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A little story I wrote back in November of 2023, I wanted to make a more wholesome bubble-related story. After getting dumped by his girlfriend, a young man discovers that his best friend Fann is a succubus, or as she calls herself: a Love Succubus. After confessing to him, she envelops him in a heart-shaped bubble filled with her love.
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Contains: Succubus, Love, Affection, Kisses, Cuddles, & Light Hypnosis
It was a windy Friday afternoon, fall had just rolled in and the sidewalk was already littered with red and magenta colored leaves, crunching under foot of the lonely young man who was making his way back home. Normally, Jio would have been in a good mood on a day like this, as Friday would always be when he would get off work the earliest to hang out with his girlfriend, but today he was on his own. Once he got home, he was just about to reach for his keys when the door abruptly swung open, and a pair of arms wrapped around him.
“Surprise!” a sweet excited voice said to him. Without warning, Jio found himself being tightly hugged by his best friend Fann, a young woman with long black hair, smooth tan skin, and a bubbly energetic personality that fueled her infectious positivity. She squeezed him so tightly he couldn't help but feel his chest flutter as she embraced him. Ending her hug as quickly as she started, she stepped back and dangled a key on her index finger, twirling it around with a mischievous look on her face. “You kept me waiting, so I let myself in.” she teased with a smile on her lips as she leaned forward with a flirty wiggle, making Jio chuckle a bit as he was unable to resist her silly charm.
The woman was wearing a magenta crop top with white shorts, bright pink lipstick covering her beautiful smiling lips, and showing off the expensive-looking heart tattoo on her belly button, her flashy attire matching her energetic personality. With her tall stature, glossy lips, and rare bright red eyes, she had a very mature complexion despite her overly cheerful persona, almost like that of a fashion model or idle. Fann and Jio had known each other since high school, and they had been close since the day they met. Despite never being together, he always felt comfortable in her presence.
“I brought that new co-op Metroidvania that just came out! Why don't we set it up while we wait for your girlfriend?” she excitedly hopped back into the living room, plugging her portable console into the TV. Jio’s Smile slowly faded, letting out a sigh under his breath as he closed the door behind him, walking in slowly before sitting on the couch.
“She's not coming today.” he said, with little to no energy in his voice. Fann turned her head back, stopping just as she was about to plug her console in. “Oh, should we wait until next weekend?” she asked, sitting back up as she took notice of his drained expression. Jio stared at the floor as he took a few brief moments before answering. “She won’t be coming next week either. We… broke up.” the room became silent, Fann Looking concerned as Jio's face remained emotionless. leaving the console unplugged, Fann sat next to him on the couch and scooted up close to him. “What happened?” she asked, Using a much softer and calm tone than usual.
Jio didn't answer, cringing slightly as he subtly bit his lip, looking as if he was trying not to cry. Fann then wrapped her arms around her Jio, giving him a tight squeeze as small tears slipped from his eyes. At first, it felt like he was going to break down crying, but after a few moments, he began to feel much calmer, settling down as his heart skipped a beat at her touch. The two remained in silence as she held him tightly, the young man wiping away his tears as he rested her head against her shoulder. After a minute, he finally lifted his head up as Fann released her hug, but still close to him so their shoulders were touching while she looked him in the eye.
“She ghosted me for a few days before breaking up with me through a text today.” he explained, unable to fully look her in the eye. “Just like that?” she asked with a disheartened tone in her voice. Jio took a deep breath before answering. “She said that I was too needy, I think she just got annoyed with me.” he said. Fann put her hand on his thigh, grabbing his attention as he made eye contact with her. “You never seemed clingy to me when I saw you two together.” she responded, scratching her chin as she looked at one of the photographs of them on a nearby table. “Come to think of it, I don't even think I've ever seen you two kiss.” she followed up sounding genuinely confused.
Jio leaned back against the couch, as he stared at the ceiling. “I don't think she was a big fan of my romantic gestures. Sometimes if I suggested a hug or a kiss she would get irritated with me. It just kept getting harder to approach her.” he explained with little to no emotion in his voice, only to blush as he felt her chest press up against his shoulder, giving his arm a teasing little hug as she nudged up to him some more. “Well, she's missing out.” She huffed, placing her finger under his chin as she pulled his face back toward her. “I'd love a guy who gave me lots of hugs and kisses.” she said with her usual captivating smile, making him just a bit flustered as she dazzled him with her mature charm.
