The Most Wonderful Time
Story by Noelle- The festive season is infecting the town of Mailor. Snow is falling, people are acting jolly- and as soon as you have a bit of you becoming rubbery clothing- You're doomed to become a happy elf like all your friends. Isabella should've caught on before it was too late. With a cameo from
It had been a typical summer for Mailor up until that point. July went about as expected, teetering on the edge of pleasantly warm and scorching hot for most of its length. About halfway through the month, while Isabella was in the middle of bussing a table at the cafe, a little rainstorm popped up out of nowhere. At first it seemed like a summer shower not even worth much note. But every time Isabella peeked out the window it was still raining. They stepped outside on one of their breaks, shivering as the cool air enveloped they went out back. The temperature dropped at least ten degrees or so since the rain began. If anything it felt pleasant, even if it meant things were just a little damp across the board. Isabella turned back to go finish their shift, looking up at the rainy sky one last time. Isabella could almost swear they saw little drifting flecks in the sky, but everything was just rain by the time it reached the ground.
It wasn’t until the next day that things really dipped into the territory of strange. It was still raining, if anything coming down harder than the day before. This nonstop rain decimated the temperature even further to a point where the morning was downright chilly. Isabella threw on a little windbreaker and took an umbrella to work. Isabella was pouring a drink for a customer daydreaming about getting off their shift when they heard someone exclaim:
“What in the…?! This isn’t the Southern Hemisphere!”
Isabella peeked out the window and was greeted with the sight of snowflakes gently drifting down and staining the streets with a soft powder of white. Most everyone in the cafe found themselves transfixed on the out of season sight, nobody quite sure what to say let alone what to do about it. After a few moments of quiet confusion people slowly returned to their business. Even if they were concerned about the snow, there wasn’t exactly anything to be done about it. By the time Isabella got to clock out there was maybe a centimeter or so of snow on the ground like a thin layer of icing. The whole town was abuzz with mild bemusement over the almost stereotypical feeling “Christmas in July.” It was charming, a bit of harmless excitement to pass around between the town. Mailor wasn’t exactly a boring town, but it wasn’t full of day to day thrills either. So when something strange happened, especially something so benign, it was only natural that a small buzz formed around it. It didn’t take long for people to start calling Isabella on their walk back home to talk about it.
“Isn’t this wild Izzy? I can’t remember the last time it ever snowed this early into the year,” Asriel asked, chuckling to himself.
“No kidding, it was late December before we saw even a light dusting last year,” Isabella replied, “Everything alright over on your end? Hope the weird weather isn’t messing with stuff.”
“Oh! Yeah, don’t worry, the hospital is fine. We’re gonna break out the salt for the roads just in case things keep up, but the worst we’ve dealt with is having to tell the younger patients they can’t all go out and play in the snow,” Asriel laughed.
“Well that’s good, you don’t really think it’s gonna keep up though, do you?” Isabella asked, looking down at the faint trail of footprints in the snow.
“Mmf, prahbahl naah- ahem,” Asriel cleared his throat sheepishly, “sorry about that, I’ve been really hungry this afternoon, I’m snacking on some snickerdoodles and forgot my mouth was full.”
“Hah, wow, must be some good cookies,” Isabella teased, “just watch yourself, don’t wanna overindulge and lose that handsome figure of yours! Then again, maybe some pudge would do that fluff of yours justice~”
“H-hush!” Asriel bleated, “I’m just having a snack!”
“I know, I know,” Isabella laughed, “anyways, I’m just about home, I should let you go!”
“Oh, yeah, good call, I should probably get back to work myself. Out of season weather always catches a few people unaware!”
“Well I’m sure you’ll be perfect at putting ice packs on any sprained ankles and giving 50 CCs of Noodle Soup to cure their cold,” Isabella mused.
“Hah, yeah, let’s hope it stays that simple,” Asriel laughed, “take care Izzy!”
“You too Azzy,” Isabella replied as they hung up.
The snow didn’t let up over the course of the next few days. It remained light at the very least, never once did it ever feel like Mailor was going to dip into an outright snowstorm. Yet no matter the time of day or even if the sun was shining there was at least some light sprinkling of snow coming down. By the 19th of July there was about five inches of snow on the ground at any given time. Summer outfits were once again consigned to wardrobes as the residents of the town were forced to dress warmer. Lots of coats and mittens, and an especially high number of silly Christmas sweaters. Isabella for their part didn’t have much trouble finding warm clothes to wear in their closet. They didn’t remember buying so much green but couldn’t complain about a simple coat. The whole town seemed to be dipping its toes into the out of season holiday spirit. Some of Isabella’s neighbors had put back up their christmas lights and a few homes were adorned with even the more over the top Christmas decorum.
Isabella first noticed something actively off with someone they knew when Liilth came into the cafe.
Lilith had always been pretty impressive when it came to her build and size, it was something she was rather proud of. So when she came in in a baggy sweater that enveloped pretty much her entire upper body, it was a little jarring. Her broad shoulders and beefy belly were basically gone. While the sweater covered the exact shape of her frame, it was a far cry from the musculature that she once had. Isabella wasn’t quite sure what to say about it. Clearly Lilith had to be aware of her changes yet she didn’t seem all that torn up. If anything Lilith seemed to be in great spirits as she sat down beaming as Isabella came to greet her.
“Hey Lilith, can I get you anything?”
“Ooh, do you carry any peppermint tea?” the half-orc asked, twirling her hair in her finger.
“You are the fourth person to ask for that today,” Isabella scoffed, “I’m glad the boss had a feeling it’d be in demand this week and bought a whole bunch.
“Oh goodie! I just love peppermint tea! Warms you right up on a nice winter day like this!”
“Err, yeah,” Isabella smiled, “so uh, how’s things been on your end? …Up to much lately?”
“Oh, the usual stuff! I put my Christmas tree up last night and it looks sooo good!”
“Like, an actual Christmas tree?” Isabella asked with a raised eyebrow, “I get that the snow has been fun and all, but that’s a bit pricey for an out of season celebration.”
“Out of season? How is less than a week from Christmas out of season?” Lilith laughed, “I felt silly for putting mine up so late!”
