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Even though Legoshi had moved out of the Cherryton Academy dormitory, he still kept in touch with his old dormmates. If they needed anything, he was always ready to help them in any way, and his friends vice versa. So, when his old dormmate Miguno, the spotted hyena, asked him for a ride home in the countryside, Legoshi was not one to say no.
The sun was still high in the cloudy sky as Legoshi, his childhood friend, Jack, and Miguno drove down the lone country highway. The clouds were leftover from the typhoon that hit the country a few days ago. The storm did little damage, but left public transport like buses and trains out of order for a few days. Miguno’s family had asked for him to return home for a short while to help with repairs, but since public transport was out of order, he had to ask Legoshi for a ride.
Legoshi surprised everyone that he managed to get a car and a driver’s license in such a short time, showing that he wasn’t just sitting around doing nothing after leaving the school. He was more than happy to take one of his friends where ever they needed to go, even if it meant a two-hour drive out of the city and into the country. Making a fun day outing out of it, they packed some lunches and drinks into a cooler and packed into the car, cutting out nearly any need to stop saving for gas.
The air was warm but it was clear the fall was on the way. It was the weekend, so everyone was dressed in relaxing clothes for a day out in the country. Legoshi wore a pair of dark blue pants with a collared light blue shirt while Jack and Miguno dressed in graphic t-shirts and shorts. They chattered much during the drive, mostly Jack and Miguno filling in Legoshi on what he missed after leaving the school. Rule changes, what was happening between the students, personal life, and so on. It made time getting to Miguno’s home go by so swiftly, that they doubted that two hours had actually passed. Normally, the hyena would let them stay awhile before leaving; however, they had to get back on the road if they hoped to get Jack back to the dorms before curfew, giving them just enough time to help unload Miguno's bags and say hello to his family.
"Thanks again for dropping me off," the hyena told his friends. "Will you still be able to pick me up later?"
"Sure. End of the week, right?" Legoshi asked.
"Yep! See you guys then. Be careful out there!"
Legoshi and Jack had gotten back in the car and were ready to make the trip back to the city. "Thanks for riding with me, Jack,” Legoshi told the Labrador. “The trip back would have bored me out of my mind."
Jack smiled, "No, problem. We canines are pack animals after all. We're better when we are together."
Legoshi had started the car up and turned back to the road. "That's good and all but we still got two hours on the road to burn. One less of us is going to make it boring."
They drove at least a mile before Jack said, "Crap. I wished I asked Miguno if I could use the bathroom before we left. We were in such a hurry, I forgot to ask."
"Shoot! I was thinking the same thing. We’re not too far. I'm going to turn around."
“No, wait," Jack said, "Want to have a hold-it contest?"
"A what?" Legoshi looked at him with a questioning arched eyebrow, "Hold-it contest? What's that?"
Jack reached into the backseat and grabbed two sodas from the cooler. "It’s a game where whoever pees first loses." Jack popped a can for himself, putting it into his cup holder before popping one for Legoshi and handing it to him.
"What kinda crazy game is that?" the wolf asked.
"It’s something to pass the time. We play it all the time in the dorm. You're looking at the one and only reigning champ." Jack added with a puff of his chest."
Legoshi chuckled at the thought of his dormmates pee-pee dancing around the dorms. "Really? A champ at holding your pee? Is that really something to boast about? Besides, if you wet this car…"
"Oh, come on! We're both too old to let that happen,” Jack said.
“Too old?” Legoshi added with a smirk, “I think I recall one night while we were in the acting club…”
“That happened once!... I mean, I keep telling you I didn’t wet myself! I spilled my drink.” Jack responded with a blush.
“You can’t fool my nose that easily. That smelled a lot like pee.”
“I’m telling you it wasn’t.” Eager to change the subject, Jack sighed and continued his explanation. “As I was saying, all we do is drink the sodas and hold off peeing until we can’t anymore. When we really need to pee, we can always stop at the next gas station or at least pull over.”
Legoshi gave it a quick thought. During the trip into the county, he had downed two sodas same as Jack, so he already needed to pee. He felt what was left of the drinks bloating his bladder, urging him to seek a toilet. The need wasn’t urgent yet but noticeable, and he was guessing Jack was in the same situation. He didn’t think that this was the best way to pass the time, but he didn’t have any ideas. With a sigh, the wolf agreed, "Alright, sure." He took the soda can and drank the cola along with Jack. “Whatever passes the time faster. Don’t get mad at me if you end up wetting yourself again.”
“Not going to happen,” Jack said proudly before adding, “And I told you that didn’t happen!”
“I know, I know…” The wolf said before drinking the can dry along with Jack.
While Legoshi drove, Jack did most of the talking. Legoshi talked about his life outside of school, but after talking about his apartment and his new job it was a short-lived subject. Jack kept the conversation going as he chatted about the status of the school clubs, how everyone was doing, and especially the advanced classes he was taking. All the while, they drank one soda after another at the same time in no particular pattern. Both of them felt their need for a bathroom break worsening but neither addressed it until they came to a gas station. Legoshi asked Jack if he wanted to skip it, to which Jack replied, “No, but you could if you want.” As if taunting him. That just got the wolf more interested in their contest. He watched as the station passed by, realizing that it was going to be a long drive before they see another one. This might get a little interesting, he thought.
