My game is finally ready to share! (An early access demo version) Thanks to everyone who patiently waited for it! I am excited to share it with you all!
Link to the offical page and location to download is on Itch io. Here: https://traxiss.itch.io/monster-nomster
I made a trailer for it too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6REzIMnpw0s
EDIT: For those having trouble finding the location of the game, It seems that the setup exe installs the game to the C: drive/Users/(your username)/AppData/Local/Programs, so you can find the game folder there and cut / paste it wherever you usually keep your games (might need to re-make the desktop shortcut afterwards, as I assume it would try and find the game at the original install location until you create a new shortcut).
NEW EDIT: UPDATE 0.52 is out! Mostly bug fixes and some balancing.
Game made with GDevelop.
Your great and powerful dragon mistress has been captured and needs to be rescued. You are but one of her small servants, and armed with draconic power must fight your way to her. All the monsters will try to devour you, but not if you can devour them first! Can you gulp the beasts and save the dragon in distress?
A Vore-like action shooter. Level up and gain perks by devouring your foes. Gain dragon breath weapons to blast them with. If you fall in battle and are swallowed, you can reform to continue the fight. Beware, reformations are scarce and hard to replenish. Replenish your hunger from foes, or from fishing. Meet a merchant who will sell you useful things. Meet friendly visitors who will grant you a boon, sometimes at the cost of eating you and using a reformation, and sometimes will willingly offer themselves to your cause.
Defeat the first (and currently only) boss to unlock the gallery of gulps, where you gain access to all the vore animations in the game.
The game is still in development and more content is planned to be released. More zones, monsters, breath weapons, perks, visitors, fish and items. More, More, MORE!
If you just want to casually go through it, there is a cheat code for infinite reformations hidden in the game. See the official game page on Itch io to find out how.
Please feel free to share comments, suggestions, report bugs or any sort of other feedback.
Thanks for taking a look at my game. I hope you enjoy Nomming the Monsters!
(Any donations you could give would be amazing. Thank you for supporting this solo developer!)
0.52 UPDATE!
Link to Itch io: https://traxiss.itch.io/monster-nomster
Bugs digested! Wow there was a lot of them to hunt down and eat, I'm sure there are still more that have escaped (for now).
Enemies won't spawn out of bounds anymore! (Well technically they do but if they go outside, they get teleported to a random spot in bounds now, so I'll take it as a victory!)
Player will get teleported to a random spot in bounds if they somehow manage to get outside.
If Player gets outside of boss zone move back towards rock boarder and will get popped back in bounds.
You can't act during the black loading screen anymore.
Dodging and attacking no longer share the same cooldown. (Makes using slow weapons much less risky)
Portal no longer sticks around after you go through it, and now waits for you to finish leveling up to reappear.
You can no longer be eating a foe and go through the portal.
Pausing the game after catching a fish will no longer result in free infinite fish dinners.
You can't continue the game after dying or beating the boss.
Fixed a new 0.51 bug where the boss would fire 2 shots at once or none at all.
You can no longer roll into the boss trigger and get stuck with momentum.
Breathing Room Perk will now only trigger in combat areas.
Leveling up twice in a row will now not hide the 2nd set of perks. (it might feel a tad janky but shouldn't soft lock you now.)
Buying an XP peach at level 10 will no longer result in an infinite levelup loop.
Level cap currently set to level 11 (will probably increase when more content is added)
Spamming visitor clicking dialogue seems to be fixed. You now can skip dialogue text by clicking.
(Dialogue boxes now appear above the text box so just click in a corner or such and you should be fine and not accidentally make a choice)
Shouldn't be able to click on dialogue choice boxes until they are visible now.
When getting Oenla's boon if you have 1 or 2 of the perks that they offer already mousing over the spot where they would be no longer displays the text.
You can no longer offer yourself to be eaten by visitors when at 0 reformations. You will force pick the other option (I may in the future allow a game over option in the belly of a visitor at 0 reforms.
Quality of Life Improvements:
Moved the weapon select and artifact icons up to the top left with everything else.
Dodge indicator: Your eyes will be glowing when you can dodge, and not when your dodge is on cooldown.
Sniper plants don't start appearing until sage 4 and later.
The big blue raptor visitor will now pay you 500 money in addition to granting the spectral tongue perk. If you already have the perk he will offer to pay you 800 instead.
Spectral Chomp/Tailswipe: Increased damage
Flame Fling: Increased damage Astral Assault: Increased damage
Bramble Breath: Increased damage.
Sundering Sun: Increased damage.
Blizzard Blower Breath: Lower range damage and accuracy.
Mist Missiles: Lower damage slightly
Lower damage of explosive revenge specifically on boss.
Peach item and digesting Tezzie (the orange lizard) give less xp as overall xp to level up is less now.
Next planned improvements.
General optimization to see if I can figure out why the game is sluggish/slow for some people.
Add a training/practice zone to pick any perks, weapons and spawn enemies. On pause, show perks the player has gained.
Add digestion animations for enemies, and spice up the game over defeat ending.
Eventually start adding more content. Weapons, enemies, visitors, zones, bosses etc
Thanks for playing!
0.51 UPDATE!
The game is now a zip file instead of an auto executable so you can put the game where you want it and just extract with Winrar or whatever zip extractor.
Fewer enemies. (Elite is about where original was before)
Reduce Particles option. Check this to eliminate some decorative particles and reduce others, such as various shot particles to help with performance issues.
Control layout appears whenever the game is paused. No rebinding of keys yet unfortunately, but that should help you know what the control layout is.
All enemy projectiles 20% slower. (Heightened reflexes perk slows them an additional 20%)
Less XP required to level up due to less enemies to eat.
Brute T-Rex Monster will deal 2 damage instead of instantly gulping you, also charges less frequently.
Random area maps generate larger and wider which theoretically should reduce monsters spawning outside of the area. Portal will still automatically show up after a couple of minutes if you get stuck.
Game is still riddled with many bugs (I haven't gotten to any visitor stuff yet for example) But I will keep working on bug fixes in the next update.
Link to the offical page and location to download is on Itch io. Here: https://traxiss.itch.io/monster-nomster
I made a trailer for it too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6REzIMnpw0s
EDIT: For those having trouble finding the location of the game, It seems that the setup exe installs the game to the C: drive/Users/(your username)/AppData/Local/Programs, so you can find the game folder there and cut / paste it wherever you usually keep your games (might need to re-make the desktop shortcut afterwards, as I assume it would try and find the game at the original install location until you create a new shortcut).
NEW EDIT: UPDATE 0.52 is out! Mostly bug fixes and some balancing.
Game made with GDevelop.
Your great and powerful dragon mistress has been captured and needs to be rescued. You are but one of her small servants, and armed with draconic power must fight your way to her. All the monsters will try to devour you, but not if you can devour them first! Can you gulp the beasts and save the dragon in distress?
A Vore-like action shooter. Level up and gain perks by devouring your foes. Gain dragon breath weapons to blast them with. If you fall in battle and are swallowed, you can reform to continue the fight. Beware, reformations are scarce and hard to replenish. Replenish your hunger from foes, or from fishing. Meet a merchant who will sell you useful things. Meet friendly visitors who will grant you a boon, sometimes at the cost of eating you and using a reformation, and sometimes will willingly offer themselves to your cause.
Defeat the first (and currently only) boss to unlock the gallery of gulps, where you gain access to all the vore animations in the game.
The game is still in development and more content is planned to be released. More zones, monsters, breath weapons, perks, visitors, fish and items. More, More, MORE!
If you just want to casually go through it, there is a cheat code for infinite reformations hidden in the game. See the official game page on Itch io to find out how.
Please feel free to share comments, suggestions, report bugs or any sort of other feedback.
Thanks for taking a look at my game. I hope you enjoy Nomming the Monsters!
(Any donations you could give would be amazing. Thank you for supporting this solo developer!)
0.52 UPDATE!
Link to Itch io: https://traxiss.itch.io/monster-nomster
Bugs digested! Wow there was a lot of them to hunt down and eat, I'm sure there are still more that have escaped (for now).
