In a temple after the latest offerings are left. Si is meditating in contemplation as her digestion sounds are prominent over the silence. Echoing in the ever so lofty shrine. Incanting murmurings and creaking footsteps in fainted sounds that are muffled in the distance. As more offerings are sent upon Si. Like the lamps with flames roaring hearth...
She's calling.....to be fed....
Sound editing by
Commission/Si for
Art by
If you would like to help support me and my work, you can donate to my Ko-fi and Pateron ~
She's calling.....to be fed....
Sound editing by

Commission/Si for

Art by

If you would like to help support me and my work, you can donate to my Ko-fi and Pateron ~

Category Music / Fat Furs
Species Dinosaur
Gender Female
Size 120 x 88px
File Size 953.9 kB
Listed in Folders
Thanks for doing this! This is the scene to go with the soundscape: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53660659/