They were on the road for an hour, leaving them with another hour to go before they could see the city. More than enough time passed for the soda to pass through their systems and fill their bladders. They were chugging on their fourth and last soda as Jack discussed the history he was learning in his classes. The wolf felt the soda weighing heavily in his abdomen, his need to pee growing serious. He was starting to wonder where the next gas station was. He knew he had not passed it yet. Meanwhile, he listened closely to Jack as he spoke of past world wars like it was telling a story. "…So, the battle between the Lion Kingdom and the House of Hyenas spanned for twelve years,” Jack continued, “After all that fighting, they had to give up."
"Why? It thought that they had a good chance of winning,” the wolf asked.
"Because the war had gone on for so long it was destroying the land. So, it was a choice: win and have no land to live on, or lose and at least have a home to go back to. They had to choose which battle to win it seems.”
“Interesting,” Legoshi said. “I miss learning that kind of stuff. Why don’t they teach history like that in the regular classes?” That was when he noticed Jack sitting stiffly, his legs pressed together and his right leg bouncing. "Hey, you doing okay over there? You look a little stiff.”
"Me? I-I'm fine,” Jack quickly answered, his ears perking suddenly. He shifted in his seat, adjusting his pose not to look so obvious that he needed to pee.
“You don’t need to pee already do you?” Legoshi teased. “We’re still far from the next gas station. You’re not going to wet yourself in my car, are you?”
“N-no! I don’t need to pee yet,” Jack responded as he shifted his legs. “But we should stop at the next station. Not that I need to pee! W-We're all out of sodas and I’m still thirsty.”
Jack was denying it, but Legoshi was thinking they should stop soon. After no toilet break for the last few hours between two long trips and all that extra soda adding to the fullness of his bladder, he was bursting to pee. Other than bouncing his left leg, Legoshi wasn’t showing his desperation much, yet he was struggling with his bladder, its fullness becoming an urgent ringing in his mind.
Jack on the other hand seemed to be having a harder time. He was talking a lot less, his eyes mostly watching the side of the road for somewhere to pee, but there was nothing but forest and the fading daylight. His legs stayed pressed together and bounced nervously on his toes. He tried to make himself stop but found his legs moving again on their own. His desperation was growing faster than he expected, the sodas quickly filling his bladder. Thinking back to the six sodas he drank throughout the trip, he pondered that he may have overdone it. “Maybe this contest wasn’t such a good idea,” he thought, but he calmed himself. “It’s the lack of a ready restroom nearby that’s making me nervous. I never drunk this much before in a contest but I got this. I can hold it.”
Time seemed to drag on the longer they drove. Clouds were beginning to darken the sky as the afternoon came around. The station that they knew they were supposed to pass soon wasn’t showing up. They were on the right road, but it still felt like it was taking longer than it should have. Both of them were dying to pee, much of the six sodas having made it to their bursting bladders. Jack was trembling, his body hunched over and his legs pressed firmly together. He kept his arms around his middle, the closest he allowed himself to grab his crotch. It was clear to anyone he needed to pee, but he still didn’t want to grasp himself yet, at least not until Legoshi did. The wolf’s legs were bouncing anxiously, the heaviness in his abdomen making him hunch forward on the steering wheel. “Jeez, why did I let you talk me into playing this crazy game?” he muttered.
Jack squirmed, shifting his position for the umpteenth time. “I know right? It seemed like a great idea at the time,” he chuckled. “I gotta go just as bad as you. Misery and company, am I right?” Jack’s fidgeting grew more desperate as a sudden wave pulsated from his bladder. A whimper slipped out as crossed his legs and pressed his fist into his crotch.
“You okay over there?” Legoshi said glancing at Jack’s way, “Should I pull over?”
“N-no!” Jack said with a whimper, his bladder still protesting against him, “I can make it to the gas station. I’m not going to let you win that easily!”
Legoshi considered pulling over so he could relieve himself, but his pride wouldn’t allow it. He knew the game was dumb, but he couldn’t bring himself to give up. “The station can’t be too far,” he thought, “My bladder is about to explode but I can make it.” He chuckled at his own stubbornness. “Fine,” he told Jack. “I’m not going to let you win either.”
The longer they drove, the more Jack couldn’t keep still. His ears were laid back and his legs crossed with his fist pressed into his groin. Just when Jack was about to ask if they were getting any closer to that gas station, he spotted the building coming up around a turn. “There it is!” he said, urging Legoshi to get there quick. The wolf didn’t need any encouragement as he hastily turned the car into the parking lot. He found it odd that no other cars were there, or any customers walking around. Then, he noticed the sign in the window.
“Closed?” Jack groaned as he read the sign, “‘Due to typhoon damage, we are closed until further notice.’ Oh, come on!”
Legoshi huffed, then turned the car back to the road. “Don’t worry. I think there’s another station 20 minutes from here. It’ll be the last one before we reach the city. At least, I think so…Think you can hold it until then?”
