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In my memory, there was one day that changed me. My breakfast on that day
was my usual waffles made by an old waffle maker. As I finished eating
the last waffle, the doorbell rang, and I left my chair to answer it. I
opened the door and heard a familiar voice.
“Yo, Phillip. It’s me, Jason. You might not recognize me, but check out
my new avian form!” He gently dropped 2 large bags on the ground and
spread his arms to show himself off.
Jason and I have been friends for a long time. Both of us had a shared
interest: seeing how much food we can stuff into our bellies. For that
reason, both of us were a bit chubby in the middle, but neither of us
minded because it didn’t change our appearances too much.
That extra pudge carried over to Jason’s new form, in addition to being
more colorful than his human form. The fur on his body was light red
(same color as his tail feather) with darker red fur on his chest and
belly. His hands, beak, legs, and talons were a dark yellow color, which
paired well with his red body.
“Hey Jason, it’s good to see you again,” I said as I held the door open,
“come on in. By the way, you’re looking great.”
Jason grabbed his two bags and walked through the door. “I bought some
stuff at the grocery store earlier,” he explained while setting the bags
down near the door along the wall, “I thought you might like them.”
He pulled out a small bottle of water and held it in his hands. “Somehow
I found this. The label on it says it’s sparkling water, but it
definitely wasn’t when I drank one.”
“Just a wild guess,” I blurted out, “it turned you into a bird, right?”
“Correct, and I bought this one for you if you want it.” He grabbed
another bottle of sparkling water and handed it to me. “Oh, and just a
fair warning, it’ll make you sleepy almost immediately. When I drank it,
I woke up about 5 minutes later.”
“I’ll take it, thank you,” I paused while looking at the blueish-clear
liquid in the bottle. “ What about my clothes? Wouldn’t they be damaged?”
I asked Jason.
“Yeah, I took mine off just in case. And as you can see, you won’t need
clothes since you’ll be covered in fur.”
My shirt was the first piece of clothing I took off, and Jason’s eyes
were glued to my belly. “When you wake up, I’ll have a feast ready for
you to eat,” He told me.
I took everything off and drank the sparkling water in large gulps. 10
seconds later, I was already feeling drowsy. “You’re right about the
sleepiness,” I said, “I’ll lay down here.” I laid down my back on the
floor in the middle of the room, falling asleep within seconds.
I woke up 5 minutes later, and took a look at my new form. I had light
blue fur across my body and darker blue fur on my chest and belly. My
beak, hands, legs, and talons were a dark gray color. I also had a light-
blue tail feather to complete the new look.
I stood up from the floor to take a better look at myself. The new blue
look looked great on me.
“Looking pretty sharp there, Phillip,” Jason remarked.
I looked down at my tummy, and similar to Jason, the pudge from my human
form carried over. “How can I be hungry?” I said while grasping my
slightly chubby side, “I just ate breakfast.“
“I felt the same way when I changed forms,” Jason responded, “which is
why I also brought you something else. Follow me into the kitchen.”
Entering the kitchen, I saw five boxes of donuts stacked on top of each
“Five dozen donuts ready for you to eat. Go on ahead, you need to update
your new form.” Jason gently patted my tummy a couple times and stepped
back. “I’ll stand back and watch.”
“Uh…” I paused, “Are you sure I can eat that much? I would normally get a
nasty stomachache if I tried to eat even half of that.”
“Yeah, you’ll be fine,” Jason reassured, “the bellies of our avian forms
can hold a lot more food.”
I rubbed my soft furry belly with my hand, looking at the stack of donuts
in front of me. “I’m gonna be one fat bird, huh?”
I grabbed the box on the top of the stack, and opened the lid. The donuts
were all chocolate-glazed, my favorite kind.
“Oh, and by the way,” Jason said, “I would not sit in a chair in case if
you break it with your extra weight.”
“Good point. I’ll eat here, standing over the counter.” I put the first
donut on the counter.
I held my hand up to tummy for a moment, then started to gobble down the
Eating with a beak will take some getting used to, I thought while taking
the first bite. Even though my beak wasn’t very long (and neither was
Jason’s), it made chewing a bit more difficult, but I gradually got used
to it. Once that donut was eaten, I grabbed another one from the box.
