Christmas is basically, over but still: Let´s keep the spirit alive, shall we ?
I clearly remember buying that disc in 1999 at a "Disc-go round" music store in Nashville, TN and it was worth the 7.99 bucks .
Yeah my "deers" i know what you will think now:
Who owns and plays CDs in these modern times ?
Beach Boys WHO ?
Well, i still own that record to this day and it´s one of my most favorite records to play in December (and very early january too)
It contains the classic official 1964 Beach Boys "Christmas album" as well as the leftovers of an abandoned BB x-mas album planned in the 70´s as well as alternate takes, radio announcements and thank you speeches for the fans.
Wanna know my most favorite tune on that disc ?
It´s definately the wonderful Winter Symphony, reminds me a bit of the late Beatles:
P.S. The Ultimate Christmas CD is currently out of print, but it´s easy to find them tracks online.
I clearly remember buying that disc in 1999 at a "Disc-go round" music store in Nashville, TN and it was worth the 7.99 bucks .
Yeah my "deers" i know what you will think now:
Who owns and plays CDs in these modern times ?
Beach Boys WHO ?
Well, i still own that record to this day and it´s one of my most favorite records to play in December (and very early january too)
It contains the classic official 1964 Beach Boys "Christmas album" as well as the leftovers of an abandoned BB x-mas album planned in the 70´s as well as alternate takes, radio announcements and thank you speeches for the fans.
Wanna know my most favorite tune on that disc ?
It´s definately the wonderful Winter Symphony, reminds me a bit of the late Beatles:
P.S. The Ultimate Christmas CD is currently out of print, but it´s easy to find them tracks online.
Category Photography / Pop
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Trans (Male)
Size 2217 x 1662px
File Size 896.4 kB