Enemies won't spawn out of bounds anymore! (Well technically they do but if they go outside, they get teleported to a random spot in bounds now, so I'll take it as a victory!)
Player will get teleported to a random spot in bounds if they somehow manage to get outside.
If Player gets outside of boss zone move back towards rock boarder and will get popped back in bounds.
You can't act during the black loading screen anymore.
Dodging and attacking no longer share the same cooldown. (Makes using slow weapons much less risky)
Portal no longer sticks around after you go through it, and now waits for you to finish leveling up to reappear.
You can no longer be eating a foe and go through the portal.
Pausing the game after catching a fish will no longer result in free infinite fish dinners.
You can't continue the game after dying or beating the boss.
Fixed a new 0.51 bug where the boss would fire 2 shots at once or none at all.
You can no longer roll into the boss trigger and get stuck with momentum.
Breathing Room Perk will now only trigger in combat areas.
Leveling up twice in a row will now not hide the 2nd set of perks. (it might feel a tad janky but shouldn't soft lock you now.)
Buying an XP peach at level 10 will no longer result in an infinite levelup loop.
Level cap currently set to level 11 (will probably increase when more content is added)
Spamming visitor clicking dialogue seems to be fixed. You now can skip dialogue text by clicking.
(Dialogue boxes now appear above the text box so just click in a corner or such and you should be fine and not accidentally make a choice)
Shouldn't be able to click on dialogue choice boxes until they are visible now.
When getting Oenla's boon if you have 1 or 2 of the perks that they offer already mousing over the spot where they would be no longer displays the text.
You can no longer offer yourself to be eaten by visitors when at 0 reformations. You will force pick the other option (I may in the future allow a game over option in the belly of a visitor at 0 reforms.
Quality of Life Improvements:
Moved the weapon select and artifact icons up to the top left with everything else.
Dodge indicator: Your eyes will be glowing when you can dodge, and not when your dodge is on cooldown.
Sniper plants don't start appearing until sage 4 and later.
The big blue raptor visitor will now pay you 500 money in addition to granting the spectral tongue perk. If you already have the perk he will offer to pay you 800 instead.
Spectral Chomp/Tailswipe: Increased damage
Flame Fling: Increased damage Astral Assault: Increased damage
Bramble Breath: Increased damage.
Sundering Sun: Increased damage.
Blizzard Blower Breath: Lower range damage and accuracy.
Mist Missiles: Lower damage slightly
Lower damage of explosive revenge specifically on boss.
Peach item and digesting Tezzie (the orange lizard) give less xp as overall xp to level up is less now.
Next planned improvements.
General optimization to see if I can figure out why the game is sluggish/slow for some people.
Add a training/practice zone to pick any perks, weapons and spawn enemies. On pause, show perks the player has gained.
Add digestion animations for enemies, and spice up the game over defeat ending.
Eventually start adding more content. Weapons, enemies, visitors, zones, bosses etc
Thanks for playing!
0.51 UPDATE!
The game is now a zip file instead of an auto executable so you can put the game where you want it and just extract with Winrar or whatever zip extractor.
Fewer enemies. (Elite is about where original was before)
Reduce Particles option. Check this to eliminate some decorative particles and reduce others, such as various shot particles to help with performance issues.
Control layout appears whenever the game is paused. No rebinding of keys yet unfortunately, but that should help you know what the control layout is.
All enemy projectiles 20% slower. (Heightened reflexes perk slows them an additional 20%)
Less XP required to level up due to less enemies to eat.
Brute T-Rex Monster will deal 2 damage instead of instantly gulping you, also charges less frequently.
Random area maps generate larger and wider which theoretically should reduce monsters spawning outside of the area. Portal will still automatically show up after a couple of minutes if you get stuck.
Game is still riddled with many bugs (I haven't gotten to any visitor stuff yet for example) But I will keep working on bug fixes in the next update.
Category All / Vore
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1920 x 1080px
File Size 511.9 kB
Oh oops I forgot to add, you can watch the Trailer for it here!
Yeah, there was a LOT of warnings popping up on my end, as well, but my virus detectors found nothing.
Haven't beaten the boss yet because you've successfully made a challenging little game here. Despite the unavoidable lag with this style of app, the timings aren't too bad to get used to.
Haven't beaten the boss yet because you've successfully made a challenging little game here. Despite the unavoidable lag with this style of app, the timings aren't too bad to get used to.
Tehehe, it took a bit to set up but once I got it going it has been a lotta fun~ as someone who is a big fan of rogue-likes this has been a very fun experience expecially with all of the fun vore scenes that are here
Outta curiosity, may there be any chances or opportunities we could have our characters in the game either as encouters whether to give powerups of our own or potential enemies to avoid~?
Outta curiosity, may there be any chances or opportunities we could have our characters in the game either as encouters whether to give powerups of our own or potential enemies to avoid~?
Yes, for sure! Eventually I was going to either start taking commissions to do that, or do it via Patreon, for people who would like to have their characters in the game. But that's going to be a way out until I'm ready to do that though. There's a bunch of bugs I'm going to have to hunt down and eat first.
Tehehehe~ Alrighty! tis fair to make sure the game is working optimally before anything~ I will say I had a bit of lag on my end as well as some issues regarding the mouse aiming sort of spazzing all over the place making attacking and dodging sort of difficult ^^: I don't know if it is due to my semi-older PC and such but that aside everything else has been fun!
and gosh iffin you ever do open know I'd likely be one of the first to join in~ I'd love to see my big ole Moo be apart of this fun game if possible ^^/
and gosh iffin you ever do open know I'd likely be one of the first to join in~ I'd love to see my big ole Moo be apart of this fun game if possible ^^/
Great, glad to hear it! As for performance, my thought is probably too many particles since the game uses a lot of them for effects. My PC is super high end powerhouse so I was afraid of this. I'll work on doing a reduce or eliminated particles option which should help performance on older PCs.
This game took me by surprise and wasn't exactly how I was expecting it but it was surprisingly good! A lot more game-y than I was anticipating, which was mostly just pron "disguised" as a game, if anything though it is reversed! XP
Some notes since you are looking to improve the game:
- Honestly I don't think the controls are confusing at all if you've ever played a twin-stick shooter before using Mouse+Keyboard but having rebindable controls is always good.
- As someone else mentioned this game really throws you in the deep-end and expects you to adapt quickly! Which is both a good and bad thing. Good if you are an experienced twin-stick shooter gamer. Bad if uh, you aren't and you are going to very very quickly get overwhelmed and possibly frustrated. It also doesn't help that until more advanced enemies start appearing the game actually gets easier which each level as you level up and gain better abilities. As someone else mentioned you should probably tone down spawns and have them slowly ramp up.
- Speaking of which: Those sniper plant enemies spawn too often (at least for me) and are too numerous for being a "sniper" type enemy that constantly harasses you until you can move in and kill it. Not only that but they even target you through walls that they can never hit you through. Which doesn't sound too bad until you still get the green line warning they are targeting you stressing you out and possibly causing you to dodge anyway even though the bullets will never hit you.
- Speaking of which the bullets are surprisingly fast for the game. I got a perk later on that slowed them by 20% which was MUCH more manageable. I'd honestly say making that perk base line would be really good as some of the bullets come out really fast and in such large waves you can sometimes get hit before you can even react to them.
- I haven't used all the breaths but I have used a couple and beat the game and frost breath seems the best in general. It implies it is meant to be used only in close quarters and it does have slightly less range but since the vast majority of the enemies charge at you constantly with the exception of the boss and those sniper plants it just makes it extremely good overall. Plus the range it has isn't even that low compared to other breath attacks. Not only that but it is EXTREMELY efficient with how little energy it uses compared to other breath weapon attacks too making it extremely good at least for me. This also goes for any of the perks that let you leave a trail of hazards as since most enemies just run at you those perks are extremely good as well. This can be solved by either nerfing these but instead I'd recommend just introducing more enemy variety where these are not as good which will probably happen naturally.
