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Fantasy Donuts (Benjamin Clawhauser TF)
Been gone for a bit but back with a new story on a TF Tuesday no less! This one I have to thank
gomanfury for this suggestion, I wanted to dip my toes into character TF and make it a little comedic this time.
I hope you enjoy!
Fantasy Donuts
Natasha was not your typical graduate from high school, she wasn’t the same as most from her class. This is not to say that she didn’t have ambition, far from it, it was just in a field that wasn’t common in her graduating class. Most of the girls from her class decided to move away for college and university in or out of state. New York state has great opportunities, but she just guessed it wasn’t for her classmates. Natasha or as she’s usually referred to as Tasha by her friends and family, decided to take the path of law enforcement, she stuck to her guns and remained in New York State when after her college courses and her 21 weeks at the academy, she would join the service of her hometown, she joined the Massena Police Department and where her life changing story begins.
By now, Tasha was starting to get real cozy with her job in the police force. Massena is a small city, nothing too remarkable, but it is home. You would think that being a small town cop would be easy, but that was far from the truth. Natasha has been the desk officer for the first couple months she’s been on the job and she’s seen quite a lot, sure there is the usual drunk guy or speedster that went too fast, but she never thought that being close to the Canadian border would make this so interesting. That’s not even mentioning the Three Nations Crossing! With a lot of drug busts and a lot of people crossing the river without going to customs, it’s really weird, but as Natasha got used to these more specific issues the Massena police dealt with, she decided to bring her own food and snacks from home, like the usual bologna sandwich, but she was one to remain prepared, she had a box of Lucky Charms above the work fridge and milk was already in the fridge thankfully. One thing that she was not really eating all that much was donuts. That’s not because she hated donuts, but it’s the fact there wasn’t really a good place to get donuts from. That was until she could hear two of her colleagues talking about some behind her. Tasha was not one to really get too much into conversation, but a chance at getting some more snacks or at least decent donuts that can sit beside the desk.
Sighing and turning her chair around to face the two officers, Tasha asked “What are you two talking about?”
Both officers turn to look at her, both of them smiling and one asks “You don’t know of the new donut shop here?”
Tasha didn’t know what to think, for all she knows it’s a chain that moved in.
“Well one of the patrol officers brought a couple dozen donuts for the station and officers from this new place near the hotel on Main Street and holy moly they’re good!” The officer said.
Tasha was still unconvinced “It’s not like the Dunkin Donuts or Tim Hortons right?” she asks.
The other officer chimes in “Oh no no no no no, those don’t even compare! Unfortunately there aren’t any left here now, but I’d totally recommend you sneak some in for yourself.” He exclaimed.
Tasha nodded and responded in kind “I’ll keep that in mind, but I’ll hold you accountable if you’re pulling my leg!” She then chuckled then turned to deal with some paperwork and opened the door a couple times, and now she was hoping that these donuts were going to be good.
That was it, her mind was set, for tomorrow morning, she will grab at least a dozen of these donuts for the station before her shift, it is her turn to bring snacks anyways, and even only after a couple months with the station, she knew not to miss her turn to bring in snacks to the station.
Time Skip to tomorrow morning.
“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” That annoying electric alarm clock was making that annoying beeping sound again with 6:00AM flashing red over and over again until Natasha, grouchy and cranky, clumsily slaps the silence button and the alarm finally stops, but that wasn’t the only noise she was hearing, it sounded like people were talking. Tasha rubbed her eyes and as she sat up in bed and noticed the TV was still on and it was on her Disney Plus movie playlist in her watch order and it was on Zootopia the scene where Judy is saying her goodbyes to her parents before leaving on the train for Zootopia. Tasha thought to herself “I guess that explains that dream last night.” Combined with all of her Disney paraphernalia, including the fact she was wearing a t-shirt that had Tiana on the front of it, a dream related to Disney wasn’t anything new to her. Natasha had always been a fan of Disney ever since she was a kid and that love never faded away through her teens.
