Konro was still sitting beside Beni on the bed. Beni was laying on his back with his shirt rolled up exposing his tummy. Konro giggled as he heard small gurgles coming from it.
He placed a hand in on Benimaru’s belly feeling the bubbles inside.
“Your tummy is awfully noisy waka, mind if I take a little listen? Konro asked him. Beni blushed slightly but nodded. Konro thought maybe a closer listen would help give him an idea how bad things were in there.
Konro leaned in closer. He gently rested his head on Benimaru’s tummy pressing his ear against it.
Konro could hear Beni’s insides churning and working extra hard at everything he had eaten. He continued to listen a little longer. He could feel Beni’s tummy rumbling against his cheek.
“It doesn’t sound too good in there Beni..” konro said concerned.
An extremely loud and long rumble from Beni’s tummy caught Konro off guard causing him to move away from his stomach. Beni’s eyes widened at the sudden loud sound. He blushed deep as he glanced down at his belly and then at konro.
“Excuse me..” Beni said sheepishly bringing a hand to his tummy, rubbing it lightly.
“Beni…what did you eat to make your tummy so upset like this?” Konro questioned still shocked by the angry noise he just heard.
Beni’s face reddened even more. He looked away embarrassed as he remembered how he got in this mess.
“It’s not important!” Beni snapped.
Konro frowned.
“I won’t shame you Beni, I am only trying to help” konro reasured calmly as he gently rubbed Benimaru’s stomach.
“Just tell me okay,then I can help make it feel better” konro asked giving a gentle smile.
Beni sighed. “It was the old bat, she made a lot daifuku for us again” Beni told him. “ I was going to wait till you and the girls got back but I was so hungry so I…”
His tummy interrupted with another loud grumble before he could finish the story. He winced in pain slightly. “Ohh..” he moaned.
“ I see” konro chuckled “you couldn’t wait and just ate it all” he added as he patted Beni’s stomach. Beni blushed.
At that moment two curious heads popped in from around the door.
“Hey is waka ok?” A small voice asked concerned.
“ is a he going to die??” Another asked in a worried tone.
It was Hina and Hika. Konro got up and walked over to them.
“He’s not going to die..” konro laughed. Placing his hands on his hips as he looked down to the twins. “He just has a bit of a tummy ache” he added, patting a hand on his own stomach.
“Ok maybe more than a bit of one” he corrected chuckling as a huge belly growl was heard from across the room, Followed by a moan from Benimaru.
“ hey think you girls could do me a favour?” He asked bending down to them.
The girls nodded giggling eager to help Beni. “Think you could grab a hot water bottle for waka’s tummy?” He said, placing a hand on one of the twin’s shoulders. The twins scurried off giggling in search of a hot water bottle.
Beni rolled onto his side and curled into a ball. He wrapped his arms around his gurgling aching stomach.
“Beni!..” konro hesitated as he returned to his bedside.
“Ugh..my..belly..” he whined wrapping his arms tighter against his tummy. “It hurts so bad!”
Konro sat beside Beni on the bed, placing a hand on Beni’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “It’s ok Beni” he said in a calming tone lightly rubbing his shoulder. “I asked the twins to fetch a hot water bottle for you” he explained. a small bubbling noise brought Konro’s attention to Benimaru’s tummy again. “Want me to see if I have anything else that can help with that?” He asked. Beni nodded as he grunted in pain.
“Is this the right one?” Asked one of the twins as they ran up to konro as he made his way down the hall.
“Yes it is Hina, thank you” he responded with a cheery smile, taking the hot water bottle from her. “Now we just need to fill it with hot water” he explained and they both made their way to the kitchen.
When they got to the kitchen, konro filled the hot water bottle with warm water from the kitchen sink. Once filled he closed the lid.
Konro opened the medicine cupboard and glanced around inside. He rummaged around the various bottles and containers inside until he found what he was looking for. “Aha..this should do the trick” he thought to himself picking out one of the bottles.