- Some of the level up perks seem way better than others. Most of the perks that involve giving you a boost or exploding or the like upon reforming don't seem very good as reforms are very limited and shouldn't be relied on. I didn't end up ever take them so I don't know how impactful they really are but I can't imagine them possibly being good, again, just due to how little you are allowed to reform before you permanently game over. Most of the other perks seem fairly decent but there's a couple of standout ones like the trails or anything that can increase your speed and help you get away faster, especially good once the Trex starts spawning. And of course the bullet slowing perk which I talked about earlier.
- Oh yeah also real quick: Despite a main feature of the game digesting enemies it is generally bad to do so until you clear out a large area. Being stuck digesting the enemy can cause you to possibly get hit during the somewhat long animations. Not only that but downed enemies are actually solid and can block bullets and enemies, including you! Which I have no idea if that is intended or a bug but I thought I'd mention it.
- And someone else already mentioned it and you already said you were working on it so I just wanna mention I look forward to when enemy digestion animations are added as well. They aren't necessary by any but I'd like them a lot. Especially when you lose all your lives~... But again, heh, this is more of a personal suggestion. ^////^ 💦💦
Overall though I liked the game a lot and I am looking forward to seeing it completed! Keep up the great work~! ^^
Some notes since you are looking to improve the game:
- Honestly I don't think the controls are confusing at all if you've ever played a twin-stick shooter before using Mouse+Keyboard but having rebindable controls is always good.
- As someone else mentioned this game really throws you in the deep-end and expects you to adapt quickly! Which is both a good and bad thing. Good if you are an experienced twin-stick shooter gamer. Bad if uh, you aren't and you are going to very very quickly get overwhelmed and possibly frustrated. It also doesn't help that until more advanced enemies start appearing the game actually gets easier which each level as you level up and gain better abilities. As someone else mentioned you should probably tone down spawns and have them slowly ramp up.
- Speaking of which: Those sniper plant enemies spawn too often (at least for me) and are too numerous for being a "sniper" type enemy that constantly harasses you until you can move in and kill it. Not only that but they even target you through walls that they can never hit you through. Which doesn't sound too bad until you still get the green line warning they are targeting you stressing you out and possibly causing you to dodge anyway even though the bullets will never hit you.
- Speaking of which the bullets are surprisingly fast for the game. I got a perk later on that slowed them by 20% which was MUCH more manageable. I'd honestly say making that perk base line would be really good as some of the bullets come out really fast and in such large waves you can sometimes get hit before you can even react to them.
- I haven't used all the breaths but I have used a couple and beat the game and frost breath seems the best in general. It implies it is meant to be used only in close quarters and it does have slightly less range but since the vast majority of the enemies charge at you constantly with the exception of the boss and those sniper plants it just makes it extremely good overall. Plus the range it has isn't even that low compared to other breath attacks. Not only that but it is EXTREMELY efficient with how little energy it uses compared to other breath weapon attacks too making it extremely good at least for me. This also goes for any of the perks that let you leave a trail of hazards as since most enemies just run at you those perks are extremely good as well. This can be solved by either nerfing these but instead I'd recommend just introducing more enemy variety where these are not as good which will probably happen naturally.
- Some of the level up perks seem way better than others. Most of the perks that involve giving you a boost or exploding or the like upon reforming don't seem very good as reforms are very limited and shouldn't be relied on. I didn't end up ever take them so I don't know how impactful they really are but I can't imagine them possibly being good, again, just due to how little you are allowed to reform before you permanently game over. Most of the other perks seem fairly decent but there's a couple of standout ones like the trails or anything that can increase your speed and help you get away faster, especially good once the Trex starts spawning. And of course the bullet slowing perk which I talked about earlier.
- Oh yeah also real quick: Despite a main feature of the game digesting enemies it is generally bad to do so until you clear out a large area. Being stuck digesting the enemy can cause you to possibly get hit during the somewhat long animations. Not only that but downed enemies are actually solid and can block bullets and enemies, including you! Which I have no idea if that is intended or a bug but I thought I'd mention it.
- And someone else already mentioned it and you already said you were working on it so I just wanna mention I look forward to when enemy digestion animations are added as well. They aren't necessary by any but I'd like them a lot. Especially when you lose all your lives~... But again, heh, this is more of a personal suggestion. ^////^ 💦💦
Overall though I liked the game a lot and I am looking forward to seeing it completed! Keep up the great work~! ^^
Wow, a lot to unpack here. So first, thank you for all this feedback. This is just the sort of stuff I was looking for, suggestions for improvements and stuch. So Let me just through each one.
- Controls - Thanks. I don't know how to implement rebinding keys but its probably something I could eventually figure out, but low on the list. But I for sure can put in a quick reminder guide for players.
- Initial difficulty - Yes I realize this, and I think it's simply a matter of lowering the number of enemy spawns. I agree it is too many too soon. I will add a practice room which would be easy enough to do.
- Sniper plants - Yeah I'm not so sure why they spawn so often, but I can probably increase their difficulty budget cost so they don't appear so often. As for the warning line, there is like a scan line thing you can do where it stops at obstacles, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. So I'll need to do some research and figuring it out in order to fix that.
- Bullet speed - A good point I think reducing all of them (except maybe the boss who is supposed to be hard) to the perk baseline is a good idea and an easy fix.
Breath weapons - Nerf frost for a little shorter range maybe? Balancing the breath weapons is tricky to make them all fun and useful. Other enemy types for sure. AI is hard for me to do, and moving towards the player at various speeds is what I've relied on so far. I might try teleporting enemies or enemies that flee and shoot, etc
- Perks - The exploding perk will clear a whole screen basically and is good but of course at a cost. Perhaps making reformations easier to gain? (At first you would gain them simply by filling your health past full but it was way too many way too easy.) The goo trail might do a bit too much damage. Trying to balance the perks is difficult too.
- Digesting enemies - Yes its part of the gameplay to either know when you can safely gulp, or use the long tongue powerup to grab them further away without aggroing more enemies. As for them blocking player and bullets, I need to turn that off probably.
- Enemy digestion - Easy enough to add and will probably just trigger them whenever you reform.
Phew, okay again thanks for all the feedback. I will try my best to make improvements based on it.
- Controls - Thanks. I don't know how to implement rebinding keys but its probably something I could eventually figure out, but low on the list. But I for sure can put in a quick reminder guide for players.
- Initial difficulty - Yes I realize this, and I think it's simply a matter of lowering the number of enemy spawns. I agree it is too many too soon. I will add a practice room which would be easy enough to do.
- Sniper plants - Yeah I'm not so sure why they spawn so often, but I can probably increase their difficulty budget cost so they don't appear so often. As for the warning line, there is like a scan line thing you can do where it stops at obstacles, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. So I'll need to do some research and figuring it out in order to fix that.
- Bullet speed - A good point I think reducing all of them (except maybe the boss who is supposed to be hard) to the perk baseline is a good idea and an easy fix.
Breath weapons - Nerf frost for a little shorter range maybe? Balancing the breath weapons is tricky to make them all fun and useful. Other enemy types for sure. AI is hard for me to do, and moving towards the player at various speeds is what I've relied on so far. I might try teleporting enemies or enemies that flee and shoot, etc
- Perks - The exploding perk will clear a whole screen basically and is good but of course at a cost. Perhaps making reformations easier to gain? (At first you would gain them simply by filling your health past full but it was way too many way too easy.) The goo trail might do a bit too much damage. Trying to balance the perks is difficult too.
- Digesting enemies - Yes its part of the gameplay to either know when you can safely gulp, or use the long tongue powerup to grab them further away without aggroing more enemies. As for them blocking player and bullets, I need to turn that off probably.
- Enemy digestion - Easy enough to add and will probably just trigger them whenever you reform.
Phew, okay again thanks for all the feedback. I will try my best to make improvements based on it.
You didn't need to go and address all of my points but I appreciate the effort! ^^
- Bullet speed: Perhaps if there's more difficulty options added maybe you can make it so that you start with the perk on easy and normal but hard onwards you do not have the perk starting out? That's assuming if more difficulty options are planned though!