Isabella opened their mouth to respond but figured that it wouldn’t really matter what they said anyways. Instead they just went to go get that peppermint tea, taking a moment to check the calendar on their way over. The one on the wall said December 19th but that could have been the work of anyone leaning into the bit. So Isabella grabbed their phone and checked on there, finding it agreed with the wall calendar. This was the moment that things tipped over from amusing bit to active concern. Isabella looked around at the patrons of the cafe, really soaking in everything. Beyond Lilith and her sudden shrinkage, just about everybody was dressed in reds and greens. A few of the humans in town in particular looked a little off. Such as Jules’s ears looking just a little too pointy and her nose a little misshapen. Isabella snuck into the bathroom and looked over their entire body just to be safe. Nothing seemed off about them, but at this point they were certain something was amiss. Isabella quickly hurried back out and headed over to their boss.
“Hey, sorry, is there any way I can leave a bit early today? Like, right now?” Isabella asked nervously.
“Oh gosh, what’s wrong?” replied a voice that came from the manager’s mouth but sounded just a bit higher pitched than Isabella remembered, “is everything okay?”
“Yeah! I just, uhh…” Isabella trailed off, suddenly getting the idea to test things a bit, “I remembered that I haven’t put up my Christmas tree yet?”
Isabella’s boss let out a shocked gasp, eyes bugging out like they’d been told Isabella’s house was on fire, “well then yes, please leave right away! Do whatever you need!”
“Th-thanks, I’ll be going now!” Isabella chuckled awkwardly, already rushing towards the door. “Oh, and Lilith ordered a peppermint tea!”
The manager blinked a few times in confusion once Isabella left. They looked over at the customer that Isabella had referred to, but didn’t recognize a “Lilith”. Instead they shrugged and got Sugarblossom the peppermint tea she always ordered.
Isabella wasn’t really sure where to go or what to do. Everywhere they looked the town seemed a little more Christmas-y. The lights, the decor, there was even an enormous Christmas tree right in the center of town. Eventually they resolved that they had to leave town altogether, just to see how far these changes stretched and see if outside assistance might be needed. However as they got to the town limits the roads gave way into woods. The paved road out of town slowly faded into a cobblestone pathway more fit for carriages than cars. Isabella traced the perimeter of the town for a while, noticing that as far as the eye could see Mailor seemed to be isolated in the middle of a literal winter wonderland. Isabella considered trying to make the trek out to Swingate but wasn’t sure how that would go, or even what they’d find when they got there. It was a safe assumption, even if Isabella wasn’t aware of it, the entire population of Swingate was now a herd of magical reindeer and other various North Pole critters. Isabella instead decided to just head back home and try and figure things out from there.
They braced themself for some form of change, they weren’t so naive to imagine that their home would be unscathed. And while indeed it had become a much more cutesy cottage, closer in appearance to a gingerbread house than any standard architectural style, that was nothing compared to the real surprise. Isabella saw their father Darius, dressed in a Christmas sweater covered in dancing reindeer, stringing up christmas lights while humming Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Isabella stood there in stunned silence. There were no words for what was happening, it felt like a dream and a comical nightmare rolled up into one. When Darius finally noticed them, he beamed with a grin so uncharacteristically wide that Isabella almost worried it might have physically hurt him to do so.
“There you are! Happy holidays and Merry Christmas kiddo!”
“K-Kiddo?” Isabella squeaked, completely floored. It was one thing for Lilith to get swept up in something, she always had a soft spot for the holidays and a generally positive nature to her. But Darius?
“Oh, I’m sorry, I know you’re fully grown and all, but you’ll always be my little sugarplum!”
“I can’t believe this…”
“Is something wrong hon? You seem a little off…”
“I just don’t think I’ve ever been this close to you without someone trying to kill someone else!”
“Awh, I know we haven’t always had the best relationship but those rocky parts are nothing in the face of the holidays! Can’t I spread a little love during the holidays~?”
“That’s exactly my point! You’ve always been more about machinations and schemes not garland and christmas baubles!”
“Well what’s wrong with garland?” Darius asked incredulously, as if not even grasping why Isabella felt so off.
“Nothing, nevermind!”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Y-yeah! Uh, sorry dad, I would… love to spend some time and reconnect but uhh, I think I need to rest. I just left work early because I’m feeling a little… sick! Yeah, I think I’ve got a cold.”
“Well you’d better rest up dearie! I’ll finish getting your lights up for you at the very least!”
“Th-thanks Dad…!”
Isabella quickly scurried inside, not even remotely equipped to deal with their dad like this. They rushed past the Christmasy decorum and right into their room. Wasting no time in getting off their work uniform they wanted nothing more than to just relax and forget all of this Christmas business for a few moments. That was rather difficult when upon opening their closet they found row upon row of Christmas-y regalia. The red and green sweaters weren’t even there anymore, replaced with even more gaudy red dresses with puffy cotton trims and leggings and tights that looked like candy canes. Isabella groaned, slamming the closet shut and flopping onto their bed in nothing more than their wrapping paper patterned underwear.
Their phone rang a few moments later. At first Isabella just ignored it, until realizing it was Asriel on the other end. Isabella quickly answered, holding their breath as they waited to hear what Asriel had to say.
“Hey, is everything alright Izzy? Darius called me and told me that you were feeling sick. I didn’t realize he was so… y’know, involved?” Asriel asked, the confusion in his voice washing over Isabella like a wave of relief.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into him! Or half the people in this town! Just because it started to snow everyone’s treating it like it’s Christmas time!”
There was a moment of silence.
“...Well, it is December, so the seasonal stuff isn’t weird, I’m just shocked to see Darius wrapped up in it.” Asriel commented.
“N-no! It’s-” Isabella trailed off, “I mean… have you noticed anything else weird recently? Beyond my dad acting so holly jolly. Like, Lilith, she’s looking like a beanpole right now!”
“She is? Okay, that’s pretty weird,” Asriel nodded, “I haven’t really noticed too much myself. Everything’s going pretty normal over here, just having my afternoon plate of cookies.”
“Again with the cookies?” Isabella asked with a soft chuckle, “those must be some damn good snickerdoodles.”
“I’m having gingerbread today actually,” Asriel mused, “nothing better than a glass of milk and some cookies to go with it!”
Isabella shuddered as Asriel laughed. It was a hearty laugh, a deep and throaty baritone that was far off from what they’d have expected from him.
“Did you just ‘ho ho ho’ at me Asriel?”
“I… I mean, I don’t think I did? I just laughed. Did it… sound like a ‘ho ho ho’?”
“Well, uhh,” Isabella paused, “say, how old are you Asriel?”
“Uhhh, shoot, I always lose count… 46, why?”
“N-no reason!” I should let you get going, don’t want to keep you distracted at the hospital!”
