Meine gefesselten Lieblingsdrachen 10: Shenlong
I recently heard that Akira Toriyama had died. May he rest in peace.
Shenlong from Dragonball in anthroform.
Shenlong from Dragonball in anthroform.
Category All / Bondage
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1513 x 2032px
File Size 53.4 kB
Listed in Folders
He did unfortunately, but he'll never be forgotten. As the entire Dragon Ball Fanbase is insanely diverse, as the whole story of the series transcended ethnicity, cultures, race, almost everything that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things - because no matter how one puts it, its a story that everyone has thoroughly enjoyed. That has inspired some people to become martial artists, or to do better and better each time, each day.
He was not the founder, but he made Shonen Manga blast its way into what it is today. And for that I don't think we could ever thank him enough, the only thing we can do is continue to enjoy his work. Maybe the US will get a full dubbing of the whole Dragon Ball Series - namely everything before Z.
Much the same as the story is very good in Dragon Ball, many arcs were had but alot of them were plenty fun until the last two arcs - King Piccolo and Piccolo Jr./Majunior.
Much the same as the story is very good in Dragon Ball, many arcs were had but alot of them were plenty fun until the last two arcs - King Piccolo and Piccolo Jr./Majunior.