Even if her fellow officers would poke fun at the fact she was a Disney superfan, she didn’t mind it, especially because she knew many know about a lot of the new Disney films, especially those who had kids, hell they would even ask her about things so they could talk about the movies to their kids, it’s a pretty sweet thing and it makes both her and the officers happy. A win-win really, but right now, that’s not what she’s supposed to do right now, she has to get ready for work. Get some breakfast, brush her teeth, get her uniform on, all the stuff she needs to do.
After her 30 minute prep for the day she gets into the car and only as she got onto main street did it hit her.
“Shit!” She shouted to herself and immediately began looking to the left and right down the road. It hit her as she remembered she needed to pick up the donuts for the station from the new place. Not knowing what she was looking for she was looking, left, right then the road again, over and over again. She didn’t want to be the one who forgets the food. This is a tradition she doesn’t want to break. She knew it sounded ridiculous that they might be mad at her for forgetting, but considering she’s one of the newer people on the force still. As she got closer to the station, she became more and more desperate because he thought she missed the place. Then, on her right, she noticed it right there.
Pulling into the parking lot right beside the building she gets out of her car, running straight for the store door.
Once she got in, she then noticed that the lineup wasn’t that long. She was no detective but she thought is was very peculiar that the store was running only steady rather than being busy compared to places like Dunkin Donuts that would be so packed, like more packed than a Walmart on a Black Friday, but like she thought, she wasn’t a detective and she may have just come at a golden time.
Natasha got into the line and eyed what might be in the donut display, she knew what people liked in terms of donuts, they tend to really fight over Boston Creams. Though yes, they were there, there were these really fancy donuts, every single one was different but with some sort of out-there design and the label said they were called “Dream Donuts” at least that’s what they said on the label. When her turn came, she immediately knew she was going to get one of those fantasy donuts for herself.
“Hello Ma’am what could I get for you?” The Cashier asked with a bright smile.
“Oh, I’m looking to grab a medium coffee, 2 cream and 2 sugar. I’ll also pick up a pack of a dozen donuts, and oh yeah! A Fantasy donut I think it is, not with the rest of the donuts, just make it a baker's dozen at this point.” Natasha said, nearly fumbling through her own words.
“Alrighty then, that’ll be $15.75. How will you be paying?” The cashier asked
“Debit card thank you.” She said tapping her card on the screen, she would wait and then the green checkmark popped up. With that, it would only be a matter of time before she would get what she wanted so, walking over to the pickup side of the counter she would wait until her order was ready.
Waiting for her stuff felt like an eternity, she doesn’t want to be late for work so hopefully this doesn’t take long. As she was worried about being late, it was already there in front of her. “That was quick!” she thought, but not for long as she was still in the mindset of getting to work. Taking her stuff, she got back in the car and made the last leg of the trip to work.
After only a short drive from the shop to the station now complete, Tasha realized that, in her rush, she actually showed up to the station quite early. Not too too early, but early enough she doesn’t have to walk in right away, good thing too, she might actually be able to enjoy a donut to herself, more specifically THE donut she got for herself!
Grabbing the bag with her fantasy donut in question, the one she never got a look at, she finally saw it. The donut was quite large compared to Dunkin Donuts ones, the icing was detailed to near perfection, It was like someone slapped the cheetah prints from the fur of a real one! With a donut in one hand, a coffee in the cup holder and the station right in front of her, Natasha finally takes a bite of her fantasy donut.
The flavor was like an explosion of sugary satisfaction upon the first bite, Natasha’s eyes were wider than a dog seeing treats! Bite after bite and not even a minute later, the donut was nothing but crumbs.
“Holy cow, that was amazing!” Natasha said to herself.
After having her minute of bliss, she pulled the box from the passenger side of the car and placed her coffee on top of this as she got out of the car and carefully nudged it shut, ending with it being locked. Tasha looked up and for a second, it was almost like the station was so much taller, but in a blink, it was fine. She concludes that she probably still isn’t fully awake, besides, there’s no way for such a small town to get a stadium sized police station right?
She got to the door, it happened again? She doesn’t remember that many doors. Eh, it should be fine. Clocked in, donuts and coffee on the table, let this next shift begin.
Minutes went by, now hours… Damn… this morning is slow, but it’s about to have a big change. Tasha’s getting paranoid about what she’s even seeing, did Zootopia get to her? She keeps seeing the ZPD lobby right in front of her, like the plexi glass wasn’t even there.
