Eric was on vacation in Bali with his work friends. After 2 weeks of fun they decided to go home but Eric wanted to stay for one more day to enjoy the sights alone. during his lone day in bali he visited an elephant park and got to feed and ride them.
When Eric finally came back to his hotel room he collapsed on the bed. He pushed himself a bit to get the most out of his last day and was feeling it's toll begin to ware on his body. With a sigh he fell into a deep slumber.
Eric's dream was intense, confusing and slightly creepy. He was Chased through a tropical forest by large, curvy giggling humanoid elephants that were all bright pink with big wide smiles. They were all chanting in unison "Don't think about a Pink Elephant, Eric!" Over and over until they finally caught him a squeezed him in a big group hug, smothering him as he sunk into their pudgy pink folds. They laughed as he continued to sink further and further until he began being swallowed by a black void. The last thing he heard was one of them saying "When the Clock strikes three you'll look just like me! Hehehehe!".
Eric Jolted up in his bed in a cold sweat, awakened from the nightmare. But he quickly realized something was very off. His vision was obstructed by something that was on his head. A Long pink object extended from whatever was on his head. He tried sitting up but was greeted with a loud squeaking and creaking from his body. Something on his belly was making sitting up very difficult. He noticed his hands were encased in something. After much effort he finally managed to sit up against the headboard of his bed and finally got a look at his predicament. His eyes laid on inflated pink rubber breasts attached to the unwieldy, squeaking suit he was inside. He went to put his hands to his head in shock but saw the inflated rubber stumps fashioned to look like elephant feet that his hands were stuck in and froze for a moment. he looked down at the long pink thing coming from the rubber head and realized it was an elephant trunk. He began to panic and wonder why he was in a suit that looked creepily similar to the female humanoid elephants in his dream. "Wait, im inflated so if i just find the plug I can take it out and it'll deflate and then I can get out of this stupid fat suit! He thought to himself. He clumsily fumbled around on the bed, rolling and stumbling around in the unwieldy elephant suit making lost of creaks and squeaks from the rubber rubbing together. His felt his hot breath circulating in the pink round head and beads of sweat falling down his face. "God, I can't move properly in this damn thing!" he grunted. He manages to stand up in an uncomfortable pose with his arms and legs pressed outwards, separated widely by the inflated rubber mass hanging from his his limbs, belly, chest and ass. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and began to feel claustrophobic. He snapped himself out of his growing panic and began looking for the air plug. His head being stuck in a big thick elephant head made it really hard to get a good look at himself but after inspecting every inch of the suit he found the plug on the round blown up belly of the suit which was hard to see beyond the bikini'd boobs. He began scrambling to unplug and deflate the infernal costume he was stuck in but was filled with dread when his thick pink arms couldn't reach far enough on the protruding stomach and even if he could the stumped limbs couldn't even open it anyway. he sat back down on the bed in defeat with a loud squeak. He tried rationalizing the situation "This must be part of the same dream right? Or did someone prank me? No, all my friends already left..." As he talked to himself in his head he remembers what one of the elephants said in the dream "When the Clock strikes three you'll look just like me! Hehehehe!" Eric's eyes widened and darted to the clock on the wall. The time was 2:49AM. Eric was already freaked out enough by this situation but this new time limit terrified him and he ran to the bathroom... Or more accurately he waddled hurriedly as fast as his thick pink elephant costume allowed. he laid his hand on the handle and pushed down but the slick rubber round stump just slid right off again and again. his face was red in frustration and anxiety as he failed repeatedly. eventually he just decided to push it down with the trunk hanging from the suits head which worked a lot better. waddling into the bathroom with embarassingly loud creaking he finally got a full look at the suit. big wide ears hung from the head with a hibiscus flower stuck on one. A dead eyed, smiling cartoon face with blushing cheeks decorated the elephant head. big plastic eyelashes stuck out of the top of the eyes. the inflated breasts looked to be the size of basketballs and the protruding belly wrapped around the torso like a ring which was probably why it was so hard for him to get up from his bed earlier. a white knot cover up skirt hung from the hips of the suit. the feet of the suit were flat and wide like the hands. he turned around to get a look at the back and his eyes were instantly drawn to the bulbous butt cheeks but wandered up the back, noticing the zip running down the middle. "I'M SAVED FROM THIS SQUEAKY PINK HELL!" he exclaimed. His arms jolted to his back, grasping at the zip near the neck of the suit. Once again the thick pink unwieldy tubes encasing his arms proved useless as they couldn't reach or manipulate the zipper as much as he strained. He gave up after what felt like an eternity of loud creaks from the suit from the rubber on rubber contact. He Collapsed to the floor huffing and puffing with sweat dripping from all over his body. he was already tired from waking up in the middle of the night but now he was completely exhausted and felt like passing out. Until he remembered the time limit the elephant from the dream hinted at which sprung him back into action. He tottered out of the bathroom in a panic and looked at the clock 2:59 it read. In a desperate last ditch