In the bedroom, human female Kiko wearing pyjamas decides to have some fun with her big belgian shepherd / malinois. She pets her dog, puts her head into it's mouth and allows it to swallow her whole and alive. The dog does some posing while having her in the belly and then places it's belly to the bed, letting Kiko to rest a bit inside :P Headfirst on belly, lot of feet shots, mesh grabber bulges and deformation, safe vore. 52 parts, 76 images 2000x1500. Available for 10$ here - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/424-kiko.....endly-malinois
Commission sales can be done on Itch.io - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/ , privately with me and via paypal or if you want to use credit card, going to subscribestar (subscribing me at least on 3$ tier) and using the TIP feature with the amount of the commissions (We would discuss everything privately on discord first, i am also giving some discounts :P) Subscribestar - https://subscribestar.adult/werewolfcz
My discord account - jorktheelf
DISCORD SERVER for customers and fans - https://discord.gg/jprh9paGS9
Canines 2020:
Good boy 1 - Willing naked human female prey, 20 images (2$) - (German shepherd)
Good boy 4 - 2 willing naked human female preys, 17 parts, 29 images. (4$) - (German shepherd)
Cats for a good boy - 30 parts, 50 images, 2 willing furry cat preys (5$) - (German shepherd)
Very old commission Husky 1 - Willing naked human female prey, bedroom, 15 images (2.5$) - (Copper husky)
Very old commission Husky 2 - 1 Willing naked human female prey, bedroom, 20 images (2.5$) -(Black husky)
Old commission Husky 3 -2 willing naked human female preys, bedroom 28 images (3$) - (Black husky)
Old commission Husky 4 - 2 willing naked human female preys, 44 images (4$) - (Copper husky)
Family for a good boy - Human male, female and german shepherd preys, 60 images (6$) - (Copper husky)
Two in one 2 double vore series. Double vore commission, where husky eats naked Josie before being eaten by T-Rex. 50 images in total (5$) - (Grey husky)
Good boy 3 - Willing naked human female prey, bedroom, 21 images (2$) - (Golden labrador)
Labrador's tasty lunch - Willing naked human female prey, 40 images (4$) - (Brown labrador)
Offering to the Anubis - 2 willing human female preys, feetfirst vore, 45 images in total (5$) - (Jackal Anubis with blue eyes)
Anubis the dog goddess - Female black anubis hound predator, unwilling grey furry cat female & willing human female prey, 72 images in total (6$) - (Black Anubis with golden fur)
On the hunt remastered - Remastered version of my first vore commission ever, unwilling human female being hold by one warg while being swallowed headfirst by another warg, 20 images in total (4$) - (2 wargs)
Betrayal 2, old commission with unwilling female human prey, 20 images in total (2$) - (Grey wolf with green eyes)
Sacrifices for the wolf goddess, old commissions with 2 willing female human preys, 33 images in total (4$) - (Grey wolf with green eyes)
Elf and her wolf friend, willing female elf prey, 20 images in total (3.5$) - (Grey wolf with green eyes)
Shield maidens for the wolf goddess - 2 willing naked human female preys, different wolf predator, 50 images in total (5$) - (Fluffy Timber wolf)
Canines 2021:
Husky 5 - Willing naked human male Jamie feeds himself to his husky, headfirst on belly, 43 images (5$) - (Copper husky)
Wolf's lunch - 2 willing furry fox preys, male and female, 63 images in total (7$) - (Grey wolf with yellow eyes)
Voreception - Food chain 1 - 2 mouses will be eaten by anthro cat, who will be eaten by giant husky. 78 images (8$) - (Black husky)
Voreception - Food chain 2 - 1 mouse will be eaten by anthro fox, who will be eaten by giant husky. 65 images (7$) - (Grey husky)
