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Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Canine (Other)
Gender Female
Size 1410 x 2614px
File Size 366.8 kB
My 'independent' doppelganger version of Suki looks exactly like Illumination's version, except for the following differences: her ears/hair are a darker shade of red, her eyes are yellow and brown, has a stripe down the middle of her face like Lady from Lady & The Tramp, has black dots on her muzzle, has a purple nose, has whiskers, her teal coat is longer and has a hood and zipper, has dark red spots on her arms, her teal dress is pinstripe, has shorts underneath, has cream-colored hands in a fingerless glove pattern, has a dark red tail, has a teal neckerchief, and occasionally sports a newsboy cap.