- Breath weapons: I personally increasing the spread a lot compared to other breaths might work well? But I also wouldn't worry too much about balancing the current weapons until we get more enemies and the like to use them against! ^^
I hope my feedback and points didn't come off as too numerous or possibly make it seem I dislike the game. I do like it and you're doing an amazing job and I'm excited to see the game in the future! ^^
- Bullet speed: Perhaps if there's more difficulty options added maybe you can make it so that you start with the perk on easy and normal but hard onwards you do not have the perk starting out? That's assuming if more difficulty options are planned though!
- Breath weapons: I personally increasing the spread a lot compared to other breaths might work well? But I also wouldn't worry too much about balancing the current weapons until we get more enemies and the like to use them against! ^^
I hope my feedback and points didn't come off as too numerous or possibly make it seem I dislike the game. I do like it and you're doing an amazing job and I'm excited to see the game in the future! ^^
Awww yis finally get to play! Got to say I love what i'm seeing, feels great to play if a little janky with the attack and dodge sharing a cooldown.
I'd suggest possibly having an icon somewhere that might act as a sign to show the cooldown in effect, not needed and could be an option to toggle. I noticed as well that the weapon selection is in the bottom right of the screen, while all the other info for health, reformations, energy etc are in teh top left, i'd suggest moving the weapon selection to the top left as well to keep things neat and tidy as well as mean players can see all the info they need at a glance ratherthan having to look at two different spots.
Noticed a bug occasionally as well where enemies can spawn outside of the arena areas meaning you can't kill them and thus can't continue and have to abandon the delve.
Stellar first demo, can't wait to see what more ya add!
I'd suggest possibly having an icon somewhere that might act as a sign to show the cooldown in effect, not needed and could be an option to toggle. I noticed as well that the weapon selection is in the bottom right of the screen, while all the other info for health, reformations, energy etc are in teh top left, i'd suggest moving the weapon selection to the top left as well to keep things neat and tidy as well as mean players can see all the info they need at a glance ratherthan having to look at two different spots.
Noticed a bug occasionally as well where enemies can spawn outside of the arena areas meaning you can't kill them and thus can't continue and have to abandon the delve.
Stellar first demo, can't wait to see what more ya add!
Thank you! Good suggestion about moving the weapon selection up there, I'll do that. I probably should make attack & dodge separate cooldowns since its easy to get hit with some of the really slow breath weapons. As for the enemies spawning outside yeah I know about that and need to fix it somehow, but for now there is a timer which will make the portal spawn regardless of if you've eaten enough monsters.
Been playing through this and overall its pretty good and most of my grievances you responded to in others comments but I still want to gripe about the T-rex as past the other groups of enemies that show up this one has ended the most runs. It just feels a tad unfair to build up a good run but just because i didnt get one of the speed perks or the rex clips me i lose a reform, along with other things gunning for me while im dealing with it. At least there was one funny bug that happened where it ate me i was still left with a heart so i could move around and shoot some enemies around me (granted i was invisible) before it realized what happened and told me to stop. also i was able to get a free egg when i had no reforms so maybe a fix on that and/or some dialogue if get ate with no reformations in an event room like those. overall good game and i hate that rex but love its and all the other animations.
Hmm, the rex is pretty nasty, I'm wondering if I should slow it down a little, or reduce the time between charges. You can dodge roll through its charge too without getting grabbed. Other bugs yes I need to work on. Gee I knew that bugs were going to be a thing when I shared this but I was really trying not to release a buggy mess. Thanks for your feedback and I'll work on fixing it!
i've been looking for a game like this for the longest time! very well put together and quite challenging. my only gripe is that enemies tend to swarm you as soon as you enter a room sometimes. other than that, its a lovely game! only request i have is that you be able to change the sound of finishing digesting an enemy from just a sigh to a hearty belch. just a toggle for that would be wonderful!
Of course and much appreciated for getting back! It's a really fun game to play if I don't have a lot of time or just mainly wanna chill. Plus I'm a bit biased because I'm a huge rogue like/rogue lite fan. I know how tricky coding can be even with the slightest change so I absolutely appreciate the consideration of the belch toggle.
Absolutely AMAZING work mate! Love seeing that your goal is now accomplished! I figured during my playtime, I'd do some logging of any bugs or feedback I'd give since it's an early access ^w^
May have gone overboard but what the heck, any data is good data I suppose :P
Encountered Issues/Bugs:
> Enemies spawning outside of the arena boundaries. Sneks and Ceris spawned outside. Occured only once on the first level (Elite enemies, tight level layout)(Unknown cause).
> Spamming F on a blue portal repeats the portal effects and sound, following level up/perk screen immediately ends, followed by perma black screen on next level load. (consistent and repeatable: When the player is ready to level up, spamming or even double pressing F can trigger this bug)
> Enemies (Repti and Ceri specifically from playtests, mostly Repti) locked in place and unable to move, seems to be due to terrain.
> Wisp fires at enemies not in line of sight. Enemies fire at player when not in line of sight. (Both feel like a conflict with terrain and AI-targeting)
> Dying near a wall and reforming has the possibility to spawn you outside the boundaries and lock the player out. (Fairly consistent on final boss if hugging the west walls)
> (Likely obvious) - Continuing a playthrough after boss completion leads to a black screen.
> Dashing into the "final boss" start cutscene, bugs out momentum during cutscene (player simply slides, no major effect otherwise).
> Fullscreen on a 1440p monitor if it matters - Blackout doesn't fully blackout the loading in, or loading out screens (right side partially showing).
> Entering next level portal while gulping prey carries over animations.
> Quitting the game can reset and cycle through bonus levels on the "Random" level.
> Player can attack and play gameplay sounds while on loading screen.
Concerns and Annoyances (Personal Bias):
> Key rebinds or key layout - an option to rebind or just even see the keys available would be nice.
> A perk list would be neat to see, if the player forgets or comes back to play later and forgets.
> Volumes are quite loud, even at lower settings.
> Monster density and arena spaces/layout - Arena size should be larger depending on the danger or amount of enemies, very easy to get swarmed or gather too many enemies on accident.
> Final boss has very fast attacks for how immobile the player can be, slower attacks could benefit the fun/fair factor and fight enjoyment overall. Consider up close skills & hunger for the fight as well.
> Enemies could use some varying move speeds or behavior changes to help the player prioritize & dodge when in large groups.
> Some skills are greatly underpowered, lesser costs or buffed damage/area should help the player. Following attacks to take down a single Shoppy/Stationary-Plant (elite enemies are the same hp from what I playtested, just greater in numbers)
> Chomp - 18 attacks
> Bramble Breath - 10 attacks or 30 projectiles (3 each per attack)
> Fireball - 9 attacks
> Astral Assault - 18 attacks
> Sundering Sun - 3 attacks
> Blizzard Blower - 24 attacks (feels most balanced of the bunch)
> IN MY OPINION: Hunger bar should affect damage multiplier and/or attack speed rather then be "ammo" for the player. Should drain overtime, enables perk options plus rewards main gameplay elements.
Observations & Praises:
> The animations and overall gameplay are stellar! Amazing to see this little project come to life and hit the ground running! Excellent job mate, sincerely!
> No crashing or game hiccups encountered, game works and looks smooth.
> Monster difficulty feels mostly fair! A few hiccups with level generation and monster spawns, but otherwise it feels great to kite and dodge attacks even as is, nailed the rogue lite feel!
> FISHING MINIGAME!!! Every god damn game needs one I tell ya, very fun and simple addition!
> S-Tier dialogue and references with the merchant :D
> Incredible progress for a solo dev and early access build!
> With the Brute gulp animation, it fully looks as though our little kobold could counter the brute's gulp with one of his own! Might be a fun addition.
Suggestions and Ideas for fun!