Time continued to pass, Tasha kept having to readjust her uniform, at first she thought it just shrunk in the dryer, but it’s never done that before. Getting up was becoming a little bit more of a chore than it should be. After a short walk, she sat back down- “fffffpppt” in an instant, her eyes went as wide as they were in the car, in this case, fear, she peered out from her seat seeing if anybody was there… Nobody came by.
“Okay good, nobody heard that.” She whispered to herself.
With a sigh of relief, Natasha’s reputation was intact, nobody heard her fart, with one stretch and a scratch of her back feeling the- fur? Soft like a pillow with quite a lot of skin, huh? At this point, she couldn’t ignore it, she grabbed her phone to take a picture of what was even there then she saw golden fur peeking from under her uniform.
She stood up taken aback like she could walk away from it.
“O-oh my GoOOOOUURRRP!” Slapping her hands towards her mouth, someone had to have heard that, she turned around, hands still over her mouth, an officer did walk by, but he just nodded. Did he hear it? Why did it look like he didn’t care? Natasha, just awkwardly sat back down, looked up again to see the ZPD lobby again! It felt so real and after touching a few things, it was normal again.
As she adjusted herself again, her breath felt heavier, then the smell, it was like she had eaten a whole rack of barbecue ribs and now it’s coming back up to haunt her.
“What the hell was in that donut?” She questioned herself, belching once again “Okay this needs to- what the hell is going on with my voice?!” Her voice got slightly deeper, it still felt like hers, but a slightly more masculine take on it.
Trying to calm down, she just tried breathing in and out, the simplest way, but with every breath, she got heavier and heavier, not her eyes, but her body. Tasha’s stomach was now very pronounced, almost spherical as her belt stretched with her uniform. The small, wheeled chair was getting smaller, or her butt was getting bigger? Padding and padding of fat, she could barely even adjust herself in the seat without rubbing against the arm rests. A belch later, feeling a little bit of tension relief, her uniform looked darker, not by much, it’s still the famous police blue, but her tag. Her tag was much longer, then she read it… “ Clawhauser”.
With one word, the gears were turning in her head now, was that fantasy donut some magic? Or was she still lost in some dreamy half sleep. Only one way to tell. Turning into the chair, she got up and walked towards the door and walk through it, should be no problem right? Nope. Grunts and grunts, Tasha is struggling to even get through the doorway, grunt then a pant, she can’t get to the other side, after another couple good pushes, she just thought “Fine.” and pushed herself back into the desk room, Push after push, POP! BOOM! Natasha fell onto the floor almost face first but her chubby hands caught her fall, but it was like something slipped out from her pants, her backside, slowly growing and swishing from side to side, longer and longer.
“Oh no… that- that’d better not be a tail” Tasha muttered. Turning to look at her backside, there it was, a brown spotted golden fur tail. “Well… crap.”
Pushing her or now, himself, back up he almost lost his balance and nearly slammed into the wall. Tasha had to take another deep breath and looked down at his feet, no boots anymore, moving toe to toe, big and fluffy cheetah paws. With one look back up, it was the ZPD lobby, he was in the round desk, a couple blinks and eye rubs… It’s still not gone, Now it looked busy and Tasha was a deer in the headlights, or rather, cheetah in the headlights.
“Clawhauser!” a deep voice shouted.
Tasha looked around, knowing it might be him being called, looking to the left, right and left again, it was an Elephant, an anthro one in the same ZPD uniform.
“You forgot your cereal buddy, I’d keep it with you so nobody else sneaks away with it.”
“Oh.. oh umm.. Thank you.” Tasha/Clawhauser said
The elephant just set the cereal box down with a carton of milk, a bowl and a spoon, then just walked away going back to his business. He didn’t notice Tasha’s still human features on his face.
Pushing his paws against his face he could feel the fur moving up his neck and his face was slowly starting to push forward with the oval chubby cheeks and elongating snout. With one big yawn and fall, Tasha’s human face was a feline snout with the most expressive of cheeks. Tasha was not there anymore, Natasha is now Benjamin Clawhauser, and nobody noticed, with nothing to do he just poured the cereal and milk into the bowl to pass the time. With one bite of these “Lucky Chomps” It was amazing, it was like fudge melting in his mouth.