Each soft yummy donut brought satisfaction to my hungry tummy. I was too
busy enjoying each bite to realize how many I had eaten. I had already
eaten a dozen donuts.
I placed the empty box off to the side and took another box from the
Jason, who was standing 10 feet away from me, heard me moving the boxes
and put his phone down on the counter next to me (phones work for non-
human hands?). “How’ it going?” he asked.
I looked down at my belly. It didn’t look different, but I could tell it
was a bit tighter when I poked my finger about half an inch into it.
“First dozen is done, and so far I’m holding up.”
“That’s good to hear. Keep it up, though,” Jason eyed my belly then
looked at the four unopened boxes of donuts, “there’s still plenty left.”
He picked his phone back up while I continued my feast.
I opened the second box and immediately devoured the donuts inside of it.
When all 12 donuts were eaten, I took another look at my tummy. It looked
only slightly larger, but it now felt even tighter. When poking into it,
my belly did not let my finger through at all.
I took the empty box and stacked it on top of the other one. As I picked
up the third unopened box, Jason put his phone down again.
I turned to him. “It’s pretty tight in here.” I said, poking my belly.
Jason took his finger to poke my tummy. “So far so good,” he commented.
I then opened the third box. I had eaten half of the last donut of the
box when I heard:
I jolted forward, almost dropping the leftover donut I had clutched in my
hand. I leaned over for a bit, panting while I tried to catch my breath.
“Phillip, you OK?” Jason asked, his phone still on the counter.
Once I regained strength, I stood up. Jason had a glimmer in his eyes and
a smile on his beak as he stared at my tummy.
My belly had almost doubled in size, although it was hard to tell how big
it was since it was expanding and contracting while I tried to catch my
“Took…my breath….away,” I squeaked out, stilling holding half a donut.
Through the huffing and puffing, I poked my finger to my tummy again. It
wasn’t tight anymore. In fact, I could almost stick my whole index finger
into it.
“Woah, can I take a peak?” Jason asked, paying close attention to my
large belly.
Jason rubbed my soft furry belly, squishing his fingers into the pudge a
few times. I giggled a bit as he rubbed my squishy tummy for a couple
“It feels like there’s still plenty of room in there,” Jason commented,
“keep going.”
Once I regained my breath, I ate the rest of the donut I was holding, and
opened another box.
My tummy didn’t stop rumbling while I ate the fourth dozen of donuts. At
times, I had to stop eating a donut to rub my belly with both hands, just
to pick the donut back up and hear my tummy growling furiously again.
Because of that, it took me a bit longer to eat the donuts, but I
eventually emptied the box. Once again, my tummy felt tight to the touch.
Jason overheard my stomach constantly growling and noticed that only one
box was left unopened. “Just one more, you got this,” Jason said, “just
hang in there.”
*BUUUBLE* “Ugh, so many donuts, but so close to finishing them,” I
commented while rubbing my tight belly.
I had to bend my knees to keep myself balanced and remain standing. I
opened the last box of donuts and was hit with an onslaught of belly
I could see my belly vibrating with each rumble. I picked up the first
donut and started eating again. Each bite made the growling louder with
no signs of stopping.
Finally, the last donut of the last box was gone. I looked down at my
growling tummy, and saw something I had never seen before.
My belly slowly expanded for a few seconds, making a *BLOOOO* sound,
until it snapped outward with a *OOOORP*, jolting me forward a fair bit.
My tummy was enormous; it was about as round as a basketball! I turned my
head to Jason. His wide-eyed, open-beaked expression told me everything I
needed to know.
“That stomach….” Jason paused, trying to think of what to say with his
eyes and mind focused on my puffed-up tummy, “60 donuts…wow.” Jason
chuckled, holding a hand in front of his beak.
“Yeah, that was a mouthful, *BUUUURRRP* Ugh, excuse me,” I said.
“Take a look at that…does it hurt at all?” Jason asked.
“It doesn’t hurt, it’s just *BUUURP* big.” I lifted my tummy up, held it,
and dropped it. *SLOOOSH* *SLOOOSH* It bounced in all directions: down,
then up, then to one side, then the next, up, then back down.