“What are you talking about? I don’t need to go that much,” Another sudden wave made the Labrador stiffen his body, pressing his fist harder into his crotch. “I can hold it until we get there.”
“Uh huh,” Legoshi simply replied. “You don’t look like it.”
“I’m fine…but if you can, please drive fast.”
Legoshi drove as fast as the speed limit would allow, not wanting to risk getting pulled over on a country road. He realized he was smart to play it safe as he passed a speed trap. Again, they were desperately looking for another gas station. They were going the right way as far as Legoshi knew, but it was nowhere to be found. The road wasn’t that unknown to Legoshi; He could detour off the highway to find a rest stop, but it would cost them time and Jack needed to make it back to the dorm before it got too late, so, they stayed on the highway.
Another pained whimper made Legoshi glance at Jack again. The dog had his hands pressed between his legs squeezing his crotch. Jack looked back at Legoshi surprised at how almost normal the wolf looked compared to him. Jack asked, “How do you not need to pee?”
"What do you mean? I need to pee just as bad as you do." The wolf commented.
"Well, you're hiding pretty well. I ‘am about to burst over here and I can’t keep still.”
"Please don’t burst in my car,” Legoshi said flatly. “There's just no point in all the squirming, I guess. Besides, I’m driving so I can’t be moving around in my seat.”
Jack stopped himself from fidgeting, finding he could keep still if he tried. Still, he kept his legs together and every once in a while, he was shifting his seat again. Jack had completely stopped talking, his eyes focused on the road searching for that station he needed. All the while, the wolf was suffering just as bad. His focus was on the road, but all he could think about was how much he needed to pee. Already, his bladder was trying to force pee out, waves of urgency aching from his bladder. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to pull over and pee, not only because he was worrying about getting caught by the patrol but because he wanted to beat Jack. The risk of wetting his pants and his car kept growing with each passing mile, but Legoshi was going all in.
"There! Legoshi, that gas station!"
The wolf had already spotted it and made the turn and drove into the parking lot. Unlike the last place, the parking lot was packed with cars. The six gas pumps all had a line of cars in front of them and if it wasn’t for another customer driving away, Legoshi wouldn’t have found a parking spot.
"Is it just me or are there a lot of cars here?” Legoshi asked as he turned his car off. “I know it’s a gas station and all…"
"I bet the other stations are down like the last one. So, everyone's flocking to this one since it's still in business." Jack hastily got his seat beat off. "I hope the restrooms are working still.”
Not far was a sign pointing to a nearby building that served as the restroom for the gas station. Just as they hoped, the restrooms were working, but to their displeasure, there were lines. There were two lines for the restrooms, one for each gender. Luckily the line for males was shorter but it was still five bodies too long for Legoshi and Jack’s liking.
“We’ll be waiting forever,” Jack whined as he squeezed his crotch.
“You rather we look for another restroom?” Legoshi stated, “There won’t be another gas station until we reach the city.”
“It’s okay. I can wait. Let's just get in line before it gets longer. Maybe it won’t take that long.”
They got out of the car and stood at the end of the line, Jack standing in front of Legoshi. They kept watch on the line ahead of them when one male came out of the restroom, and another when inside, leaving four more until they had a turn. The minutes felt way too long as the two waited, their bladders growing more impatient.
Jack was fidgeting frantically. Being so close to the toilet was driving his bladder crazy. He was past the point of hiding it, his hand gripping his crotch between crisscrossing legs. The other waiters could see he needed to pee but were showing him no sympathy in giving them their place in line. Legoshi shifted his weight back and forth on his toes, his legs clamped together. The feeling of his pee on the verge of leaking tingled in his groin, warning that if he let up for even a second, he was going to piss his pants.
One of the males ahead of them, a brownish goat, suddenly threw up his hands. “To hell with this!” he groaned and got out of the line. He walked around the building to the other side.
“Did he just go pee behind the building or something?” Legoshi asked. “Maybe we should try that.”
“No, it won’t be long now,” Jack said giving his crotch a harder squeeze. “There are only three more people.”
Two came out and two went in, leaving one in front of them before they reached the door. The closer they came to relief, the more their bladders throbbed, their pee growing harder to contain, their sphincters at their limit. Moments later, they were in the restroom, but their waiting was not over. They found that the line was long because the urinals were out of order, marked off with yellow and black warning tape but the two toilet stalls were still open and occupied. Outside the stalls, two other males waited their turn with Legoshi and Jack next and a Jackal waiting behind them. Legoshi leaned against a near wall. His legs were crossed and his body trembling. Clearly, he needed to pee but still had enough control to maintain some composure. Jack on the other hand was doing an all-out pee-pee dance. His hand was nearly crushing his groin as he stepped back and forth, staring longingly at the stall doors.
The next few minutes were a hell of a wait, but then the next two were in the stalls and finally, Jack and Legoshi were next in line.
“Legoshi, you want to take it?” Jake suddenly asked.
Legoshi looked at Jack dumbfounded. “What? You’re next in line.”
“It’s alright. You go first.”
Legoshi understood what Jack was trying to do. He was still trying to win that game, even though he was clearly about to wet his shorts. Legoshi couldn’t help but be impressed by his tenacity. He wanted to take the offer but the last shiver of his pride made him say, “No, you take it.”
