“My my, you do make a sweet little baby.” Mommy told the cat as she leaned closer to the playpen. “You weren't very convincing as a big girl, you know.”
“Excuse me?!” Beckie stood on wobbly legs and tried valiantly to keep them under her. It was made harder by the plush padding between her legs, clipped into place by the ugly baby onsie the lions had managed to get her into. “I am an adult! I will not be treated like this!”
Mommy tutted condescendingly. “Fussy widdle baby. Why don't you take a nap and we'll take care of everything from now on, ok?”
Beckie gawked and blushed. “Are you listening to me? I'm not a baby!” She stomped her foot when the larger animals didn't even deign to give her a response. She turned to the other occupant of the pink prison and asked “You're just going to sit there and suck your stupid pacifier while they kidnap me?!”
Marie shrugged without much care and smirked. What did she expect her to do about it? She was just a little baby girl.
“Excuse me?!” Beckie stood on wobbly legs and tried valiantly to keep them under her. It was made harder by the plush padding between her legs, clipped into place by the ugly baby onsie the lions had managed to get her into. “I am an adult! I will not be treated like this!”
Mommy tutted condescendingly. “Fussy widdle baby. Why don't you take a nap and we'll take care of everything from now on, ok?”
Beckie gawked and blushed. “Are you listening to me? I'm not a baby!” She stomped her foot when the larger animals didn't even deign to give her a response. She turned to the other occupant of the pink prison and asked “You're just going to sit there and suck your stupid pacifier while they kidnap me?!”
Marie shrugged without much care and smirked. What did she expect her to do about it? She was just a little baby girl.
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Housecat
Gender Female
Size 2146 x 1717px
File Size 2.99 MB