Jason was visibly mesmerized by the bouncing belly. His wide eyes
followed my bulging belly as it bounced and sloshed around, gurgling with
every movement.
“*HIC* Jason, I think you’re right. This stomach can hold a ton,” I
remarked, “a real *UURRRP* tank.”
Jason laid a hand on the top of my oversized belly. “You may not believe
this, but you still got some more room in there,” He informed me. “Wait
here, I’ll be right back.” He dashed out of the kitchen and grabbed the
second bag that he left at the doorway. He returned to the kitchen with
the bag in hand.
“I’m so heavy, *HIC* I can’t stand anymore.” I sat down on the kitchen
floor with my legs spread out. As I sat down, my belly jiggled from side
to side several times and let out a loud *KABLOOORRP* sound.
Jason took a box out of the bag and set it on the countertop. He opened
the box to reveal a large chocolate cake with white icing saying “Happy
bloat-day Phillip!” on the top.
Looking up at the countertop, the sight of the cake made me groan. “MORE?
UUUGH, *URRRP* LOOK at this,” I lifted my tummy again to show him how
ginormous it already is, “do I really need *HIC* more?”
Jason chuckled as he picked up the cake and placed it in between my legs
and in front of my belly. “Why not? I think you’ll like it. It’s your
bloat-day after all.”
“Oooh, *URRRP* all right, I’ll eat it,” I said reluctantly.
My massive stomach made it near impossible to reach the cake with my
hands or beak. Even while hunched over and with the cake up against my
belly, I still had issues reaching it. I had a solution, though, and a
noisy one at that.
I moved back a few inches and laid on my stomach. *GABURRRGGG* I slid
like a bloated snake across the floor a few inches towards the cake, my
tummy wobbling uncontrollably with every move. Because of how round my
stomach was, my arms and legs extended a few inches off the ground.
“*HIC* Try digesting this, ya big fat bird belly,” I joked while Jason
let out another chuckle.
Holding my bloated, rumbly belly with my left hand, I used my right hand
to grab chunks of cake and shove them into my beak. I was swallowing
every chunk whole and not even chewing. *NOM* *GULP* BLOOORP* *NOM*
*GULP* *GRRRRORP* My belly gurgled loudly for almost every bite of cake I
took, even when using my left hand to ease the digestion.
By the time I had eaten half of the cake, I could no longer reach the
cake with my right hand, and my arms and legs were a bit further off the
ground. Jason was still standing next to me with the same wide-eye
expression as before.
“Jason, *HIC* could you *URRRP* help me?” My hiccuping and belching
“Sure thing. Anything for your big, fat, and bloated bird belly,” he
joked with a smile.
He kneeled next to me, took a chunk of cake, and shoved it into my beak.
I used both hands to try to calm my belly down as Jason fed me. As soon
as I swallowed, he already another chunk of cake ready in his hands. It
was like I was a nonstop eating machine.
I could tell Jason was having a fun time feeding me. He was laughing at
the absurdity of the situation: my seemingly-endless stomach, its size,
and just the circumstance in general.
Some time later, Jason was holding the last chunk of cake. “Last one, big
guy,” he said. I ate it without heistation
*NOM* *GULP* Silence. Not a voice, and not a gurgle.
There was a moment of awkward silence where Jason and I looked at each
other, embracing for something to happen.
Jason’s eyes were lit up, his beak wide open while looking down at me. I
could tell he was blushing, even through his light-red fur.
I rolled over to my back to ease the digestion. A quiet and deep
*SLOOOSH* noise was the first noise to break the silence. My belly jerked
in all directions as I flipped my body 180 degrees.
“How’s *BAARP* that look?” I asked Jason, pointing to my oversized tummy.
Just then, it happened. My tummy lightly bounced up and down a few times
on its own before slowly, but steadily rising. Then,
My tummy jolted upward so violently that my body jumped off the floor for
a second. Speaking about my tummy, it was MASSIVE. I held my right arm
straight up into the air, and noticed that my belly reached my wrist. I
could barely reach the top of my tummy.
“Aaah, *BURRRP* this big fat bird belly feels like it’s about to burst,”
I commented with my beak covered in chocolate. “Go ahead, climb onto it.
This thing needs some rubbing.”