One of the stalls opened and a younger eagle walked out. “All yours,” the eagle said to the wolf and dog before leaving (and not washing his hands).
Jack, nearly buckling at the knees and both his hands holding his crotch offered the open stall again, “Go…take it…” he muttered as he fought with his bladder.
Before Legoshi could respond, the older Jackal that was waiting behind them said. “Well, if neither of you are going to use it...” He stepped forward and took the empty stall without another word.
Jack hammered his fist on the stall door, his other hand holding his crotch. “Hey, wait a sec! We were next!”
Jack was answered by loud farts coming from the other side. “You snooze, you lose!” said the Jackal.
The other stall door opened and a white mink walked out, not even taking a moment to notice Jack and Legoshi as he stepped to the sink to wash his hands.
“Oh, thank goodness…” Jack sighed. He reached for the stall door when suddenly Legoshi ran into the stall and slammed the door behind himself.
“Legoshi! Wait!” Jack cried as she grabbed the stall handle, but the wolf had already locked the door.
“Sorry, Jack!” The wolf called back.
Suddenly, Jack felt warm dampness leaking from his crotch. He grabbed his groin to stop the seepage but the dampness would not stop. “No, no, no! Not again!” he whimpered loudly. There was nowhere left for him to pee and he was wetting his pants. With one idea left in mind and dashed out of the restroom holding his darkening crotch.
Legoshi was standing in front of the toilet already unbuckling his pants. He was bouncing from foot to foot, struggling to hold his pee for a few seconds more to get his pants and underwear out of the way first. The second his zipper was down and his shaft through his boxers, he let go. Piss gushed out of him in a powerful yellow stream that slammed against the water of the toilet. The wolf sighed, his body slumping with relief while he maintained his aim. Relaxation overcame him as the pent-up hot piss flowed steadily out of him, his bloated bladder quickly emptying. That was a close call, he thought. That had to be the most desperate to pee he had ever been in a long time. A few seconds longer and I wouldn’t have made it, he thought with another sigh. He could only imagine what Jack was going to do.
Meanwhile, Jack raced out of the Male’s room much to the waiting people's dismay, and ran behind the building. Out of sight and alone, he struggled to get his shorts undone. “Come on! Come on!!” he whimpered. Already, there was a sizeable dark stain on the front of his shorts that was getting bigger. Finally, he got his shorts undone, letting them fall around his legs in a hurry. He was already peeing strongly when he got his dick free of his clothes and aimed it at the restroom building wall. He leaned forward on it fatigued, steadying himself with one arm. Tension slipped out of him as his bladder hastily emptied, but he couldn’t relax. He may have not let it happen completely but there was no doubt about it; he wet himself. His white briefs were stained with yellow and his shorts were darkened and soaked. He made a shameful whimper as he looked at his soiled shorts. For the moment, all he wanted to do was pee.
“Jack…You alright?”
The Labrador nearly jumped out of his fur when Legoshi came around the corner. Jack was peeing his last when the wolf checked on him. “Yeah…I’m okay…” he said sadly. Shamefully, Jack pulled up his shorts, the stain on the front making it clear what happened. “Crap, I can’t believe…”
“Well, looks like you won,” Legoshi said.
“I peed before you did. Doesn’t that mean you win the contest?”
Jack’s look of confusion turned into a smile. “Hehe…yeah, you’re right! I did win! Heh. The price of victory was a bit high though,” he said pointing to his wet spot.”
“That’s kind of the reason why I took that stall from you,” Legoshi scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “I could have won and wet myself, or lose and have dry pants. You can say I choose which battle to win. Guess which I choose.”
Remembering the history lesson he gave earlier got a smile out of Jack. “Well, what do you know? You do listen when I talk about school stuff,” he said with a growing smile. “I got to beat you and I got to teach you something. I guess it was worth it in the end.”
“Hmph! You didn’t win…I gave up,” Legoshi said with a pout crossing his arms.
Jack’s smug grin never left his face. “Yeah, whatever you say. I still won.”
“Just one question: back in the stalls you said ‘Not again.’ What did you mean by that? Were you talking about the acting club incident…?”
“I don’t know about you but I’m ready to out of here!" Jack quickly said, his face blushing with the memory. He started to walk toward the car when he felt a tug on the back of his shirt. He looked back and saw Legoshi holding him back with two fingers grabbing his shirt "Huh?"
"You're not getting back in my car like that." the wolf answered as he pointed at Jack's wet shorts.
"Oh…right…heh heh…We should do something about that.”
Even though Legoshi had moved out of the Cherryton Academy dormitory, he still kept in touch with his old dormmates. If they needed anything, he was always ready to help them in any way, and his friends vice versa. So, when his old dormmate Miguno, the spotted hyena, asked him for a ride home in the countryside, Legoshi was not one to say no.
The sun was still high in the cloudy sky as Legoshi, his childhood friend, Jack, and Miguno drove down the lone country highway. The clouds were leftover from the typhoon that hit the country a few days ago. The storm did little damage, but left public transport like buses and trains out of order for a few days. Miguno’s family had asked for him to return home for a short while to help with repairs, but since public transport was out of order, he had to ask Legoshi for a ride.