Reynard and his hungry husky - Male anthro fox will be eaten by giant copper husky. 42 images (4$) - (Copper husky)
Elf and his Direwolf - Male human prey will be eaten headfirst by a timber wolf 58 images (5$) - (Fluffy Timber wolf)
Wolf's snack - Willing elf female, headfirst vore, white wolf, 57 images (6$) - (Fluffy White wolf)
Flavia's hungry husky - Willing naked human female Flavia, feetfirst on back, 42 images (5$) - (Black husky)
Treat for the German Shepherd - Willing human male, headfirst vore, german shepherd, 47 images (6$) - (German shepherd)
Voreception - Anaconda's double lunch 2 with a snow furry fox being swallowed headfirst by labrador, who is then swallowed feetfirst by Anaconda, 45 images (6$) - (Golden labrador)
Big Bad Husky - Willing barefoot topless human female Josie, buttfirst on belly, 52 images (7$) - (Copper husky)
Husky's catch - Unwilling but accepting fate Lizard male prey, headfirst on belly, 54 images (7$) - (Grey husky)
Canines 2022:
Offering for the Anubis Hound 1 - Clothed Egyptian queen prey, headfirst vore, 33 images (4$) - (Black Anubis Hound)
Offering for the Anubis Hound 2 - Willing naked human female prey, feetfirst vore, 50 images (6$) - (White Anubis Hound)
Elf sisters for the Black wolf - 2 willing naked high elf female preys, headfirst and feetfirst vore, 115 images (13$) - (Fluffy Black wolf)
Oaklyn's big wolf - Willing barefoot human female prey, buttfirst vore, 41 images (4$) - (Grey wolf with green eyes)
Family for a good boy 3 - Willing naked humans male Jamie and female Oaklyn & orange husky preys, 169 images (20$) - (German Shepherd)
Offering for the Anubis Hound 3 - Willing naked human female Khemsit prey, feetfirst vore, 43 images (5$) - (Black&Gold Anubis Hound)
Wolf's lunch 2 - Willing Reynard the fox and elf female Flavia preys, headfirst vore, 85 images (10$) - (Grey wolf with yellow eyes)
Vorehouse S1 Episode 5 - Willing naked human female Flavia gets swallowed by the Fluffy timber wolf in the valley, masturbation, 46 images (5$) - (Fluffy Timber wolf)
Doberman's tasty owner - Willing naked human male Michael, headfirst vore, safe vore, 48 images (6$) - (Fluffy Doberman)
Egyptian Worshippers 2 - Anubis hound swallows Sahira and Anubis priest Akhenaten headfirst, egyptian temple 1 environment, 90 images (8$) - (Black&Gold Anubis Hound without fur)
Warg's tasty high elf - Willing naked male high elf, blowjob, feetfirst vore on back, 74 images (8$) - (Grey Warg with blue eyes)
Egyptian Worshippers 6 - Anubis hound female swallows Akhenaten headfirst on back, egyptian temple 2 environment, 45 images (5$) - (White&Gold Anubis Hound female with fur)
Vorehouse S2 Episode 4 - Warg swallows Sahira and Kiko headfirst and feetfirst on belly in the forest, 72 images (8$) - (Rusted Warg)
Vorehouse S2 Episode 6 - Black labrador swallows Louis and Nefer (normal) headfirst on belly and back in the garden, 53 parts, 72 images (8$) - (Black Labrador)
Feast for the Warg - 3 willing naked high elf female preys Kiko, Flavia, Grace. Buttfirst on belly, headfirst on back, feetfirst on belly, 120 images (15$) - (Basic Warg with green eyes)
Fun with Warg ACT ONE - Willing naked human female Daisy gets swallowed headfirst on belly, prevore images, masturbation, 67 images (7$) - (Black Warg with brown eyes)
Fun with Warg ACT TWO - Willing naked high elf female Flavia prey, headfirst on back, even more prevore images, 67 images (7$) - (Black Warg with brown eyes)
Orc's hungry mount - Vana the ogre feeds naked and chained male high elf to her mount, handjob, headfirst vore on back in the Orc village, 69 images (8$) - (Uhrag dark grey with brown mane & saddle etc.)