Jason climbed onto me and laid on my round belly. I winced a bit when he
put his talons on my tummy. He managed to sit down on it and started to
rub it. He pushed my tummy side to side in a slow and rhythmic pattern,
and it moved several inches on each side he pushed it on.
“Ahhh, that’s good. Oooh, to the left a bit,” I guided Jason.
He pushed my tummy to the left and held it in position for a few seconds.
He then released it, causing the whole belly to shake around. Next, he
grabbed the bottom of my tummy and shook it up and down in the same
“Oh, yeah, that’s perfect. Move the upper part a bit,” I said.
Jason moved the bloated lower chest area vertically and horizontally.
Then, he grabbed the center of my tummy and swished the fat around in all
directions, squeezing all of his fingers into it.
I chuckled. “*HIC* I’ll take the rest from here, thank you.”
Jason gave my tummy one last pat before he climbed off of me and stood
“Looks like the feast turned out well,” Jason said with a chuckle, “You
think you will be ok on your own?”
“*BUAAARRP* Oh, yeah, I’ll be fine. thanks for the food, though.”
“You’re welcome. I gotta go, have a good day, Phillip. If you need an
extra rub or anything, you can always text me.”
“See ya *HIC* later, Jason.” I said. He grabbed the empty donut and cake
boxes, put them back into the bags, and walked out the door.
I was left on my own, laying on my back in the middle of the kitchen,
belly pointed straight towards the ceiling. I slapped my right side, and
my belly wobbled left and right several times. I felt like an absolute
blob, as I had no way of standing up, and even sitting up felt
impossible. Every time I tried to move, the immense weight of my belly
kept me locked in place. It felt like I was being crushed by a large
heavy rock.
Since I couldn’t move, I had no choice but to stay laying down for a
while, and within minutes, I fell into a food coma while listening to my
gurgling belly. I ended up sleeping almost the whole day.
That was the day that changed me, and I called it “bloat-day”. Jason was
right, this bird belly can fit so much food inside it. Before I fell
asleep, I gave my fat stomach one final slap, and my hand stayed on top
of my tummy while I slept.
was my usual waffles made by an old waffle maker. As I finished eating
the last waffle, the doorbell rang, and I left my chair to answer it. I
opened the door and heard a familiar voice.
“Yo, Phillip. It’s me, Jason. You might not recognize me, but check out
my new avian form!” He gently dropped 2 large bags on the ground and
spread his arms to show himself off.
Jason and I have been friends for a long time. Both of us had a shared
interest: seeing how much food we can stuff into our bellies. For that
reason, both of us were a bit chubby in the middle, but neither of us
minded because it didn’t change our appearances too much.
That extra pudge carried over to Jason’s new form, in addition to being
more colorful than his human form. The fur on his body was light red
(same color as his tail feather) with darker red fur on his chest and
belly. His hands, beak, legs, and talons were a dark yellow color, which
paired well with his red body.
“Hey Jason, it’s good to see you again,” I said as I held the door open,
“come on in. By the way, you’re looking great.”
Jason grabbed his two bags and walked through the door. “I bought some
stuff at the grocery store earlier,” he explained while setting the bags
down near the door along the wall, “I thought you might like them.”
He pulled out a small bottle of water and held it in his hands. “Somehow
I found this. The label on it says it’s sparkling water, but it
definitely wasn’t when I drank one.”
“Just a wild guess,” I blurted out, “it turned you into a bird, right?”
“Correct, and I bought this one for you if you want it.” He grabbed
another bottle of sparkling water and handed it to me. “Oh, and just a
fair warning, it’ll make you sleepy almost immediately. When I drank it,
I woke up about 5 minutes later.”
“I’ll take it, thank you,” I paused while looking at the blueish-clear
liquid in the bottle. “ What about my clothes? Wouldn’t they be damaged?”
I asked Jason.
“Yeah, I took mine off just in case. And as you can see, you won’t need
clothes since you’ll be covered in fur.”
My shirt was the first piece of clothing I took off, and Jason’s eyes
were glued to my belly. “When you wake up, I’ll have a feast ready for
you to eat,” He told me.
