Zaryn enters into her Superiors Office, closing the door behind her and taking a seat in front of her Commanding Officer
Agent Zaryn: "I had a chance to glimpse the file on the way over here, you know you got me excited regarding a vacation."
Name Redacted: "Sorry for bursting your bubble Miss Dagger but this assignment is unexpectedly tailored quite well for you."
Agent Zaryn: "I take it that's why I was asked for my Dress Size earlier, you know I despise Femme Fatale."
Name Redacted: "It can't be helped. We have to maximize the chance for the target to... really take to you."
Agent Zaryn: "I figured as much, shouldn't be to hard since according to his file he's quite the Xenophile."
Name Redacted: "Indeed he is, lost his wife after he had an affair with an Hyena woman."
Agent Zaryn: "So I take it we expect this to be a Bar Grab then."
Name Redacted: "We do yes, the Conference will have a sizeable bar so we intend to plant you there and let his Kinks take care of the rest."
Agent Zaryn: "Then I get to lure him up to my room with the Dommy Mommy dress you have lined up for me."
Name Redacted: "Correct, we have a roster of potentials we need you to scan his memories for. If he's met with any of them in the last 2 weeks we need to know."
Agent Zaryn: "Anything else of note that I should take advantage of while we're on the topic?"
Name Redacted: "Typical Male behaviors, he's especially a Large Breasts man so your Dress will be taking advantage of that as well."
Agent Zaryn: "Oh... lucky me then."
Name Redacted: "You're a great Asset Miss Dagger."
Agent Zaryn: "With Great Assets apparently..."
Name Redacted: "Smartass..."
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Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 600 x 883px
File Size 703.2 kB