effort he tried every idea he could think of; he tried rubbing the suit against sharp edges like corners, he tried breaking a glass to use the broken pieces to burst the costume but his slick rubber hands couldn't grasp it, he tried flopping on the ground to see if the force could burst it, he tried bursting it from the inside by poking at the suit with his finger nails or biting at the rubber head, he tried opening the hotel room door to get help from staff but again his useless hands couldn't turn the knob, he even tried poking his big pink girly elephant head out of the window and screaming outside for help but no one answered. He looked back at the clock and saw the hour hand point to the dreaded 3 with a *Click*. He closed his eyes in anticipation. He felt his arms and legs slowly grew thick and blubbery until they pressed against the confines of the rubber and begin to meld with the suit, his hands and feet taking the form of an elephant's, keeping the pink color but losing the rubberness. His torso began to gain a lot of fat on his belly and his chest. love handles spilled out onto each side of body. he continued to balloon until he filled the space between his body and the rubber suit. his new pink fat gut weighed him down so much he stumbled and fell to the carpeted floor, moaning as the changes continued. Flesh on his chest warped into two massive pink pillows which were quickly covered with the cyan bikini from the suit. He grasped at them with his new wide, three toed hand before he felt his face changing. his hair began disappearing, his cheeks became doughy and his head grew wider and taller until it pressed against the wall of rubber. he felt the suit and his head become one as his eyes grew to cartoonish proportions with big fluttering lashes. he now had rosy, chubby cheeks, a big thick trunk and giant ears. He felt a disturbing sensation in his crotch so he began pulling his new rolls of fat on his belly back to look and saw his genitals shrinkng in the cyan bikini bottoms before completely disappearing into his pink crotch. Suddenly he felt his insides stir painfully like a bad cramp and then an opening began forming where his equipment used to be. He put his elephant hand to his mouth in shock "This can't be happening no.." he said in his new high pitched feminine voice. he shook his head making his massive ears swayed back and forth "This isn't real, im still dreaming i have to be..." he said to himself in denial. His hips widened and he felt the opening become a fully formed vagina. She couldn't even bring herself to acknowledge it, she just stood back up and quietly walked, fat thighs and ass jiggling behind her to her bed, crawled in and shut her eyes "Now I'll go back to sleep and wake up as Eric again and this nightmare will be over..." She whispered to herself. She tossed and turned, unable to fall back to sleep, constantly disturbed by the unfamiliar feelings of her body, unable to get comfortable. "God, This is real isn't it? I'm a big fat pink elephant woman... Did I get cursed or something? What the fuck happened...?"
When Eric finally came back to his hotel room he collapsed on the bed. He pushed himself a bit to get the most out of his last day and was feeling it's toll begin to ware on his body. With a sigh he fell into a deep slumber.
Eric's dream was intense, confusing and slightly creepy. He was Chased through a tropical forest by large, curvy giggling humanoid elephants that were all bright pink with big wide smiles. They were all chanting in unison "Don't think about a Pink Elephant, Eric!" Over and over until they finally caught him a squeezed him in a big group hug, smothering him as he sunk into their pudgy pink folds. They laughed as he continued to sink further and further until he began being swallowed by a black void. The last thing he heard was one of them saying "When the Clock strikes three you'll look just like me! Hehehehe!".
Eric Jolted up in his bed in a cold sweat, awakened from the nightmare. But he quickly realized something was very off. His vision was obstructed by something that was on his head. A Long pink object extended from whatever was on his head. He tried sitting up but was greeted with a loud squeaking and creaking from his body. Something on his belly was making sitting up very difficult. He noticed his hands were encased in something. After much effort he finally managed to sit up against the headboard of his bed and finally got a look at his predicament. His eyes laid on inflated pink rubber breasts attached to the unwieldy, squeaking suit he was inside. He went to put his hands to his head in shock but saw the inflated rubber stumps fashioned to look like elephant feet that his hands were stuck in and froze for a moment. he looked down at the long pink thing coming from the rubber head and realized it was an elephant trunk. He began to panic and wonder why he was in a suit that looked creepily similar to the female humanoid elephants in his dream. "Wait, im inflated so if i just find the plug I can take it out and it'll deflate and then I can get out of this stupid fat suit! He thought to himself. He clumsily fumbled around on the bed, rolling and stumbling around in the unwieldy elephant suit making lost of creaks and squeaks from the rubber rubbing together. His felt his hot breath circulating in the pink round head and beads of sweat falling down his face. "God, I can't move properly in this damn thing!" he grunted. He manages to stand up in an uncomfortable pose with his arms and legs pressed outwards, separated widely by the inflated rubber mass hanging from his his limbs, belly, chest and ass. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and began to feel claustrophobic. He snapped himself out of his growing panic and began looking for the air plug. His head being stuck in a big thick elephant head made it really hard to get a good look at himself but after inspecting every inch of the suit he found the plug on the round blown up belly of the suit which was hard to see beyond the bikini'd boobs. He began scrambling to unplug and deflate the infernal costume he was stuck in but was filled with dread when his thick pink arms couldn't reach far enough on the protruding stomach and even if he could the stumped limbs couldn't even open it anyway. he sat back down on the bed in defeat with a loud squeak. He tried rationalizing the situation "This must be part of the same dream right? Or did someone prank me? No, all my friends already left..." As he talked to himself in his head he remembers what one of the elephants said in the dream "When the Clock strikes three you'll look just like me! Hehehehe!" Eric's eyes widened and darted to the clock on the wall. The time was 2:49AM. Eric was already freaked out enough by this situation but this new time limit terrified him and he ran to the bathroom... Or more accurately he waddled hurriedly as fast as his thick pink elephant costume allowed. he laid his hand on the handle and pushed down but the slick rubber round stump just slid right off again and again. his face was red in frustration and anxiety as he failed repeatedly. eventually he just decided to push it down with the trunk hanging from the suits head which worked a lot better. waddling into the bathroom with embarassingly loud creaking he finally got a full look at the suit. big wide ears hung from the head with a hibiscus flower stuck on one. A dead eyed, smiling cartoon face with blushing cheeks decorated the elephant head. big plastic eyelashes stuck out of the top of the eyes. the inflated breasts looked to be the size of basketballs and the protruding belly wrapped around the torso like a ring which was probably why it was so hard for him to get up from his bed earlier. a white knot cover up skirt hung from the hips of the suit. the feet of the suit were flat and wide like the hands. he turned around to get a look at the back and his eyes were instantly drawn to the bulbous butt cheeks but wandered up the back, noticing the zip running down the middle. "I'M SAVED FROM THIS SQUEAKY PINK HELL!" he exclaimed. His arms jolted to his back, grasping at the zip near the neck of the suit. Once again the thick pink unwieldy tubes encasing his arms proved useless as they couldn't reach or manipulate the zipper as much as he strained. He gave up after what felt like an eternity of loud creaks from the suit from the rubber on rubber contact. He Collapsed to the floor huffing and puffing with sweat dripping from all over his body. he was already tired from waking up in the middle of the night but now he was completely exhausted and felt like passing out. Until he remembered the time limit the elephant from the dream hinted at which sprung him back into action. He tottered out of the bathroom in a panic and looked at the clock 2:59 it read. In a desperate last ditch effort he tried every idea he could think of; he tried rubbing the suit against sharp edges like corners, he tried breaking a glass to use the broken pieces to burst the costume but his slick rubber hands couldn't grasp it, he tried flopping on the ground to see if the force could burst it, he tried bursting it from the inside by poking at the suit with his finger nails or biting at the rubber head, he tried opening the hotel room door to get help from staff but again his useless hands couldn't turn the knob, he even tried poking his big pink girly elephant head out of the window and screaming outside for help but no one answered. He looked back at the clock and saw the hour hand point to the dreaded 3 with a *Click*. He closed his eyes in anticipation. He felt his arms and legs slowly grew thick and blubbery until they pressed against the confines of the rubber and begin to meld with the suit, his hands and feet taking the form of an elephant's, keeping the pink color but losing the rubberness. His torso began to gain a lot of fat on his belly and his chest. love handles spilled out onto each side of body. he continued to balloon until he filled the space between his body and the rubber suit. his new pink fat gut weighed him down so much he stumbled and fell to the carpeted floor, moaning as the changes continued. Flesh on his chest warped into two massive pink pillows which were quickly covered with the cyan bikini from the suit. He grasped at them with his new wide, three toed hand before he felt his face changing. his hair began disappearing, his cheeks became doughy and his head grew wider and taller until it pressed against the wall of rubber. he felt the suit and his head become one as his eyes grew to cartoonish proportions with big fluttering lashes. he now had rosy, chubby cheeks, a big thick trunk and giant ears. He felt a disturbing sensation in his crotch so he began pulling his new rolls of fat on his belly back to look and saw his genitals shrinkng in the cyan bikini bottoms before completely disappearing into his pink crotch. Suddenly he felt his insides stir painfully like a bad cramp and then an opening began forming where his equipment used to be. He put his elephant hand to his mouth in shock "This can't be happening no.." he said in his new high pitched feminine voice. he shook his head making his massive ears swayed back and forth "This isn't real, im still dreaming i have to be..." he said to himself in denial. His hips widened and he felt the opening become a fully formed vagina. She couldn't even bring herself to acknowledge it, she just stood back up and quietly walked, fat thighs and ass jiggling behind her to her bed, crawled in and shut her eyes "Now I'll go back to sleep and wake up as Eric again and this nightmare will be over..." She whispered to herself. She tossed and turned, unable to fall back to sleep, constantly disturbed by the unfamiliar feelings of her body, unable to get comfortable. "God, This is real isn't it? I'm a big fat pink elephant woman... Did I get cursed or something? What the fuck happened...?"
Category Story / TF / TG
Species Elephant
Gender Trans (Female)
Size 2286 x 1611px
File Size 3.6 MB