Yep they are together again and have their disputs but this time rather verbal than physical, remember ?
Bully Boy from Fleischer´s Popeye short "Popalong Popeye" and
Sundazed Kid from the Cowboys of Moo Mesa series, episode "The down under gang"
So here both beefy bovine hunks meet at the gym for testing and competing their strenght and of course, attractiveness !
"You know when i was at your age lifting weights was just for building up power and stamina" Bully Boy stated while he was lifting up his 400 pound barbell with almost no effort. "Physical strenght was asked and not the physical look."
"So what ?" Sundazed responded, "Nowadays the ladies love to gaze and touch of my beefcake, they love bodybuilders, and if it´s someone as cute as me" he bended his big arms and let his huge bicep pop up, "they are more then happy to hit the hay with me."
"That´s exactly the point, boy. You´re just focuse on building that body of yours. My foreman Bluto just brought me the most handsome cows under my belly due to my genes, other than that i knocked out the best human boxers at the state fairs thanks to my body. I even used Popeye as my special speedbag until spinach terminated everything", he snorted while holding up the weight above his pearl white horns.
"Beef was asked for and not bulge"
"Well times have changed, old moo" the muscular blonde bull stated, "but it´s good to have a legend like you here at the gym. And about the females; i´ve got barmaid Sadie Wowcow as my stable girlfriend due to my physique and charme" he smiled to Bully, "Some bulls would cut off their arms just toto spend a night with her"
"Whatever you pumped up calf. Let me tell ya she already left a trail of broken hearts in the past, i just warn ya. When she´s done with you, she´ll look for a better match."
The rustyred bull while performing his lightweight biceps curls tried to calm him down:
"Can we just focus on the workout, Bully ? And if you´re so eager with pumping heavy iron, why don´t you spot me on the bench later on ? I´ll be more then happy to learn from a legend like you"
"The first reasonable words from your snout, Sun"
Bully Boy lifted the heavy barbell up and down.
And finshing his routine he got up and pointed to the bench.
"Show me what ya got !"
Birthday surprise pic by the awesome:
Thank you Extreme.
Bully Boy from Fleischer´s Popeye short "Popalong Popeye" and
Sundazed Kid from the Cowboys of Moo Mesa series, episode "The down under gang"
So here both beefy bovine hunks meet at the gym for testing and competing their strenght and of course, attractiveness !
"You know when i was at your age lifting weights was just for building up power and stamina" Bully Boy stated while he was lifting up his 400 pound barbell with almost no effort. "Physical strenght was asked and not the physical look."
"So what ?" Sundazed responded, "Nowadays the ladies love to gaze and touch of my beefcake, they love bodybuilders, and if it´s someone as cute as me" he bended his big arms and let his huge bicep pop up, "they are more then happy to hit the hay with me."
"That´s exactly the point, boy. You´re just focuse on building that body of yours. My foreman Bluto just brought me the most handsome cows under my belly due to my genes, other than that i knocked out the best human boxers at the state fairs thanks to my body. I even used Popeye as my special speedbag until spinach terminated everything", he snorted while holding up the weight above his pearl white horns.
"Beef was asked for and not bulge"
"Well times have changed, old moo" the muscular blonde bull stated, "but it´s good to have a legend like you here at the gym. And about the females; i´ve got barmaid Sadie Wowcow as my stable girlfriend due to my physique and charme" he smiled to Bully, "Some bulls would cut off their arms just toto spend a night with her"
"Whatever you pumped up calf. Let me tell ya she already left a trail of broken hearts in the past, i just warn ya. When she´s done with you, she´ll look for a better match."
The rustyred bull while performing his lightweight biceps curls tried to calm him down:
"Can we just focus on the workout, Bully ? And if you´re so eager with pumping heavy iron, why don´t you spot me on the bench later on ? I´ll be more then happy to learn from a legend like you"
"The first reasonable words from your snout, Sun"
Bully Boy lifted the heavy barbell up and down.
And finshing his routine he got up and pointed to the bench.
"Show me what ya got !"
Birthday surprise pic by the awesome:
Thank you Extreme.
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Muscle
Species Bovine (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 911px
File Size 147.3 kB