Ben was just dancing about enjoying the food with the business as usual around him until he heard a familiar feminine voice.
“Excuse me?! Uh Down here!” They said.
Looking around Ben saw it in front of his eyes as he looked over the desk. It’s the rabbit! It’s Judy! Judy Hopps! He’s in the movie and now he has to play the part! Stick to the program!
“Oh… Em… Goodness…” He uttered in an almost dramatic way until his inner fanboying took over and he leaned over the desk then pushing back “They really did hire a bunny… WHA-HAT?!” Leaning in closer knowing this isn’t a fantasy. “I gotta tell you, you’re even cuter than I thought you’d be!”
Judy immediately jolted at the cute remark, she winced and explained it to Ben. “Oo- Ah- You probably didn’t know. A bunny can call another bunny cute, but when other animals do it, that’s a little…”
Ben immediately pulled back in an audible gasp, the whole time he’s thinking that he has to play the part.
“I am so sorry!” He apologized, becoming pensive in stance.
“Me… Benjamin Clawhauser. The guy everybody thinks is just a flabby donut loving cop stereotyping you… ohh…”
Judy turned dismissive and even chuckled it off saying “It’s okay.” Then her expression changed to worrying attention, seeing something under Ben’s cheek.
“You you’ve actually got- there’s uhhh… In your neck uhhh the fold uhh… There’s” She just kept stuttering as he felt around his cheeks.
“There you went, you little dickens!” Clawhauser exclaimed, keeping in his little er- big character and eating the donut that inexplicably got stuck by his shirt collar.
Judy was now visibly nervous and impatient, she didn’t want to be late
“I should get a roll call so… which way do I go?” She then asked.
Ben knew this building now like it was the back of his paw and points Judy in the right direction explaining “Bull Pen’s over there to the left.”
She would thank him and he just watched with glee. “Awwww… That poor little bunny’s gonna get eaten alive.”
With one final sigh, he could drop the act just a little bit, but even with this new look, feel and certainly world, there was one thing going through Clawhauser’s mind.
“I think I’m going to like it here.”

I hope you enjoy!
Fantasy Donuts
Natasha was not your typical graduate from high school, she wasn’t the same as most from her class. This is not to say that she didn’t have ambition, far from it, it was just in a field that wasn’t common in her graduating class. Most of the girls from her class decided to move away for college and university in or out of state. New York state has great opportunities, but she just guessed it wasn’t for her classmates. Natasha or as she’s usually referred to as Tasha by her friends and family, decided to take the path of law enforcement, she stuck to her guns and remained in New York State when after her college courses and her 21 weeks at the academy, she would join the service of her hometown, she joined the Massena Police Department and where her life changing story begins.
By now, Tasha was starting to get real cozy with her job in the police force. Massena is a small city, nothing too remarkable, but it is home. You would think that being a small town cop would be easy, but that was far from the truth. Natasha has been the desk officer for the first couple months she’s been on the job and she’s seen quite a lot, sure there is the usual drunk guy or speedster that went too fast, but she never thought that being close to the Canadian border would make this so interesting. That’s not even mentioning the Three Nations Crossing! With a lot of drug busts and a lot of people crossing the river without going to customs, it’s really weird, but as Natasha got used to these more specific issues the Massena police dealt with, she decided to bring her own food and snacks from home, like the usual bologna sandwich, but she was one to remain prepared, she had a box of Lucky Charms above the work fridge and milk was already in the fridge thankfully. One thing that she was not really eating all that much was donuts. That’s not because she hated donuts, but it’s the fact there wasn’t really a good place to get donuts from. That was until she could hear two of her colleagues talking about some behind her. Tasha was not one to really get too much into conversation, but a chance at getting some more snacks or at least decent donuts that can sit beside the desk.
Sighing and turning her chair around to face the two officers, Tasha asked “What are you two talking about?”
Both officers turn to look at her, both of them smiling and one asks “You don’t know of the new donut shop here?”
Tasha didn’t know what to think, for all she knows it’s a chain that moved in.
