Paint me like one of your taur girls?
It takes a lot more food to fill this form... but it has twice as much padding for you to get comfortable. So in the end, I think it is a good tradeoff, wouldn't you agree?
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Thanks in no small part for a good furry friend, I've gone from not really seeing the appeal of taurs all the way to actually being fascinated by the way they interact with their surroundings. I remember that part of what made me reluctant to consider grant them some suspension of disbelief was overthinking their anatomy and how everything works... y'know... inside. But I've come to terms that not everything has to make sense in a furry world. It is fine. We can enjoy things without them being biologically or physiologically sound. It is sci-fi: fantasy is half of the appeal!
Anywho... I've gone through a whole arc and I've landed in quite a taur-positive perspective. I love the awkwardness with which they need to account for their extra pair of legs. I also love the possibility of having both a sagging belly on the front AND a swaying belly inching closer to the floor. I like that taurs can do the loafing pose where they tuck their limbs under their lower body to rest. That is pretty neat. I love that they need specialized clothing. I love that they have extra space for carrying stuff (or other furs, for that matter). I love that they are long (yes, my noodle dragon bias is showing, I know). I love the idea that it would take them a while to learn how to coordinate their legs to actually get to walk. I love that if they try to stand on their hind legs they can actually reach pretty high, so they don't need ladders. I like to imagine the inconvenience of trying to fit into a shower stall... or a plane seat... or a car... or a mattress... or an elevator...
Bottomline, I like taurs now. So perhaps this will not be the last time I'll draw Tzintaur.
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Artwork and Tzintaur © yours truly,

Category Artwork (Digital) / Fat Furs
Species Taur (Other)
Gender Male
Size 2303 x 1600px
File Size 3.81 MB