Technician knows more than to eat a Neuron Fly. His creator, A Distant Echo, relies on thousands of the things! And surely, she could make more, yet he knows better than to consume apart of his creator.
Yet, he's still endlessly fascinated by the things! The way they swirl and float through the Iterator's internal complex, grouping up like schools of fish.
Every now and then Echo catches him grabbing or reaching for one! But she can take solace in the fact that Technician will never eat one. On more than one occasion however, she's sighted him bringing a Neuron out of her can, playing with it haphazardly on the rooftop of her Can.
Instream from
Captain_Kobold! Please go give them some love they've been feeling down!!!
Technician and A Distant Echo belong to me! RW belongs to Akupara
Yet, he's still endlessly fascinated by the things! The way they swirl and float through the Iterator's internal complex, grouping up like schools of fish.
Every now and then Echo catches him grabbing or reaching for one! But she can take solace in the fact that Technician will never eat one. On more than one occasion however, she's sighted him bringing a Neuron out of her can, playing with it haphazardly on the rooftop of her Can.
Instream from

Technician and A Distant Echo belong to me! RW belongs to Akupara
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 1662 x 2217px
File Size 2.39 MB