“In fact, I've always been a bit jealous of her since you guys got together.” she followed up, looking a bit rosy as she finished her sentence. “Hmmm?” the gloomy look on Jio's face slowly faded as his eyes briefly widened, unsure if he had heard her correctly. “I remember when we met in our first college class, listening to you geek out about mechanics while fumbling your books all over the desk, I thought it was so cute, and all I wanted to spend more time with you.” she smiled leaning closer to him, making him blush as her warm breath tickled his neck. “At the time I was just content with being your bestie, but to be honest, since that day I've always had a bit of a crush on you.” she confessed, blushing as she giggled bashfully.
Jio felt his heart skip a beat, feeling as if he was being drawn to her as he grew more entranced by her beautiful eyes. It wasn't before their noses nearly touched that he suddenly broke eye contact. “You… Don't have to make me feel better.” he turned his head away. “I… know I'm just too needy…” Jio said with a sigh, his cheeks still visibly flushed as he looked down at the floor. Not less than a second after he said that, Fann nudged her face up against his cheek, wearing a grumpy expression she grumbled under her breath. “You think I'm bluffing?” she huffed gently grabbing his chin as she pulled his face back towards her.
Just like that, he was forced to remake eye contact with her, but before he could even think of a way to respond, he noticed something unusual poking out from behind her back. Much to his surprise, he could see a long pink tail poking out from the back of Fann's shorts, waggling behind her with a heart-shaped tip as it gleamed in the living room like reflective rubber, it almost like a devil's tail. She then got up from the couch, crossing her arms as her tattoo began to illuminate with a bright pink glow. “Then I'll prove it.” she probably announced.
Jio was expressionless as he saw her tattoo glow, watching it getting brighter and brighter until it lit up the entire room. The young woman then held her hands over her belly button, forming a heart shape with her index finger and thumbs as what appeared to be a pair of large bat wings sprouted from her waist. Moments later, the light enveloped her entire body, forcing Jio to cover his eyes as her silhouette glowed like a lamp. Once the light faded, his jaw dropped as he once again laid his eyes back upon his friend.
Fan was now floating a few inches off the floor, her long dark hair was now a bright pastel pink, almost sparkling in the room light as she gently brushed it back over her shoulder. The color of her skin hadn't changed, but now had a gorgeous natural shine to it, and her eyes now appeared to be glowing. The shorts and shirt she wore had disappeared, replaced with a shiny bunny suit-like leotard outfit that barely covered her much bustier chest with a heart-shaped hole over her belly button, paired with thigh-high socks and shoulder-long gloves. “TaDa!” she announced excitedly, her bat waist wings gently flapping behind her as she happily wagged her heart tail.
Jio Had no words, sitting on the couch with his mouth wide open as he just blankly stared at her, he had just witnessed the equivalent of a magical girl transformation. Fann looked like a professional cosplayer, but the wings and tail were unmistakably real, the same with her glowing eyes and thicker build. This was anything but cosmetic. “What…” Jio stuttered, not sure how to put his train of thought into words. “What, is this?” he asked.
Fann giggled as she leaned closer to him with a flirty wiggle. “I… would be a Love Succubus.” she proudly stated, placing her gloved hand on her chest. Jio Didn't even respond, still in disbelief as he kept staring at her outrageous body, wondering if he was just hallucinating in his grief. Fann hovered in the air so effortlessly, as if she was being held up by invisible strings rather than the tiny wings attached to her waist. “Don't believe me?” she huffed softly, floating closer as she turned her backside towards him. “Seeeee?” she squeaked, waggling her tail back and forth. Jio’s heart jumped, he indeed could perfectly see that her wings and tail were authentic, but he also had a perfect view of her beautiful round bottom.
Her bunny leotard covered her up enough, but it left little to the imagination with how snug her bodysuit was. “Boop.❤️” While he was distracted, she touched his cheek with her tail, giving it a brief gentle nuzzle. Turning back towards him, she couldn't help but show her devilish smile as she took notice of his blushed face. “Why so nervous? I'm wearing more now than I usually do.” she teased with a giggle, covering her lips with her fingers. Jio Shivered at the touch of her heart-shaped tail, it felt soft like latex, but it also felt strangely tingly against his skin. Pulling himself together, he sat back up straight and looked her in the eye. “What's… a love succubus?” He asked with a slight stutter.