Risk reward factor: (strong perks that provide risk for the player, but a great benefit as well)
> Brutish Devourer - Greatly increased spell damage when full, + slower player speed OR larger enemy projectile hitbox
> Feisty prey - Greatly increased move speed when full, + irregular player movement when full
> Guts and Glory - Greatly increased bite range and damage, + remove all breath attacks OR much greater hunger/mana cost for other skills
> Equal Ground - Greatly increased spell damage, + greatly increased monster damage
> Savour the Taste - Digestion occurs passively, but slowly, + cannot quickly digest/digest on command
Small buffs/perks:
> Proficient Kobold - Faster attack speed
> Exercise - Faster move speed
> Exposed Defense - Dodging projectiles makes enemies more vulnerable OR provides a small damage boost for similar effect.
> Plot armor - Damage immunity during gulp animations (with a bit of immunity afterwards)
> Chain eater - Brief bonus damage after digestion
> Immunity for 3 seconds - Medium recharge
> Quad damage - Very Slow recharge
> Fully knockout a non-boss enemy - 1 time use per level
> Gain 1 health - Very slow recharge
> % Chance to absorb projectile attack - Passive
Breath attacks:
> Static/Electric attack - chains to nearby enemies - low-medium damage
> Lava pools - Large, slow lava projectiles - medium-high damage, low damage pool on hit for X seconds
> Toxic breath - Damage over time attack, spreads to nearby enemies OR stacks damage/potency with each use
Level types:
Fun Event - Egg Hunt - Search and gulp down eggs
Challenge - Waves of increasingly difficult enemies. Reward: Breath attack upgrade or stronger perks
May have gone overboard but what the heck, any data is good data I suppose :P
Encountered Issues/Bugs:
> Enemies spawning outside of the arena boundaries. Sneks and Ceris spawned outside. Occured only once on the first level (Elite enemies, tight level layout)(Unknown cause).
> Spamming F on a blue portal repeats the portal effects and sound, following level up/perk screen immediately ends, followed by perma black screen on next level load. (consistent and repeatable: When the player is ready to level up, spamming or even double pressing F can trigger this bug)
> Enemies (Repti and Ceri specifically from playtests, mostly Repti) locked in place and unable to move, seems to be due to terrain.
> Wisp fires at enemies not in line of sight. Enemies fire at player when not in line of sight. (Both feel like a conflict with terrain and AI-targeting)
> Dying near a wall and reforming has the possibility to spawn you outside the boundaries and lock the player out. (Fairly consistent on final boss if hugging the west walls)
> (Likely obvious) - Continuing a playthrough after boss completion leads to a black screen.
> Dashing into the "final boss" start cutscene, bugs out momentum during cutscene (player simply slides, no major effect otherwise).
> Fullscreen on a 1440p monitor if it matters - Blackout doesn't fully blackout the loading in, or loading out screens (right side partially showing).
> Entering next level portal while gulping prey carries over animations.
> Quitting the game can reset and cycle through bonus levels on the "Random" level.
> Player can attack and play gameplay sounds while on loading screen.
Concerns and Annoyances (Personal Bias):
> Key rebinds or key layout - an option to rebind or just even see the keys available would be nice.
> A perk list would be neat to see, if the player forgets or comes back to play later and forgets.
> Volumes are quite loud, even at lower settings.
> Monster density and arena spaces/layout - Arena size should be larger depending on the danger or amount of enemies, very easy to get swarmed or gather too many enemies on accident.
> Final boss has very fast attacks for how immobile the player can be, slower attacks could benefit the fun/fair factor and fight enjoyment overall. Consider up close skills & hunger for the fight as well.
> Enemies could use some varying move speeds or behavior changes to help the player prioritize & dodge when in large groups.
> Some skills are greatly underpowered, lesser costs or buffed damage/area should help the player. Following attacks to take down a single Shoppy/Stationary-Plant (elite enemies are the same hp from what I playtested, just greater in numbers)
> Chomp - 18 attacks
> Bramble Breath - 10 attacks or 30 projectiles (3 each per attack)
> Fireball - 9 attacks
> Astral Assault - 18 attacks
> Sundering Sun - 3 attacks
> Blizzard Blower - 24 attacks (feels most balanced of the bunch)
> IN MY OPINION: Hunger bar should affect damage multiplier and/or attack speed rather then be "ammo" for the player. Should drain overtime, enables perk options plus rewards main gameplay elements.
Observations & Praises:
> The animations and overall gameplay are stellar! Amazing to see this little project come to life and hit the ground running! Excellent job mate, sincerely!
> No crashing or game hiccups encountered, game works and looks smooth.
> Monster difficulty feels mostly fair! A few hiccups with level generation and monster spawns, but otherwise it feels great to kite and dodge attacks even as is, nailed the rogue lite feel!
> FISHING MINIGAME!!! Every god damn game needs one I tell ya, very fun and simple addition!
> S-Tier dialogue and references with the merchant :D
> Incredible progress for a solo dev and early access build!
> With the Brute gulp animation, it fully looks as though our little kobold could counter the brute's gulp with one of his own! Might be a fun addition.
Suggestions and Ideas for fun!
Risk reward factor: (strong perks that provide risk for the player, but a great benefit as well)
> Brutish Devourer - Greatly increased spell damage when full, + slower player speed OR larger enemy projectile hitbox
> Feisty prey - Greatly increased move speed when full, + irregular player movement when full
> Guts and Glory - Greatly increased bite range and damage, + remove all breath attacks OR much greater hunger/mana cost for other skills
> Equal Ground - Greatly increased spell damage, + greatly increased monster damage
> Savour the Taste - Digestion occurs passively, but slowly, + cannot quickly digest/digest on command
Small buffs/perks:
> Proficient Kobold - Faster attack speed
> Exercise - Faster move speed
> Exposed Defense - Dodging projectiles makes enemies more vulnerable OR provides a small damage boost for similar effect.
> Plot armor - Damage immunity during gulp animations (with a bit of immunity afterwards)
> Chain eater - Brief bonus damage after digestion
> Immunity for 3 seconds - Medium recharge
> Quad damage - Very Slow recharge
> Fully knockout a non-boss enemy - 1 time use per level
> Gain 1 health - Very slow recharge
> % Chance to absorb projectile attack - Passive
Breath attacks:
> Static/Electric attack - chains to nearby enemies - low-medium damage
> Lava pools - Large, slow lava projectiles - medium-high damage, low damage pool on hit for X seconds
> Toxic breath - Damage over time attack, spreads to nearby enemies OR stacks damage/potency with each use
Level types:
Fun Event - Egg Hunt - Search and gulp down eggs
Challenge - Waves of increasingly difficult enemies. Reward: Breath attack upgrade or stronger perks
Wow. Quite a huge list here! Thanks for all this feedback. Dang bugs! I wasn't trying to release a buggy mess but feels like I did anyway. Some of this stuff I know about and some I don't. I'm going to work on difficulty and bugs first and then eventually quality and improvements. Good suggestions and ideas for new things. 2 perks you suggested are already in the game. (Faster attack and faster move speed) Glad you enjoy the game. Thank you.
Bugs are inevitable >w<
Simply getting the game released, stable, and making the gameplay fun is one helluva task and you've knocked it out of the park!
I'm biased towards speedy gameplay :P
More move speed perks are fun imo. Never saw the attack speed one actually as well. Dang RNG.
Hope this helps a little chief! Amazing job and good luck in the future. ^.^
Simply getting the game released, stable, and making the gameplay fun is one helluva task and you've knocked it out of the park!
I'm biased towards speedy gameplay :P
More move speed perks are fun imo. Never saw the attack speed one actually as well. Dang RNG.
Hope this helps a little chief! Amazing job and good luck in the future. ^.^
Holy, this was WAAY better than I expected! Usually betas arent this complete, but this game is seriously impressive!
I'd like to give some feedback, like difficulty wise and such (Like some rooms, non elite, are easy, but then sometimes, they are filled with 2 pelikins, 1 brute, and more fillers, making them almost run ending ^^;), but its all been said haha.
Also! I've been finding a bug that whenever I digest an enemy, it lowers other breaths bars sometimes, specially when the first one is getting filled, its a bit annoying...
