Link to full file: Day 28 - Social Media
This is a hypnosis file made for hypnovember based on prompts from
It's my first time making hypnosis files and writing scripts for them. So of course hypnovember is a good wringer to put myself through to get better! If you enjoy the file feel free to let me know. I have many more written and am in the process of recording them as well. Which to me seems like a pretty big commitment for a month. We'll see how it goes.
For now, feel free to listen to or read this file as much as you like. I should have more for you to indulge in soon.
This is a series of hypnosis files prepared as part of Hypnovember. Each day will be based on a prompt. Please get into a comfortable position whether it be sitting down or on your back. Someplace that you won’t be disturbed or bothered for the duration. And of course please don’t operate heavy machinery such as a car while listening to this file. With that out of the way, please relax and prepare to listen to today’s prompt: social media.
Transformation has been showing up a few times in my scripts. It may sometimes be difficult to imagine turning into a different animal but the mind has many avenues to several destinations. Everyone can think to some extent about change. Change happens all the time. Being able to affect that change is how you can become what you desire. Life can be a bit boring at times. Transformation is a way to spice it up. The effects of this vary for everyone though you may find them extremely potent. If you allow your mind to be open to the point of this file your mind will be like a canvas that becomes filled with many new ideas and forms.
So why transformation when the prompt is social media? I’m glad you’re paying attention. What we’re going to try is to imagine a situation where you might be interacting with social media and you see a post. A post that makes you excited in ways you can’t explain. Something that pushes your buttons. I’m sure you’ve seen one. Or two. Or several. The goal will be for that character to evoke some sort of transformation for you. Depending on how well you can follow my words, you could experience a partial or full transformation. Regardless of the extent of the transformation, you should feel very relaxed and comfortable throughout the experience. Some may find that you are pleasantly surprised by how much you can change.
In a way, social media is a trance. So many people looking down at their phones all the time. It’s a wonder we all don’t have flatter faces from running into things all the time! Maybe eventually that will happen. Don’t worry. I’ve been guilty of sinking into my phone a bit much as well. We live in a society that is always moving. Information is always flowing everywhere. Everywhere you look you see words and images burned into your eye sockets. The action never stops; it always keeps going on and on. Scrolling deeper and deeper on the feed. Watching video after video while you go down into the rabbit hole that is the internet. It never stops. It’s addicting for some people. Social media and the internet are so ingrained with us at this point. Every day there’s a new app or something to download, more content to intake. Stimulation at our fingertips, our ears continuously bombarded over and over again with words and sounds you tune out eventually. Soon enough your eyes close and your brain shuts down with the lights and sounds continuing incessantly.
We’ve changed so much at this point that the constant flow of information barely gets noticed. Everyone tunes out so much that the images and sounds spin right past our brains and go out just as quickly. You might find that you’re able to remember the strangest, most miniscule things simply because your brain encountered them so much. Even if you don’t actively think about it, your brain still processes all of the signals you encounter. Just like your brain hears all of my words and files them deep inside. Deeper and deeper. Focusing further inside than you’ve been before. It’s a wonder that you can be so relaxed and comfortable with those sounds around you. You’re doing so well.
Think about those images and videos scrolling past your eyes. We’re trained at this point to skim over information and keep scrolling. Maybe you miss something and you scroll back up a little. Something catches your eye. You focus a little bit more on the posts while you try to remember what it was you missed. Eventually you get back to it. Wow. That cat is so cute. And so fluffy! The picture looks so good, almost good enough to reach out and touch. You could give that cat so many pets. Such inviting eyes too! Almost like it wants you to come straight over for a big nuzzle and cuddle. It would feel so nice, wouldn’t it?
The cat seems to know how much you are admiring its lithe curves and powerful limbs. Soft paws, sharp claws, wet nose; you can nearly hear a strong purr emanating from it. Each purr draws you in pulling you closer and closer. Stronger and stronger in your ears and it might be nice to join in too. Purrs indicate comfort and it’s so adorable when cats purr. It means they are comfortable with you. And you are comfortable now. Deep inside you are comfortable and that’s where the best purrs come from. A warm wonderful feeling that fills you all the way up starting from your core. Your whole body slowly becomes covered in warmth as you feel so soft. A soft feeling, softer than soft that grows and grows just like the happy budding warmth that you’re filled with. Feeling so good and you can let that sweet purring sound rise slowly up. A warm purr you can feel in your mind. Ready to unleash that purr and feel so good when you do it. Loving this amazing feeling.
