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So like, I'll be frank with you, this is just a s*** post story. I saw the bad reputation the shake was getting, laughed at some of the memes, and I wanted to capitalize on that real quick. And I do mean, real quick, this is easily my shortest story to date. Just a simple one about a fox trying out the shake, and inflating to a fox balloon. Hope you enjoy it for what it is.
Terry groaned, reeling over in pain. Placing his paws firmly on the side of the toilet, as his body convulsed. Beside him, some of it spilled on the floor by his knees, the origin of his pain. The Grimace Birthday shake.
He was a fox, with a slender enough body, and a long tuft of hair that hung below his shoulders. He, unfortunately, had decided ‘Why Not?’ when he bought the shake. Not even expecting it to taste good, but just trying it out of curiosity. Now, here he was, two seconds away from throwing-up, locked inside of the Mcdonald’s public restroom. He could hear other customers knocking on the door, wanting to use the bathroom, but he was in no state to get up.
His tummy bubbling and gurgling, as the Grimace shaked wreaked havoc on his insides. He went green in the face, and not long after that, purple in the paws.
He blinked, snapping out of his delirium to look at his paws. He groaned, helplessly watching as the fur of his fingers quickly turned a light purple color. He lifted his paws to his face, to watch in slight horror and fascination as the purple quickly spread up his wrists, soon, all of his arm fur was the same shade.
“What the…?” He mumbled to himself, still in pain from the terrible tummy-ache caused by the shake. He looked himself down, unable to do anything as the purple color spread down his belly, enveloped his legs, and (while he couldn’t see it) soon colored his face as well. Leaving every inch of the fox the same shade as the Grimace shake.
And then he grunted again, reeling over as another jab of pain exploded through his tummy. He winced, closing his eyes, only to open them again when he felt an even odder sensation hit his stomach. His shirt started to bulge in the middle, as his belly quickly started to swell outwards. Inching out at a terribly fast rate.
He whimpered, as he turned around to see his back end quickly extend out too. Giving his body a cartoonishly big pear-shape as his belly and rear rapidly inflated outwards. Filling up with only God knows what.
He grimaced, reaching down to press his paws into the sides of his expanding tummy. His shirt quickly started to rise up his body, showing off a good bit of his midsection fur, all of it of course stained a light purple. His body quickly started to take on an almost spherical shape, rounding out quite nicely, much to the chagrin of Terry.
His legs slowly started to sink into the base of his growing body. His arms started to become buried in his rapidly inflating figure, matching his legs. By the end of his growth, only just the very edge of his paws and feet stuck out from his rotund body, uselessly twitching in a vain plea for help.
Terry’s face partially sunk into the top of his body. He had to lift his chin up to make sure his mouth wouldn't be pressed into the side of his figure. To add insult to injury, his cheeks partially puffed out too. His two cheeks rounding out to the size of two basketballs, further trapping Terry’s head in his inflated body.
By the end of it all, his body must have been at least fifteen feet around, making him look like a weather-balloon ready to burst. His hide creaked and groaned, stretched to its limit. Terry groaned, feeling sides of him press into the walls of the bathroom. All the while, more and more people knocked on the door, demanding to get in.
Terry looked down, barely able to see the cup the Grimace Shake had come in. “I hope this isn’t…UrrPpH…isn’t permanent.” he groaned, still uselessly flinching his paws and feet back and forth.
Terry groaned, reeling over in pain. Placing his paws firmly on the side of the toilet, as his body convulsed. Beside him, some of it spilled on the floor by his knees, the origin of his pain. The Grimace Birthday shake.
He was a fox, with a slender enough body, and a long tuft of hair that hung below his shoulders. He, unfortunately, had decided ‘Why Not?’ when he bought the shake. Not even expecting it to taste good, but just trying it out of curiosity. Now, here he was, two seconds away from throwing-up, locked inside of the Mcdonald’s public restroom. He could hear other customers knocking on the door, wanting to use the bathroom, but he was in no state to get up.
His tummy bubbling and gurgling, as the Grimace shaked wreaked havoc on his insides. He went green in the face, and not long after that, purple in the paws.
He blinked, snapping out of his delirium to look at his paws. He groaned, helplessly watching as the fur of his fingers quickly turned a light purple color. He lifted his paws to his face, to watch in slight horror and fascination as the purple quickly spread up his wrists, soon, all of his arm fur was the same shade.
“What the…?” He mumbled to himself, still in pain from the terrible tummy-ache caused by the shake. He looked himself down, unable to do anything as the purple color spread down his belly, enveloped his legs, and (while he couldn’t see it) soon colored his face as well. Leaving every inch of the fox the same shade as the Grimace shake.
And then he grunted again, reeling over as another jab of pain exploded through his tummy. He winced, closing his eyes, only to open them again when he felt an even odder sensation hit his stomach. His shirt started to bulge in the middle, as his belly quickly started to swell outwards. Inching out at a terribly fast rate.
He whimpered, as he turned around to see his back end quickly extend out too. Giving his body a cartoonishly big pear-shape as his belly and rear rapidly inflated outwards. Filling up with only God knows what.
He grimaced, reaching down to press his paws into the sides of his expanding tummy. His shirt quickly started to rise up his body, showing off a good bit of his midsection fur, all of it of course stained a light purple. His body quickly started to take on an almost spherical shape, rounding out quite nicely, much to the chagrin of Terry.
His legs slowly started to sink into the base of his growing body. His arms started to become buried in his rapidly inflating figure, matching his legs. By the end of his growth, only just the very edge of his paws and feet stuck out from his rotund body, uselessly twitching in a vain plea for help.
Terry’s face partially sunk into the top of his body. He had to lift his chin up to make sure his mouth wouldn't be pressed into the side of his figure. To add insult to injury, his cheeks partially puffed out too. His two cheeks rounding out to the size of two basketballs, further trapping Terry’s head in his inflated body.
By the end of it all, his body must have been at least fifteen feet around, making him look like a weather-balloon ready to burst. His hide creaked and groaned, stretched to its limit. Terry groaned, feeling sides of him press into the walls of the bathroom. All the while, more and more people knocked on the door, demanding to get in.
Terry looked down, barely able to see the cup the Grimace Shake had come in. “I hope this isn’t…UrrPpH…isn’t permanent.” he groaned, still uselessly flinching his paws and feet back and forth.
Category Story / Inflation
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Male
Size 120 x 120px
File Size 40.9 kB