Goblins for the Uhrag - 2 barefoot male goblins feed themselves to the Uhrag in the desert, feetfirst & headfirst vore on belly, 78 images (9$) - (Uhrag basic with mane)
Fun with Uhrag - Willing naked Vana the ogre feeds herself to her Uhrag headfirst on belly in the frozen forest, safe vore, 44 images (5$) - (Uhrag white with mane)
Uhrag attack - High elf female Flavia gets attacked and swallowed feetfirst on back by dark brown Uhrag in the valley, 65 images (7$) - (Uhrag dark brown with mane)
Oaklyn's hungry Uhrag - Willing naked human female Oaklyn gets swallowed feetfirst on belly the Uhrag in the garden, 41 images (4$) - (Uhrag basic without mane)
Kota's hungry husky - Willing kitsune male Kota wearing white showdown pants, black hair & tail, headfirst vore on belly, digestion-sitting, 53 images (6$) - (Black husky female)
Kiko's hungry husky - Willing kitsune female Kiko wearing black versemoi outfit, copper hair & red&white tail, headfirst vore on back, digestion-sitting, 57 images (6$) - (Copper husky female)
Kiko's hungry german shepherd - Naked willing kitsune female Kiko with mermaid hair & tail, tail and feetfirst vore on back, digestion-lying, 54 images (6$) - (German shepherd female)
Husky's feast - Naked willing kitsune male Kota with silver hair and human female Kiko, feetfirst vore on back and on belly, digestion-lying, 85 images (10$) - (Grey husky male)
Canines 2023:
Oaklyn's friendly warg - Willing barefoot Oaklyn wearing black&red satin pyjamas, headfirst vore on belly, safe vore, 42 images (4$) - (Rusted Warg with brown eyes)
Warg feeding 1 - Naked human male feeds himself to a giant warg, feetfirst vore on belly, 57 images (6$) - (Basic Warg with golden eyes)
Warg feeding 2 - Naked high elf females Apollonia & Luthril, buttlast vore on back and buttfirst vore on belly, 78 images (8$) - (Black Warg with blue eyes)
Warg feeding 3 - Naked kitsune female Kiko gets swallowed headfirst on belly by a giant warg in the desert ruin, 49 images (6$) - (White Warg with green eyes)
Feeding the Anubis - Willing human male priest "summer Puck" gets swallowed buttfirst on back while masturbating, 60 images (7$) - (Grey Jackal Anubis hound male)
Feast of the Gods 3 - Willing naked human male gets a blowjob by a black majestic Anubis, who turns into Anubis hound and swallows him, 50 images (6$) - (Black Anubis hound male)
Cats for a good boy 2 - Willing brindle and siamese female cats, headfirst vore on back and feetfirst vore on belly, malinois dog, 96 images (12) - (Belgian shepherd)
Kiko's friendly Malinois - Willing barefoot human female Kiko wearing tartan03 pyjamas gets swallowed headfirst on belly in the bedroom, 76 images (10$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/424-kiko.....endly-malinois (Belgian shepherd)
Hunting the huntress 1 - Wolf swallows barefoot high elf huntress Flavia in the highlands, headfirst on back, 70 images (9$) - (Fluffy timber wolf)
Breakfast in the bed 3 - Willing barefoot human female Josie wearing tartan08 pyjamas gets swallowed headfirst on back in the bedroom, 80 images (11$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/464-brea.....t-in-the-bed-3 (Black husky)
Breakfast in the bed 4 - Willing barefoot human female Apollonia wearing tartan02 pyjamas gets swallowed buttfirst on belly in the bedroom, 62 images (9$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/465-brea.....t-in-the-bed-4 (Grey husky)
Breakfast in the bed 5 - Willing barefoot human females Nicolette and Luthril wearing pyjamas get swallowed feetfirst on belly & headfirst on back by their husky in the bedroom, 140 images (17$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/466-brea.....t-in-the-bed-5 (Copper husky)