I took everything off and drank the sparkling water in large gulps. 10
seconds later, I was already feeling drowsy. “You’re right about the
sleepiness,” I said, “I’ll lay down here.” I laid down my back on the
floor in the middle of the room, falling asleep within seconds.
I woke up 5 minutes later, and took a look at my new form. I had light
blue fur across my body and darker blue fur on my chest and belly. My
beak, hands, legs, and talons were a dark gray color. I also had a light-
blue tail feather to complete the new look.
I stood up from the floor to take a better look at myself. The new blue
look looked great on me.
“Looking pretty sharp there, Phillip,” Jason remarked.
I looked down at my tummy, and similar to Jason, the pudge from my human
form carried over. “How can I be hungry?” I said while grasping my
slightly chubby side, “I just ate breakfast.“
“I felt the same way when I changed forms,” Jason responded, “which is
why I also brought you something else. Follow me into the kitchen.”
Entering the kitchen, I saw five boxes of donuts stacked on top of each
“Five dozen donuts ready for you to eat. Go on ahead, you need to update
your new form.” Jason gently patted my tummy a couple times and stepped
back. “I’ll stand back and watch.”
“Uh…” I paused, “Are you sure I can eat that much? I would normally get a
nasty stomachache if I tried to eat even half of that.”
“Yeah, you’ll be fine,” Jason reassured, “the bellies of our avian forms
can hold a lot more food.”
I rubbed my soft furry belly with my hand, looking at the stack of donuts
in front of me. “I’m gonna be one fat bird, huh?”
I grabbed the box on the top of the stack, and opened the lid. The donuts
were all chocolate-glazed, my favorite kind.
“Oh, and by the way,” Jason said, “I would not sit in a chair in case if
you break it with your extra weight.”
“Good point. I’ll eat here, standing over the counter.” I put the first
donut on the counter.
I held my hand up to tummy for a moment, then started to gobble down the
Eating with a beak will take some getting used to, I thought while taking
the first bite. Even though my beak wasn’t very long (and neither was
Jason’s), it made chewing a bit more difficult, but I gradually got used
to it. Once that donut was eaten, I grabbed another one from the box.
Each soft yummy donut brought satisfaction to my hungry tummy. I was too
busy enjoying each bite to realize how many I had eaten. I had already
eaten a dozen donuts.
I placed the empty box off to the side and took another box from the
Jason, who was standing 10 feet away from me, heard me moving the boxes
and put his phone down on the counter next to me (phones work for non-
human hands?). “How’ it going?” he asked.
I looked down at my belly. It didn’t look different, but I could tell it
was a bit tighter when I poked my finger about half an inch into it.
“First dozen is done, and so far I’m holding up.”
“That’s good to hear. Keep it up, though,” Jason eyed my belly then
looked at the four unopened boxes of donuts, “there’s still plenty left.”
He picked his phone back up while I continued my feast.
I opened the second box and immediately devoured the donuts inside of it.
When all 12 donuts were eaten, I took another look at my tummy. It looked
only slightly larger, but it now felt even tighter. When poking into it,
my belly did not let my finger through at all.
I took the empty box and stacked it on top of the other one. As I picked
up the third unopened box, Jason put his phone down again.
I turned to him. “It’s pretty tight in here.” I said, poking my belly.
Jason took his finger to poke my tummy. “So far so good,” he commented.
I then opened the third box. I had eaten half of the last donut of the
box when I heard:
I jolted forward, almost dropping the leftover donut I had clutched in my
hand. I leaned over for a bit, panting while I tried to catch my breath.
“Phillip, you OK?” Jason asked, his phone still on the counter.
Once I regained strength, I stood up. Jason had a glimmer in his eyes and
a smile on his beak as he stared at my tummy.
My belly had almost doubled in size, although it was hard to tell how big
it was since it was expanding and contracting while I tried to catch my
“Took…my breath….away,” I squeaked out, stilling holding half a donut.
Through the huffing and puffing, I poked my finger to my tummy again. It
wasn’t tight anymore. In fact, I could almost stick my whole index finger
into it.
“Woah, can I take a peak?” Jason asked, paying close attention to my
large belly.
Jason rubbed my soft furry belly, squishing his fingers into the pudge a
few times. I giggled a bit as he rubbed my squishy tummy for a couple
“It feels like there’s still plenty of room in there,” Jason commented,
“keep going.”