“Hospital? Why would I be at the hospital? I’m having milk and cookies in my worksh-”
Isabella hung up. Their whole body tingled as they felt a need to get up and move. Pins and needles pulled them out of bed as they paced about the room, completely uncertain of what to do. Back and forth they went, grinding their teeth as strands of fur fell from their pelt. They were so worked up, completely uncertain of what to do, and worst of all, they hadn’t even had a single glass of Eggnog all december. The stress overwhelmed them to a point of not even questioning the urge as they hurried to the kitchen and chugged down some. It did make them feel just a little less stressed about the whole situation, almost forgetting why they were worried until they walked back into their bedroom.
Their bed was now a twin sized bunk on a three mattress tall bunk bed. The entire room now had parallel rows of these beds on either side, the once private bedroom now more similar to a barracks or boarding hall. A few people, like those whose rooms had been congealed into this dormitory with Isabella’s, were in the room, each of which dressed in identical red dresses to the one Isabella saw in their closet. Over in the corner someone who was at one point an anthro raccoon and was now halfway to a rosy cheek’d elf when it came to the head department was dancing lockstep with a shortstack who on second glance had Lilith’s hair. While “Lilith” certainly seemed to be having fun, singing a song as she danced, the half-possum was less thrilled.
“Wh-what the humbug is going on?! I was just trying to play Apex and ignore whatever the heck is happening with my fur and now I’m stuck here dancing! And I can’t even fa-la-la-la-la-ing curse!” He exclaimed as his tail receded into his backside beneath the dress.
“Oh don’t be so glum, this is a great time!” the Lilith-y elf exclaimed, “and you’re such a good dancer Sprinkles!”
“For the last Scrooging time my name is not Sprinkles! It’s Sprinkles! I mean, Sprinkles! Gah!” bemoaned Sprinkles.
Isabella tried to slink out of the barracks to not deal with any of this, but was not so lucky. One of the more transformed elves looked right over at them and gasped in dismay. Isabella gulped, watching as the eyes of every person in the room landed on them, including the elves to be who were still dancing.
“Why are you so scantily dressed?! That’s no way for an elf to dress, not in this weather!’
Isabella instantly regretted taking off their work clothes. They had just been wearing their undergarments still and now had drawn the attention and ire of several people who clearly were further along in this Christmas magic than Isabella. They made for the door only for one of the still tall elves to grab Isabella by the hair. They yowled in shock more than pain as they felt their hair stretch with almost cartoonish physicality. From the corner of their eye Isabella could see that even though they were dressed like an elf, their captor still had the physic of an ox and had no trouble holding Isabella in place by the hair alone. Someone else closed the door and the bulk elf let go, sending Isabella forward with a sudden snap. Their hair didn’t fully fall back down like it should have when let go. It was like some gel held it up in place. Looking up revealed it was much worse, with their hair having resculpted into a jingly green Christmas hat with strands of blonde hair sticking out from beneath it tied up in a ponytail.
“N-no way…” Isabella muttered, reaching up and poking at the very real feeling, if slightly rubbery cap. No matter how much it felt like a normal hat, it still felt attached to their head.
In that moment of surprise the more enthusiastic elves got to tackling Isabella’s indecency. It took them actively sliding on the tight leggings for Isabella to notice. And by the time they were squirming to try and get away the dress already came right on. It felt strangely warm to the touch on the inside as the clothes settled on, stretching and snapping like rubber against the skin. Given how the hat had gone, Isabella had a sneaking suspicion that these garments wouldn’t exactly come off easily either.
“L-look! I’m dressed now! Please leave me alone!” Isabella insisted, not wanting to risk any further cosmetic peril. They already saw a few bald patches on their arms from where elves had been a bit too grabby. The skin beneath their fur had this oddly glossy sheen, as if they were more rubber than flesh just beneath the surface.
“You can’t walk in the snow barefoot you silly elf!” insisted one of the others as they grabbed Isabella’s paws. With a quick tug they stretched out like taffy, and with a bit of twisting and squishing they were unceremoniously reshaped into little curly elf shoes. Isabella stared at them in disbelief, unable to even wiggle their now nonexistent toes. “Now you’re free to go!”
Isabella wasted no time in getting out of there, the bells on their hat and shoes jingling a mile a minute as they fled out into the idyllic snowy streets of Mailor. If there was any consolation it was that a sizeable number of people on the streets were dressed nearly identically to Isabella, some of which were taking it much better than others. As Isabella surveyed the town they even happened across a mostly familiar face. It took them a second to recognize it was actually Aurora, partly because they didn’t remember her having antlers. But there the bunny was, sitting at a cafe, rubbing her leg as one of her paws slowly reformed into a hoof.
“What are you doing here?!” exclaimed Isabella.
“Well I was going to surprise you with a visit since we had such a great time at that con a few months ago, but now I’m getting a bit wrapped up in… this.”
“Y-yeah, I’m sorry I have no clue what is going on!” Isabella stammered.
“Yeah, yeah,” Aurora grumbled, “I’m sure you had nothing to do with it given how you’re currently dressed miss elf.”
“H-hey! I’ll have you know this was not my choice of outfit for the day!”
“Well it’s cute on you, meanwhile I’m having to deal with this darn harness that won’t come off. Oh well, comes with the job I guess.”
“...Job?” Isabella asked, cocking their head.
“Yeah!” exclaimed Aurora, stretching as their body shifted forward onto all fours and very nearly broke the chair beneath her in the process, “it’s a noisy thing but it does set me apart from the other reindeer who aren’t on the sleigh team!”
“Uhh, Aurora, are you okay? Your changes are speeding up pretty heavily…”
“Aurora? Isn’t that more of an elf name? I’m Prancer! Remember~?” the purple reindeer hopped about on the snow, dancing on the tips of her hooves before leaping up into the air with a magical bound.
“Riiiight,” Isabella answered through gritted teeth, taking a few steps away before prolonged contact with one of Santa’s reindeer only furthered along their own changes.
Isabella quickly peeled away, at this point not even pretending like they had any idea of how to proceed anymore. They just wandered aimlessly until finding themselves near a small group of carollers. They weren’t all elfy yet but the fact that they were caroling was enough for Isabella to feel wary. As much as they were a fan of all this Christmas stuff it wasn’t exactly something they were ready to have just dumped upon them so intensely. However the more they listened to the caroling the more a little voice in their head seemed to want to join in. They fidgeted and squirmed, told themself to walk away yet couldn’t bring themselves to it.
“Th-this is ridiculous…” Isabella muttered, “I c-can’t just deck the halls with- gghh, no, I just… no you can’t be serious, this is fuhhh.. Fuhh FUHH FAAAH LA LAAHH!”
