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Remember (Zoroark TF)
You’re sitting on a bench in your favourite park. Enjoying the surroundings when a stranger sits next to you.
From the looks of them. The dirty clothes, large backpack and pokeballs at their waist. they’re probably a pokemon trainer.
“Nice park right?” They ask.
You nod. "Yeah, it's my favourite."
"You must've had a long journey." You say, motioning towards their clothes.
They smile. "Let me tell you about it."
You spend hours listening to their stories.
“Whelp, I think it’s about time to hit the road again.”They stand up.
Extending their hand towards you they ask. “Are you coming?”
You’re confused. Why would you go with them?
“Why would I come with you?” You ask.
They frown a little. “Don’t you remember? We’ve got to continue our journey!”
Seeing you’re still refusing to take their hand. They decide to grab your hand instead. Pulling you up to stand.
As they grab your hand dark gray fur starts to quickly grow from it. Fingers merging together to form three. Nails growing longer and sharper.
Turning red in colour. Your entire upper arm grows thicker. Spiky tufts of fur extending from your elbow.
The changes are done in just a couple of seconds.
You jerk your hand away from their grip. Looking surprised and confused at your new paw.
It's familiar somehow…
"What did you do to my hand?!" You almost yell.
"I'm just helping you discard your illusion." They say a soft smile on their face.
Illusion? What illusion?
"What do you mean discard my illusion? I don't have an illusion.. I'm just a person…"
They look at you as if you just made a joke.
"Of course you're not a human silly. You're a Zoroark. My partner. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten."
They grab your paw and hand in their hands.
Your hand soon changes to another paw with three digits red claws and dark gray fur. Upper arm also growing thicker just like your other one. With spiky fur growing from your elbow.
A memory flashes before your eyes.
Of you and them joking around with each other when you entered this city. Your entire body is different.
There’s a muzzle in front of your eyes. Fur all over your body. And those paws… You’re a Zoroark?
You snap back to the present.
“What was that? What are you doing to me?!” You ask even more confused.
“I’m just helping you remember yourself.” They say.
They let go of your paws and move to pet your hair.
“Now where’s that lovely mane of yours.”
Moving your paws to try and stop them. You stop halfway.
You want to stop them… But somewhere deep inside you trust what they’re doing…
As they stroke your hair it grows longer and fluffier. Turning red with some dark coloured tips.
They continue to stroke your hair as it gains more volume. It grows down towards your waist. There it turns from red to black. A teal bead forms. Tying it into a ponytail. Your ponytail grows even further until it almost hits the ground.
The tip of it turns from black to red again.
“Ah, there it is!”
Another memory flashed before your eyes.
This time it’s of your trainer combing through your mane. Just enjoying the sensation of the combing.
You snap back. This isn’t true is it? You’re a human!
You have all these memories of being human!
But for some reason these changes don’t scare you.. They don’t even make you nervous anymore… They’re comforting for some reason…
“See, this isn’t so bad. Let me just help you return to what you’re supposed to be.” Yo-the trainer says.
They move on towards your other body parts. Touching your upper arms. Dark gray fur grows there as your arms grow slightly thinner.
Clothing disappearing wherever they touch you. As if it was never there to begin with.
They move towards your chest. As it explodes into two large tufts of dark fur. Covering the upper part of your chest.
With each change comes another memory.
With each memory you trust them more and more.
They move towards your neck and face. Dark gray fur growing all over. They boop you on your nose. A long muzzle growing as they do.
Red furred markings grow on your nose, around your eyes and at the ends of your mouth.
Eyes turning a light blue in colour.
Gently touching your ears. As they grow longer and into points. The insides grow red fur as the outsides grow the same dark gray as the rest of your face.
They move towards your lower body.
It grows dark gray fur as you grow slightly skinnier.
Hands gently sliding down towards your thighs. Leaving dark gray fur wherever they touch.
Large tufts of the fur grow pointing towards your body.
Lastly, moving towards your lower legs and feet. Dark gray fur growing. Toes merging together. Nail turning into long red claws.
Your feet turn digitigrade. Leaving you to walk on your toes.
“There we go. All done! Are you ready to go now?” Your trainer says.
You’re still confused. Both human and Zoroark memories flow through your head. Not knowing which is real and which is fake. You’ll need time to sort them out.
Will you go with your trainer? Or do you still refuse?
I made it during the second suggestion round I did on twitter.
Doing this mostly for archiving purposes because twitter isn't exactly the best for archiving.
Category Story / Transformation
Species Pokemon
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 31.7 kB