“Well one of the patrol officers brought a couple dozen donuts for the station and officers from this new place near the hotel on Main Street and holy moly they’re good!” The officer said.
Tasha was still unconvinced “It’s not like the Dunkin Donuts or Tim Hortons right?” she asks.
The other officer chimes in “Oh no no no no no, those don’t even compare! Unfortunately there aren’t any left here now, but I’d totally recommend you sneak some in for yourself.” He exclaimed.
Tasha nodded and responded in kind “I’ll keep that in mind, but I’ll hold you accountable if you’re pulling my leg!” She then chuckled then turned to deal with some paperwork and opened the door a couple times, and now she was hoping that these donuts were going to be good.
That was it, her mind was set, for tomorrow morning, she will grab at least a dozen of these donuts for the station before her shift, it is her turn to bring snacks anyways, and even only after a couple months with the station, she knew not to miss her turn to bring in snacks to the station.
Time Skip to tomorrow morning.
“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” That annoying electric alarm clock was making that annoying beeping sound again with 6:00AM flashing red over and over again until Natasha, grouchy and cranky, clumsily slaps the silence button and the alarm finally stops, but that wasn’t the only noise she was hearing, it sounded like people were talking. Tasha rubbed her eyes and as she sat up in bed and noticed the TV was still on and it was on her Disney Plus movie playlist in her watch order and it was on Zootopia the scene where Judy is saying her goodbyes to her parents before leaving on the train for Zootopia. Tasha thought to herself “I guess that explains that dream last night.” Combined with all of her Disney paraphernalia, including the fact she was wearing a t-shirt that had Tiana on the front of it, a dream related to Disney wasn’t anything new to her. Natasha had always been a fan of Disney ever since she was a kid and that love never faded away through her teens.
Even if her fellow officers would poke fun at the fact she was a Disney superfan, she didn’t mind it, especially because she knew many know about a lot of the new Disney films, especially those who had kids, hell they would even ask her about things so they could talk about the movies to their kids, it’s a pretty sweet thing and it makes both her and the officers happy. A win-win really, but right now, that’s not what she’s supposed to do right now, she has to get ready for work. Get some breakfast, brush her teeth, get her uniform on, all the stuff she needs to do.
After her 30 minute prep for the day she gets into the car and only as she got onto main street did it hit her.
“Shit!” She shouted to herself and immediately began looking to the left and right down the road. It hit her as she remembered she needed to pick up the donuts for the station from the new place. Not knowing what she was looking for she was looking, left, right then the road again, over and over again. She didn’t want to be the one who forgets the food. This is a tradition she doesn’t want to break. She knew it sounded ridiculous that they might be mad at her for forgetting, but considering she’s one of the newer people on the force still. As she got closer to the station, she became more and more desperate because he thought she missed the place. Then, on her right, she noticed it right there.
Pulling into the parking lot right beside the building she gets out of her car, running straight for the store door.
Once she got in, she then noticed that the lineup wasn’t that long. She was no detective but she thought is was very peculiar that the store was running only steady rather than being busy compared to places like Dunkin Donuts that would be so packed, like more packed than a Walmart on a Black Friday, but like she thought, she wasn’t a detective and she may have just come at a golden time.
Natasha got into the line and eyed what might be in the donut display, she knew what people liked in terms of donuts, they tend to really fight over Boston Creams. Though yes, they were there, there were these really fancy donuts, every single one was different but with some sort of out-there design and the label said they were called “Dream Donuts” at least that’s what they said on the label. When her turn came, she immediately knew she was going to get one of those fantasy donuts for herself.
“Hello Ma’am what could I get for you?” The Cashier asked with a bright smile.
“Oh, I’m looking to grab a medium coffee, 2 cream and 2 sugar. I’ll also pick up a pack of a dozen donuts, and oh yeah! A Fantasy donut I think it is, not with the rest of the donuts, just make it a baker's dozen at this point.” Natasha said, nearly fumbling through her own words.
“Alrighty then, that’ll be $15.75. How will you be paying?” The cashier asked
“Debit card thank you.” She said tapping her card on the screen, she would wait and then the green checkmark popped up. With that, it would only be a matter of time before she would get what she wanted so, walking over to the pickup side of the counter she would wait until her order was ready.
