With spring finally arriving, Gin and Lupus thought it was a nice day for footpaw field testing across the countryside. Adorning a tight top and boxers, the towering duo peeled their soles off the ground to thrust forward with a whoosh. A gentle stroll across the woodland, whilst the trees crunched under our soles. Those leather pads softly applying pressure to the land and forest. Yielding under the titans incalculable weight with a satisfying crunch, whilst the pair continued their morning stroll. Both smiling ahead to admire the picturesque view, Lupus looked down to the little ones with a tender smile as he cautiously watched his footfalls. As for the scenery behind, it was carved in half by a trail of footprints that would later serve as oval shaped ponds after the winter rain.
This art was made by:
Commissioned by:
Part of a trade with Gin, thank you for this piece dude.
This art was made by:

Commissioned by:

Part of a trade with Gin, thank you for this piece dude.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Macro / Micro
Species Wolf
Gender Male
Size 1378 x 2039px
File Size 2.91 MB