Purr, kitty.
Wonderful. Feeling more feline by the second. Soft fur nice and warm all over. You can keep purring as you like. It sounds so nice to your ears. Which become more sensitive to all of the sounds around you. Heightened senses that can pick out more sounds than they could in the past. As you listen more and more the fur continues to blanket you and make you feel so warm and comfortable. The warmth permeates through your fluff to reach all the way into your core. It feels so cozy that it would feel so good to lay down on the ground with your belly up. Feeling the ground soft under you with all your fur giving you a comfortable bed to rest on. Keep this relaxation and comfort deep in your mind. Whenever you hear the phrase “sleepy kitty” you will find yourself sinking back into this amazing place. The phrase “sleepy kitty” will cause you be the cozy cat you wish to be, super warm and relaxed. When I and only I say that phrase in the context of this file you will drop directly and completely into this state you are in now. And it will feel just as amazing as it does now.
Waking up gently on the count of 5.
1, slowly coming back up with your awareness, joining back into a soft reality
2, continuing to feel all these soft feelings while the sounds around you come more into focus
3, slowly opening your eyes with fresh and new perspectives
4, breathing slightly faster as you feel more awake by the second
5, eyes open wide awake
Hello there, precious. I wanted to make sure that you’re still feeling feline. I mean fine. Feline fine. Heh. So yeah. How are you feeling? Good? Maybe a little fluffy? Soft? Some remnants of transformation can be expected. Things like that don’t go away in a flash. You could continue to feel the effects of transformation for days, maybe weeks depending on how effective they are for you. It’s amazing how malleable and flexible the brain can be. I would say human brain. But. I think we’re a bit past that.
In fact, why stay here for much longer? It doesn’t make a lot of sense. There’s so much more that can happen when you’re feeling comfortable and relaxed. A nice, soft, adorable sleepy kitty.
That’s right dropping back down for me right back into the warm and cozy place. Soft fluffy fur all around you feeling all of the ways that being a sleepy kitty is better than normal. What is normal? Does it matter? As long as you’re a cat you can be as relaxed and warm as you like. The most important thing is that you enjoy it as much as you desire. Fur all over your body, sensitive lovely ears, plushy paws and beans. The perfect lovely kitty that deserves lots of belly scritches. Yes you deserve them because you’re a precious adorable kitty. Yes you are! And when you’re happy there’d be a long flowing tail that would flick back and forth in comfort. Such a nice fluffy tail swishing around brushing everything in its path down while you are so happy with the stimulation you’re receiving.
Social media tends to draw us in. Seems like you’ve been drawn deep into being a nice precious adorable kitty. But haven’t we been forgetting about someone? Yes, yes, the cat that sparked all of this. Luckily for you, it hasn’t forgotten about you. And it wants you to come in closer. Further and further in toward the digital realm it inhabits. Its inviting presence calms your senses while you continue in. Streams of pixels flood by your cat eyes while the embrace of that cute fluffy, maybe even arousing cat becomes more and more imminent. It gives you a cheeky grin before pouncing on you, dropping you into an endless tunnel of pixels and data. You spiral downward knowing that you’ll be safe in the clutches of this sneaky cat. You’ve become part of the digital realm.
It’s nice here. Streams of pixels all around, beeps and boops sounding on your ears somehow. A massive amount of data, even more than before that somehow isn’t nearly as overwhelming. As you adjust to this realm everything seems simpler. There’s an order to it all. A pattern. A pattern that it would seem the cat who brought you here has escaped. It motions for you to follow. You don’t belong in this pattern and it’s easy for you to escape as well, following your friend to wherever it may lead. Bounding and pouncing from server to server, always landing on soft paws that squish down before leaping away. A random bit might brush through your fur which ruffles with the contact. Even that feels amazing, the warmth and pleasantness of it radiating through your body for a split second as it touches. Long ribbons of data all around you, a multicoloured painting with a hidden order that becomes apparent the more you chase the other cat around.