Fann then floated up next to him, taking a sitting position despite still floating above the couch. “Would you like me to show you?” she answered him with a soft gentle voice, puckering her lips as she took a small breath. Jio could feel his heart beating faster as she seemingly prepared to give him a kiss, but was then shocked to see what looked to be a pink orb expanding from her lips. From seemingly out of nothing, Fann began blowing a shiny round bubble that quickly grew in size as it warped and molded itself into a heart shape. Once it was the size of her head, she separated it from her lips and allowed it to rest on her middle and index fingers, holding it before Jio while it gently bobbed up and down like a balloon.
“You see, my feelings for you have never changed, even when I found out you had gotten a girlfriend. I didn't want to cross any boundaries, so I kept my distance as best I could but I still wanted to be close to you. So I could still love you as a friend.” she said, staring at the bubble in her hands, before looking back up at him with a smile.
“So, allow me to show you… how much I love you.” Fann said with a soft sincere voice, giving him a longing gaze as she gently blew on the bubble. With that, the inflatable heart started floating towards him, slowly increasing in size until it was half as big as he was. Wary, the young man took a step back, watching as it continued to grow and float his way. “Don't be scared… just let it take you.” she said with an amused giggle. “Take me?” Jio gulped, the bubble now only inches away from him as he stared at his baffled face reflected in its glossy surface, leaving him momentarily stunned as the heart started pushing itself onto him.
Jio gasped as the bubble pressed against him, its soft slippery squishing around him as if he was sinking into a pillow. A bit startled, the young man attempted to push it away, but his hands only stretched into the membrane, as if he was trying to wrestle a marshmallow. But before he could protest, he was plunged further into the bubble’s jelly-like surface, wrapping around him in what felt like a gentle hug as he was engulfed within its folds. Suddenly, Jio slipped through its soft membrane like it was made of dough, bouncing butt-first inside of the bubble as it wobbled under his weight like a trampoline. “Eh?” Bewildered, Jio looked all around at the glossy surroundings of his enclosure, seeing his living room through the bright pink-tinted membrane of the bubble he was now trapped in. Bobbing up and down, the bubble squished around him with a soft gummy texture, carrying him a couple of feet off of the floor as if he was in a hammock. It was so squishy, like taffy or some kind of candy-like material.
“Hey… whaa… oh…” Jio was suddenly overcome by a sensation of weightlessness, feeling a lightness in his chest as his panic quickly subsided. As his muscles relaxed, he quickly realized how comfy the bubble felt, slumping onto his back as the succubus solely floated over to him. Jio looked up at Fann as she gave him a warm loving smile, feeling his heart skip beat as the very sight of her was enough to make him feel all warm and fuzzy. It was the strangest feeling, it was almost as if he could feel her smile, unable to hide his happiness as he smiled back at her.
“Well sweetie? How does it feel in there?” she asked, giving the bubble a playful poke, making the bubble wobble with a gentle glow. “Ah!” the young man suddenly shivered as a tingle swept over his whole body, letting out a meek giggle as his face turned to a blushy shade of pink. “I bet it feels nice…” she grinned, floating next to the bubble as she slowly circled around it. “like being hugged by someone you love while being tickled at the same time.” she gave the bubble another poke, this time gently rubbing her finger against a membrane, making Jio squirm even more as he gasped out loud, as he felt a strange tingle around him.
It felt like his entire body was being stroked, mimicking the motions of her finger and causing the bubble to wobble. Fann pulled her finger back, giving him a second to calm down as she continued circling his bubble. “That's because I put you inside of my personal Love Bubble. A little trick unique to us Love Succubi, we put our deepest affection into our breath, and blow it out in the form of a heart to scoop up who we love most. ❤️” she leaned closer to the bubble with a gentle seductive whisper. “But most importantly, it acts as a conduit for my love… for you.” Closing her eyes, she gently blew on the bubble, causing it to wobble even more.