Back in the bedroom. Beni stared at the wall still on his side clutching his belly. The room was silent apart from his breathing and the constant bubbling and rumbling of his poor upset tummy.
“Ow..” Beni cried softly, wincing as his tummy let out a small but very painful gurgle.
“Waka..I am back” a calming voice announced. Konro returned to the room. He was carrying a small glass medicine bottle and a small spoon. He had the hot water bottle tucked under his arm. He set the medicine bottle and spoon down on the little bedside table. He took out the hot water bottle from under his arm. He asked Beni to roll on his back again, his shirt slipped back down as he moved.
“Here,this might help.” He said showing him the hot water bottle. “Roll up your shirt and I will put this on your tummy” he instructed. Beni lifted up his shirt again exposing most of his stomach. “It will help ease the pain a bit” konro explained. He gently placed the warm hot water bottle on top of Beni’s tummy and pulled Beni’s shirt back down over the top of it.
Benimaru sighed as he felt the warmth on his tummy travel through his body. The warmth was calming to him. Beni noticed the bottle and spoon on the bedside table. “What else have ya got?” Beni questioned curiously raising a brow.
“Oh I also brought up some stomach medicine” konro said reaching for the medicine bottle. “ It should help settle things down in there” he added carefully unscrewing the lid.
He helped Beni to sit up. Beni moaned as he sat up feeling his tummy slosh as he got up. Konro poured the thick pink liquid into the small spoon, he handed the small spoon to Beni. Beni brought slowly brought the spoon to his mouth and swallowed the pink liquid down. He led back down carefully, feeling his belly slosh once again.
Beni yawned. Konro noticed Beni’s eyelids starting fall. The warmth from the hot water bottle was making him sleepy it seemed. A gentle smile grew on Konro’s face as he pulled the bed covers over Beni, tucking him in a bit.
“Someone’s getting tired” Konro chuckled. “Try and get some sleep waka, you may feel better in the morning” he said patting the bed sheets. “Night” Beni grumbled sleepily.
“Goodnight waka” konro responded softly as he switched the lamp off before leaving the room.
Light slowly creeped into the room as dawn broke the next day. Causing Beni’s eyes to peek open slightly. He turned onto his back.
“Waka!!” Two high pitched voices cheered excitedly. The twins ran into the room . “Are you feeling okay now?” One asked worriedly as they both jumped up on the bed. Beni groaned sleepily rubbing his eyes. “Does your tummy still hurt?” Asked the other one as she flopped on top of Beni’s stomach.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me” he moaned as he yawned, a little annoyed by the sudden intrusion. He placed a hand on the twin’s head.
“Sounds like someone’s back to his normal self!” Konro chuckled teasingly as he entered the room with his hands on his hips. “Morning waka!” He greeted “glad to see your feeling better.”
“Yeah I am much better now, I mean it.” Beni reassured smiling slightly.
Benimaru’s tummy rumbled loudly, startling the twins. The one lying on him shot up in surprise. “Relax, that was just my belly rumbling” he laughed as he blushed a little as he adjusted the twin’s headband. The other twin now giggling about the situation.
“That was quite the rumble!” Konro teased laughing with them, causing Beni to blush more.
Konro’s eyes widened at the sound of another loud tummy rumble. He blushed lightly as he realised it was his own tummy rumbling that time. He place a hand against it.
“Damn konro, that was even louder than mine…” Beni smirked. They both laughed until…
Beni and Konro’s empty tummies were now rumbling together hungrily.
“Heh, heh, sounds like I better start on breakfast” konro giggled sheepishly, blushing as he scratched the back of his neck. “Our tummies sound like they are actually trying to communicate” he laughed.
“I will call you when it’s ready, come on girls you can help if you want” konro said as he made his way out the room, the girls giggling as they joined him.
Beni chuckled as he watched them. Placing a hand on his tummy as he felt it rumble again. He was pretty hungry but at least his stomach wasn’t hurting anymore and the bloating had gone back down.