Once I regained my breath, I ate the rest of the donut I was holding, and
opened another box.
My tummy didn’t stop rumbling while I ate the fourth dozen of donuts. At
times, I had to stop eating a donut to rub my belly with both hands, just
to pick the donut back up and hear my tummy growling furiously again.
Because of that, it took me a bit longer to eat the donuts, but I
eventually emptied the box. Once again, my tummy felt tight to the touch.
Jason overheard my stomach constantly growling and noticed that only one
box was left unopened. “Just one more, you got this,” Jason said, “just
hang in there.”
*BUUUBLE* “Ugh, so many donuts, but so close to finishing them,” I
commented while rubbing my tight belly.
I had to bend my knees to keep myself balanced and remain standing. I
opened the last box of donuts and was hit with an onslaught of belly
I could see my belly vibrating with each rumble. I picked up the first
donut and started eating again. Each bite made the growling louder with
no signs of stopping.
Finally, the last donut of the last box was gone. I looked down at my
growling tummy, and saw something I had never seen before.
My belly slowly expanded for a few seconds, making a *BLOOOO* sound,
until it snapped outward with a *OOOORP*, jolting me forward a fair bit.
My tummy was enormous; it was about as round as a basketball! I turned my
head to Jason. His wide-eyed, open-beaked expression told me everything I
needed to know.
“That stomach….” Jason paused, trying to think of what to say with his
eyes and mind focused on my puffed-up tummy, “60 donuts…wow.” Jason
chuckled, holding a hand in front of his beak.
“Yeah, that was a mouthful, *BUUUURRRP* Ugh, excuse me,” I said.
“Take a look at that…does it hurt at all?” Jason asked.
“It doesn’t hurt, it’s just *BUUURP* big.” I lifted my tummy up, held it,
and dropped it. *SLOOOSH* *SLOOOSH* It bounced in all directions: down,
then up, then to one side, then the next, up, then back down.
Jason was visibly mesmerized by the bouncing belly. His wide eyes
followed my bulging belly as it bounced and sloshed around, gurgling with
every movement.
“*HIC* Jason, I think you’re right. This stomach can hold a ton,” I
remarked, “a real *UURRRP* tank.”
Jason laid a hand on the top of my oversized belly. “You may not believe
this, but you still got some more room in there,” He informed me. “Wait
here, I’ll be right back.” He dashed out of the kitchen and grabbed the
second bag that he left at the doorway. He returned to the kitchen with
the bag in hand.
“I’m so heavy, *HIC* I can’t stand anymore.” I sat down on the kitchen
floor with my legs spread out. As I sat down, my belly jiggled from side
to side several times and let out a loud *KABLOOORRP* sound.
Jason took a box out of the bag and set it on the countertop. He opened
the box to reveal a large chocolate cake with white icing saying “Happy
bloat-day Phillip!” on the top.
Looking up at the countertop, the sight of the cake made me groan. “MORE?
UUUGH, *URRRP* LOOK at this,” I lifted my tummy again to show him how
ginormous it already is, “do I really need *HIC* more?”
Jason chuckled as he picked up the cake and placed it in between my legs
and in front of my belly. “Why not? I think you’ll like it. It’s your
bloat-day after all.”
“Oooh, *URRRP* all right, I’ll eat it,” I said reluctantly.
My massive stomach made it near impossible to reach the cake with my
hands or beak. Even while hunched over and with the cake up against my
belly, I still had issues reaching it. I had a solution, though, and a
noisy one at that.
I moved back a few inches and laid on my stomach. *GABURRRGGG* I slid
like a bloated snake across the floor a few inches towards the cake, my
tummy wobbling uncontrollably with every move. Because of how round my
stomach was, my arms and legs extended a few inches off the ground.
“*HIC* Try digesting this, ya big fat bird belly,” I joked while Jason
let out another chuckle.
Holding my bloated, rumbly belly with my left hand, I used my right hand
to grab chunks of cake and shove them into my beak. I was swallowing
every chunk whole and not even chewing. *NOM* *GULP* BLOOORP* *NOM*
*GULP* *GRRRRORP* My belly gurgled loudly for almost every bite of cake I
took, even when using my left hand to ease the digestion.