“Hehehe…” Jio shivered with a giggle, feeling a wave of tickling warmth wash over his body, as if being covered by a blanket made of feathers. Fann couldn't help but put on the biggest smile as she watched her childhood crush bath in her affection, making her heart-shaped tail waggle happily as it whipped back and forth. “But… Why me?” he asked, unable to hide his infatuated smile as he turned his head to her, wrapping his arms over his belly while the pleasant tingle lingered in his stomach. “Because…” she whispered. “I… love… you…” she cooed to him, making the bubble glow as Jio felt another shiver tickle his body. “Mmmgh.” he moaned softly, as if just the very sound of her voice was enough to trigger him.
Fann giggled Gleefully, circling his bubble one more time as she ran her finger across the surface, making him tinkle as if he was being tickled as he giggled with a squirm. “🎵I love… You.🎵” she said with a playful tune in her voice, making Jio whimper in delight as he felt another tickle throughout his body, as if he could physically feel the affection in her words. The succubus then circled around him one last time, tip-tapping her fingers atop his bubble to keep him tickled as the bubble glowed like a lamp, before came to a brief stop. “🎵I… love… YOU.🎵” she then gave the bubble a swift hip bump, causing it to wobble as Jio let out a euphoric gasp. The bubble glowed brightly as the young man's entire body was tickled with weightlessness, feeling as if dozens of feathers were tickling him from inside.
With a sassy little smile, she then leaned forward, closing her eyes as she gave the bubble a passionate kiss, triggering it to glow like a lava lamp. “Ahhhh…” Jio gasped with a jolt, feeling a fluttering tingle through his entire body, as if her her tender lips had enveloped him all over from head to toe, making him feel warm and fluttery.
The young man's loud moan quickly degraded into silly giggles, rolling back and forth as the bubble rippled around him like waves in a river. Even after moments had passed, he couldn't stop laughing, the affection still lingering within the bubble as if still being tickled by her voice, while the momentum of her hip bump still carried the ripples around him. Fann’s teasing smile softened up as her cheeks turned slightly rosy, seeing just how effective her love was on the man as she watched him giggle with childlike joy. The succubus had never seen him this happy before today, even on the best of days when he was with his ex. Putting her hands on the top of his glowing bubble, her eyes narrowed on him as she stared at him longingly, no longer satisfied with just watching.
Giving the bubble a gentle shove, she managed to penetrate the surface with her hands, allowing her to enter it she was pulled inside. It was like passing through a sheet of jelly, the bubble sealing behind her with a soft bloop as she slid next to Jio. Still a blushing giggling mess, Jio turned his head to see the Sucubi’s smiling face right next to his. Though unable to resist the tickling feeling lingering with his body, her presence was just enough to calm him down as he looked upon her with a dreamy look in his eyes. Once his chuckles had finally settled down, she placed her hand on his cheek, sending a warm wave of comfort across his face as he whimpered like a happy puppy.
Pulling him closer as she wrapped her arm around him, she then gave him a gentle kiss making him shiver as the warmth washed across his entire body feeling. It felt like a blanket had been wrapped over him, as the succubus held him tightly in a cuddle while the bubble continued to rock them about. The kiss was brief, but it was enough to soothe him completely, his calm smile now goofy and flustered as she let his head fall onto her chest. With another happy whimper, Jio now became still in her arms, the tickling feeling subsiding as he finally relaxed. The succubus’s arms were so cozy her hold made him feel like he was wrapped in a blanket, and her chest was so soft like a pair of pillows as he was soothed by her gentle heartbeat.
For the first time, he felt comfortable, her enveloping affection so comforting it made him forget about the world outside the bubble. It was something he never truly felt with his ex, because for the first time, he felt truly loved. “I'm so happy you like this...” she whispered to him, gently sliding her fingers through his hair while stroking the top of his head. “I’ve held onto my love for you for so long, I'm sorry if it's a bit overwhelming.” The young man simply responded with a soft whimper, acknowledging her words but still too awash with bliss to fully respond. “I meant what I said earlier, I love you more than anything, and I would love to be your girlfriend.”
