One of my second adopts from Narania, I love this kitty so much that I written down his bio too! Originally made for Juniper, but reworked for this long-armed cat.
Name: Bagare “Whiplash” Euskera
Age: 24
Gender: male
Species: house cat (tabby/Persian?)
Weight: 114. lbs.
Height: 5.6. Ft.
Occupation: Assistant to Vickie
Powers via his long “Arms” that can be use not only as whips (hints the name), but also use to grabble, to even walking on them like stilts. With a self-taught fighter mindset who can be a danger to anyone who came across him at the dead of night. Who can be dispassionate to even nihilistic and deadpan at times towards his attackers. Yet once you get over his apathetic responses, it shown that he can generous, but only if it's called for. Bagare also shown to have an extreme dislike for anyone who betray him. Showing no forgiveness as his frustrations and anger gets the best of him. He is also noted to speak Basque, but few can rarely understand him. So, he mostly stood silent as he works with Vickie as her assistant. As he was also augmented with long cybernetic arms after he lost them in a gang drive by shooting incident. Giving the name “Whiplash” by Dr.3715 to help him out get his arms back.... somewhat as the rat got carried away. Who Bagare left soon after this "gift" while not knowing how to interact with people afterwards. Even if they do nice things to him. Later finding comfort in Vickie do to begin a cybernetic like him. Who later Vickie got use to him with simple hand gestures to communicate other than Basque as V as no knowledge of. But willing to help him out the best she can. Leading Bagare to be a coworker with V in many fights against corrupted criminals to help her out.
And sings in Basque to himself late at night as a past time to have "peace in his heart".
A wonderful adopt by
Bio/Character by
Name: Bagare “Whiplash” Euskera
Age: 24
Gender: male
Species: house cat (tabby/Persian?)
Weight: 114. lbs.
Height: 5.6. Ft.
Occupation: Assistant to Vickie
Powers via his long “Arms” that can be use not only as whips (hints the name), but also use to grabble, to even walking on them like stilts. With a self-taught fighter mindset who can be a danger to anyone who came across him at the dead of night. Who can be dispassionate to even nihilistic and deadpan at times towards his attackers. Yet once you get over his apathetic responses, it shown that he can generous, but only if it's called for. Bagare also shown to have an extreme dislike for anyone who betray him. Showing no forgiveness as his frustrations and anger gets the best of him. He is also noted to speak Basque, but few can rarely understand him. So, he mostly stood silent as he works with Vickie as her assistant. As he was also augmented with long cybernetic arms after he lost them in a gang drive by shooting incident. Giving the name “Whiplash” by Dr.3715 to help him out get his arms back.... somewhat as the rat got carried away. Who Bagare left soon after this "gift" while not knowing how to interact with people afterwards. Even if they do nice things to him. Later finding comfort in Vickie do to begin a cybernetic like him. Who later Vickie got use to him with simple hand gestures to communicate other than Basque as V as no knowledge of. But willing to help him out the best she can. Leading Bagare to be a coworker with V in many fights against corrupted criminals to help her out.
And sings in Basque to himself late at night as a past time to have "peace in his heart".
A wonderful adopt by

Bio/Character by

Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Housecat
Gender Male
Size 1277 x 2160px
File Size 959.7 kB