Cant wait to see more of this, specially with how invested you are in the game, how willing you are to listen to everyone's opinions and feedbacks!
Even tho I beat the boss, I still hate more the brute haha, but really good game nontheless!
I'd like to give some feedback, like difficulty wise and such (Like some rooms, non elite, are easy, but then sometimes, they are filled with 2 pelikins, 1 brute, and more fillers, making them almost run ending ^^;), but its all been said haha.
Also! I've been finding a bug that whenever I digest an enemy, it lowers other breaths bars sometimes, specially when the first one is getting filled, its a bit annoying...
Cant wait to see more of this, specially with how invested you are in the game, how willing you are to listen to everyone's opinions and feedbacks!
Even tho I beat the boss, I still hate more the brute haha, but really good game nontheless!
Thank you lots! I'm working on less enemy spawn (and probably will do larger area space for more elbow room) That digestion lowering other ammo is new to me. Maybe a combination of perks or something does it? For the Brute/Rex I'm probably just going to make it deal 2 damage on hit instead of insta-grab-gulp to make dealing with it more manageable.
When I have time, I'll try to check if I can recreate it in another run, but I had nothing with perks or such. It was just having 2 breaths, 1º one not full, and the 2º full, and once the first one fills, the second depletes suddenly for a quarter or so.
As for the Rex, yeah that sounds better! It was annoying having 4 hp and suddenly... rex jumpscare XD
(Also, if you ever need help for translating it to spanish, I'd love to help ^^)
As for the Rex, yeah that sounds better! It was annoying having 4 hp and suddenly... rex jumpscare XD
(Also, if you ever need help for translating it to spanish, I'd love to help ^^)
One issue I have; When you meet another lizard similar to your own, they offer to be eaten or eat you to get you a new weapon and the game tells you letting them eat you will cost a reform. Later on I met the fishing spot guy and I saw the offer to be eaten there to get a tongue upgrade but since it didn't say it would cost a reform, I kind of assumed it wouldn't since it didn't say it would like with the little lizard and I'd just be let out. Not to mention a tongue upgrade is kinda... useless and not worth a life! Should probably mention the cost on the selection for the sake of consistency.
That said, I enjoyed it! I failed 3 times thanks to those big dinos but I can't be too upset to see my character in that gut, though.
That said, I enjoyed it! I failed 3 times thanks to those big dinos but I can't be too upset to see my character in that gut, though.
0.51 UPDATE!
The game is now a zip file instead of an auto executable so you can put the game where you want it and just extract with Winrar or whatever zip extractor.
Fewer enemies. (Elite is about where original was before)
Reduce Particles option. Check this to eliminate some decorative particles and reduce others, such as various shot particles to help with performance issues.
Control layout appears whenever the game is paused. No rebinding of keys yet unfortunately, but that should help you know what the control layout is.
All enemy projectiles 20% slower. (Heightened reflexes perk slows them an additional 20%)
Less XP required to level up due to less enemies to eat.
Brute T-Rex Monster will deal 2 damage instead of instantly gulping you, also charges less frequently.
Random area maps generate larger and wider which theoretically should reduce monsters spawning outside of the area. Portal will still automatically show up after a couple of minutes if you get stuck.
Game is still riddled with many bugs (I haven't gotten to any visitor stuff yet for example) But I will keep working on bug fixes in the next update.
The game is now a zip file instead of an auto executable so you can put the game where you want it and just extract with Winrar or whatever zip extractor.
Fewer enemies. (Elite is about where original was before)
Reduce Particles option. Check this to eliminate some decorative particles and reduce others, such as various shot particles to help with performance issues.
Control layout appears whenever the game is paused. No rebinding of keys yet unfortunately, but that should help you know what the control layout is.
All enemy projectiles 20% slower. (Heightened reflexes perk slows them an additional 20%)
Less XP required to level up due to less enemies to eat.
Brute T-Rex Monster will deal 2 damage instead of instantly gulping you, also charges less frequently.
Random area maps generate larger and wider which theoretically should reduce monsters spawning outside of the area. Portal will still automatically show up after a couple of minutes if you get stuck.
Game is still riddled with many bugs (I haven't gotten to any visitor stuff yet for example) But I will keep working on bug fixes in the next update.
I've only encountered two other bugs. Also! The game feels much better even with such a simple change.
Bug one conditions: If the player has belly block and two prey inside (unsure if it mattered), and then gets damaged by a brute as he charges, the brute will maintain the dash speed afterwards and quickly kill the player.
Bug Two conditions: Simple visual bug: If the player has the damaging dash perk, and dashes while stuffed full/immobile, the tail spin will still occur.
Bug one conditions: If the player has belly block and two prey inside (unsure if it mattered), and then gets damaged by a brute as he charges, the brute will maintain the dash speed afterwards and quickly kill the player.
Bug Two conditions: Simple visual bug: If the player has the damaging dash perk, and dashes while stuffed full/immobile, the tail spin will still occur.
This game’s really good for an early release! I’ll have to download the update when I get the chance. I do have one question though. Is it planned for the visitor encounters where the player gets eaten to have a “bad end” when you have no reforms left? As of the moment you just reform anyway, making the choice in it kinda pointless as there’s no real risk involved… not that it’s entirely a bad thing, but it just seems a bit… cheaty to me. That aside, I’ll be keeping an eye on this game to see how it develops~!
Yeah I know about that problem and I was going to just force you to pick the non eaten option, but some people like a (are you sure) game over option to getting gulped with no reforms left. So I may and up doing that, but Geeze there's a lot of bugs to fix first.
Hehe, no worries. A small thought, another route could be a “chance roll” of sorts, kinda a random chance the pred may release you instead of digesting you. It’s just a thought, though, as I’m no game developer and don’t know how hard it would be to implement such a system. Just some food for thought is all.
I loved it! Personal notes:
-Breath weapon balance is a bit strange. It kinda feels like it's ALWAYS worth it to take the ones with faster fire-rate, regardless of other attributes. Ice breath did such immense dps that there was no need to set up with the wind breath beforehand, since switching off it for even a single shot of another breath would drastically slow down TTK
-The difficulty of the boss compared to regular enemy rooms was a bit lacking. Their lingering fire attack is a cool concept, but there was very little that actually forced me to move around much.
-The guided star breath weapon is, IMO, the second best breath weapon, but not in a particularly fun way. Being able to guide it from behind cover to whatever is threatening you is cool, but its slow firerate, mediocre damage, and low ammo make it into a bit of a chore to clear out enemies this way.
-Overall, was a lot more fun than I expected it to be, and I REALLY enjoyed my time with it! I didn't feel like there was any glaring issues that took away from the experience, and I'm excited to see more from it!
-Breath weapon balance is a bit strange. It kinda feels like it's ALWAYS worth it to take the ones with faster fire-rate, regardless of other attributes. Ice breath did such immense dps that there was no need to set up with the wind breath beforehand, since switching off it for even a single shot of another breath would drastically slow down TTK
-The difficulty of the boss compared to regular enemy rooms was a bit lacking. Their lingering fire attack is a cool concept, but there was very little that actually forced me to move around much.
-The guided star breath weapon is, IMO, the second best breath weapon, but not in a particularly fun way. Being able to guide it from behind cover to whatever is threatening you is cool, but its slow firerate, mediocre damage, and low ammo make it into a bit of a chore to clear out enemies this way.
-Overall, was a lot more fun than I expected it to be, and I REALLY enjoyed my time with it! I didn't feel like there was any glaring issues that took away from the experience, and I'm excited to see more from it!
Thank you! I will keep working on it with everyone's feedback. Ice breath is getting a range/accuracy nerf The sun guided shot probably needs a fire rate increase and cost reduction or something. For the boss maybe I'll need to give it another attack to mix up its current normal shots/super shot pattern?
Phew! Took that nasty Fire Drake down, so I thought I'd pop in to congratulate you on release! It's one of the most involved vore centric titles I've played, and a lot of fun.
I went through it on 0.51, so I'm sure plenty has been addressed, but I thought I'd add a few thoughts that may (hopefully) be useful to you.