Her words once again tickled his body, making him smile with a whimper as his chest fluttered with that delight. “You don't have to answer now, since you're under the influence of my love bubble, but you can let me know once you're ready.” she then gave the top of his head a little kiss, subsiding the tickling sensation once again as her warmth calmed him. ”Either way I'll always be here for you, because I will always love you…”
Want to support my work? Patreon
Contains: Succubus, Love, Affection, Kisses, Cuddles, & Light Hypnosis
It was a windy Friday afternoon, fall had just rolled in and the sidewalk was already littered with red and magenta colored leaves, crunching under foot of the lonely young man who was making his way back home. Normally, Jio would have been in a good mood on a day like this, as Friday would always be when he would get off work the earliest to hang out with his girlfriend, but today he was on his own. Once he got home, he was just about to reach for his keys when the door abruptly swung open, and a pair of arms wrapped around him.
“Surprise!” a sweet excited voice said to him. Without warning, Jio found himself being tightly hugged by his best friend Fann, a young woman with long black hair, smooth tan skin, and a bubbly energetic personality that fueled her infectious positivity. She squeezed him so tightly he couldn't help but feel his chest flutter as she embraced him. Ending her hug as quickly as she started, she stepped back and dangled a key on her index finger, twirling it around with a mischievous look on her face. “You kept me waiting, so I let myself in.” she teased with a smile on her lips as she leaned forward with a flirty wiggle, making Jio chuckle a bit as he was unable to resist her silly charm.
The woman was wearing a magenta crop top with white shorts, bright pink lipstick covering her beautiful smiling lips, and showing off the expensive-looking heart tattoo on her belly button, her flashy attire matching her energetic personality. With her tall stature, glossy lips, and rare bright red eyes, she had a very mature complexion despite her overly cheerful persona, almost like that of a fashion model or idle. Fann and Jio had known each other since high school, and they had been close since the day they met. Despite never being together, he always felt comfortable in her presence.
“I brought that new co-op Metroidvania that just came out! Why don't we set it up while we wait for your girlfriend?” she excitedly hopped back into the living room, plugging her portable console into the TV. Jio’s Smile slowly faded, letting out a sigh under his breath as he closed the door behind him, walking in slowly before sitting on the couch.
“She's not coming today.” he said, with little to no energy in his voice. Fann turned her head back, stopping just as she was about to plug her console in. “Oh, should we wait until next weekend?” she asked, sitting back up as she took notice of his drained expression. Jio stared at the floor as he took a few brief moments before answering. “She won’t be coming next week either. We… broke up.” the room became silent, Fann Looking concerned as Jio's face remained emotionless. leaving the console unplugged, Fann sat next to him on the couch and scooted up close to him. “What happened?” she asked, Using a much softer and calm tone than usual.
Jio didn't answer, cringing slightly as he subtly bit his lip, looking as if he was trying not to cry. Fann then wrapped her arms around her Jio, giving him a tight squeeze as small tears slipped from his eyes. At first, it felt like he was going to break down crying, but after a few moments, he began to feel much calmer, settling down as his heart skipped a beat at her touch. The two remained in silence as she held him tightly, the young man wiping away his tears as he rested her head against her shoulder. After a minute, he finally lifted his head up as Fann released her hug, but still close to him so their shoulders were touching while she looked him in the eye.
“She ghosted me for a few days before breaking up with me through a text today.” he explained, unable to fully look her in the eye. “Just like that?” she asked with a disheartened tone in her voice. Jio took a deep breath before answering. “She said that I was too needy, I think she just got annoyed with me.” he said. Fann put her hand on his thigh, grabbing his attention as he made eye contact with her. “You never seemed clingy to me when I saw you two together.” she responded, scratching her chin as she looked at one of the photographs of them on a nearby table. “Come to think of it, I don't even think I've ever seen you two kiss.” she followed up sounding genuinely confused.
Jio leaned back against the couch, as he stared at the ceiling. “I don't think she was a big fan of my romantic gestures. Sometimes if I suggested a hug or a kiss she would get irritated with me. It just kept getting harder to approach her.” he explained with little to no emotion in his voice, only to blush as he felt her chest press up against his shoulder, giving his arm a teasing little hug as she nudged up to him some more. “Well, she's missing out.” She huffed, placing her finger under his chin as she pulled his face back toward her. “I'd love a guy who gave me lots of hugs and kisses.” she said with her usual captivating smile, making him just a bit flustered as she dazzled him with her mature charm.
