CS AUC Phantagrin Charity - CROWN OF THORNS - OPEN
🔹Welcome to Phantagrin Charity Auction:
TeamSeas + Ocean Conservancy 2024 !🔹
Every year we celebrate the ocean!
This year 100% of proceeds will be going towards the #TeamSeas+Ocean Conservancy
Whom have teamed up for the greater good of our oceans drinking water amd those that depend and live within them!
🐟Dive into a world of creativity and conservation. We will be creating Phantagrins /Eoses/ Firstbloods iinspired by magnificent ocean creatures
jesterkimi and PkingSora
Will be putting out some designs for this year’s MerMay Charity Auction!
💕 We thank YOU for reviewing, sharing, and or donating to this great cause! 💕
Serious Bids only please- if you do not think you will be able to pay, please do not bid
IF you have bided but something has come up, PLEASE inform us BEFORE the end of the auction.
Failing to do so will warrant a ban on participating in adopts up to 1 year of the date.
Let's be nice in the comments!
Have fun, stay awesome!
If you win you are allowed to modify the design some- as long as it follows the colour modification rules.
Send us a note/ping of any changes!
Payment Plans - Payment must be paid within 1 month or at Designers' discretion
Once the auction ends the Designer will reach out to you!
What is a Phantagrin:
Phantagrins are grand seers, but their code forbids
them from telling the grand secrets of the universe lest it create the end of the world.
It is said they hold the knowledge of how the world came to be and how it will come to an end
How did they come to be:
Chaotic matter crashed upon Celestial matter in the heart of the Grand Void, the black hole in which the universe sets. Created to be Grand Seers, prophets of passers.
SB: 65
Mi: 5
Ab1: 250
Ends: Ends June 7th, unless ABed
Serious Bids only please🐡
if you do not think you will be able to pay🐡
please do not bid 🐡
Designer: jesterkimi
Mane: Fin mane + normal mane
Ears: split
Eyes: Normal shaped
Rings: x2 Shaped
Tail: + Longth
DEVIANT TRAITS: Traits unique to this Phantagrin
Glowing eyes/mouth: does not emit heat.
Webbed Feet/Hands
Beginner Elemental abilities: 1x element per phanta; Water.
Spikes: Extra horn/spike growths on the body
Tentacle Growth Mane: Organic Tentacles replace hairy mane, these can be prehensile and or grow.
Super jaws: Resulting in very large powerful jaws normally combined with multi rowed teeth (optional), the jaws are able to bite through most hard/dense objects (ex. Rocks, metal beams, etc.)
Extra/cursed eyes: 2 extra on hands.
Phantagrins are a CS owned by @/Cygnean and @/PkingSora
But feel free to join the community ^^
✨DISCORD✨ https://discord.gg/tnFcVTh5
CLOSED SPECIES: Do not make your own
Selling and Trading is allowed, you may sell for whatever price you wish!
The adopted Phantagrin will belong to you, you are allowed to redesign purchased Phantagrin as long as you follow the rules and regulations of the species.
#PhantagrinMerMay #CharityAuction #OceanConservatory #ArtForACause #SaveOurOceans #phantagrin #phantagrins #TeamSeas
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1429 x 2000px
File Size 3.51 MB