I don't have a whole lot to add, but:
-I feel like enemy projectiles are a bit hard to see. It's easily manageable in stages where the enemy load is light, but once you get a lot of them I feel they don't stick out enough to manage more complex patterns of incoming fire, especially when your own attacks begin to overlap with them. Overall I didn't have too much trouble with it, but if you wanted to push the difficulty and variety of encounters further in the game, I think it might become a real problem.
-On the opposite end, I thought the Fire Drake's projectiles were too bright at times, and often made it hard to see his flame spouts or even myself.
-I was going to add something about the dodge delay but it seems you've addressed those mechanics in 0.52, cool!
As for things I liked/wishes for the future:
-I love Traxiss'(?) species, like Tezzie and the merchant, and I hope we encounter a variety of them on our journey.
-The belly shield upgrade is a GREAT idea and I'd love to see more power-ups that tie in with the vore mechanics of the game. More abilities and upgrades that focus on holding monsters in your belly or the digestion aspect is something I really look forward too. I think there's a LOT of possibilities there for fun builds there.
-I did want to bring up sound effects. I'd definitely like to see (well, hear) more enemy audio for the swallowing process (The Fire Drake was amazing with this) and even sound effects for the critters currently ingested. I'd have to say this is probably my biggest desire for the art direction/aesthetic portion of the game at this iteration.
As far as bugs go, the only ones I encountered so far looks like they were fixed in 0.52, so no issue there.
Really good work so far, I'm definitely keeping my eyes on this project. With that in mind, do you have any plans for crowdfunding?
I went through it on 0.51, so I'm sure plenty has been addressed, but I thought I'd add a few thoughts that may (hopefully) be useful to you.
I don't have a whole lot to add, but:
-I feel like enemy projectiles are a bit hard to see. It's easily manageable in stages where the enemy load is light, but once you get a lot of them I feel they don't stick out enough to manage more complex patterns of incoming fire, especially when your own attacks begin to overlap with them. Overall I didn't have too much trouble with it, but if you wanted to push the difficulty and variety of encounters further in the game, I think it might become a real problem.
-On the opposite end, I thought the Fire Drake's projectiles were too bright at times, and often made it hard to see his flame spouts or even myself.
-I was going to add something about the dodge delay but it seems you've addressed those mechanics in 0.52, cool!
As for things I liked/wishes for the future:
-I love Traxiss'(?) species, like Tezzie and the merchant, and I hope we encounter a variety of them on our journey.
-The belly shield upgrade is a GREAT idea and I'd love to see more power-ups that tie in with the vore mechanics of the game. More abilities and upgrades that focus on holding monsters in your belly or the digestion aspect is something I really look forward too. I think there's a LOT of possibilities there for fun builds there.
-I did want to bring up sound effects. I'd definitely like to see (well, hear) more enemy audio for the swallowing process (The Fire Drake was amazing with this) and even sound effects for the critters currently ingested. I'd have to say this is probably my biggest desire for the art direction/aesthetic portion of the game at this iteration.
As far as bugs go, the only ones I encountered so far looks like they were fixed in 0.52, so no issue there.
Really good work so far, I'm definitely keeping my eyes on this project. With that in mind, do you have any plans for crowdfunding?
Hey thanks a lot! I'm glad you like the game. I put a lot of work into it. So for enemy projectile visibilty issue, you've got a good point. I need to increase the size/brightness of basic enemy attacks, and reduce the glow on the boss attacks. I'll get that put into the next update.
Glad you like the main protagonist species! I was thinking of adding a main hub area to the game that was their home village. Would be cool to do but a lot of effort, but we might see that down the road some day.
I certainly want to add more perks to the game, and of course the more vore centric the better. But some would be more work than others. Like adding a 4th prey slot would mean doing like 6 new animations plus an extra for all future enemies, etc.
Yes more sounds would be good and I do want to add them. Do you mean like sounds of prey in belly? Sounds as they are being gulped? Or both?
I hadn't considered crowdfunding. I've never done anything like that. I don't know if it would be the right move to make or not.
Glad you like the main protagonist species! I was thinking of adding a main hub area to the game that was their home village. Would be cool to do but a lot of effort, but we might see that down the road some day.
I certainly want to add more perks to the game, and of course the more vore centric the better. But some would be more work than others. Like adding a 4th prey slot would mean doing like 6 new animations plus an extra for all future enemies, etc.
Yes more sounds would be good and I do want to add them. Do you mean like sounds of prey in belly? Sounds as they are being gulped? Or both?
I hadn't considered crowdfunding. I've never done anything like that. I don't know if it would be the right move to make or not.
Okay, having slapped the fire drake again on 0.52, I saw the ending blurb mention a potential Patreon for development (Maybe I missed it in .51). That was what I meant by crowdfunding. I'm sure it has its caveats, but it's an exciting thing to consider! In regards to our fire drakey friend, I'm going to backpedal a bit and say I think part of the reason I had trouble with their brightness was that he was firing two projectiles at once in .51, it was definitely less of an issue in the new version. I do think his spread attack is still a bit heavy on the particles, though, and would consider reeling them back.
I hadn't considered the extra workload adding more belly stages would create, it sounds exponential. It's a shame, but I understand completely. There's still some fun ideas to play with I'm sure, one of the commenters above had interesting suggestions in that ballpark. The base mechanics are fun and involved, and blending the title vore theme with them is a big appeal for me, and I think there is particularly high potential for a good utilization of such compared to many other vore themed games out there. On the note of bellies: I must admit, for the sounds, both. It's a really indulgent request on my part, and I know not everyone values the audio aspect as much for vore content, but man I feel like it'd be a great shiny veneer on the vore side of things. Something like having a unique roar for each critter that then gets used for the swallowing animation (Like Fire Drake) but also muffled as an ambient while you're full of critters.
Honestly, a traxibold (name pending) hub village would be an amazing addition. I could see it being a good capstone for a 1.0 release when all the primary levels/enemies/mechanics are in full swing, as something of a celebration. Keep that one in your back pocket!
I hadn't considered the extra workload adding more belly stages would create, it sounds exponential. It's a shame, but I understand completely. There's still some fun ideas to play with I'm sure, one of the commenters above had interesting suggestions in that ballpark. The base mechanics are fun and involved, and blending the title vore theme with them is a big appeal for me, and I think there is particularly high potential for a good utilization of such compared to many other vore themed games out there. On the note of bellies: I must admit, for the sounds, both. It's a really indulgent request on my part, and I know not everyone values the audio aspect as much for vore content, but man I feel like it'd be a great shiny veneer on the vore side of things. Something like having a unique roar for each critter that then gets used for the swallowing animation (Like Fire Drake) but also muffled as an ambient while you're full of critters.
Honestly, a traxibold (name pending) hub village would be an amazing addition. I could see it being a good capstone for a 1.0 release when all the primary levels/enemies/mechanics are in full swing, as something of a celebration. Keep that one in your back pocket!
I'm in the process of either toning down or eliminating particles throughout the game. Enemy shots will be a bright red/white color which should help with visibility. I did it on the boss shots too but I'm not sold since it looks a lot crappier, so the drakes might stay as is just with less sparkies. As for belly size. I definitely will do scenes where our hero gets bigger than 3 belly, like eating a really big boss or visitor. I just probably won't go larger than 3 prey size for normal levels. (I mean that could maybe change way down the road) As for more prey vore sounds, that would probably be something I could implement, I would just need to figure out how best to do it. You know there's stationary gurgle animations and sounds right? Those only work when you don't move for a few seconds.
Thanks again for your feedback! I'm glad to hear what people have to say about the game and suggestions for improvement.
Thanks again for your feedback! I'm glad to hear what people have to say about the game and suggestions for improvement.
Done my first successful run, the latest update did make it easier but was still challenging enough, the animations are great and variety of attacks and upgrades you can get are wonderful.
Issues I had with 0.52 such as head glitching have been fixed, thank you for all the diligent work you have done on this, and congrats on release of such a fun roguelike.