“In fact, I've always been a bit jealous of her since you guys got together.” she followed up, looking a bit rosy as she finished her sentence. “Hmmm?” the gloomy look on Jio's face slowly faded as his eyes briefly widened, unsure if he had heard her correctly. “I remember when we met in our first college class, listening to you geek out about mechanics while fumbling your books all over the desk, I thought it was so cute, and all I wanted to spend more time with you.” she smiled leaning closer to him, making him blush as her warm breath tickled his neck. “At the time I was just content with being your bestie, but to be honest, since that day I've always had a bit of a crush on you.” she confessed, blushing as she giggled bashfully.
Jio felt his heart skip a beat, feeling as if he was being drawn to her as he grew more entranced by her beautiful eyes. It wasn't before their noses nearly touched that he suddenly broke eye contact. “You… Don't have to make me feel better.” he turned his head away. “I… know I'm just too needy…” Jio said with a sigh, his cheeks still visibly flushed as he looked down at the floor. Not less than a second after he said that, Fann nudged her face up against his cheek, wearing a grumpy expression she grumbled under her breath. “You think I'm bluffing?” she huffed gently grabbing his chin as she pulled his face back towards her.
Just like that, he was forced to remake eye contact with her, but before he could even think of a way to respond, he noticed something unusual poking out from behind her back. Much to his surprise, he could see a long pink tail poking out from the back of Fann's shorts, waggling behind her with a heart-shaped tip as it gleamed in the living room like reflective rubber, it almost like a devil's tail. She then got up from the couch, crossing her arms as her tattoo began to illuminate with a bright pink glow. “Then I'll prove it.” she probably announced.
Jio was expressionless as he saw her tattoo glow, watching it getting brighter and brighter until it lit up the entire room. The young woman then held her hands over her belly button, forming a heart shape with her index finger and thumbs as what appeared to be a pair of large bat wings sprouted from her waist. Moments later, the light enveloped her entire body, forcing Jio to cover his eyes as her silhouette glowed like a lamp. Once the light faded, his jaw dropped as he once again laid his eyes back upon his friend.
Fan was now floating a few inches off the floor, her long dark hair was now a bright pastel pink, almost sparkling in the room light as she gently brushed it back over her shoulder. The color of her skin hadn't changed, but now had a gorgeous natural shine to it, and her eyes now appeared to be glowing. The shorts and shirt she wore had disappeared, replaced with a shiny bunny suit-like leotard outfit that barely covered her much bustier chest with a heart-shaped hole over her belly button, paired with thigh-high socks and shoulder-long gloves. “TaDa!” she announced excitedly, her bat waist wings gently flapping behind her as she happily wagged her heart tail.
Jio Had no words, sitting on the couch with his mouth wide open as he just blankly stared at her, he had just witnessed the equivalent of a magical girl transformation. Fann looked like a professional cosplayer, but the wings and tail were unmistakably real, the same with her glowing eyes and thicker build. This was anything but cosmetic. “What…” Jio stuttered, not sure how to put his train of thought into words. “What, is this?” he asked.
Fann giggled as she leaned closer to him with a flirty wiggle. “I… would be a Love Succubus.” she proudly stated, placing her gloved hand on her chest. Jio Didn't even respond, still in disbelief as he kept staring at her outrageous body, wondering if he was just hallucinating in his grief. Fann hovered in the air so effortlessly, as if she was being held up by invisible strings rather than the tiny wings attached to her waist. “Don't believe me?” she huffed softly, floating closer as she turned her backside towards him. “Seeeee?” she squeaked, waggling her tail back and forth. Jio’s heart jumped, he indeed could perfectly see that her wings and tail were authentic, but he also had a perfect view of her beautiful round bottom.
Her bunny leotard covered her up enough, but it left little to the imagination with how snug her bodysuit was. “Boop.❤️” While he was distracted, she touched his cheek with her tail, giving it a brief gentle nuzzle. Turning back towards him, she couldn't help but show her devilish smile as she took notice of his blushed face. “Why so nervous? I'm wearing more now than I usually do.” she teased with a giggle, covering her lips with her fingers. Jio Shivered at the touch of her heart-shaped tail, it felt soft like latex, but it also felt strangely tingly against his skin. Pulling himself together, he sat back up straight and looked her in the eye. “What's… a love succubus?” He asked with a slight stutter.