Waiting for her stuff felt like an eternity, she doesn’t want to be late for work so hopefully this doesn’t take long. As she was worried about being late, it was already there in front of her. “That was quick!” she thought, but not for long as she was still in the mindset of getting to work. Taking her stuff, she got back in the car and made the last leg of the trip to work.
After only a short drive from the shop to the station now complete, Tasha realized that, in her rush, she actually showed up to the station quite early. Not too too early, but early enough she doesn’t have to walk in right away, good thing too, she might actually be able to enjoy a donut to herself, more specifically THE donut she got for herself!
Grabbing the bag with her fantasy donut in question, the one she never got a look at, she finally saw it. The donut was quite large compared to Dunkin Donuts ones, the icing was detailed to near perfection, It was like someone slapped the cheetah prints from the fur of a real one! With a donut in one hand, a coffee in the cup holder and the station right in front of her, Natasha finally takes a bite of her fantasy donut.
The flavor was like an explosion of sugary satisfaction upon the first bite, Natasha’s eyes were wider than a dog seeing treats! Bite after bite and not even a minute later, the donut was nothing but crumbs.
“Holy cow, that was amazing!” Natasha said to herself.
After having her minute of bliss, she pulled the box from the passenger side of the car and placed her coffee on top of this as she got out of the car and carefully nudged it shut, ending with it being locked. Tasha looked up and for a second, it was almost like the station was so much taller, but in a blink, it was fine. She concludes that she probably still isn’t fully awake, besides, there’s no way for such a small town to get a stadium sized police station right?
She got to the door, it happened again? She doesn’t remember that many doors. Eh, it should be fine. Clocked in, donuts and coffee on the table, let this next shift begin.
Minutes went by, now hours… Damn… this morning is slow, but it’s about to have a big change. Tasha’s getting paranoid about what she’s even seeing, did Zootopia get to her? She keeps seeing the ZPD lobby right in front of her, like the plexi glass wasn’t even there.
Time continued to pass, Tasha kept having to readjust her uniform, at first she thought it just shrunk in the dryer, but it’s never done that before. Getting up was becoming a little bit more of a chore than it should be. After a short walk, she sat back down- “fffffpppt” in an instant, her eyes went as wide as they were in the car, in this case, fear, she peered out from her seat seeing if anybody was there… Nobody came by.
“Okay good, nobody heard that.” She whispered to herself.
With a sigh of relief, Natasha’s reputation was intact, nobody heard her fart, with one stretch and a scratch of her back feeling the- fur? Soft like a pillow with quite a lot of skin, huh? At this point, she couldn’t ignore it, she grabbed her phone to take a picture of what was even there then she saw golden fur peeking from under her uniform.
She stood up taken aback like she could walk away from it.
“O-oh my GoOOOOUURRRP!” Slapping her hands towards her mouth, someone had to have heard that, she turned around, hands still over her mouth, an officer did walk by, but he just nodded. Did he hear it? Why did it look like he didn’t care? Natasha, just awkwardly sat back down, looked up again to see the ZPD lobby again! It felt so real and after touching a few things, it was normal again.
As she adjusted herself again, her breath felt heavier, then the smell, it was like she had eaten a whole rack of barbecue ribs and now it’s coming back up to haunt her.
“What the hell was in that donut?” She questioned herself, belching once again “Okay this needs to- what the hell is going on with my voice?!” Her voice got slightly deeper, it still felt like hers, but a slightly more masculine take on it.
Trying to calm down, she just tried breathing in and out, the simplest way, but with every breath, she got heavier and heavier, not her eyes, but her body. Tasha’s stomach was now very pronounced, almost spherical as her belt stretched with her uniform. The small, wheeled chair was getting smaller, or her butt was getting bigger? Padding and padding of fat, she could barely even adjust herself in the seat without rubbing against the arm rests. A belch later, feeling a little bit of tension relief, her uniform looked darker, not by much, it’s still the famous police blue, but her tag. Her tag was much longer, then she read it… “ Clawhauser”.