Definitely will be doing a few more runs.
Issues I had with 0.52 such as head glitching have been fixed, thank you for all the diligent work you have done on this, and congrats on release of such a fun roguelike.
Definitely will be doing a few more runs.
I haven't finished a run yet, but this game is pretty great so far! The gameplay is solid, the vore animations are very good, and there's some fun variety of enemies and upgrades you can get. I'm excited to see what will come next!
By the way, there's no benefit to not digesting prey right after eating it, right? I wonder if maybe there could be an incentive to fight enemies while having prey in your belly, and a thought crossed my mind: maybe the big belly causes the dodge roll to become an attack, as you slam into enemies with your gut XD I think that'd be pretty interesting. Maybe the roll could even give you extra distance as well, a way to compensate the bigger hitbox.
By the way, there's no benefit to not digesting prey right after eating it, right? I wonder if maybe there could be an incentive to fight enemies while having prey in your belly, and a thought crossed my mind: maybe the big belly causes the dodge roll to become an attack, as you slam into enemies with your gut XD I think that'd be pretty interesting. Maybe the roll could even give you extra distance as well, a way to compensate the bigger hitbox.
Thank you lots I'm happy to hear you like it! So right now, you're right, there really isn't any incentive to keep prey in your belly undigested. I want to add perks (or permanent by design) reasons to keep a bigger belly. Currently it makes you slower and have a slower dodge roll/recovery time. Like a fatrolling perk that allows rolling at max 3 size and deals damage the bigger your gut, or something fun like that. Maybe that should be a default thing and not based on a perk? Not sure yet. So yeah, I want to add something like that. Also, your hitbox doesn't actually increase with belly size. Thanks for your suggestions!
A few things I noticed and would like to see in future updates:
- Level up stages should fill hunger either 50% or 100%, as you run out far too quickly, and enemies don't give enough hunger when digested to justify using weapons. You get starved of your weapons in the later stages.
- It seems that the hunger fill mechanic is based on an overflow system. That discourages getting more weapons for more interactivity when it comes to combat.
- The T-Rex enemies seems to outpace you really really easily unless you get a movement buff, which feels very, very RNG reliant on actually dealing with them. Even when you dodge.
- I had a bug happen when I switched stages, the portal opened even with enemies still on stage, and a pelican enemy followed me through during the level up screen. Had to defeat it before I had the chance to do any level ups.
- Level up stages should fill hunger either 50% or 100%, as you run out far too quickly, and enemies don't give enough hunger when digested to justify using weapons. You get starved of your weapons in the later stages.
- It seems that the hunger fill mechanic is based on an overflow system. That discourages getting more weapons for more interactivity when it comes to combat.
- The T-Rex enemies seems to outpace you really really easily unless you get a movement buff, which feels very, very RNG reliant on actually dealing with them. Even when you dodge.
- I had a bug happen when I switched stages, the portal opened even with enemies still on stage, and a pelican enemy followed me through during the level up screen. Had to defeat it before I had the chance to do any level ups.
Hiya. So for ammo/hunger I'm a bit torn on how best to proceed. Too much means spray all day, and too little means ignore breath and only use chomp. Its been suggested that hunger shouldn't be ammo but effectiveness and that might be a good way to go about it. Maybe ditch ammo altogether and make it so at higher fullness your breath attacks shoot more rapidly and/or do more damage, and at low fullness they are slower/weaker. That might be a pain to implement but maybe not.
I agree with hunger being ammo, it shouldn't be damage or effectiveness.
What I'd suggest is keep it how it is as for now. No level up hunger boon.
HOWEVER, when gaining a new breath weapon considering how big the egg is, it could fill all your hunger when picking them up. Or give the equivalent of a maximum belly in hunger. Thereby incentivizing picking them up, and giving a lot of weight to giving up a reformation for the another random one during the visitors.
Additionally, just before boss fights could give you some extra hunger? You already have this in the form of the snacks on the stage before crossing the boss load threshold, so this may not be too much of a problem. I am just thinking of how ammo starved you can sometimes be when approaching a boss fight.
But again, the game shouldn't hand-hold and allow spam 24/7, that removes the challenge, so it is definitely a difficult tightrope to walk.
What do you plan to have happen after a boss fight? Full hunger reload? Another reformation?
What I'd suggest is keep it how it is as for now. No level up hunger boon.
HOWEVER, when gaining a new breath weapon considering how big the egg is, it could fill all your hunger when picking them up. Or give the equivalent of a maximum belly in hunger. Thereby incentivizing picking them up, and giving a lot of weight to giving up a reformation for the another random one during the visitors.
Additionally, just before boss fights could give you some extra hunger? You already have this in the form of the snacks on the stage before crossing the boss load threshold, so this may not be too much of a problem. I am just thinking of how ammo starved you can sometimes be when approaching a boss fight.
But again, the game shouldn't hand-hold and allow spam 24/7, that removes the challenge, so it is definitely a difficult tightrope to walk.
What do you plan to have happen after a boss fight? Full hunger reload? Another reformation?
Eggs do give a solid portion of hunger but you're right it should be more. Adding more food before the boss would be easy, either more bugs or even you eat the boss' egg which causes them to appear and attack. As for boss reward upon devour I think a full hunger reload for all ammo, and solid chunk of xp at least. Probably gaining another reformation would be good too, but not all of them.
I also recommend against a difficulty setting, I've seen you musing about it.
Think about this: All of the major roguelites that exist don't have difficulty sliders. Or if they do it's more of a "challenge" difficulty, rather than making the game easier. Darkest Dungeon, Slay the Spire, Risk of Rain 1 and 2, etc. Plus, you also have a web of decisions, people can choose to make the game easier by avoiding the Elite encounters.
People understand that going into roguelites, they will inevitably run into "Run enders." It's shit, yes. However here's the kicker:
Your game is 100% skill. "Run Ender" scenarios can (usually) be dealt with by proper understanding of the game engine, precise movement execution and excellent positioning with the environment.
So quite literally: losing at your game is a skill issue.
Obviously this isn't to say not to fix certain problem enemies. Like the brutes from 0.52 to 0.53.1. They're just slow enough that they're manageable, but not a walk in the park. Or the Pelicans that literally lag the game with projectiles.
Oh, by the way a good way to do some balance changes in the game:
1. Pelicans, rather than constantly shooting out projectiles. Have them wind up and shoot a large volley of projectiles while holding still. Then move around, then pause to volley again, repeat.
2. As for breath weapons, I agree on the cooldown, but have the cooldown be individual, rather than global. I.e., Fire the mist missles, switch off to the a different breath weapon and use that in combination.
This multi-breath-weapon tactic is self-balancing, since you already have an ammo system that needs to be carefully managed between stages.
Think about this: All of the major roguelites that exist don't have difficulty sliders. Or if they do it's more of a "challenge" difficulty, rather than making the game easier. Darkest Dungeon, Slay the Spire, Risk of Rain 1 and 2, etc. Plus, you also have a web of decisions, people can choose to make the game easier by avoiding the Elite encounters.
People understand that going into roguelites, they will inevitably run into "Run enders." It's shit, yes. However here's the kicker:
Your game is 100% skill. "Run Ender" scenarios can (usually) be dealt with by proper understanding of the game engine, precise movement execution and excellent positioning with the environment.
So quite literally: losing at your game is a skill issue.
Obviously this isn't to say not to fix certain problem enemies. Like the brutes from 0.52 to 0.53.1. They're just slow enough that they're manageable, but not a walk in the park. Or the Pelicans that literally lag the game with projectiles.
Oh, by the way a good way to do some balance changes in the game:
1. Pelicans, rather than constantly shooting out projectiles. Have them wind up and shoot a large volley of projectiles while holding still. Then move around, then pause to volley again, repeat.
2. As for breath weapons, I agree on the cooldown, but have the cooldown be individual, rather than global. I.e., Fire the mist missles, switch off to the a different breath weapon and use that in combination.
This multi-breath-weapon tactic is self-balancing, since you already have an ammo system that needs to be carefully managed between stages.