Fann then floated up next to him, taking a sitting position despite still floating above the couch. “Would you like me to show you?” she answered him with a soft gentle voice, puckering her lips as she took a small breath. Jio could feel his heart beating faster as she seemingly prepared to give him a kiss, but was then shocked to see what looked to be a pink orb expanding from her lips. From seemingly out of nothing, Fann began blowing a shiny round bubble that quickly grew in size as it warped and molded itself into a heart shape. Once it was the size of her head, she separated it from her lips and allowed it to rest on her middle and index fingers, holding it before Jio while it gently bobbed up and down like a balloon.
“You see, my feelings for you have never changed, even when I found out you had gotten a girlfriend. I didn't want to cross any boundaries, so I kept my distance as best I could but I still wanted to be close to you. So I could still love you as a friend.” she said, staring at the bubble in her hands, before looking back up at him with a smile.
“So, allow me to show you… how much I love you.” Fann said with a soft sincere voice, giving him a longing gaze as she gently blew on the bubble. With that, the inflatable heart started floating towards him, slowly increasing in size until it was half as big as he was. Wary, the young man took a step back, watching as it continued to grow and float his way. “Don't be scared… just let it take you.” she said with an amused giggle. “Take me?” Jio gulped, the bubble now only inches away from him as he stared at his baffled face reflected in its glossy surface, leaving him momentarily stunned as the heart started pushing itself onto him.
Jio gasped as the bubble pressed against him, its soft slippery squishing around him as if he was sinking into a pillow. A bit startled, the young man attempted to push it away, but his hands only stretched into the membrane, as if he was trying to wrestle a marshmallow. But before he could protest, he was plunged further into the bubble’s jelly-like surface, wrapping around him in what felt like a gentle hug as he was engulfed within its folds. Suddenly, Jio slipped through its soft membrane like it was made of dough, bouncing butt-first inside of the bubble as it wobbled under his weight like a trampoline. “Eh?” Bewildered, Jio looked all around at the glossy surroundings of his enclosure, seeing his living room through the bright pink-tinted membrane of the bubble he was now trapped in. Bobbing up and down, the bubble squished around him with a soft gummy texture, carrying him a couple of feet off of the floor as if he was in a hammock. It was so squishy, like taffy or some kind of candy-like material.
“Hey… whaa… oh…” Jio was suddenly overcome by a sensation of weightlessness, feeling a lightness in his chest as his panic quickly subsided. As his muscles relaxed, he quickly realized how comfy the bubble felt, slumping onto his back as the succubus solely floated over to him. Jio looked up at Fann as she gave him a warm loving smile, feeling his heart skip beat as the very sight of her was enough to make him feel all warm and fuzzy. It was the strangest feeling, it was almost as if he could feel her smile, unable to hide his happiness as he smiled back at her.
“Well sweetie? How does it feel in there?” she asked, giving the bubble a playful poke, making the bubble wobble with a gentle glow. “Ah!” the young man suddenly shivered as a tingle swept over his whole body, letting out a meek giggle as his face turned to a blushy shade of pink. “I bet it feels nice…” she grinned, floating next to the bubble as she slowly circled around it. “like being hugged by someone you love while being tickled at the same time.” she gave the bubble another poke, this time gently rubbing her finger against a membrane, making Jio squirm even more as he gasped out loud, as he felt a strange tingle around him.
It felt like his entire body was being stroked, mimicking the motions of her finger and causing the bubble to wobble. Fann pulled her finger back, giving him a second to calm down as she continued circling his bubble. “That's because I put you inside of my personal Love Bubble. A little trick unique to us Love Succubi, we put our deepest affection into our breath, and blow it out in the form of a heart to scoop up who we love most. ❤️” she leaned closer to the bubble with a gentle seductive whisper. “But most importantly, it acts as a conduit for my love… for you.” Closing her eyes, she gently blew on the bubble, causing it to wobble even more.