There is a destination in mind. Eventually the cat jumps to a digital ledge and you easily follow. There on the ledge you see its nest. A comfortable conglomeration of fluffy data so warm and inviting. The cat invites you to lay and you do. It starts licking your head. Scratchy, wet licks he is so thorough with his cleaning of you. There’s a relaxing sound to it as well as each successive mlem makes you much more calm. You feel at ease here. The digital realm is so nice. Even when you close your eyes you can see the constantly moving stream but it doesn’t bother you; rather, it’s soothing. So is your kitty friend. Once the cleaning has completed it curls up next to you your soft furs rubbing and crackling against each other. An endless ball of fluff where one would be unable to tell where one fluff starts and the other begins. That’s ok. There’s no need to tell any differences. All that you need to do is cuddle, be comfortable, and rest in this perfect cuddly place. Allowing yourself the sleep that you need.
You may revel in this for as long as you like. A sweet wholesome moment that you can cherish and hold. I’ll leave you to it.
Or. I could wake you up slowly. When you wake up you will no longer be in the digital realm, no longer a fluffy cat. Free to indulge in as much phone time as you like without any possibility of transformation. I guess that would be a downside for many people. I know I would always enjoy a good transformation. Regardless of what I may enjoy, including cuties like you, on the count of 5 you can fully wake up.
1, your relaxed breathing quickens slightly and the cool air refreshes your relaxed lungs.
2, oxygen flowing everywhere as you can check your limbs and move them slightly to ensure they work as normal
3, coming back to the surface of reality little by little so as not to overwhelm yourself with the transition. The real world has always been there and you know how to survive here well enough.
4, slowly opening your eyes to gain your bearings and know where you are now.
5, eyes open wide awake!
I don’t exactly mean this to be a cautionary tale against social media. In fact, I feel like I’m encouraging it with a transformation. I’d be into it. It would seem that you are too. I’d like to thank you again for indulging me and giving me some company. I love being here. With you. And I can’t wait for the next time you return. Until then~
This is a hypnosis file made for hypnovember based on prompts from

It's my first time making hypnosis files and writing scripts for them. So of course hypnovember is a good wringer to put myself through to get better! If you enjoy the file feel free to let me know. I have many more written and am in the process of recording them as well. Which to me seems like a pretty big commitment for a month. We'll see how it goes.
For now, feel free to listen to or read this file as much as you like. I should have more for you to indulge in soon.
This is a series of hypnosis files prepared as part of Hypnovember. Each day will be based on a prompt. Please get into a comfortable position whether it be sitting down or on your back. Someplace that you won’t be disturbed or bothered for the duration. And of course please don’t operate heavy machinery such as a car while listening to this file. With that out of the way, please relax and prepare to listen to today’s prompt: social media.
Transformation has been showing up a few times in my scripts. It may sometimes be difficult to imagine turning into a different animal but the mind has many avenues to several destinations. Everyone can think to some extent about change. Change happens all the time. Being able to affect that change is how you can become what you desire. Life can be a bit boring at times. Transformation is a way to spice it up. The effects of this vary for everyone though you may find them extremely potent. If you allow your mind to be open to the point of this file your mind will be like a canvas that becomes filled with many new ideas and forms.
So why transformation when the prompt is social media? I’m glad you’re paying attention. What we’re going to try is to imagine a situation where you might be interacting with social media and you see a post. A post that makes you excited in ways you can’t explain. Something that pushes your buttons. I’m sure you’ve seen one. Or two. Or several. The goal will be for that character to evoke some sort of transformation for you. Depending on how well you can follow my words, you could experience a partial or full transformation. Regardless of the extent of the transformation, you should feel very relaxed and comfortable throughout the experience. Some may find that you are pleasantly surprised by how much you can change.