Isabella wound up caroling with this group for the rest of the afternoon. It was only as the sun began to set that Isabella really realized that they’d filled in as alto for this group for well over a couple hours. Even as they realized it they didn’t feel mortified, just a little sore throated after doing so many renditions of Twelve Days of Christmas. They knew they were forgetting something as they walked back home. It wasn’t the tail, they noticed that vanishing back when they were singing Little Drummer Boy and it fell off and faded into the mounds at their feet during an especially hearty “Pa rum pum pum” like it was loose snow on a rooftop. They remembered as they approached their house, remembering that it had turned into a long cabin of elf lodgings earlier that morning. Isabella groaned, not so enraptured in the Christmas spirit that they were fully on board with elven communal living. Still, there was little to be done but go back to their bunk and put up with Sprinkles and Sugarblossom playing reindeer games all night. By the time they finished their voice felt completely shot. Even when it had recovered it never lost this sort of nasal whistle to it and at least a pitch higher than before.
The days passed by somewhat slowly from there. It felt like December 20th was twice as long of a day as normal, and it felt like it took an entire week to get from the 21st to the 22nd. In that time things had slowed down to the occasional molting of fur here or the the loss of a few more centimeters in height there. The most notable change in the long stretch of two days had been their ears which somehow only got longer and pointer with each passing day even after they long since lost their fur. Isabella hadn’t been able to change their clothes in all that time, and the longer things went on the more common this singular outfit became. Isabella still wasn’t sure when they started wearing those big oversized gloves, but it was hard to recall a specific time without them at this point. At this point it seemed like Mailor’s population was at least 70% elf in some capacity, with at least 20% already completely elves scurrying around without a care in the world beyond Christmas. While Isabella was still mostly themself, they’d zone out for a moment then come back to several hours later deep into a toymaking session with the rest of the gang. It was on December 23rd that, feeling bored of hanging out with just the same elves who shared a dorm with them, that they finally worked up the courage to try and meet up with Asriel again. They sent him a text to meet up at the town’s central skating rink (how long had that even been there?). Despite his busy schedule he insisted he could make it and about an hour later Isabella got their first look at him in a few days.
At first they couldn’t even really believe it was Asriel. That big round belly and flashy red coat just sent such strong signals that it was hard to imagine the skinny doctor that was beneath it all. His messy little goatee had billowed out into a complete mop of a beard with ringlets of white as pure as the snow beneath his shiny black boots. While he still had a good bit of his fur, there was no denying that this Asriel shared more with Old Saint Nick than the young man Isabella had become so close to. Yet, all the same, something inside of Isabella felt completely magnetized to Asriel. The moment they saw him they moved a bit closer, mouth agape as they soaked it in.
“H-hi Santa…” Isabella muttered.
“Hohoho!” Asriel guffawed, “I might be a bit well rounded but that’s a bit much! I’m just my normal old self!”
“R-right,” Isabella shook their head, “sorry Azzy, I don’t know what’s gotten into me…”
“Awh, it’s alright! I can see why you’d make the comparison honestly! You have always loved this time of year~” Asriel reached over and pinched Isabella’s cheek. The warmth of his touch was indescribable, the fur on Isabella’s face receded instantly as the flesh simply bended to the idle tug of Asriel. When he let go half of Isabella’s face was tugged into a cute round cheek down to the dimple.
“Wuh- h-hey!” Isabella gasped.
Asriel reached into the pocket of his coat, pulling out the classic Santa cap. For a moment it seemed like he was confused by its presence, having expected to pull out his phone or something else. But that confusion passed quickly and he placed the hat on his head. Isabella watched with shock as Asriel’s belly ballooned out and more of his muzzle flattened out and vanished behind his curly beard.
“Hoho, sorry about that, here, let me even that out!” Asriel grabbed Isabella’s muzzle and gave it a quick tug. When it snapped back into place all that was left was a long nose and a cute little human mouth curled into a surprised “O”. He patted Isabella’s other cheek, gently guiding it into shape as he finished giving Isabella a proper elven face.
Isabella knew they should run away, but something inside of them just knew this was the real Santa. And no self respecting elf could ever run away from Santa. If the Christmas vibes had slowly been building up to a boil this was an eruption. Their mind felt like a Christmas cracker as they popped, feeling more intensely like a Twinklewinkle than they had ever felt like an Isabella. Suddenly everything in Mailor didn’t just make sense it felt right. The slow shift from normal to Christmas now was just how things were, it was simple, it was easy, and it was all thanks to-
“Santa!” Twinklewinkle beamed, “I don’t know what you did but I feel so much better!”
“Hohoh,” Asriel chuckled, all these cute little elves kept calling him Santa, it felt rude to keep correcting at this point, “I’m happy to help my dear! Now you go run along and do whatever it is you need to be doing!”
“Yes sir, Santa, sir!” Twinklewinkle saluted, trundling off to spread holiday cheer through the village.
Christmas Eve came the day after and was the most exciting day that Twinklewinkle had ever lived. The only reason it is not described in any detail here is that it was simply surpassed the very next day with the pure elation that was Christmas morning. The entire town was electric with pure Christmas joy, there wasn’t a single thing in the town that wasn’t completely in tune with the spirit of the season. It was pure bliss for one and all, something where all the elves and reindeer and living toys and all the other creatures of the North Pole could come together and celebrate how fantastic it was to have Christmas. And then the day after that she found a whole new level of excitement as she flipped the page on the calendar only to find the very next day was December 24th. And that Christmas Eve lasted for just about half a year before the day changed once more to Christmas. This cycle was how things had always been and was how they’d always go.
It was a rather surprising Christmas for the world at first, but over time the Christmas Magic spread so entirely over the Earth that not a single person could ever remember that the United Kingdom ever existed in the first place. That land mass was the North Pole, a perpetual winter wonderland with Santa’s personal village right smack dab in the middle. Not many people are quite sure how it came to be or why. The only thing people can really say is that it got its name because everyone had to “Mail your letters to Santa” and over time the phrase got truncated down to the simple little name of “Mailor”. Santa was not some mythical fantasy but a real figure of great importance in the world, at this point his rosy cheeked self without a goat hair or horn to be seen upon him. Those truly enamored with the idea of Christmas could even pay the perpetual holiday village a visit if they charter the right ferry, albeit many tourists quickly find themselves migrating without even realizing they’ve become a nutcracker or living snowman. It was a simple fact of life in the world, nobody could doubt something as obvious as the North Pole and Christmas. Certainly not Twinklewinkle, one of Santa’s many Mailor elves who spent her days eager to ensure that the Christmas spirit would never go away, not even for a moment.