Werewolf's breakfast - White manitou swallows naked human female Oaklyn in the bedroom after she drinks a shrinking potion, 70 images (10$) - (White Manitou)
Treat for the Malinois - Willing barefoot human male Puck feeds himself to his belgian shepherd in the bedroom, safe vore, 74 images (10$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/468-trea.....r-the-malinois (Belgian shepherd)
Malinois attack ACT ONE - Unwilling naked human female Flavia gets swallowed headfirst by a giant dog after she leaves the car, 88 images (12$) - (Belgian shepherd)
Malinois attack ACT TWO - Unwilling naked human male Puck gets anal vored by a giant dog after he leaves the car, 76 images (11$) - (Belgian shepherd)
Werewolf attack - Unwilling barefoot human female Josie gets ambushed by the werewolf in the forest, 93 images (11$) - (Light brown Manitou)
Offering for the Black wolf - Naked high elf male Puck and female Josie get swallowed headfirst by a black wolf in the frozen forest, 150 images (20$) - (Fluffy black wolf)
Direwolf attack 1 - Unwilling barefoot prehistoric huntress Kiko gets pinned and swallowed headfirst on belly by a direwolf in the frozen mounds, 88 images (10$) - (Fluffy timber direwolf)
Direwolf attack 2 - Unwilling but accepting fate barefoot prehistoric hunter Puck gets swallowed feetfirst on belly by a direwolf in the forest, 79 images (9$) - (Fluffy black direwolf)
Canines 2024:
Fighting over an elf - Naked fantasy elf Dariah gets penetrated by her gray fox while a giant timber wolf watches it, the wolf then starts swallowing her headfirst, but the fox fights back and swallows her whole and alive feetfirst. The angry wolf then swallows the fox headfirsts and digests the stuffed fluffy meal, 156 images (20$) - (Gray fox, Fluffy timber wolf)
Friendly loth wolf 1 - Barefoot orange togruta female Oaklyn feeds herself to a white loth wolf in the desert oasis, headfirst on belly, safe vore, 63 images (7$) - (White Loth wolf male)
Friendly loth wolf 2 - Naked red togruta female Grace feeds herself to a vanilla loth wolf in the highlands, feetfirst on belly, safe vore, 66 images (8$) - (Vanilla Loth wolf female)
Feeding the loth wolf - Naked red and orange togruta females Flavia and Apollonia feed themselves to a brown loth wolf in the desert, headfirst and feetfirst on back, 144 images (16$) - (Brown Loth wolf male)
Loth wolf's catch 1 - Unwilling naked green twi'lek female Luthril gets attacked and swallowed by a grey loth wolf in the highlands, headfirst on back, 65 images (7$) - (Grey Loth wolf male)
Loth wolf's catch 2 - Unwilling naked red twi'lek female Apollonia and blue female twi'lek Oaklyn get attacked and swallowed by a black loth wolf in the desert ruin with a crashed spaceship, headfirst on belly and feetfirst on back, 170 images (17$) - (Black Loth wolf male)
Treacherous Loth wolf - Unwilling naked tattooed red twi'lek female Flavia gets betrayed and swallowed during feet licking by her black loth wolf in the desert oasis, feetfirst on belly, 57 images (6$) - (Black Loth wolf female)
Feast for the loth wolf - Willing naked tattooed white and biege twi'lek females Grace & Apollonia and pink togruta female feed themselves to a giant white loth wolf in the desert. Buttfirst on back and buttfirst belly, headfirst on back, 167 images (18$) - (White Loth wolf female)
Family for a good boy 5 - 2 Willing naked human female Daisy sisters and Luthril, headfirst on back and belly, feetfirst on back, handjobs, blowjob, masturbations, implied digestion after each prey gets swallowed, genitalia, NSFW, 305 images (35$) - (Belgian shepherd)
