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The Jinks Ninja Clan
At the secret underground laboratory of Dr Solorina Clefairfarious, a new invention was nearing completion. The diabolical scientist herself was applying the final adjustment to perhaps her greatest creation to date. Her assistant, Tony the Whimiscott, was sitting on a swivel chair and munching quietly on potato chips. He too was interested in the machine his boss was working on, which was unusual for him.
“Is the porthole ready, doc?” Tony inquired once the final chip had been devoured.
“It is PORTAL, you simple-minded flunky!” Clefarious snapped, diverting her attention away from her machine to shoot the Whimiscott a glare. “An interdimensional portal, at that! Just keep silent and don’t distract me with your infuriating questions!”
The interdimensional portal was a large machine, around seven times the size of the petit scientist. It was circular, something very much like a metallic ring with nothing in the center. A control panel with numerous buttons and levels was to the right of it. Clefarious shut the panel and took a few steps back to observe her best work to date. Her mouth twisted to express a sinister smirk, thinking about how much of a genius she was. There was a literal new world of possibilities open for the devious Clefairy now.
Tony whizzed over to his boss’s side, a grin was wide as hers, albeit way less evil looking. “So, can this really take you to new places instantly, doc?” he inquired, observing the portal with keen intrigue. “This is a very good invention, yup!”
“Tony, what did I tell you about keeping that mouth of yours shut?” Clefarious snarled, pushing her glasses up her face with a single finger. “You are not even worthy enough of being a guinea pig.”
“Aw, and I was looking forward to it, to-” Tony began to reply before falling down flat on his face.
Clefarious glanced at Tony and saw a dart was sticking out of his neck fluff. “What are…..ow!” she exclaimed, feeling a sharp sudden pain in the back of her head.
She collapsed to the ground, falling completely silent. A dart was stuck in the back of her head. Two figures dropped down from the shadows of the ceiling, landing behind the subdued pair. One of them was holding a long blowpipe in their hand. The two appeared to be ninjas - barefoot, donned in mostly black including a mouth mask and fish netting on their arms. Their eyes were swirling with green spirals and a purple letter J was sewn into their costume just below their chin.
“Did you use the deadly poison or the mind control serum?” one of them asked the other. They were a small white dinosaur-like creature with ginger hair and glasses.
“The mind control one obviously,” the second ninja answered. This one was a handsome male Dewott with a hair tuft. “I am not some fool to confuse the two…for a second time.”
“Regardless, this machine Clefarious created is now the property of the Jinks Ninja Clan,” the smaller ninja declared, walking over to the invention. “Master will be able to expand his will beyond this world.”
“Do you know how to work this, Ninja Drone Gamma?” the Dewott ninja inquired, eyeing the advanced bit of technology up and down. His eyes shifted to look at the still unconscious scientist. “Or would it be better to wait until that one wakes up?”
As if she heard them, Clefarious slowly stood back up. The one called Gamma prepared his blowpipe, but stopped when he noticed her face. Her face was void of any expression; her eyes dull. He and his fellow ninja exchanged a nod before he jumped over to her.
“Dr Solarina Clefarious, you will tell us how to operate this machine at once!” the dinosaur ninja said in a demanding tone of voice. “The Jinka Ninja Clan will spare your life if you comply.”
“As you wish….” The Clefairy responded, her voice monotone.
In a far-off world, in a clearing of a vast forest, a strange creature was glaring intensively at a lone and tall tree. It was a floppy-eared bipedal beast, looking like a cross between a lagomorph and canine with light green fur. There was a diamond-shape marking underneath its horn located on its forehead. For hands, this creature had minigun-like gauntlets with moveable extremities on the tips that resembled fingers. He also wore a pair of blue denim jeans, which were slightly torn.
“Graaaaaaaah!” he bellowed, delivering a strong punch to the tree with all his might.
The force of his blow was enough to knock the tree down. He watched in smug satisfaction as it fell to his power. His name was Gargomon, a Digmon of the Champion level. He had come to this secluded location for a little training, hoping to test his brute strength without resorting to his projectiles. Due to doing this for a few hours now, he had grown an appetite he could no longer ignore.
“Now let’s see…I think I saw some…Ah, there they are!” Gargomon exclaimed, aiming for a different tree.
He fired off a few shots at it, hitting one of its branches that held an apple. The long-eared Digimon snatched the fruit from the air before it hit the ground. He proceeded to throw it in his mouth, swallowing it in a single greedy gulp. Whilst wearing a smug expression, he fired more shots over his shoulder. They hit their mark - a large branch with two apples hanging from it. This time he used his ears to grab the juicy prizes, one at a time in quick succession.
“Like shooting fishmon in a barrel,” he remarked as he began juggling the two fruits with his ears.