It had been a typical summer for Mailor up until that point. July went about as expected, teetering on the edge of pleasantly warm and scorching hot for most of its length. About halfway through the month, while Isabella was in the middle of bussing a table at the cafe, a little rainstorm popped up out of nowhere. At first it seemed like a summer shower not even worth much note. But every time Isabella peeked out the window it was still raining. They stepped outside on one of their breaks, shivering as the cool air enveloped they went out back. The temperature dropped at least ten degrees or so since the rain began. If anything it felt pleasant, even if it meant things were just a little damp across the board. Isabella turned back to go finish their shift, looking up at the rainy sky one last time. Isabella could almost swear they saw little drifting flecks in the sky, but everything was just rain by the time it reached the ground.
It wasn’t until the next day that things really dipped into the territory of strange. It was still raining, if anything coming down harder than the day before. This nonstop rain decimated the temperature even further to a point where the morning was downright chilly. Isabella threw on a little windbreaker and took an umbrella to work. Isabella was pouring a drink for a customer daydreaming about getting off their shift when they heard someone exclaim:
“What in the…?! This isn’t the Southern Hemisphere!”
Isabella peeked out the window and was greeted with the sight of snowflakes gently drifting down and staining the streets with a soft powder of white. Most everyone in the cafe found themselves transfixed on the out of season sight, nobody quite sure what to say let alone what to do about it. After a few moments of quiet confusion people slowly returned to their business. Even if they were concerned about the snow, there wasn’t exactly anything to be done about it. By the time Isabella got to clock out there was maybe a centimeter or so of snow on the ground like a thin layer of icing. The whole town was abuzz with mild bemusement over the almost stereotypical feeling “Christmas in July.” It was charming, a bit of harmless excitement to pass around between the town. Mailor wasn’t exactly a boring town, but it wasn’t full of day to day thrills either. So when something strange happened, especially something so benign, it was only natural that a small buzz formed around it. It didn’t take long for people to start calling Isabella on their walk back home to talk about it.
“Isn’t this wild Izzy? I can’t remember the last time it ever snowed this early into the year,” Asriel asked, chuckling to himself.
“No kidding, it was late December before we saw even a light dusting last year,” Isabella replied, “Everything alright over on your end? Hope the weird weather isn’t messing with stuff.”
“Oh! Yeah, don’t worry, the hospital is fine. We’re gonna break out the salt for the roads just in case things keep up, but the worst we’ve dealt with is having to tell the younger patients they can’t all go out and play in the snow,” Asriel laughed.
“Well that’s good, you don’t really think it’s gonna keep up though, do you?” Isabella asked, looking down at the faint trail of footprints in the snow.
“Mmf, prahbahl naah- ahem,” Asriel cleared his throat sheepishly, “sorry about that, I’ve been really hungry this afternoon, I’m snacking on some snickerdoodles and forgot my mouth was full.”
“Hah, wow, must be some good cookies,” Isabella teased, “just watch yourself, don’t wanna overindulge and lose that handsome figure of yours! Then again, maybe some pudge would do that fluff of yours justice~”
“H-hush!” Asriel bleated, “I’m just having a snack!”
“I know, I know,” Isabella laughed, “anyways, I’m just about home, I should let you go!”
“Oh, yeah, good call, I should probably get back to work myself. Out of season weather always catches a few people unaware!”
“Well I’m sure you’ll be perfect at putting ice packs on any sprained ankles and giving 50 CCs of Noodle Soup to cure their cold,” Isabella mused.
“Hah, yeah, let’s hope it stays that simple,” Asriel laughed, “take care Izzy!”
“You too Azzy,” Isabella replied as they hung up.
The snow didn’t let up over the course of the next few days. It remained light at the very least, never once did it ever feel like Mailor was going to dip into an outright snowstorm. Yet no matter the time of day or even if the sun was shining there was at least some light sprinkling of snow coming down. By the 19th of July there was about five inches of snow on the ground at any given time. Summer outfits were once again consigned to wardrobes as the residents of the town were forced to dress warmer. Lots of coats and mittens, and an especially high number of silly Christmas sweaters. Isabella for their part didn’t have much trouble finding warm clothes to wear in their closet. They didn’t remember buying so much green but couldn’t complain about a simple coat. The whole town seemed to be dipping its toes into the out of season holiday spirit. Some of Isabella’s neighbors had put back up their christmas lights and a few homes were adorned with even the more over the top Christmas decorum.
Isabella first noticed something actively off with someone they knew when Liilth came into the cafe.
Lilith had always been pretty impressive when it came to her build and size, it was something she was rather proud of. So when she came in in a baggy sweater that enveloped pretty much her entire upper body, it was a little jarring. Her broad shoulders and beefy belly were basically gone. While the sweater covered the exact shape of her frame, it was a far cry from the musculature that she once had. Isabella wasn’t quite sure what to say about it. Clearly Lilith had to be aware of her changes yet she didn’t seem all that torn up. If anything Lilith seemed to be in great spirits as she sat down beaming as Isabella came to greet her.
“Hey Lilith, can I get you anything?”
“Ooh, do you carry any peppermint tea?” the half-orc asked, twirling her hair in her finger.
“You are the fourth person to ask for that today,” Isabella scoffed, “I’m glad the boss had a feeling it’d be in demand this week and bought a whole bunch.
“Oh goodie! I just love peppermint tea! Warms you right up on a nice winter day like this!”
“Err, yeah,” Isabella smiled, “so uh, how’s things been on your end? …Up to much lately?”
“Oh, the usual stuff! I put my Christmas tree up last night and it looks sooo good!”
“Like, an actual Christmas tree?” Isabella asked with a raised eyebrow, “I get that the snow has been fun and all, but that’s a bit pricey for an out of season celebration.”
“Out of season? How is less than a week from Christmas out of season?” Lilith laughed, “I felt silly for putting mine up so late!”
Isabella opened their mouth to respond but figured that it wouldn’t really matter what they said anyways. Instead they just went to go get that peppermint tea, taking a moment to check the calendar on their way over. The one on the wall said December 19th but that could have been the work of anyone leaning into the bit. So Isabella grabbed their phone and checked on there, finding it agreed with the wall calendar. This was the moment that things tipped over from amusing bit to active concern. Isabella looked around at the patrons of the cafe, really soaking in everything. Beyond Lilith and her sudden shrinkage, just about everybody was dressed in reds and greens. A few of the humans in town in particular looked a little off. Such as Jules’s ears looking just a little too pointy and her nose a little misshapen. Isabella snuck into the bathroom and looked over their entire body just to be safe. Nothing seemed off about them, but at this point they were certain something was amiss. Isabella quickly hurried back out and headed over to their boss.