Kota's friendly wolf - Willing naked kitsune male Kota with orange hair and tail willingly feeds himself to his wolf in the forest, headfirst on belly, blowjob, safe vore, 71 images (9$) - (Fluffy timber wolf female)
Nyu and the wolf - WIP! (Fluffy black wolf)
Wolf attack - WIP! (Vyusur wolf)
Michael's friendly Wolf - WIP! (Vyusur wolf)
Offering for the Warg Goddess - WIP ! (Basic Warg with blue eyes)
Direwolf's lunch - WIP ! (Fluffy white direwolf)
Shield maidens for the Black wolf - WIP ! (Fluffy white wolf)
Commission sales can be done on Itch.io - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/ , privately with me and via paypal or if you want to use credit card, going to subscribestar (subscribing me at least on 3$ tier) and using the TIP feature with the amount of the commissions (We would discuss everything privately on discord first, i am also giving some discounts :P) Subscribestar - https://subscribestar.adult/werewolfcz
My discord account - jorktheelf
DISCORD SERVER for customers and fans - https://discord.gg/jprh9paGS9
Canines 2020:
Good boy 1 - Willing naked human female prey, 20 images (2$) - (German shepherd)
Good boy 4 - 2 willing naked human female preys, 17 parts, 29 images. (4$) - (German shepherd)
Cats for a good boy - 30 parts, 50 images, 2 willing furry cat preys (5$) - (German shepherd)
Very old commission Husky 1 - Willing naked human female prey, bedroom, 15 images (2.5$) - (Copper husky)
Very old commission Husky 2 - 1 Willing naked human female prey, bedroom, 20 images (2.5$) -(Black husky)
Old commission Husky 3 -2 willing naked human female preys, bedroom 28 images (3$) - (Black husky)
Old commission Husky 4 - 2 willing naked human female preys, 44 images (4$) - (Copper husky)
Family for a good boy - Human male, female and german shepherd preys, 60 images (6$) - (Copper husky)
Two in one 2 double vore series. Double vore commission, where husky eats naked Josie before being eaten by T-Rex. 50 images in total (5$) - (Grey husky)
Good boy 3 - Willing naked human female prey, bedroom, 21 images (2$) - (Golden labrador)
Labrador's tasty lunch - Willing naked human female prey, 40 images (4$) - (Brown labrador)
Offering to the Anubis - 2 willing human female preys, feetfirst vore, 45 images in total (5$) - (Jackal Anubis with blue eyes)
Anubis the dog goddess - Female black anubis hound predator, unwilling grey furry cat female & willing human female prey, 72 images in total (6$) - (Black Anubis with golden fur)
On the hunt remastered - Remastered version of my first vore commission ever, unwilling human female being hold by one warg while being swallowed headfirst by another warg, 20 images in total (4$) - (2 wargs)
Betrayal 2, old commission with unwilling female human prey, 20 images in total (2$) - (Grey wolf with green eyes)
Sacrifices for the wolf goddess, old commissions with 2 willing female human preys, 33 images in total (4$) - (Grey wolf with green eyes)
Elf and her wolf friend, willing female elf prey, 20 images in total (3.5$) - (Grey wolf with green eyes)
Shield maidens for the wolf goddess - 2 willing naked human female preys, different wolf predator, 50 images in total (5$) - (Fluffy Timber wolf)
Canines 2021:
Husky 5 - Willing naked human male Jamie feeds himself to his husky, headfirst on belly, 43 images (5$) - (Copper husky)
Wolf's lunch - 2 willing furry fox preys, male and female, 63 images in total (7$) - (Grey wolf with yellow eyes)
Voreception - Food chain 1 - 2 mouses will be eaten by anthro cat, who will be eaten by giant husky. 78 images (8$) - (Black husky)
Voreception - Food chain 2 - 1 mouse will be eaten by anthro fox, who will be eaten by giant husky. 65 images (7$) - (Grey husky)