Legoshi surprised everyone that he managed to get a car and a driver’s license in such a short time, showing that he wasn’t just sitting around doing nothing after leaving the school. He was more than happy to take one of his friends where ever they needed to go, even if it meant a two-hour drive out of the city and into the country. Making a fun day outing out of it, they packed some lunches and drinks into a cooler and packed into the car, cutting out nearly any need to stop saving for gas.
The air was warm but it was clear the fall was on the way. It was the weekend, so everyone was dressed in relaxing clothes for a day out in the country. Legoshi wore a pair of dark blue pants with a collared light blue shirt while Jack and Miguno dressed in graphic t-shirts and shorts. They chattered much during the drive, mostly Jack and Miguno filling in Legoshi on what he missed after leaving the school. Rule changes, what was happening between the students, personal life, and so on. It made time getting to Miguno’s home go by so swiftly, that they doubted that two hours had actually passed. Normally, the hyena would let them stay awhile before leaving; however, they had to get back on the road if they hoped to get Jack back to the dorms before curfew, giving them just enough time to help unload Miguno's bags and say hello to his family.
"Thanks again for dropping me off," the hyena told his friends. "Will you still be able to pick me up later?"
"Sure. End of the week, right?" Legoshi asked.
"Yep! See you guys then. Be careful out there!"
Legoshi and Jack had gotten back in the car and were ready to make the trip back to the city. "Thanks for riding with me, Jack,” Legoshi told the Labrador. “The trip back would have bored me out of my mind."
Jack smiled, "No, problem. We canines are pack animals after all. We're better when we are together."
Legoshi had started the car up and turned back to the road. "That's good and all but we still got two hours on the road to burn. One less of us is going to make it boring."
They drove at least a mile before Jack said, "Crap. I wished I asked Miguno if I could use the bathroom before we left. We were in such a hurry, I forgot to ask."
"Shoot! I was thinking the same thing. We’re not too far. I'm going to turn around."
“No, wait," Jack said, "Want to have a hold-it contest?"
"A what?" Legoshi looked at him with a questioning arched eyebrow, "Hold-it contest? What's that?"
Jack reached into the backseat and grabbed two sodas from the cooler. "It’s a game where whoever pees first loses." Jack popped a can for himself, putting it into his cup holder before popping one for Legoshi and handing it to him.
"What kinda crazy game is that?" the wolf asked.
"It’s something to pass the time. We play it all the time in the dorm. You're looking at the one and only reigning champ." Jack added with a puff of his chest."
Legoshi chuckled at the thought of his dormmates pee-pee dancing around the dorms. "Really? A champ at holding your pee? Is that really something to boast about? Besides, if you wet this car…"
"Oh, come on! We're both too old to let that happen,” Jack said.
“Too old?” Legoshi added with a smirk, “I think I recall one night while we were in the acting club…”
“That happened once!... I mean, I keep telling you I didn’t wet myself! I spilled my drink.” Jack responded with a blush.
“You can’t fool my nose that easily. That smelled a lot like pee.”
“I’m telling you it wasn’t.” Eager to change the subject, Jack sighed and continued his explanation. “As I was saying, all we do is drink the sodas and hold off peeing until we can’t anymore. When we really need to pee, we can always stop at the next gas station or at least pull over.”
Legoshi gave it a quick thought. During the trip into the county, he had downed two sodas same as Jack, so he already needed to pee. He felt what was left of the drinks bloating his bladder, urging him to seek a toilet. The need wasn’t urgent yet but noticeable, and he was guessing Jack was in the same situation. He didn’t think that this was the best way to pass the time, but he didn’t have any ideas. With a sigh, the wolf agreed, "Alright, sure." He took the soda can and drank the cola along with Jack. “Whatever passes the time faster. Don’t get mad at me if you end up wetting yourself again.”
“Not going to happen,” Jack said proudly before adding, “And I told you that didn’t happen!”
“I know, I know…” The wolf said before drinking the can dry along with Jack.
While Legoshi drove, Jack did most of the talking. Legoshi talked about his life outside of school, but after talking about his apartment and his new job it was a short-lived subject. Jack kept the conversation going as he chatted about the status of the school clubs, how everyone was doing, and especially the advanced classes he was taking. All the while, they drank one soda after another at the same time in no particular pattern. Both of them felt their need for a bathroom break worsening but neither addressed it until they came to a gas station. Legoshi asked Jack if he wanted to skip it, to which Jack replied, “No, but you could if you want.” As if taunting him. That just got the wolf more interested in their contest. He watched as the station passed by, realizing that it was going to be a long drive before they see another one. This might get a little interesting, he thought.
They were on the road for an hour, leaving them with another hour to go before they could see the city. More than enough time passed for the soda to pass through their systems and fill their bladders. They were chugging on their fourth and last soda as Jack discussed the history he was learning in his classes. The wolf felt the soda weighing heavily in his abdomen, his need to pee growing serious. He was starting to wonder where the next gas station was. He knew he had not passed it yet. Meanwhile, he listened closely to Jack as he spoke of past world wars like it was telling a story. "…So, the battle between the Lion Kingdom and the House of Hyenas spanned for twelve years,” Jack continued, “After all that fighting, they had to give up."