Gargomon was so caught up in arrogantly relishing in his talents that he failed to notice something happening behind him. A sparkling light blue orb had appeared from nowhere, hovering in one spot. It grew and, within just a few seconds, was just as large as the gun toting Digimon. A figure leaped out from the centre, performing a skilful forward flip before it landed on the ground.
The one who had emerged through the spherical anomaly was the ninja drone, Gamma. He silently took out his blowpipe, pulled down his mask and placed his mouth against his bamboo weapon. He blew a dart at the oblivious Gargomon, landing a direct hit on the back of his neck. A favourable target area for a crafty ninja such as himself.
“Ouch!” Gargomon cried out in pain. He quickly swirled around and fired his guns out of instinct. “Gargo Pellets!”
Gamma rolled to the side, evading the barrage of bullets. He stopped for a mere moment before he continued to roll to avoid being shot by a proceeding helping of Gargo Pellets. Digging into his garb, he took out two shurikens and threw them at his aggravated attacker. Gargomon defended himself by holding his gun hands up in front of his face, deflecting the deadly assortment of sharp stars.
“What is with that getup?” Gargomon questioned the smaller Digimon, snickering under his breath.
“Hhmm, it seems I have the misfortune of being supplied with the more slow-acting serum,” the ninja thought to himself, whipping out a second batch of shuriken’s from his outfit.
“Not talking, huh? Well, it will be a waste of time asking you if you’re a new variety of ninjamon,” Gargomon deduced, moving his gun-arms to point at the Gammamon. “So I just have to blast you! Gargo-”
Gargomon did not have time to unleash his attack, nor finish his sentence. He suddenly fell forward, his face smacking into the ground soon after. Gamma put away his weapons, walked over to his knocked-out foe and grabbed one of his ears with both hands. He then proceeded to drag the unconscious Digimon over to the portal, which was now showing an image of Clefarious’s laboratory in the middle.
“This new world has many possibilities for new recruits. I shall tell the Master about this when I return,” the Gammamon ninja noted. He took one final look around him before dragging Gargomon into the portal.
Back in the world of Pokemon, the Dewott ninja was traveling at high speed through a forest. He jumped from tree-to-tree, traversing the thick environment, never skipping a beat. With one final leap, he exited the forest and landed back down on the ground. He looked in the distance and noticed a town was just over the horizon. From his intel, he knew the location was Little Shock town, home to many potential Pokemon to capture and enlist into the ninja clan.
“What the heck is this crap?” an angry voice yelled nearby, causing the Dewott to duck behind a nearby tree.
Over by a path that led down a hill were two Pokemon. A female Pidgeot, her feathers ruffled in frustration, was chewing out a male Meowth. The feline had a nervous look on their face, holding a small crystal ball in his hand. A brown fanny pack was wrapped around the Meowth’s waist and there was a sack by his feet, tied up with a long yellow piece of string.
“Please calm down, ma’am,” the cat responded, his voice quite calm. “The price may be high, but so is the value! You won’t find this scattered among the trash on the floor of a mystery dungeon!”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that for a second; mostly because there is NO such thing as a super mega stone!” the Pidgeot yelled, swiping the alleged fake item from the cat’s paws. “Go drown yourself in some kitty litter, you con artist!”
Meowth snarled. “Now listen here, feathers! You think just because I am not a Kecleon, that must mean my products aren’t legit!” he snapped, making a fist with both of his hands. “Fine then! I don’t want to make deals with bigots like you anyway!”
Meowth glanced over to the side and saw his crystal ball was now in tiny, irretrievable shards. Pidgeot shot one last glare at the salesperson before taking to the skies. The Dewott ninja swiftly reached into his uniform, as if he was going to take out a weapon. However, after a few seconds, he retracted his hand and it was still empty.
“Oh, that is right; Gamma had the only blowpipe,” the ninja commented, watching in slight frustration at the departing avian Pokemon. He sighed. “No matter. Perhaps this Meowth has some skills the clan can utilize…”
Looking back at the Meowth, he noticed that he was already on his way down the hill. The Dewott ninja darted towards him, taking out one of his scalchops, holding it in an aggressive manner. The Meowth continued his way to the town, his sack of supplies over his shoulder. His disgruntled expression had vanished, being replaced with a happy and hopeful smile. There was bound to be someone in town who would be interested in the rare items he had to offer.
Meowth grunted in pain and straggled forward. The water-type ninja had delivered a chop to the back of the feline’s neck with his scalchop. Losing his balance and vision, the Meowth groaned a second time before slumping to the ground. The ninja grabbed a hold of the Meowth by his tail and flung him over his shoulders.
“I wonder what supplies he has?” the Dewott thought to himself, snatching up the sack. “There is a risk of detection opening it here. I shall return to base.”