Reynard and his hungry husky - Male anthro fox will be eaten by giant copper husky. 42 images (4$) - (Copper husky)
Elf and his Direwolf - Male human prey will be eaten headfirst by a timber wolf 58 images (5$) - (Fluffy Timber wolf)
Wolf's snack - Willing elf female, headfirst vore, white wolf, 57 images (6$) - (Fluffy White wolf)
Flavia's hungry husky - Willing naked human female Flavia, feetfirst on back, 42 images (5$) - (Black husky)
Treat for the German Shepherd - Willing human male, headfirst vore, german shepherd, 47 images (6$) - (German shepherd)
Voreception - Anaconda's double lunch 2 with a snow furry fox being swallowed headfirst by labrador, who is then swallowed feetfirst by Anaconda, 45 images (6$) - (Golden labrador)
Big Bad Husky - Willing barefoot topless human female Josie, buttfirst on belly, 52 images (7$) - (Copper husky)
Husky's catch - Unwilling but accepting fate Lizard male prey, headfirst on belly, 54 images (7$) - (Grey husky)
Canines 2022:
Offering for the Anubis Hound 1 - Clothed Egyptian queen prey, headfirst vore, 33 images (4$) - (Black Anubis Hound)
Offering for the Anubis Hound 2 - Willing naked human female prey, feetfirst vore, 50 images (6$) - (White Anubis Hound)
Elf sisters for the Black wolf - 2 willing naked high elf female preys, headfirst and feetfirst vore, 115 images (13$) - (Fluffy Black wolf)
Oaklyn's big wolf - Willing barefoot human female prey, buttfirst vore, 41 images (4$) - (Grey wolf with green eyes)
Family for a good boy 3 - Willing naked humans male Jamie and female Oaklyn & orange husky preys, 169 images (20$) - (German Shepherd)
Offering for the Anubis Hound 3 - Willing naked human female Khemsit prey, feetfirst vore, 43 images (5$) - (Black&Gold Anubis Hound)
Wolf's lunch 2 - Willing Reynard the fox and elf female Flavia preys, headfirst vore, 85 images (10$) - (Grey wolf with yellow eyes)
Vorehouse S1 Episode 5 - Willing naked human female Flavia gets swallowed by the Fluffy timber wolf in the valley, masturbation, 46 images (5$) - (Fluffy Timber wolf)
Doberman's tasty owner - Willing naked human male Michael, headfirst vore, safe vore, 48 images (6$) - (Fluffy Doberman)
Egyptian Worshippers 2 - Anubis hound swallows Sahira and Anubis priest Akhenaten headfirst, egyptian temple 1 environment, 90 images (8$) - (Black&Gold Anubis Hound without fur)
Warg's tasty high elf - Willing naked male high elf, blowjob, feetfirst vore on back, 74 images (8$) - (Grey Warg with blue eyes)
Egyptian Worshippers 6 - Anubis hound female swallows Akhenaten headfirst on back, egyptian temple 2 environment, 45 images (5$) - (White&Gold Anubis Hound female with fur)
Vorehouse S2 Episode 4 - Warg swallows Sahira and Kiko headfirst and feetfirst on belly in the forest, 72 images (8$) - (Rusted Warg)
Vorehouse S2 Episode 6 - Black labrador swallows Louis and Nefer (normal) headfirst on belly and back in the garden, 53 parts, 72 images (8$) - (Black Labrador)
Feast for the Warg - 3 willing naked high elf female preys Kiko, Flavia, Grace. Buttfirst on belly, headfirst on back, feetfirst on belly, 120 images (15$) - (Basic Warg with green eyes)
Fun with Warg ACT ONE - Willing naked human female Daisy gets swallowed headfirst on belly, prevore images, masturbation, 67 images (7$) - (Black Warg with brown eyes)
Fun with Warg ACT TWO - Willing naked high elf female Flavia prey, headfirst on back, even more prevore images, 67 images (7$) - (Black Warg with brown eyes)
Orc's hungry mount - Vana the ogre feeds naked and chained male high elf to her mount, handjob, headfirst vore on back in the Orc village, 69 images (8$) - (Uhrag dark grey with brown mane & saddle etc.)
