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Such a big meal has me all tuckered out... Thank goodness he said I could stay for the night, cause I don't think me or my massive, bulging gut are moving at all...
Just gotta... work it.. down... hmmhf.... <3
This is the part of the comic where I kinda just went null to the wall and had fun with posing and stuff :3c
Firstly wanted to show off the weight of that gut in comparison to Rori's size - so the first pose I did was to capture how massive of a meal Jar was... uvu
Then I wanted to get some good bottom up action since people really love that sort of stuff - gave some good opportunity to make a face bulge in the same shot as having Rori being all greedy and such u/v/u
And then as per request from Jar himself, he wanted to see some good tummy squishing - so I made sure to draw some fun internals of him lodged in all that messy tummy contents. I don't draw stuff like that very often (and I do think I could've done a lot better had I really wanted to spend a long time on those shots) but I think they turned out great, especially with the facial expressions! Plus the idea of those paired with the tummy shots is mwah, love it!
And then of course, the belching right after sinking those paws down into that gut...
Followed by the personal favorite of mine - Something about that pose of lifting your fat leggie up and holding that gut with one paw... So good!! I absolutely adore the final panel pose. I could've definitely tried harder on the BG for that one, but I think the focus on the gut and booty was more than enough for that panel x3
I tried to get some good teasing dialogue here without being repetitive or cliche, but there's some things you can't not do when it comes to vore comics XD
Jarcube owned by Me now... >;9c
Rori owned by Me!
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Such a big meal has me all tuckered out... Thank goodness he said I could stay for the night, cause I don't think me or my massive, bulging gut are moving at all...
Just gotta... work it.. down... hmmhf.... <3
This is the part of the comic where I kinda just went null to the wall and had fun with posing and stuff :3c
Firstly wanted to show off the weight of that gut in comparison to Rori's size - so the first pose I did was to capture how massive of a meal Jar was... uvu
Then I wanted to get some good bottom up action since people really love that sort of stuff - gave some good opportunity to make a face bulge in the same shot as having Rori being all greedy and such u/v/u
And then as per request from Jar himself, he wanted to see some good tummy squishing - so I made sure to draw some fun internals of him lodged in all that messy tummy contents. I don't draw stuff like that very often (and I do think I could've done a lot better had I really wanted to spend a long time on those shots) but I think they turned out great, especially with the facial expressions! Plus the idea of those paired with the tummy shots is mwah, love it!
And then of course, the belching right after sinking those paws down into that gut...
Followed by the personal favorite of mine - Something about that pose of lifting your fat leggie up and holding that gut with one paw... So good!! I absolutely adore the final panel pose. I could've definitely tried harder on the BG for that one, but I think the focus on the gut and booty was more than enough for that panel x3
I tried to get some good teasing dialogue here without being repetitive or cliche, but there's some things you can't not do when it comes to vore comics XD
Jarcube owned by Me now... >;9c
Rori owned by Me!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Vore
Species Hybrid Species
Gender Non-Binary
Size 1717 x 2146px
File Size 4.1 MB