With one word, the gears were turning in her head now, was that fantasy donut some magic? Or was she still lost in some dreamy half sleep. Only one way to tell. Turning into the chair, she got up and walked towards the door and walk through it, should be no problem right? Nope. Grunts and grunts, Tasha is struggling to even get through the doorway, grunt then a pant, she can’t get to the other side, after another couple good pushes, she just thought “Fine.” and pushed herself back into the desk room, Push after push, POP! BOOM! Natasha fell onto the floor almost face first but her chubby hands caught her fall, but it was like something slipped out from her pants, her backside, slowly growing and swishing from side to side, longer and longer.
“Oh no… that- that’d better not be a tail” Tasha muttered. Turning to look at her backside, there it was, a brown spotted golden fur tail. “Well… crap.”
Pushing her or now, himself, back up he almost lost his balance and nearly slammed into the wall. Tasha had to take another deep breath and looked down at his feet, no boots anymore, moving toe to toe, big and fluffy cheetah paws. With one look back up, it was the ZPD lobby, he was in the round desk, a couple blinks and eye rubs… It’s still not gone, Now it looked busy and Tasha was a deer in the headlights, or rather, cheetah in the headlights.
“Clawhauser!” a deep voice shouted.
Tasha looked around, knowing it might be him being called, looking to the left, right and left again, it was an Elephant, an anthro one in the same ZPD uniform.
“You forgot your cereal buddy, I’d keep it with you so nobody else sneaks away with it.”
“Oh.. oh umm.. Thank you.” Tasha/Clawhauser said
The elephant just set the cereal box down with a carton of milk, a bowl and a spoon, then just walked away going back to his business. He didn’t notice Tasha’s still human features on his face.
Pushing his paws against his face he could feel the fur moving up his neck and his face was slowly starting to push forward with the oval chubby cheeks and elongating snout. With one big yawn and fall, Tasha’s human face was a feline snout with the most expressive of cheeks. Tasha was not there anymore, Natasha is now Benjamin Clawhauser, and nobody noticed, with nothing to do he just poured the cereal and milk into the bowl to pass the time. With one bite of these “Lucky Chomps” It was amazing, it was like fudge melting in his mouth.
Ben was just dancing about enjoying the food with the business as usual around him until he heard a familiar feminine voice.
“Excuse me?! Uh Down here!” They said.
Looking around Ben saw it in front of his eyes as he looked over the desk. It’s the rabbit! It’s Judy! Judy Hopps! He’s in the movie and now he has to play the part! Stick to the program!
“Oh… Em… Goodness…” He uttered in an almost dramatic way until his inner fanboying took over and he leaned over the desk then pushing back “They really did hire a bunny… WHA-HAT?!” Leaning in closer knowing this isn’t a fantasy. “I gotta tell you, you’re even cuter than I thought you’d be!”
Judy immediately jolted at the cute remark, she winced and explained it to Ben. “Oo- Ah- You probably didn’t know. A bunny can call another bunny cute, but when other animals do it, that’s a little…”
Ben immediately pulled back in an audible gasp, the whole time he’s thinking that he has to play the part.
“I am so sorry!” He apologized, becoming pensive in stance.
“Me… Benjamin Clawhauser. The guy everybody thinks is just a flabby donut loving cop stereotyping you… ohh…”
Judy turned dismissive and even chuckled it off saying “It’s okay.” Then her expression changed to worrying attention, seeing something under Ben’s cheek.
“You you’ve actually got- there’s uhhh… In your neck uhhh the fold uhh… There’s” She just kept stuttering as he felt around his cheeks.
“There you went, you little dickens!” Clawhauser exclaimed, keeping in his little er- big character and eating the donut that inexplicably got stuck by his shirt collar.
Judy was now visibly nervous and impatient, she didn’t want to be late
“I should get a roll call so… which way do I go?” She then asked.
Ben knew this building now like it was the back of his paw and points Judy in the right direction explaining “Bull Pen’s over there to the left.”
She would thank him and he just watched with glee. “Awwww… That poor little bunny’s gonna get eaten alive.”
With one final sigh, he could drop the act just a little bit, but even with this new look, feel and certainly world, there was one thing going through Clawhauser’s mind.
“I think I’m going to like it here.”
Category Story / Transformation
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 120 x 68px
File Size 86.7 kB