Ich bin KEINE Blume! - I'm NOT a flower!
From time to time reproduction is a wonderful thing, and I will always be your wolf for that - BUT NOT FOR BEES!
I'm a little allergic to bee stings and I may get a little panicked if they get too close to me! O.O
So pleeeeasse fly away, let me do my job and I will let you do your job with pollination... Deal!? Thanks! :D
Wonderful little sketch the fabulous
jukajo did for me last year! Thank you so much!
... And sorry for not uploading it earlier - it sure was because of the bee on my nose. :P
From time to time reproduction is a wonderful thing, and I will always be your wolf for that - BUT NOT FOR BEES!
I'm a little allergic to bee stings and I may get a little panicked if they get too close to me! O.O
So pleeeeasse fly away, let me do my job and I will let you do your job with pollination... Deal!? Thanks! :D
Wonderful little sketch the fabulous

... And sorry for not uploading it earlier - it sure was because of the bee on my nose. :P
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Animal related (non-anthro)
Species Wolf
Gender Male
Size 998 x 1399px
File Size 641.1 kB