"Why? It thought that they had a good chance of winning,” the wolf asked.
"Because the war had gone on for so long it was destroying the land. So, it was a choice: win and have no land to live on, or lose and at least have a home to go back to. They had to choose which battle to win it seems.”
“Interesting,” Legoshi said. “I miss learning that kind of stuff. Why don’t they teach history like that in the regular classes?” That was when he noticed Jack sitting stiffly, his legs pressed together and his right leg bouncing. "Hey, you doing okay over there? You look a little stiff.”
"Me? I-I'm fine,” Jack quickly answered, his ears perking suddenly. He shifted in his seat, adjusting his pose not to look so obvious that he needed to pee.
“You don’t need to pee already do you?” Legoshi teased. “We’re still far from the next gas station. You’re not going to wet yourself in my car, are you?”
“N-no! I don’t need to pee yet,” Jack responded as he shifted his legs. “But we should stop at the next station. Not that I need to pee! W-We're all out of sodas and I’m still thirsty.”
Jack was denying it, but Legoshi was thinking they should stop soon. After no toilet break for the last few hours between two long trips and all that extra soda adding to the fullness of his bladder, he was bursting to pee. Other than bouncing his left leg, Legoshi wasn’t showing his desperation much, yet he was struggling with his bladder, its fullness becoming an urgent ringing in his mind.
Jack on the other hand seemed to be having a harder time. He was talking a lot less, his eyes mostly watching the side of the road for somewhere to pee, but there was nothing but forest and the fading daylight. His legs stayed pressed together and bounced nervously on his toes. He tried to make himself stop but found his legs moving again on their own. His desperation was growing faster than he expected, the sodas quickly filling his bladder. Thinking back to the six sodas he drank throughout the trip, he pondered that he may have overdone it. “Maybe this contest wasn’t such a good idea,” he thought, but he calmed himself. “It’s the lack of a ready restroom nearby that’s making me nervous. I never drunk this much before in a contest but I got this. I can hold it.”
Time seemed to drag on the longer they drove. Clouds were beginning to darken the sky as the afternoon came around. The station that they knew they were supposed to pass soon wasn’t showing up. They were on the right road, but it still felt like it was taking longer than it should have. Both of them were dying to pee, much of the six sodas having made it to their bursting bladders. Jack was trembling, his body hunched over and his legs pressed firmly together. He kept his arms around his middle, the closest he allowed himself to grab his crotch. It was clear to anyone he needed to pee, but he still didn’t want to grasp himself yet, at least not until Legoshi did. The wolf’s legs were bouncing anxiously, the heaviness in his abdomen making him hunch forward on the steering wheel. “Jeez, why did I let you talk me into playing this crazy game?” he muttered.
Jack squirmed, shifting his position for the umpteenth time. “I know right? It seemed like a great idea at the time,” he chuckled. “I gotta go just as bad as you. Misery and company, am I right?” Jack’s fidgeting grew more desperate as a sudden wave pulsated from his bladder. A whimper slipped out as crossed his legs and pressed his fist into his crotch.
“You okay over there?” Legoshi said glancing at Jack’s way, “Should I pull over?”
“N-no!” Jack said with a whimper, his bladder still protesting against him, “I can make it to the gas station. I’m not going to let you win that easily!”
Legoshi considered pulling over so he could relieve himself, but his pride wouldn’t allow it. He knew the game was dumb, but he couldn’t bring himself to give up. “The station can’t be too far,” he thought, “My bladder is about to explode but I can make it.” He chuckled at his own stubbornness. “Fine,” he told Jack. “I’m not going to let you win either.”
The longer they drove, the more Jack couldn’t keep still. His ears were laid back and his legs crossed with his fist pressed into his groin. Just when Jack was about to ask if they were getting any closer to that gas station, he spotted the building coming up around a turn. “There it is!” he said, urging Legoshi to get there quick. The wolf didn’t need any encouragement as he hastily turned the car into the parking lot. He found it odd that no other cars were there, or any customers walking around. Then, he noticed the sign in the window.
“Closed?” Jack groaned as he read the sign, “‘Due to typhoon damage, we are closed until further notice.’ Oh, come on!”
Legoshi huffed, then turned the car back to the road. “Don’t worry. I think there’s another station 20 minutes from here. It’ll be the last one before we reach the city. At least, I think so…Think you can hold it until then?”
“What are you talking about? I don’t need to go that much,” Another sudden wave made the Labrador stiffen his body, pressing his fist harder into his crotch. “I can hold it until we get there.”
“Uh huh,” Legoshi simply replied. “You don’t look like it.”
“I’m fine…but if you can, please drive fast.”
Legoshi drove as fast as the speed limit would allow, not wanting to risk getting pulled over on a country road. He realized he was smart to play it safe as he passed a speed trap. Again, they were desperately looking for another gas station. They were going the right way as far as Legoshi knew, but it was nowhere to be found. The road wasn’t that unknown to Legoshi; He could detour off the highway to find a rest stop, but it would cost them time and Jack needed to make it back to the dorm before it got too late, so, they stayed on the highway.