“Hey, sorry, is there any way I can leave a bit early today? Like, right now?” Isabella asked nervously.
“Oh gosh, what’s wrong?” replied a voice that came from the manager’s mouth but sounded just a bit higher pitched than Isabella remembered, “is everything okay?”
“Yeah! I just, uhh…” Isabella trailed off, suddenly getting the idea to test things a bit, “I remembered that I haven’t put up my Christmas tree yet?”
Isabella’s boss let out a shocked gasp, eyes bugging out like they’d been told Isabella’s house was on fire, “well then yes, please leave right away! Do whatever you need!”
“Th-thanks, I’ll be going now!” Isabella chuckled awkwardly, already rushing towards the door. “Oh, and Lilith ordered a peppermint tea!”
The manager blinked a few times in confusion once Isabella left. They looked over at the customer that Isabella had referred to, but didn’t recognize a “Lilith”. Instead they shrugged and got Sugarblossom the peppermint tea she always ordered.
Isabella wasn’t really sure where to go or what to do. Everywhere they looked the town seemed a little more Christmas-y. The lights, the decor, there was even an enormous Christmas tree right in the center of town. Eventually they resolved that they had to leave town altogether, just to see how far these changes stretched and see if outside assistance might be needed. However as they got to the town limits the roads gave way into woods. The paved road out of town slowly faded into a cobblestone pathway more fit for carriages than cars. Isabella traced the perimeter of the town for a while, noticing that as far as the eye could see Mailor seemed to be isolated in the middle of a literal winter wonderland. Isabella considered trying to make the trek out to Swingate but wasn’t sure how that would go, or even what they’d find when they got there. It was a safe assumption, even if Isabella wasn’t aware of it, the entire population of Swingate was now a herd of magical reindeer and other various North Pole critters. Isabella instead decided to just head back home and try and figure things out from there.
They braced themself for some form of change, they weren’t so naive to imagine that their home would be unscathed. And while indeed it had become a much more cutesy cottage, closer in appearance to a gingerbread house than any standard architectural style, that was nothing compared to the real surprise. Isabella saw their father Darius, dressed in a Christmas sweater covered in dancing reindeer, stringing up christmas lights while humming Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Isabella stood there in stunned silence. There were no words for what was happening, it felt like a dream and a comical nightmare rolled up into one. When Darius finally noticed them, he beamed with a grin so uncharacteristically wide that Isabella almost worried it might have physically hurt him to do so.
“There you are! Happy holidays and Merry Christmas kiddo!”
“K-Kiddo?” Isabella squeaked, completely floored. It was one thing for Lilith to get swept up in something, she always had a soft spot for the holidays and a generally positive nature to her. But Darius?
“Oh, I’m sorry, I know you’re fully grown and all, but you’ll always be my little sugarplum!”
“I can’t believe this…”
“Is something wrong hon? You seem a little off…”
“I just don’t think I’ve ever been this close to you without someone trying to kill someone else!”
“Awh, I know we haven’t always had the best relationship but those rocky parts are nothing in the face of the holidays! Can’t I spread a little love during the holidays~?”
“That’s exactly my point! You’ve always been more about machinations and schemes not garland and christmas baubles!”
“Well what’s wrong with garland?” Darius asked incredulously, as if not even grasping why Isabella felt so off.
“Nothing, nevermind!”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Y-yeah! Uh, sorry dad, I would… love to spend some time and reconnect but uhh, I think I need to rest. I just left work early because I’m feeling a little… sick! Yeah, I think I’ve got a cold.”
“Well you’d better rest up dearie! I’ll finish getting your lights up for you at the very least!”
“Th-thanks Dad…!”
Isabella quickly scurried inside, not even remotely equipped to deal with their dad like this. They rushed past the Christmasy decorum and right into their room. Wasting no time in getting off their work uniform they wanted nothing more than to just relax and forget all of this Christmas business for a few moments. That was rather difficult when upon opening their closet they found row upon row of Christmas-y regalia. The red and green sweaters weren’t even there anymore, replaced with even more gaudy red dresses with puffy cotton trims and leggings and tights that looked like candy canes. Isabella groaned, slamming the closet shut and flopping onto their bed in nothing more than their wrapping paper patterned underwear.
Their phone rang a few moments later. At first Isabella just ignored it, until realizing it was Asriel on the other end. Isabella quickly answered, holding their breath as they waited to hear what Asriel had to say.
“Hey, is everything alright Izzy? Darius called me and told me that you were feeling sick. I didn’t realize he was so… y’know, involved?” Asriel asked, the confusion in his voice washing over Isabella like a wave of relief.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into him! Or half the people in this town! Just because it started to snow everyone’s treating it like it’s Christmas time!”
There was a moment of silence.
“...Well, it is December, so the seasonal stuff isn’t weird, I’m just shocked to see Darius wrapped up in it.” Asriel commented.
“N-no! It’s-” Isabella trailed off, “I mean… have you noticed anything else weird recently? Beyond my dad acting so holly jolly. Like, Lilith, she’s looking like a beanpole right now!”
“She is? Okay, that’s pretty weird,” Asriel nodded, “I haven’t really noticed too much myself. Everything’s going pretty normal over here, just having my afternoon plate of cookies.”
“Again with the cookies?” Isabella asked with a soft chuckle, “those must be some damn good snickerdoodles.”
“I’m having gingerbread today actually,” Asriel mused, “nothing better than a glass of milk and some cookies to go with it!”
Isabella shuddered as Asriel laughed. It was a hearty laugh, a deep and throaty baritone that was far off from what they’d have expected from him.
“Did you just ‘ho ho ho’ at me Asriel?”
“I… I mean, I don’t think I did? I just laughed. Did it… sound like a ‘ho ho ho’?”
“Well, uhh,” Isabella paused, “say, how old are you Asriel?”
“Uhhh, shoot, I always lose count… 46, why?”
“N-no reason!” I should let you get going, don’t want to keep you distracted at the hospital!”
“Hospital? Why would I be at the hospital? I’m having milk and cookies in my worksh-”
Isabella hung up. Their whole body tingled as they felt a need to get up and move. Pins and needles pulled them out of bed as they paced about the room, completely uncertain of what to do. Back and forth they went, grinding their teeth as strands of fur fell from their pelt. They were so worked up, completely uncertain of what to do, and worst of all, they hadn’t even had a single glass of Eggnog all december. The stress overwhelmed them to a point of not even questioning the urge as they hurried to the kitchen and chugged down some. It did make them feel just a little less stressed about the whole situation, almost forgetting why they were worried until they walked back into their bedroom.