Goblins for the Uhrag - 2 barefoot male goblins feed themselves to the Uhrag in the desert, feetfirst & headfirst vore on belly, 78 images (9$) - (Uhrag basic with mane)
Fun with Uhrag - Willing naked Vana the ogre feeds herself to her Uhrag headfirst on belly in the frozen forest, safe vore, 44 images (5$) - (Uhrag white with mane)
Uhrag attack - High elf female Flavia gets attacked and swallowed feetfirst on back by dark brown Uhrag in the valley, 65 images (7$) - (Uhrag dark brown with mane)
Oaklyn's hungry Uhrag - Willing naked human female Oaklyn gets swallowed feetfirst on belly the Uhrag in the garden, 41 images (4$) - (Uhrag basic without mane)
Kota's hungry husky - Willing kitsune male Kota wearing white showdown pants, black hair & tail, headfirst vore on belly, digestion-sitting, 53 images (6$) - (Black husky female)
Kiko's hungry husky - Willing kitsune female Kiko wearing black versemoi outfit, copper hair & red&white tail, headfirst vore on back, digestion-sitting, 57 images (6$) - (Copper husky female)
Kiko's hungry german shepherd - Naked willing kitsune female Kiko with mermaid hair & tail, tail and feetfirst vore on back, digestion-lying, 54 images (6$) - (German shepherd female)
Husky's feast - Naked willing kitsune male Kota with silver hair and human female Kiko, feetfirst vore on back and on belly, digestion-lying, 85 images (10$) - (Grey husky male)
Canines 2023:
Oaklyn's friendly warg - Willing barefoot Oaklyn wearing black&red satin pyjamas, headfirst vore on belly, safe vore, 42 images (4$) - (Rusted Warg with brown eyes)
Warg feeding 1 - Naked human male feeds himself to a giant warg, feetfirst vore on belly, 57 images (6$) - (Basic Warg with golden eyes)
Warg feeding 2 - Naked high elf females Apollonia & Luthril, buttlast vore on back and buttfirst vore on belly, 78 images (8$) - (Black Warg with blue eyes)
Warg feeding 3 - Naked kitsune female Kiko gets swallowed headfirst on belly by a giant warg in the desert ruin, 49 images (6$) - (White Warg with green eyes)
Feeding the Anubis - Willing human male priest "summer Puck" gets swallowed buttfirst on back while masturbating, 60 images (7$) - (Grey Jackal Anubis hound male)
Feast of the Gods 3 - Willing naked human male gets a blowjob by a black majestic Anubis, who turns into Anubis hound and swallows him, 50 images (6$) - (Black Anubis hound male)
Cats for a good boy 2 - Willing brindle and siamese female cats, headfirst vore on back and feetfirst vore on belly, malinois dog, 96 images (12) - (Belgian shepherd)
Kiko's friendly Malinois - Willing barefoot human female Kiko wearing tartan03 pyjamas gets swallowed headfirst on belly in the bedroom, 76 images (10$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/424-kiko.....endly-malinois (Belgian shepherd)
Hunting the huntress 1 - Wolf swallows barefoot high elf huntress Flavia in the highlands, headfirst on back, 70 images (9$) - (Fluffy timber wolf)
Breakfast in the bed 3 - Willing barefoot human female Josie wearing tartan08 pyjamas gets swallowed headfirst on back in the bedroom, 80 images (11$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/464-brea.....t-in-the-bed-3 (Black husky)
Breakfast in the bed 4 - Willing barefoot human female Apollonia wearing tartan02 pyjamas gets swallowed buttfirst on belly in the bedroom, 62 images (9$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/465-brea.....t-in-the-bed-4 (Grey husky)
Breakfast in the bed 5 - Willing barefoot human females Nicolette and Luthril wearing pyjamas get swallowed feetfirst on belly & headfirst on back by their husky in the bedroom, 140 images (17$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/466-brea.....t-in-the-bed-5 (Copper husky)
Werewolf's breakfast - White manitou swallows naked human female Oaklyn in the bedroom after she drinks a shrinking potion, 70 images (10$) - (White Manitou)