Another pained whimper made Legoshi glance at Jack again. The dog had his hands pressed between his legs squeezing his crotch. Jack looked back at Legoshi surprised at how almost normal the wolf looked compared to him. Jack asked, “How do you not need to pee?”
"What do you mean? I need to pee just as bad as you do." The wolf commented.
"Well, you're hiding pretty well. I ‘am about to burst over here and I can’t keep still.”
"Please don’t burst in my car,” Legoshi said flatly. “There's just no point in all the squirming, I guess. Besides, I’m driving so I can’t be moving around in my seat.”
Jack stopped himself from fidgeting, finding he could keep still if he tried. Still, he kept his legs together and every once in a while, he was shifting his seat again. Jack had completely stopped talking, his eyes focused on the road searching for that station he needed. All the while, the wolf was suffering just as bad. His focus was on the road, but all he could think about was how much he needed to pee. Already, his bladder was trying to force pee out, waves of urgency aching from his bladder. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to pull over and pee, not only because he was worrying about getting caught by the patrol but because he wanted to beat Jack. The risk of wetting his pants and his car kept growing with each passing mile, but Legoshi was going all in.
"There! Legoshi, that gas station!"
The wolf had already spotted it and made the turn and drove into the parking lot. Unlike the last place, the parking lot was packed with cars. The six gas pumps all had a line of cars in front of them and if it wasn’t for another customer driving away, Legoshi wouldn’t have found a parking spot.
"Is it just me or are there a lot of cars here?” Legoshi asked as he turned his car off. “I know it’s a gas station and all…"
"I bet the other stations are down like the last one. So, everyone's flocking to this one since it's still in business." Jack hastily got his seat beat off. "I hope the restrooms are working still.”
Not far was a sign pointing to a nearby building that served as the restroom for the gas station. Just as they hoped, the restrooms were working, but to their displeasure, there were lines. There were two lines for the restrooms, one for each gender. Luckily the line for males was shorter but it was still five bodies too long for Legoshi and Jack’s liking.
“We’ll be waiting forever,” Jack whined as he squeezed his crotch.
“You rather we look for another restroom?” Legoshi stated, “There won’t be another gas station until we reach the city.”
“It’s okay. I can wait. Let's just get in line before it gets longer. Maybe it won’t take that long.”
They got out of the car and stood at the end of the line, Jack standing in front of Legoshi. They kept watch on the line ahead of them when one male came out of the restroom, and another when inside, leaving four more until they had a turn. The minutes felt way too long as the two waited, their bladders growing more impatient.
Jack was fidgeting frantically. Being so close to the toilet was driving his bladder crazy. He was past the point of hiding it, his hand gripping his crotch between crisscrossing legs. The other waiters could see he needed to pee but were showing him no sympathy in giving them their place in line. Legoshi shifted his weight back and forth on his toes, his legs clamped together. The feeling of his pee on the verge of leaking tingled in his groin, warning that if he let up for even a second, he was going to piss his pants.
One of the males ahead of them, a brownish goat, suddenly threw up his hands. “To hell with this!” he groaned and got out of the line. He walked around the building to the other side.
“Did he just go pee behind the building or something?” Legoshi asked. “Maybe we should try that.”
“No, it won’t be long now,” Jack said giving his crotch a harder squeeze. “There are only three more people.”
Two came out and two went in, leaving one in front of them before they reached the door. The closer they came to relief, the more their bladders throbbed, their pee growing harder to contain, their sphincters at their limit. Moments later, they were in the restroom, but their waiting was not over. They found that the line was long because the urinals were out of order, marked off with yellow and black warning tape but the two toilet stalls were still open and occupied. Outside the stalls, two other males waited their turn with Legoshi and Jack next and a Jackal waiting behind them. Legoshi leaned against a near wall. His legs were crossed and his body trembling. Clearly, he needed to pee but still had enough control to maintain some composure. Jack on the other hand was doing an all-out pee-pee dance. His hand was nearly crushing his groin as he stepped back and forth, staring longingly at the stall doors.
The next few minutes were a hell of a wait, but then the next two were in the stalls and finally, Jack and Legoshi were next in line.
“Legoshi, you want to take it?” Jake suddenly asked.
Legoshi looked at Jack dumbfounded. “What? You’re next in line.”
“It’s alright. You go first.”
Legoshi understood what Jack was trying to do. He was still trying to win that game, even though he was clearly about to wet his shorts. Legoshi couldn’t help but be impressed by his tenacity. He wanted to take the offer but the last shiver of his pride made him say, “No, you take it.”
One of the stalls opened and a younger eagle walked out. “All yours,” the eagle said to the wolf and dog before leaving (and not washing his hands).
Jack, nearly buckling at the knees and both his hands holding his crotch offered the open stall again, “Go…take it…” he muttered as he fought with his bladder.
Before Legoshi could respond, the older Jackal that was waiting behind them said. “Well, if neither of you are going to use it...” He stepped forward and took the empty stall without another word.
Jack hammered his fist on the stall door, his other hand holding his crotch. “Hey, wait a sec! We were next!”
Jack was answered by loud farts coming from the other side. “You snooze, you lose!” said the Jackal.
