๐ฎ๐ง๐ปโโ๏ธFuzzle's Druid Powers๐ง๐ปโโ
Fuzzle's Druid Ability And Abilities (Planning)::::
Fuzzle's druid ability and abilities number into a many categories, each one categorically lettered in Kivouchia/Kivouchian Cuneiform, and as The Cuneiform lacks translation in some aspects, Greek alphabetical denominations will be used, Lowebayou Kivouchia/Kivouchian Cuneiform and Highebayou Kivouchia/Kivouchian Cuneiform is used (LBkkC) and (HBkkC) in other psychiatry rankings, Steppe Hieroglyphs, such as the RRllc is often used, Steppe Hirerogliphs are typically blocky right-to-left text, horizontally. Kivouchia/Kivouchian Cuneiform is inscribed vertically and contains punctuation more suited to mathematicals rather than literals: this Cuneiform just appeared when the Peace Wars got violent seemingly without origin along with artefacts now stored onboard The Kodice. Translation from Kivouchia/Kivouchian was accomplished with the Noelman Dodecahedron, stolen by a team of thieves who then gave it to janitors who gave it to plumbers, and was thought lost until it was found and then stolen again to be sold on the world of 13/13/13 or Triple Thirteen. With the Noelman Dodecahedron found by Capricorn the Hyena by chance, it was translated if only quarterly, the full translation was done by Artaria after Capricorn realised that the portion she had was a map and hurried to her destination on a ship with her janitorial staff to the Hyena Spiritualist who then contacted the spirits and the artwork goddess.
Fuzzle's 'spellbook' is split into chapters first cataloging numerals 0-10 and wordles A-Z. These schools of thought are:
Astromancy, Biomancy, Clariomancy, Dismantlement, Elementary Faith Geomancy Heathing Ion Klamaeth Legathy Myrl Nolon Ostiomancy Portography Qassi Rune Shamanism Telemetry Vyx Xen Yeev Zeitgeist
Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Fuzzle's druid ability and abilities number into a many categories, each one categorically lettered in Kivouchia/Kivouchian Cuneiform, and as The Cuneiform lacks translation in some aspects, Greek alphabetical denominations will be used, Lowebayou Kivouchia/Kivouchian Cuneiform and Highebayou Kivouchia/Kivouchian Cuneiform is used (LBkkC) and (HBkkC) in other psychiatry rankings, Steppe Hieroglyphs, such as the RRllc is often used, Steppe Hirerogliphs are typically blocky right-to-left text, horizontally. Kivouchia/Kivouchian Cuneiform is inscribed vertically and contains punctuation more suited to mathematicals rather than literals: this Cuneiform just appeared when the Peace Wars got violent seemingly without origin along with artefacts now stored onboard The Kodice. Translation from Kivouchia/Kivouchian was accomplished with the Noelman Dodecahedron, stolen by a team of thieves who then gave it to janitors who gave it to plumbers, and was thought lost until it was found and then stolen again to be sold on the world of 13/13/13 or Triple Thirteen. With the Noelman Dodecahedron found by Capricorn the Hyena by chance, it was translated if only quarterly, the full translation was done by Artaria after Capricorn realised that the portion she had was a map and hurried to her destination on a ship with her janitorial staff to the Hyena Spiritualist who then contacted the spirits and the artwork goddess.
Fuzzle's 'spellbook' is split into chapters first cataloging numerals 0-10 and wordles A-Z. These schools of thought are:
Astromancy, Biomancy, Clariomancy, Dismantlement, Elementary Faith Geomancy Heathing Ion Klamaeth Legathy Myrl Nolon Ostiomancy Portography Qassi Rune Shamanism Telemetry Vyx Xen Yeev Zeitgeist
Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 2221 x 1659px
File Size 514.6 kB