In a way, social media is a trance. So many people looking down at their phones all the time. It’s a wonder we all don’t have flatter faces from running into things all the time! Maybe eventually that will happen. Don’t worry. I’ve been guilty of sinking into my phone a bit much as well. We live in a society that is always moving. Information is always flowing everywhere. Everywhere you look you see words and images burned into your eye sockets. The action never stops; it always keeps going on and on. Scrolling deeper and deeper on the feed. Watching video after video while you go down into the rabbit hole that is the internet. It never stops. It’s addicting for some people. Social media and the internet are so ingrained with us at this point. Every day there’s a new app or something to download, more content to intake. Stimulation at our fingertips, our ears continuously bombarded over and over again with words and sounds you tune out eventually. Soon enough your eyes close and your brain shuts down with the lights and sounds continuing incessantly.
We’ve changed so much at this point that the constant flow of information barely gets noticed. Everyone tunes out so much that the images and sounds spin right past our brains and go out just as quickly. You might find that you’re able to remember the strangest, most miniscule things simply because your brain encountered them so much. Even if you don’t actively think about it, your brain still processes all of the signals you encounter. Just like your brain hears all of my words and files them deep inside. Deeper and deeper. Focusing further inside than you’ve been before. It’s a wonder that you can be so relaxed and comfortable with those sounds around you. You’re doing so well.
Think about those images and videos scrolling past your eyes. We’re trained at this point to skim over information and keep scrolling. Maybe you miss something and you scroll back up a little. Something catches your eye. You focus a little bit more on the posts while you try to remember what it was you missed. Eventually you get back to it. Wow. That cat is so cute. And so fluffy! The picture looks so good, almost good enough to reach out and touch. You could give that cat so many pets. Such inviting eyes too! Almost like it wants you to come straight over for a big nuzzle and cuddle. It would feel so nice, wouldn’t it?
The cat seems to know how much you are admiring its lithe curves and powerful limbs. Soft paws, sharp claws, wet nose; you can nearly hear a strong purr emanating from it. Each purr draws you in pulling you closer and closer. Stronger and stronger in your ears and it might be nice to join in too. Purrs indicate comfort and it’s so adorable when cats purr. It means they are comfortable with you. And you are comfortable now. Deep inside you are comfortable and that’s where the best purrs come from. A warm wonderful feeling that fills you all the way up starting from your core. Your whole body slowly becomes covered in warmth as you feel so soft. A soft feeling, softer than soft that grows and grows just like the happy budding warmth that you’re filled with. Feeling so good and you can let that sweet purring sound rise slowly up. A warm purr you can feel in your mind. Ready to unleash that purr and feel so good when you do it. Loving this amazing feeling.
Purr, kitty.
Wonderful. Feeling more feline by the second. Soft fur nice and warm all over. You can keep purring as you like. It sounds so nice to your ears. Which become more sensitive to all of the sounds around you. Heightened senses that can pick out more sounds than they could in the past. As you listen more and more the fur continues to blanket you and make you feel so warm and comfortable. The warmth permeates through your fluff to reach all the way into your core. It feels so cozy that it would feel so good to lay down on the ground with your belly up. Feeling the ground soft under you with all your fur giving you a comfortable bed to rest on. Keep this relaxation and comfort deep in your mind. Whenever you hear the phrase “sleepy kitty” you will find yourself sinking back into this amazing place. The phrase “sleepy kitty” will cause you be the cozy cat you wish to be, super warm and relaxed. When I and only I say that phrase in the context of this file you will drop directly and completely into this state you are in now. And it will feel just as amazing as it does now.
Waking up gently on the count of 5.
1, slowly coming back up with your awareness, joining back into a soft reality
2, continuing to feel all these soft feelings while the sounds around you come more into focus
3, slowly opening your eyes with fresh and new perspectives
4, breathing slightly faster as you feel more awake by the second
5, eyes open wide awake
Hello there, precious. I wanted to make sure that you’re still feeling feline. I mean fine. Feline fine. Heh. So yeah. How are you feeling? Good? Maybe a little fluffy? Soft? Some remnants of transformation can be expected. Things like that don’t go away in a flash. You could continue to feel the effects of transformation for days, maybe weeks depending on how effective they are for you. It’s amazing how malleable and flexible the brain can be. I would say human brain. But. I think we’re a bit past that.
In fact, why stay here for much longer? It doesn’t make a lot of sense. There’s so much more that can happen when you’re feeling comfortable and relaxed. A nice, soft, adorable sleepy kitty.