Their bed was now a twin sized bunk on a three mattress tall bunk bed. The entire room now had parallel rows of these beds on either side, the once private bedroom now more similar to a barracks or boarding hall. A few people, like those whose rooms had been congealed into this dormitory with Isabella’s, were in the room, each of which dressed in identical red dresses to the one Isabella saw in their closet. Over in the corner someone who was at one point an anthro raccoon and was now halfway to a rosy cheek’d elf when it came to the head department was dancing lockstep with a shortstack who on second glance had Lilith’s hair. While “Lilith” certainly seemed to be having fun, singing a song as she danced, the half-possum was less thrilled.
“Wh-what the humbug is going on?! I was just trying to play Apex and ignore whatever the heck is happening with my fur and now I’m stuck here dancing! And I can’t even fa-la-la-la-la-ing curse!” He exclaimed as his tail receded into his backside beneath the dress.
“Oh don’t be so glum, this is a great time!” the Lilith-y elf exclaimed, “and you’re such a good dancer Sprinkles!”
“For the last Scrooging time my name is not Sprinkles! It’s Sprinkles! I mean, Sprinkles! Gah!” bemoaned Sprinkles.
Isabella tried to slink out of the barracks to not deal with any of this, but was not so lucky. One of the more transformed elves looked right over at them and gasped in dismay. Isabella gulped, watching as the eyes of every person in the room landed on them, including the elves to be who were still dancing.
“Why are you so scantily dressed?! That’s no way for an elf to dress, not in this weather!’
Isabella instantly regretted taking off their work clothes. They had just been wearing their undergarments still and now had drawn the attention and ire of several people who clearly were further along in this Christmas magic than Isabella. They made for the door only for one of the still tall elves to grab Isabella by the hair. They yowled in shock more than pain as they felt their hair stretch with almost cartoonish physicality. From the corner of their eye Isabella could see that even though they were dressed like an elf, their captor still had the physic of an ox and had no trouble holding Isabella in place by the hair alone. Someone else closed the door and the bulk elf let go, sending Isabella forward with a sudden snap. Their hair didn’t fully fall back down like it should have when let go. It was like some gel held it up in place. Looking up revealed it was much worse, with their hair having resculpted into a jingly green Christmas hat with strands of blonde hair sticking out from beneath it tied up in a ponytail.
“N-no way…” Isabella muttered, reaching up and poking at the very real feeling, if slightly rubbery cap. No matter how much it felt like a normal hat, it still felt attached to their head.
In that moment of surprise the more enthusiastic elves got to tackling Isabella’s indecency. It took them actively sliding on the tight leggings for Isabella to notice. And by the time they were squirming to try and get away the dress already came right on. It felt strangely warm to the touch on the inside as the clothes settled on, stretching and snapping like rubber against the skin. Given how the hat had gone, Isabella had a sneaking suspicion that these garments wouldn’t exactly come off easily either.
“L-look! I’m dressed now! Please leave me alone!” Isabella insisted, not wanting to risk any further cosmetic peril. They already saw a few bald patches on their arms from where elves had been a bit too grabby. The skin beneath their fur had this oddly glossy sheen, as if they were more rubber than flesh just beneath the surface.
“You can’t walk in the snow barefoot you silly elf!” insisted one of the others as they grabbed Isabella’s paws. With a quick tug they stretched out like taffy, and with a bit of twisting and squishing they were unceremoniously reshaped into little curly elf shoes. Isabella stared at them in disbelief, unable to even wiggle their now nonexistent toes. “Now you’re free to go!”
Isabella wasted no time in getting out of there, the bells on their hat and shoes jingling a mile a minute as they fled out into the idyllic snowy streets of Mailor. If there was any consolation it was that a sizeable number of people on the streets were dressed nearly identically to Isabella, some of which were taking it much better than others. As Isabella surveyed the town they even happened across a mostly familiar face. It took them a second to recognize it was actually Aurora, partly because they didn’t remember her having antlers. But there the bunny was, sitting at a cafe, rubbing her leg as one of her paws slowly reformed into a hoof.
“What are you doing here?!” exclaimed Isabella.
“Well I was going to surprise you with a visit since we had such a great time at that con a few months ago, but now I’m getting a bit wrapped up in… this.”
“Y-yeah, I’m sorry I have no clue what is going on!” Isabella stammered.
“Yeah, yeah,” Aurora grumbled, “I’m sure you had nothing to do with it given how you’re currently dressed miss elf.”
“H-hey! I’ll have you know this was not my choice of outfit for the day!”
“Well it’s cute on you, meanwhile I’m having to deal with this darn harness that won’t come off. Oh well, comes with the job I guess.”
“...Job?” Isabella asked, cocking their head.
“Yeah!” exclaimed Aurora, stretching as their body shifted forward onto all fours and very nearly broke the chair beneath her in the process, “it’s a noisy thing but it does set me apart from the other reindeer who aren’t on the sleigh team!”
“Uhh, Aurora, are you okay? Your changes are speeding up pretty heavily…”
“Aurora? Isn’t that more of an elf name? I’m Prancer! Remember~?” the purple reindeer hopped about on the snow, dancing on the tips of her hooves before leaping up into the air with a magical bound.
“Riiiight,” Isabella answered through gritted teeth, taking a few steps away before prolonged contact with one of Santa’s reindeer only furthered along their own changes.
Isabella quickly peeled away, at this point not even pretending like they had any idea of how to proceed anymore. They just wandered aimlessly until finding themselves near a small group of carollers. They weren’t all elfy yet but the fact that they were caroling was enough for Isabella to feel wary. As much as they were a fan of all this Christmas stuff it wasn’t exactly something they were ready to have just dumped upon them so intensely. However the more they listened to the caroling the more a little voice in their head seemed to want to join in. They fidgeted and squirmed, told themself to walk away yet couldn’t bring themselves to it.
“Th-this is ridiculous…” Isabella muttered, “I c-can’t just deck the halls with- gghh, no, I just… no you can’t be serious, this is fuhhh.. Fuhh FUHH FAAAH LA LAAHH!”
