More and more problems... I see no solutions, I try to solve my problems and bang.... 5 more problems appear...
I need to get this out because if I don't... I don't know, it's hard for me to cry so this is the only way I have to get it off my chest, making art or talking.
If you notice, this image is rendered in 1280x720, normally all the images I make are rendered in 4K, but this time I couldn't do it. It turns out that my GPU is having overheating problems, or it's already dying...
I only have one solution, which is to put new thermal pads and thermal paste on it. I wish that is the solution, because I dont have money for a new GPU, on top of that I have debts, Im paying for a new fridge because we don't have in my house, on top of that I had plans like commissioning a model of an OC, it's Nirvana, surely you already
saw some drawings of her that I published, if not you are free to see her in my character gallery, besides commissioning that, I also had to save money for my passport and other papers to be able to get out of this miserable country.
But unfortunately, all that will have to be cancelled.... I have to pay for that fridge, which I am already paying for in installments, I have to buy oil and do maintenance on my bike, besides the other debts that I always have to pay every month like internet and food... or leave things in my name without telling me, and end up finding out because these people of the stores call me angry because i have to pay.
I wish I was exaggerating everything, but this shit happens to me and it fucks with my self-esteem, makes me feel like a failure.
And the usual... Having to deal with my mind constantly telling me that I'm horrible and that everyone makes fun of me.
I've been trying to meet people on dating apps, but I only meet men who want to fuck me, not a single girl has been interested in me yet, and I think these things do nothing but cause me low self esteem and feel bad about myself.... I started using these apps on the recommendation of a friend, but all it does is make me feel bad.... One month into this, and nothing.... Men have few opportunities to be with someone, or is it that I'm the one who has no chance with anyone? Anyway, I see that these applications are doing a great damage to my self-esteem, so I decided to delete them from my phone.
It would be easy to be alone, if only I had not been raised to depend on these parasites called "family", not even my family abroad wants me there with them.... So I'll just find my own way, I don't know when... But I hope I can make it, if I take the path of ending it all at once by crashing my motorcycle 100km into a wall.
I hate not having support from anyone, not even from my family, I mean, I have support from my friends, but... I lived years of my life believing that my family was perfect, until I met the family of my friends and I realized that my family is full of hypocritical and materialistic people, parasites that as soon as they saw that I could earn more than them and pay all their debts they shield themselves with the fact that we are family and the family supports each other, while the rest of my uncles do not want to know anything about us or me... Fucking shit.
What I want most is to get away from them and if possible, even change my name so they will never find me again.
I swear that while I am writing this I just want to fly away like superman and leave the planet as Omniman... But im just a mere human, and real life is nothing exciting like that.
I just wish all this would end and I could live in peace.... Without having to support anyone for the rest of my life.
You know what the worst thing is? if I managed to cry, I would have to do it hidden, because... These people don't understand me and even less if I tell them that its their fault, they always try to take the blame off themselves, even if it's the smallest one.
I'd better stop with this... If you took the time to read all this, thank you.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Scenery
Species Rabbit / Hare
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 720px
File Size 1.39 MB
It is truly sad to hear what has happened to you and I understand a little how you must feel. Maybe life is a little hard sometimes, but maybe you receive the opportunities to get out of that hole, although for that to happen you just need to have the will to take those opportunities.
I'm sorry if I sound very cliché, but I don't have other words to try to motivate you and help you at least in some way.
I'm sorry if I sound very cliché, but I don't have other words to try to motivate you and help you at least in some way.