lunge, but that was super risky anyways.
Overall though great stuff you've made so far, I'd totally subscribe to any patreon you had if I could actually pay for it and I hope you have a good rest after all the work you've done. Good game, from a design perspective and a vore perspective
Hey thanks a lot! I thought the more belly size = damage was a pretty good idea. Acid really is ideally used will belly ammo for the most bang for your buck. Empty its basically a worse version of the flame fling except the little pool. I was really happy with how the Cannon turned out, it was just tricky to balance to not make it outshine everything else, hence the high cost.
As for the boss, he technically does have more health than the drake, but I made it so head shots dealt more damage. I probably should just bump his health more, but what do you think? more attack variety or faster projectiles?
Thanks for playing, and for your feedback.
As for the boss, he technically does have more health than the drake, but I made it so head shots dealt more damage. I probably should just bump his health more, but what do you think? more attack variety or faster projectiles?
Thanks for playing, and for your feedback.
Ahah, I had a feeling the head was taking more damage, because I noticed damage flashes were occuring on individual bits of the body, so that had to account for something. I think that's why the fight ended so quickly, because his intro animation is long enough for you to charge up quite a bit of the Cannon, and if you played the mini game right, a full belly of fish for the 90% damage boost.
As for variety vs faster projectiles. I'd say the better option would be more variety. Of course that's much easier said than done as it's more programming work, but faster projectiles would actually end up making the fight much easier because of the nature of dodge rolls and I-Frames. And the HP increase would be nice, maybe by about 50%. Usually having a weak point is meant to compensate for the fact that overall a boss is tankier, so the more weaknesses an enemy has, the stronger it has to be in a general sense to give it a proper sense of balance.
As for variety vs faster projectiles. I'd say the better option would be more variety. Of course that's much easier said than done as it's more programming work, but faster projectiles would actually end up making the fight much easier because of the nature of dodge rolls and I-Frames. And the HP increase would be nice, maybe by about 50%. Usually having a weak point is meant to compensate for the fact that overall a boss is tankier, so the more weaknesses an enemy has, the stronger it has to be in a general sense to give it a proper sense of balance.
I think there is a problem with the cannon against the serpent specifically, since the shot pierces, it's likely that the shot hits both the head and the body doing double damage + weakspot damage. I thought I got the damage to only trigger once but possibly not. Other weapons its not an issue since the damaging projectile is deleted upon impact so it can't hit body & head both. More health is a super easy adjustment. I'll do that in the next update and maybe add in a new attack type for both bosses.