An hour later, in yet another base hidden away from civilization, Gargomon and Meowth had long since regained consciousness. However, they were both far from being verbal over their kidnapping. The pair were completely silent, their mouths hanging agape with green spirals swirling in their eyes. In addition to all of this, their captors had also taken the liberty of donning them in matching ninja attire and a pair a visor each.
Their visors were connected to a machine. A monitor was also attached to it, displaying some data on the two. It had their names, the percentage left until their brainwashing was complete, along with the words “JINKS NINJA HYPNOSIS PROTOCOL’ in bright red bold text.
Gamma and the Dewott were in the room, observing the devious re-education progress from the shadows. “Master has already assigned them to their roles,” the Gammamon stated.
“Yes, I heard,” the Dewott replied, nodding. “Gargomon is to be put on the assault squad while the Meowth shall be put on recon duty.”
“Speaking of that Meowth, did he have anything of value in his possession?” Gamma inquired, pulling down his mask temporarily to take a puff from his kiseru.
The Dewott shook his head. “It was all junk. His lifestyle was one of deceit, which made him perfect for our cause,” he noted, looking at the feline ninja-in-training. “His mental training shall be brief in comparison to your catch, Gamma.”
DING! A sound emitting from the brainwashing machine caught their attention. The percentage under Meowth’s name had finally reached one hundred. The cable automatically disconnected from the cat Pokemon's visor, retracting back into the machine. Gone from the Meowth’s face was the slack-jawed expression he had throughout the intense reprogramming. He now possessed a more solemn face as he got up from the metal slab he was laying on. Instead of just walking over to the ninja observers, he leaped up high in the air, did a agile forward flip and landed a foot or so away from them.
“Ninja Drone Meowth ready to follow orders!” He stated, raising his paw to salute. “The Jinks Ninja Clan shall never falter!”
Gamma nodded. “Welcome, fellow ninja. You are to report to the master at once,” he instructed, returning the salute.
“I shall lead the way. You are to follow me,” the Dewott ninja ordered, making a ‘follow me’ gesture with his finger before walking out of the room.
After the two left Gamma looked at the monitor screen to check up on Gargomon’s progress. It was currently at ninety percent. The Digimon slightly twitched from time-to-time, along with letting out a barely audible mumble or two. He had put up more resistance than the Meowth due to his pride, but mostly because of his egotistical personality. However, as strong as his resolve was, it seemed to be no match for the diabolical invention created by the sinister ninja clan.
“Is it still taking this long? Did you fools manage to somehow mess up my alterations?” a female voice asked.
Clefarious had entered the room. She was wearing the Jinks ninja attire, and her eyes were full of green spirals. Gamma ignored her, exhaling a little stream of smoke before pulling his mask back up. He was far more concerned about the target he had personally captured and the progress of his forced induction.
“Ignorance is bliss is the motto of the likes of you, isn’t it?” Clefarious retorted, sighing in an irate way. “At least Master respects the improvements I've made to the JNHPG machine. It was a self-glorified science fair project until I worked my genius on it.”
DING! The sound that indicated a one-hundred percent completion emitted from the machine. The visor Gargomon was wearing came off and was taken by into the reprogramming device. He got to his feet and marched like a soldier over to his fellow members of the ninja clan. He then stood at attention and brought his arm up to salute.
“Ninja Drone Gargomon is ready to obey!” he declared, using his other hand to pull up his mask. “Those who defy our Master and our clan shall be punished severely!”
Gamma saluted in response. “Wise words, fellow ninja. However, you are to immediately report to the master before going on any missions,” he informed him, standing to one side for him to pass.
“I have come to tell you that I've made further adjustments to the interdimensional portal,” the Clefairy ninja scientist revealed, her smug grin showing through her mask. “The Jinks Ninja Clan will prosper with my superior intellect backing it. Master showed good intellect in recruiting someone like myself to advance the glory of the clan to records never thought of before! For the prosperity of the ninja clan!”
“For the prosperity of the ninja clan!” Gamma parroted, standing at attention and saluting once more.
I've uploaded a lot of pictures about them, but now it's time to write a story about them. This also doubles as a gift for a friend of mine. I hope people enjoy this as much as I did writing it.
The Jinks Ninja concept was created by:
Category Story / Hypnosis
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 22.6 kB
Listed in Folders
But she IS Clefarious after all. It's clear her personality remained mostly intact even after the brainwashing process, and the dialogue established having a strong ego makes the process take a lot longer...and that she herself made her own modifications to the machine. I almost guarantee she has contingencies within contingencies for this very sort of thing and is just waiting for her opportunity to spring her plan on the clan. Probably by turning a switch that makes all the ninjas loyal to her only.