Treat for the Malinois - Willing barefoot human male Puck feeds himself to his belgian shepherd in the bedroom, safe vore, 74 images (10$) - https://werewolfcz.itch.io/468-trea.....r-the-malinois (Belgian shepherd)
Malinois attack ACT ONE - Unwilling naked human female Flavia gets swallowed headfirst by a giant dog after she leaves the car, 88 images (12$) - (Belgian shepherd)
Malinois attack ACT TWO - Unwilling naked human male Puck gets anal vored by a giant dog after he leaves the car, 76 images (11$) - (Belgian shepherd)
Werewolf attack - Unwilling barefoot human female Josie gets ambushed by the werewolf in the forest, 93 images (11$) - (Light brown Manitou)
Offering for the Black wolf - Naked high elf male Puck and female Josie get swallowed headfirst by a black wolf in the frozen forest, 150 images (20$) - (Fluffy black wolf)
Direwolf attack 1 - Unwilling barefoot prehistoric huntress Kiko gets pinned and swallowed headfirst on belly by a direwolf in the frozen mounds, 88 images (10$) - (Fluffy timber direwolf)
Direwolf attack 2 - Unwilling but accepting fate barefoot prehistoric hunter Puck gets swallowed feetfirst on belly by a direwolf in the forest, 79 images (9$) - (Fluffy black direwolf)
Canines 2024:
Fighting over an elf - Naked fantasy elf Dariah gets penetrated by her gray fox while a giant timber wolf watches it, the wolf then starts swallowing her headfirst, but the fox fights back and swallows her whole and alive feetfirst. The angry wolf then swallows the fox headfirsts and digests the stuffed fluffy meal, 156 images (20$) - (Gray fox, Fluffy timber wolf)
Friendly loth wolf 1 - Barefoot orange togruta female Oaklyn feeds herself to a white loth wolf in the desert oasis, headfirst on belly, safe vore, 63 images (7$) - (White Loth wolf male)
Friendly loth wolf 2 - Naked red togruta female Grace feeds herself to a vanilla loth wolf in the highlands, feetfirst on belly, safe vore, 66 images (8$) - (Vanilla Loth wolf female)
Feeding the loth wolf - Naked red and orange togruta females Flavia and Apollonia feed themselves to a brown loth wolf in the desert, headfirst and feetfirst on back, 144 images (16$) - (Brown Loth wolf male)
Loth wolf's catch 1 - Unwilling naked green twi'lek female Luthril gets attacked and swallowed by a grey loth wolf in the highlands, headfirst on back, 65 images (7$) - (Grey Loth wolf male)
Loth wolf's catch 2 - Unwilling naked red twi'lek female Apollonia and blue female twi'lek Oaklyn get attacked and swallowed by a black loth wolf in the desert ruin with a crashed spaceship, headfirst on belly and feetfirst on back, 170 images (17$) - (Black Loth wolf male)
Treacherous Loth wolf - Unwilling naked tattooed red twi'lek female Flavia gets betrayed and swallowed during feet licking by her black loth wolf in the desert oasis, feetfirst on belly, 57 images (6$) - (Black Loth wolf female)
Feast for the loth wolf - Willing naked tattooed white and biege twi'lek females Grace & Apollonia and pink togruta female feed themselves to a giant white loth wolf in the desert. Buttfirst on back and buttfirst belly, headfirst on back, 167 images (18$) - (White Loth wolf female)
Family for a good boy 5 - 2 Willing naked human female Daisy sisters and Luthril, headfirst on back and belly, feetfirst on back, handjobs, blowjob, masturbations, implied digestion after each prey gets swallowed, genitalia, NSFW, 305 images (35$) - (Belgian shepherd)
Kota's friendly wolf - Willing naked kitsune male Kota with orange hair and tail willingly feeds himself to his wolf in the forest, headfirst on belly, blowjob, safe vore, 71 images (9$) - (Fluffy timber wolf female)
Nyu and the wolf - WIP! (Fluffy black wolf)
Wolf attack - WIP! (Vyusur wolf)
Michael's friendly Wolf - WIP! (Vyusur wolf)
Offering for the Warg Goddess - WIP ! (Basic Warg with blue eyes)
Direwolf's lunch - WIP ! (Fluffy white direwolf)
Shield maidens for the Black wolf - WIP ! (Fluffy white wolf)
Category All / Vore
Species German Shepherd
Gender Female
Size 2000 x 1500px
File Size 4.62 MB