The other stall door opened and a white mink walked out, not even taking a moment to notice Jack and Legoshi as he stepped to the sink to wash his hands.
“Oh, thank goodness…” Jack sighed. He reached for the stall door when suddenly Legoshi ran into the stall and slammed the door behind himself.
“Legoshi! Wait!” Jack cried as she grabbed the stall handle, but the wolf had already locked the door.
“Sorry, Jack!” The wolf called back.
Suddenly, Jack felt warm dampness leaking from his crotch. He grabbed his groin to stop the seepage but the dampness would not stop. “No, no, no! Not again!” he whimpered loudly. There was nowhere left for him to pee and he was wetting his pants. With one idea left in mind and dashed out of the restroom holding his darkening crotch.
Legoshi was standing in front of the toilet already unbuckling his pants. He was bouncing from foot to foot, struggling to hold his pee for a few seconds more to get his pants and underwear out of the way first. The second his zipper was down and his shaft through his boxers, he let go. Piss gushed out of him in a powerful yellow stream that slammed against the water of the toilet. The wolf sighed, his body slumping with relief while he maintained his aim. Relaxation overcame him as the pent-up hot piss flowed steadily out of him, his bloated bladder quickly emptying. That was a close call, he thought. That had to be the most desperate to pee he had ever been in a long time. A few seconds longer and I wouldn’t have made it, he thought with another sigh. He could only imagine what Jack was going to do.
Meanwhile, Jack raced out of the Male’s room much to the waiting people's dismay, and ran behind the building. Out of sight and alone, he struggled to get his shorts undone. “Come on! Come on!!” he whimpered. Already, there was a sizeable dark stain on the front of his shorts that was getting bigger. Finally, he got his shorts undone, letting them fall around his legs in a hurry. He was already peeing strongly when he got his dick free of his clothes and aimed it at the restroom building wall. He leaned forward on it fatigued, steadying himself with one arm. Tension slipped out of him as his bladder hastily emptied, but he couldn’t relax. He may have not let it happen completely but there was no doubt about it; he wet himself. His white briefs were stained with yellow and his shorts were darkened and soaked. He made a shameful whimper as he looked at his soiled shorts. For the moment, all he wanted to do was pee.
“Jack…You alright?”
The Labrador nearly jumped out of his fur when Legoshi came around the corner. Jack was peeing his last when the wolf checked on him. “Yeah…I’m okay…” he said sadly. Shamefully, Jack pulled up his shorts, the stain on the front making it clear what happened. “Crap, I can’t believe…”
“Well, looks like you won,” Legoshi said.
“I peed before you did. Doesn’t that mean you win the contest?”
Jack’s look of confusion turned into a smile. “Hehe…yeah, you’re right! I did win! Heh. The price of victory was a bit high though,” he said pointing to his wet spot.”
“That’s kind of the reason why I took that stall from you,” Legoshi scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “I could have won and wet myself, or lose and have dry pants. You can say I choose which battle to win. Guess which I choose.”
Remembering the history lesson he gave earlier got a smile out of Jack. “Well, what do you know? You do listen when I talk about school stuff,” he said with a growing smile. “I got to beat you and I got to teach you something. I guess it was worth it in the end.”
“Hmph! You didn’t win…I gave up,” Legoshi said with a pout crossing his arms.
Jack’s smug grin never left his face. “Yeah, whatever you say. I still won.”
“Just one question: back in the stalls you said ‘Not again.’ What did you mean by that? Were you talking about the acting club incident…?”
“I don’t know about you but I’m ready to out of here!" Jack quickly said, his face blushing with the memory. He started to walk toward the car when he felt a tug on the back of his shirt. He looked back and saw Legoshi holding him back with two fingers grabbing his shirt "Huh?"
"You're not getting back in my car like that." the wolf answered as he pointed at Jack's wet shorts.
"Oh…right…heh heh…We should do something about that.”
(Commission) Legoshi & Jack's Trip through the country
A commission for
*For the intents and purposes of this story, all characters are aged up.*
After leaving the school, Legoshi got a car. Who knew?
When one of his former dorm mates needs a ride home in the country, the kind wolf is not one to say no. And Jack is here to ride along. For the return trip, Jack suggests to Legoshi a way to pass the time. And it involves drinking a lot of soda and the aftermath...
As usual, this was tricky to start. I'm not too good with male omorashi, but this one came out just fine. I hoped to capture the characteristics of the characters, but I think I did alright. I'm a big fan of the show, so I hate to mess this one up...

*For the intents and purposes of this story, all characters are aged up.*
After leaving the school, Legoshi got a car. Who knew?
When one of his former dorm mates needs a ride home in the country, the kind wolf is not one to say no. And Jack is here to ride along. For the return trip, Jack suggests to Legoshi a way to pass the time. And it involves drinking a lot of soda and the aftermath...
As usual, this was tricky to start. I'm not too good with male omorashi, but this one came out just fine. I hoped to capture the characteristics of the characters, but I think I did alright. I'm a big fan of the show, so I hate to mess this one up...
Category Story / Water Sports
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 120 x 109px
File Size 23.6 kB