That’s right dropping back down for me right back into the warm and cozy place. Soft fluffy fur all around you feeling all of the ways that being a sleepy kitty is better than normal. What is normal? Does it matter? As long as you’re a cat you can be as relaxed and warm as you like. The most important thing is that you enjoy it as much as you desire. Fur all over your body, sensitive lovely ears, plushy paws and beans. The perfect lovely kitty that deserves lots of belly scritches. Yes you deserve them because you’re a precious adorable kitty. Yes you are! And when you’re happy there’d be a long flowing tail that would flick back and forth in comfort. Such a nice fluffy tail swishing around brushing everything in its path down while you are so happy with the stimulation you’re receiving.
Social media tends to draw us in. Seems like you’ve been drawn deep into being a nice precious adorable kitty. But haven’t we been forgetting about someone? Yes, yes, the cat that sparked all of this. Luckily for you, it hasn’t forgotten about you. And it wants you to come in closer. Further and further in toward the digital realm it inhabits. Its inviting presence calms your senses while you continue in. Streams of pixels flood by your cat eyes while the embrace of that cute fluffy, maybe even arousing cat becomes more and more imminent. It gives you a cheeky grin before pouncing on you, dropping you into an endless tunnel of pixels and data. You spiral downward knowing that you’ll be safe in the clutches of this sneaky cat. You’ve become part of the digital realm.
It’s nice here. Streams of pixels all around, beeps and boops sounding on your ears somehow. A massive amount of data, even more than before that somehow isn’t nearly as overwhelming. As you adjust to this realm everything seems simpler. There’s an order to it all. A pattern. A pattern that it would seem the cat who brought you here has escaped. It motions for you to follow. You don’t belong in this pattern and it’s easy for you to escape as well, following your friend to wherever it may lead. Bounding and pouncing from server to server, always landing on soft paws that squish down before leaping away. A random bit might brush through your fur which ruffles with the contact. Even that feels amazing, the warmth and pleasantness of it radiating through your body for a split second as it touches. Long ribbons of data all around you, a multicoloured painting with a hidden order that becomes apparent the more you chase the other cat around.
There is a destination in mind. Eventually the cat jumps to a digital ledge and you easily follow. There on the ledge you see its nest. A comfortable conglomeration of fluffy data so warm and inviting. The cat invites you to lay and you do. It starts licking your head. Scratchy, wet licks he is so thorough with his cleaning of you. There’s a relaxing sound to it as well as each successive mlem makes you much more calm. You feel at ease here. The digital realm is so nice. Even when you close your eyes you can see the constantly moving stream but it doesn’t bother you; rather, it’s soothing. So is your kitty friend. Once the cleaning has completed it curls up next to you your soft furs rubbing and crackling against each other. An endless ball of fluff where one would be unable to tell where one fluff starts and the other begins. That’s ok. There’s no need to tell any differences. All that you need to do is cuddle, be comfortable, and rest in this perfect cuddly place. Allowing yourself the sleep that you need.
You may revel in this for as long as you like. A sweet wholesome moment that you can cherish and hold. I’ll leave you to it.
Or. I could wake you up slowly. When you wake up you will no longer be in the digital realm, no longer a fluffy cat. Free to indulge in as much phone time as you like without any possibility of transformation. I guess that would be a downside for many people. I know I would always enjoy a good transformation. Regardless of what I may enjoy, including cuties like you, on the count of 5 you can fully wake up.
1, your relaxed breathing quickens slightly and the cool air refreshes your relaxed lungs.
2, oxygen flowing everywhere as you can check your limbs and move them slightly to ensure they work as normal
3, coming back to the surface of reality little by little so as not to overwhelm yourself with the transition. The real world has always been there and you know how to survive here well enough.
4, slowly opening your eyes to gain your bearings and know where you are now.
5, eyes open wide awake!
I don’t exactly mean this to be a cautionary tale against social media. In fact, I feel like I’m encouraging it with a transformation. I’d be into it. It would seem that you are too. I’d like to thank you again for indulging me and giving me some company. I love being here. With you. And I can’t wait for the next time you return. Until then~
Category Music / Hypnosis
Species Housecat
Gender Any
Size 120 x 120px
File Size 674.1 kB