By the time I had eaten half of the cake, I could no longer reach the
cake with my right hand, and my arms and legs were a bit further off the
ground. Jason was still standing next to me with the same wide-eye
expression as before.
“Jason, *HIC* could you *URRRP* help me?” My hiccuping and belching
“Sure thing. Anything for your big, fat, and bloated bird belly,” he
joked with a smile.
He kneeled next to me, took a chunk of cake, and shoved it into my beak.
I used both hands to try to calm my belly down as Jason fed me. As soon
as I swallowed, he already another chunk of cake ready in his hands. It
was like I was a nonstop eating machine.
I could tell Jason was having a fun time feeding me. He was laughing at
the absurdity of the situation: my seemingly-endless stomach, its size,
and just the circumstance in general.
Some time later, Jason was holding the last chunk of cake. “Last one, big
guy,” he said. I ate it without heistation
*NOM* *GULP* Silence. Not a voice, and not a gurgle.
There was a moment of awkward silence where Jason and I looked at each
other, embracing for something to happen.
Jason’s eyes were lit up, his beak wide open while looking down at me. I
could tell he was blushing, even through his light-red fur.
I rolled over to my back to ease the digestion. A quiet and deep
*SLOOOSH* noise was the first noise to break the silence. My belly jerked
in all directions as I flipped my body 180 degrees.
“How’s *BAARP* that look?” I asked Jason, pointing to my oversized tummy.
Just then, it happened. My tummy lightly bounced up and down a few times
on its own before slowly, but steadily rising. Then,
My tummy jolted upward so violently that my body jumped off the floor for
a second. Speaking about my tummy, it was MASSIVE. I held my right arm
straight up into the air, and noticed that my belly reached my wrist. I
could barely reach the top of my tummy.
“Aaah, *BURRRP* this big fat bird belly feels like it’s about to burst,”
I commented with my beak covered in chocolate. “Go ahead, climb onto it.
This thing needs some rubbing.”
Jason climbed onto me and laid on my round belly. I winced a bit when he
put his talons on my tummy. He managed to sit down on it and started to
rub it. He pushed my tummy side to side in a slow and rhythmic pattern,
and it moved several inches on each side he pushed it on.
“Ahhh, that’s good. Oooh, to the left a bit,” I guided Jason.
He pushed my tummy to the left and held it in position for a few seconds.
He then released it, causing the whole belly to shake around. Next, he
grabbed the bottom of my tummy and shook it up and down in the same
“Oh, yeah, that’s perfect. Move the upper part a bit,” I said.
Jason moved the bloated lower chest area vertically and horizontally.
Then, he grabbed the center of my tummy and swished the fat around in all
directions, squeezing all of his fingers into it.
I chuckled. “*HIC* I’ll take the rest from here, thank you.”
Jason gave my tummy one last pat before he climbed off of me and stood
“Looks like the feast turned out well,” Jason said with a chuckle, “You
think you will be ok on your own?”
“*BUAAARRP* Oh, yeah, I’ll be fine. thanks for the food, though.”
“You’re welcome. I gotta go, have a good day, Phillip. If you need an
extra rub or anything, you can always text me.”
“See ya *HIC* later, Jason.” I said. He grabbed the empty donut and cake
boxes, put them back into the bags, and walked out the door.
I was left on my own, laying on my back in the middle of the kitchen,
belly pointed straight towards the ceiling. I slapped my right side, and
my belly wobbled left and right several times. I felt like an absolute
blob, as I had no way of standing up, and even sitting up felt
impossible. Every time I tried to move, the immense weight of my belly
kept me locked in place. It felt like I was being crushed by a large
heavy rock.
Since I couldn’t move, I had no choice but to stay laying down for a
while, and within minutes, I fell into a food coma while listening to my
gurgling belly. I ended up sleeping almost the whole day.
That was the day that changed me, and I called it “bloat-day”. Jason was
right, this bird belly can fit so much food inside it. Before I fell
asleep, I gave my fat stomach one final slap, and my hand stayed on top
of my tummy while I slept.
Category Story / Inflation
Species Avian (Other)
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 97.8 kB