Isabella wound up caroling with this group for the rest of the afternoon. It was only as the sun began to set that Isabella really realized that they’d filled in as alto for this group for well over a couple hours. Even as they realized it they didn’t feel mortified, just a little sore throated after doing so many renditions of Twelve Days of Christmas. They knew they were forgetting something as they walked back home. It wasn’t the tail, they noticed that vanishing back when they were singing Little Drummer Boy and it fell off and faded into the mounds at their feet during an especially hearty “Pa rum pum pum” like it was loose snow on a rooftop. They remembered as they approached their house, remembering that it had turned into a long cabin of elf lodgings earlier that morning. Isabella groaned, not so enraptured in the Christmas spirit that they were fully on board with elven communal living. Still, there was little to be done but go back to their bunk and put up with Sprinkles and Sugarblossom playing reindeer games all night. By the time they finished their voice felt completely shot. Even when it had recovered it never lost this sort of nasal whistle to it and at least a pitch higher than before.
The days passed by somewhat slowly from there. It felt like December 20th was twice as long of a day as normal, and it felt like it took an entire week to get from the 21st to the 22nd. In that time things had slowed down to the occasional molting of fur here or the the loss of a few more centimeters in height there. The most notable change in the long stretch of two days had been their ears which somehow only got longer and pointer with each passing day even after they long since lost their fur. Isabella hadn’t been able to change their clothes in all that time, and the longer things went on the more common this singular outfit became. Isabella still wasn’t sure when they started wearing those big oversized gloves, but it was hard to recall a specific time without them at this point. At this point it seemed like Mailor’s population was at least 70% elf in some capacity, with at least 20% already completely elves scurrying around without a care in the world beyond Christmas. While Isabella was still mostly themself, they’d zone out for a moment then come back to several hours later deep into a toymaking session with the rest of the gang. It was on December 23rd that, feeling bored of hanging out with just the same elves who shared a dorm with them, that they finally worked up the courage to try and meet up with Asriel again. They sent him a text to meet up at the town’s central skating rink (how long had that even been there?). Despite his busy schedule he insisted he could make it and about an hour later Isabella got their first look at him in a few days.
At first they couldn’t even really believe it was Asriel. That big round belly and flashy red coat just sent such strong signals that it was hard to imagine the skinny doctor that was beneath it all. His messy little goatee had billowed out into a complete mop of a beard with ringlets of white as pure as the snow beneath his shiny black boots. While he still had a good bit of his fur, there was no denying that this Asriel shared more with Old Saint Nick than the young man Isabella had become so close to. Yet, all the same, something inside of Isabella felt completely magnetized to Asriel. The moment they saw him they moved a bit closer, mouth agape as they soaked it in.
“H-hi Santa…” Isabella muttered.
“Hohoho!” Asriel guffawed, “I might be a bit well rounded but that’s a bit much! I’m just my normal old self!”
“R-right,” Isabella shook their head, “sorry Azzy, I don’t know what’s gotten into me…”
“Awh, it’s alright! I can see why you’d make the comparison honestly! You have always loved this time of year~” Asriel reached over and pinched Isabella’s cheek. The warmth of his touch was indescribable, the fur on Isabella’s face receded instantly as the flesh simply bended to the idle tug of Asriel. When he let go half of Isabella’s face was tugged into a cute round cheek down to the dimple.
“Wuh- h-hey!” Isabella gasped.
Asriel reached into the pocket of his coat, pulling out the classic Santa cap. For a moment it seemed like he was confused by its presence, having expected to pull out his phone or something else. But that confusion passed quickly and he placed the hat on his head. Isabella watched with shock as Asriel’s belly ballooned out and more of his muzzle flattened out and vanished behind his curly beard.
“Hoho, sorry about that, here, let me even that out!” Asriel grabbed Isabella’s muzzle and gave it a quick tug. When it snapped back into place all that was left was a long nose and a cute little human mouth curled into a surprised “O”. He patted Isabella’s other cheek, gently guiding it into shape as he finished giving Isabella a proper elven face.
Isabella knew they should run away, but something inside of them just knew this was the real Santa. And no self respecting elf could ever run away from Santa. If the Christmas vibes had slowly been building up to a boil this was an eruption. Their mind felt like a Christmas cracker as they popped, feeling more intensely like a Twinklewinkle than they had ever felt like an Isabella. Suddenly everything in Mailor didn’t just make sense it felt right. The slow shift from normal to Christmas now was just how things were, it was simple, it was easy, and it was all thanks to-
“Santa!” Twinklewinkle beamed, “I don’t know what you did but I feel so much better!”
“Hohoh,” Asriel chuckled, all these cute little elves kept calling him Santa, it felt rude to keep correcting at this point, “I’m happy to help my dear! Now you go run along and do whatever it is you need to be doing!”
“Yes sir, Santa, sir!” Twinklewinkle saluted, trundling off to spread holiday cheer through the village.
Christmas Eve came the day after and was the most exciting day that Twinklewinkle had ever lived. The only reason it is not described in any detail here is that it was simply surpassed the very next day with the pure elation that was Christmas morning. The entire town was electric with pure Christmas joy, there wasn’t a single thing in the town that wasn’t completely in tune with the spirit of the season. It was pure bliss for one and all, something where all the elves and reindeer and living toys and all the other creatures of the North Pole could come together and celebrate how fantastic it was to have Christmas. And then the day after that she found a whole new level of excitement as she flipped the page on the calendar only to find the very next day was December 24th. And that Christmas Eve lasted for just about half a year before the day changed once more to Christmas. This cycle was how things had always been and was how they’d always go.
It was a rather surprising Christmas for the world at first, but over time the Christmas Magic spread so entirely over the Earth that not a single person could ever remember that the United Kingdom ever existed in the first place. That land mass was the North Pole, a perpetual winter wonderland with Santa’s personal village right smack dab in the middle. Not many people are quite sure how it came to be or why. The only thing people can really say is that it got its name because everyone had to “Mail your letters to Santa” and over time the phrase got truncated down to the simple little name of “Mailor”. Santa was not some mythical fantasy but a real figure of great importance in the world, at this point his rosy cheeked self without a goat hair or horn to be seen upon him. Those truly enamored with the idea of Christmas could even pay the perpetual holiday village a visit if they charter the right ferry, albeit many tourists quickly find themselves migrating without even realizing they’ve become a nutcracker or living snowman. It was a simple fact of life in the world, nobody could doubt something as obvious as the North Pole and Christmas. Certainly not Twinklewinkle, one of Santa’s many Mailor elves who spent her days eager to ensure that the Christmas spirit would never go away, not even for a moment.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Transformation
Species Elf
Gender Trans (Female)
Size 2000 x 4047px
File Size 9.39 MB