“Hehehe…” Jio shivered with a giggle, feeling a wave of tickling warmth wash over his body, as if being covered by a blanket made of feathers. Fann couldn't help but put on the biggest smile as she watched her childhood crush bath in her affection, making her heart-shaped tail waggle happily as it whipped back and forth. “But… Why me?” he asked, unable to hide his infatuated smile as he turned his head to her, wrapping his arms over his belly while the pleasant tingle lingered in his stomach. “Because…” she whispered. “I… love… you…” she cooed to him, making the bubble glow as Jio felt another shiver tickle his body. “Mmmgh.” he moaned softly, as if just the very sound of her voice was enough to trigger him.
Fann giggled Gleefully, circling his bubble one more time as she ran her finger across the surface, making him tinkle as if he was being tickled as he giggled with a squirm. “🎵I love… You.🎵” she said with a playful tune in her voice, making Jio whimper in delight as he felt another tickle throughout his body, as if he could physically feel the affection in her words. The succubus then circled around him one last time, tip-tapping her fingers atop his bubble to keep him tickled as the bubble glowed like a lamp, before came to a brief stop. “🎵I… love… YOU.🎵” she then gave the bubble a swift hip bump, causing it to wobble as Jio let out a euphoric gasp. The bubble glowed brightly as the young man's entire body was tickled with weightlessness, feeling as if dozens of feathers were tickling him from inside.
With a sassy little smile, she then leaned forward, closing her eyes as she gave the bubble a passionate kiss, triggering it to glow like a lava lamp. “Ahhhh…” Jio gasped with a jolt, feeling a fluttering tingle through his entire body, as if her her tender lips had enveloped him all over from head to toe, making him feel warm and fluttery.
The young man's loud moan quickly degraded into silly giggles, rolling back and forth as the bubble rippled around him like waves in a river. Even after moments had passed, he couldn't stop laughing, the affection still lingering within the bubble as if still being tickled by her voice, while the momentum of her hip bump still carried the ripples around him. Fann’s teasing smile softened up as her cheeks turned slightly rosy, seeing just how effective her love was on the man as she watched him giggle with childlike joy. The succubus had never seen him this happy before today, even on the best of days when he was with his ex. Putting her hands on the top of his glowing bubble, her eyes narrowed on him as she stared at him longingly, no longer satisfied with just watching.
Giving the bubble a gentle shove, she managed to penetrate the surface with her hands, allowing her to enter it she was pulled inside. It was like passing through a sheet of jelly, the bubble sealing behind her with a soft bloop as she slid next to Jio. Still a blushing giggling mess, Jio turned his head to see the Sucubi’s smiling face right next to his. Though unable to resist the tickling feeling lingering with his body, her presence was just enough to calm him down as he looked upon her with a dreamy look in his eyes. Once his chuckles had finally settled down, she placed her hand on his cheek, sending a warm wave of comfort across his face as he whimpered like a happy puppy.
Pulling him closer as she wrapped her arm around him, she then gave him a gentle kiss making him shiver as the warmth washed across his entire body feeling. It felt like a blanket had been wrapped over him, as the succubus held him tightly in a cuddle while the bubble continued to rock them about. The kiss was brief, but it was enough to soothe him completely, his calm smile now goofy and flustered as she let his head fall onto her chest. With another happy whimper, Jio now became still in her arms, the tickling feeling subsiding as he finally relaxed. The succubus’s arms were so cozy her hold made him feel like he was wrapped in a blanket, and her chest was so soft like a pair of pillows as he was soothed by her gentle heartbeat.
For the first time, he felt comfortable, her enveloping affection so comforting it made him forget about the world outside the bubble. It was something he never truly felt with his ex, because for the first time, he felt truly loved. “I'm so happy you like this...” she whispered to him, gently sliding her fingers through his hair while stroking the top of his head. “I’ve held onto my love for you for so long, I'm sorry if it's a bit overwhelming.” The young man simply responded with a soft whimper, acknowledging her words but still too awash with bliss to fully respond. “I meant what I said earlier, I love you more than anything, and I would love to be your girlfriend.”
Her words once again tickled his body, making him smile with a whimper as his chest fluttered with that delight. “You don't have to answer now, since you're under the influence of my love bubble, but you can let me know once you're ready.” she then gave the top of his head a little kiss, subsiding the tickling sensation once again as her warmth calmed him. ”Either way I'll always be here for you, because I will always love you…”
Category Story / Fantasy
Species Succubus
Gender Any
Size 120 x 107px
File Size 295 kB