He sighed as he gently rested his eyes for a little while.
He placed a hand in on Benimaru’s belly feeling the bubbles inside.
“Your tummy is awfully noisy waka, mind if I take a little listen? Konro asked him. Beni blushed slightly but nodded. Konro thought maybe a closer listen would help give him an idea how bad things were in there.
Konro leaned in closer. He gently rested his head on Benimaru’s tummy pressing his ear against it.
Konro could hear Beni’s insides churning and working extra hard at everything he had eaten. He continued to listen a little longer. He could feel Beni’s tummy rumbling against his cheek.
“It doesn’t sound too good in there Beni..” konro said concerned.
An extremely loud and long rumble from Beni’s tummy caught Konro off guard causing him to move away from his stomach. Beni’s eyes widened at the sudden loud sound. He blushed deep as he glanced down at his belly and then at konro.
“Excuse me..” Beni said sheepishly bringing a hand to his tummy, rubbing it lightly.
“Beni…what did you eat to make your tummy so upset like this?” Konro questioned still shocked by the angry noise he just heard.
Beni’s face reddened even more. He looked away embarrassed as he remembered how he got in this mess.
“It’s not important!” Beni snapped.
Konro frowned.
“I won’t shame you Beni, I am only trying to help” konro reasured calmly as he gently rubbed Benimaru’s stomach.
“Just tell me okay,then I can help make it feel better” konro asked giving a gentle smile.
Beni sighed. “It was the old bat, she made a lot daifuku for us again” Beni told him. “ I was going to wait till you and the girls got back but I was so hungry so I…”
His tummy interrupted with another loud grumble before he could finish the story. He winced in pain slightly. “Ohh..” he moaned.
“ I see” konro chuckled “you couldn’t wait and just ate it all” he added as he patted Beni’s stomach. Beni blushed.
At that moment two curious heads popped in from around the door.
“Hey is waka ok?” A small voice asked concerned.
“ is a he going to die??” Another asked in a worried tone.
It was Hina and Hika. Konro got up and walked over to them.
“He’s not going to die..” konro laughed. Placing his hands on his hips as he looked down to the twins. “He just has a bit of a tummy ache” he added, patting a hand on his own stomach.
“Ok maybe more than a bit of one” he corrected chuckling as a huge belly growl was heard from across the room, Followed by a moan from Benimaru.
“ hey think you girls could do me a favour?” He asked bending down to them.
The girls nodded giggling eager to help Beni. “Think you could grab a hot water bottle for waka’s tummy?” He said, placing a hand on one of the twin’s shoulders. The twins scurried off giggling in search of a hot water bottle.
Beni rolled onto his side and curled into a ball. He wrapped his arms around his gurgling aching stomach.
“Beni!..” konro hesitated as he returned to his bedside.
“Ugh..my..belly..” he whined wrapping his arms tighter against his tummy. “It hurts so bad!”
Konro sat beside Beni on the bed, placing a hand on Beni’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “It’s ok Beni” he said in a calming tone lightly rubbing his shoulder. “I asked the twins to fetch a hot water bottle for you” he explained. a small bubbling noise brought Konro’s attention to Benimaru’s tummy again. “Want me to see if I have anything else that can help with that?” He asked. Beni nodded as he grunted in pain.
“Is this the right one?” Asked one of the twins as they ran up to konro as he made his way down the hall.
“Yes it is Hina, thank you” he responded with a cheery smile, taking the hot water bottle from her. “Now we just need to fill it with hot water” he explained and they both made their way to the kitchen.
When they got to the kitchen, konro filled the hot water bottle with warm water from the kitchen sink. Once filled he closed the lid.
Konro opened the medicine cupboard and glanced around inside. He rummaged around the various bottles and containers inside until he found what he was looking for. “Aha..this should do the trick” he thought to himself picking out one of the bottles.
Back in the bedroom. Beni stared at the wall still on his side clutching his belly. The room was silent apart from his breathing and the constant bubbling and rumbling of his poor upset tummy.
