(This is the second-place winner of "You Choose 4" where people voted on the theme of this project...)
(I would also like to clarify that this is clay/mud, unlike some other things I've done…)
It is not often a shark will be wandering through a swampy mire alone, but it is even more unlikely that two clay golems would get the jump on said shark…
Quick marched through the treacherous swamp, the muddy marsh and decrepit path did little to aid the shark from stepping into gurgling patches that threatened to swallow him up whole. The mixture of water and dirt under Quick's feet strangely made him reminisce about the feeling of water against his skin, but the feeling is briefly muffled and interrupted by the sticky bubbling and unpleasant gurgling sounds around him. Pausing suddenly, Quick originally did not think much of the sounds around him, but the noises seemingly were getting louder, almost as if he was being tailed by something.
Turning and glancing around, Quick struggled to see anything of note. It was only when the shark turned his back that all the strange sounds suddenly cut off, even the insects rested from their irritable chiming resulting in an unnerving silence. Quick once again Quick nervously looks around, with the undeniable fear that he was indeed being watched, but could not figure out from where. While looking around, Quick had a minor misstep and ended up tumbling backwards, but instead of falling flat on his back, the shark felt his back brace up against something soft, wet, and muddy. His arms sank into the muck behind him as Quick attempted to push away, but his hands failed to find anything solid and because of the way he was unbalanced, the weight from his body only angled him into what he thought was a muddy under tuff. But as Quick noticed something looming over him, a shadow growing, he glanced up only to be greeted with a menacingly muddy face of a clay monster…
Quick was unsure how to react, the monster was huge compared to him with a reptilian or lizard like shape. Their eyes narrowed with the mouth slightly ajar as the monster's sludgy tongue, also made of clay, ran across their face; Quick did not have time to comprehend the weird expression as the creature angled itself back slightly and gently smoothed Quick deeper into its muddy body. It was about this time that Quick noticed the soft muddy ground in front of him start to move, flowing upwards into a mound before molding into yet a second clay monster; this one, albeit smaller, also reptilian shaped but closer to that of a kobold or possibly even a dragon. The second clay golem opened its eyes and stared at the shark with the same narrow look on its face.
It did not take long before Quick recognized the look of insatiable hunger on the two clay monsters. With an attempt to struggle, the clay only flowed around the shark's limbs effectively restraining him. Quick noticed the clay around him starting to turn a suspicious shade as he began to lose feeling around his limbs and tail. Mud gradually began to flow across his face covering one of his eyes as Quick experienced his mind changing into that of mud and clay. The Shark strangely sensed his eye open on his clay covered side of his face; seeing half of the world in horror for what he would soon become as his other half faded from view as the smaller clay monster moved itself close to Quick before gently smoothing its body against the shark in a strangely comforting embrace.
Looks like the two clay golems are going to be enjoying the fishy taste as they devour Quick and turn him into another clay monster. It may not be such a far-fetched idea that these two muddy monsters might have suffered a similar fate at some point. But they do not seem to mind anymore. And soon, neither will Quick…
Be relatively cautious and try to watch your step to avoid any deep clay, unless one goes searching for such things, then by all means jump in, I am sure the clay monsters would be elated to make another muddy friend…
(I would also like to clarify that this is clay/mud, unlike some other things I've done…)
It is not often a shark will be wandering through a swampy mire alone, but it is even more unlikely that two clay golems would get the jump on said shark…
Quick marched through the treacherous swamp, the muddy marsh and decrepit path did little to aid the shark from stepping into gurgling patches that threatened to swallow him up whole. The mixture of water and dirt under Quick's feet strangely made him reminisce about the feeling of water against his skin, but the feeling is briefly muffled and interrupted by the sticky bubbling and unpleasant gurgling sounds around him. Pausing suddenly, Quick originally did not think much of the sounds around him, but the noises seemingly were getting louder, almost as if he was being tailed by something.
Turning and glancing around, Quick struggled to see anything of note. It was only when the shark turned his back that all the strange sounds suddenly cut off, even the insects rested from their irritable chiming resulting in an unnerving silence. Quick once again Quick nervously looks around, with the undeniable fear that he was indeed being watched, but could not figure out from where. While looking around, Quick had a minor misstep and ended up tumbling backwards, but instead of falling flat on his back, the shark felt his back brace up against something soft, wet, and muddy. His arms sank into the muck behind him as Quick attempted to push away, but his hands failed to find anything solid and because of the way he was unbalanced, the weight from his body only angled him into what he thought was a muddy under tuff. But as Quick noticed something looming over him, a shadow growing, he glanced up only to be greeted with a menacingly muddy face of a clay monster…
Quick was unsure how to react, the monster was huge compared to him with a reptilian or lizard like shape. Their eyes narrowed with the mouth slightly ajar as the monster's sludgy tongue, also made of clay, ran across their face; Quick did not have time to comprehend the weird expression as the creature angled itself back slightly and gently smoothed Quick deeper into its muddy body. It was about this time that Quick noticed the soft muddy ground in front of him start to move, flowing upwards into a mound before molding into yet a second clay monster; this one, albeit smaller, also reptilian shaped but closer to that of a kobold or possibly even a dragon. The second clay golem opened its eyes and stared at the shark with the same narrow look on its face.
It did not take long before Quick recognized the look of insatiable hunger on the two clay monsters. With an attempt to struggle, the clay only flowed around the shark's limbs effectively restraining him. Quick noticed the clay around him starting to turn a suspicious shade as he began to lose feeling around his limbs and tail. Mud gradually began to flow across his face covering one of his eyes as Quick experienced his mind changing into that of mud and clay. The Shark strangely sensed his eye open on his clay covered side of his face; seeing half of the world in horror for what he would soon become as his other half faded from view as the smaller clay monster moved itself close to Quick before gently smoothing its body against the shark in a strangely comforting embrace.
Looks like the two clay golems are going to be enjoying the fishy taste as they devour Quick and turn him into another clay monster. It may not be such a far-fetched idea that these two muddy monsters might have suffered a similar fate at some point. But they do not seem to mind anymore. And soon, neither will Quick…
Be relatively cautious and try to watch your step to avoid any deep clay, unless one goes searching for such things, then by all means jump in, I am sure the clay monsters would be elated to make another muddy friend…
Category Artwork (Digital) / Transformation
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1000 x 800px
File Size 490.3 kB