“Ow..” Beni cried softly, wincing as his tummy let out a small but very painful gurgle.
“Waka..I am back” a calming voice announced. Konro returned to the room. He was carrying a small glass medicine bottle and a small spoon. He had the hot water bottle tucked under his arm. He set the medicine bottle and spoon down on the little bedside table. He took out the hot water bottle from under his arm. He asked Beni to roll on his back again, his shirt slipped back down as he moved.
“Here,this might help.” He said showing him the hot water bottle. “Roll up your shirt and I will put this on your tummy” he instructed. Beni lifted up his shirt again exposing most of his stomach. “It will help ease the pain a bit” konro explained. He gently placed the warm hot water bottle on top of Beni’s tummy and pulled Beni’s shirt back down over the top of it.
Benimaru sighed as he felt the warmth on his tummy travel through his body. The warmth was calming to him. Beni noticed the bottle and spoon on the bedside table. “What else have ya got?” Beni questioned curiously raising a brow.
“Oh I also brought up some stomach medicine” konro said reaching for the medicine bottle. “ It should help settle things down in there” he added carefully unscrewing the lid.
He helped Beni to sit up. Beni moaned as he sat up feeling his tummy slosh as he got up. Konro poured the thick pink liquid into the small spoon, he handed the small spoon to Beni. Beni brought slowly brought the spoon to his mouth and swallowed the pink liquid down. He led back down carefully, feeling his belly slosh once again.
Beni yawned. Konro noticed Beni’s eyelids starting fall. The warmth from the hot water bottle was making him sleepy it seemed. A gentle smile grew on Konro’s face as he pulled the bed covers over Beni, tucking him in a bit.
“Someone’s getting tired” Konro chuckled. “Try and get some sleep waka, you may feel better in the morning” he said patting the bed sheets. “Night” Beni grumbled sleepily.
“Goodnight waka” konro responded softly as he switched the lamp off before leaving the room.
Light slowly creeped into the room as dawn broke the next day. Causing Beni’s eyes to peek open slightly. He turned onto his back.
“Waka!!” Two high pitched voices cheered excitedly. The twins ran into the room . “Are you feeling okay now?” One asked worriedly as they both jumped up on the bed. Beni groaned sleepily rubbing his eyes. “Does your tummy still hurt?” Asked the other one as she flopped on top of Beni’s stomach.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me” he moaned as he yawned, a little annoyed by the sudden intrusion. He placed a hand on the twin’s head.
“Sounds like someone’s back to his normal self!” Konro chuckled teasingly as he entered the room with his hands on his hips. “Morning waka!” He greeted “glad to see your feeling better.”
“Yeah I am much better now, I mean it.” Beni reassured smiling slightly.
Benimaru’s tummy rumbled loudly, startling the twins. The one lying on him shot up in surprise. “Relax, that was just my belly rumbling” he laughed as he blushed a little as he adjusted the twin’s headband. The other twin now giggling about the situation.
“That was quite the rumble!” Konro teased laughing with them, causing Beni to blush more.
Konro’s eyes widened at the sound of another loud tummy rumble. He blushed lightly as he realised it was his own tummy rumbling that time. He place a hand against it.
“Damn konro, that was even louder than mine…” Beni smirked. They both laughed until…
Beni and Konro’s empty tummies were now rumbling together hungrily.
“Heh, heh, sounds like I better start on breakfast” konro giggled sheepishly, blushing as he scratched the back of his neck. “Our tummies sound like they are actually trying to communicate” he laughed.
“I will call you when it’s ready, come on girls you can help if you want” konro said as he made his way out the room, the girls giggling as they joined him.
Beni chuckled as he watched them. Placing a hand on his tummy as he felt it rumble again. He was pretty hungry but at least his stomach wasn’t hurting anymore and the bloating had gone back down.
He sighed as he gently rested his eyes for a little while.
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 600 x 585px
File Size 68.1 kB
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