Axle the Gryphon (Revamp!)
Base© Mistrel-Fox on DA
Art and Axle©
Backstory Proofread and Edited by
Some of my Older Watchers will most likely remember this Gryphon, and how he came to me via a dream involving an academy. Well recently I got an updated Gryphon base, cleaned up the colors a bit, and then did a major revamp and more proper backstory for him that includes the Academy and even shows a bit of what the place has in store! ^^
WARNING!!! Later in the story there is a brief bit of gas involved, those that aren't interested in it, please avoid Paragraph 8 in the story.
Name: Axle
Species: Gryphon
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 7ft (at the Shoulder) 10ft (at the top)
Length: 24ft (Beak to TailTip)
Vore Role: Switch-Pred Pref
Personality: Loyal, Protective, Caring, Playful, and Attentive
Description: Josh loved almost all creatures he met and had always wanted to befriend one of the more magical ones, so when he heard of an academy to meet and befriend them, he signed up. This academy was known as the Riders of Magic Beings. Only 3 months passed before he got a letter of acceptance with an address telling him where to attend the academy. Josh didn’t recognize the address and did some research. His eyes widened as he noticed that it was a secluded forested region in the mountains, with no visible roads, just dirt paths. After gathering anything he might need, he took a bus to a visitor’s lounge a couple of miles down the mountain from the Academy. After talking with the receptionist there, he rented a small Jeep, loaded his stuff, and carefully drove up the mountain. His eyes widened in awe as he saw the academy come into view. It was like a resort built into this massive oak tree that seemed to go into the clouds. Magical creatures of all kinds could be seen scattered along the base of the tree to the top with the massive branches used for rooms or even landing platforms for some of the flying creatures.
He pulled up towards the tree; the roots shifting to open up a passageway to the garage as he drove in the roots closing behind him as he was greeted by the Academy Director. “Ah, you must be Joshua Direfang! Welcome to Riders of Magic Beings, where you’ll meet all ranges of magical beasts ranging from Gryphons, Dragons, Wyverns, Phoenixes, Basilisks, Quetzalcoatls, and more! Grab your things, I can take you to your living quarters for your stay.” Josh grabbed his things and followed the director inside an elevator that took them up to the main hall where Josh’s mind filled with wonder as he saw many other students playing with some of the creatures. Most of them seemed like they were wild animals just hanging out, while others seemed to be companions of sorts, dressed up with scarfs or accessories to distinguish them from the ones that weren’t ‘tamed’. He was led to the room where he would stay in for the year and set his stuff down, smiling back at the director and nodding. He was handed a list of the activities to attend and study to make the most of his stay. “Make sure to study and interact with the creatures here. The more you interact with them, the more likely one or more of them might choose to be your companion when it comes to the ceremony at the end of the year.” the director said as Josh nodded in understanding.
Josh was feeling a bit tired, considering the bus ride to the academy was nearly a 12-hour ride due to his house being so far from the mountains he decided to head to bed. He would acquaint himself with the other students and even some of the creatures living here in the morning. Morning arrived, and Josh groaned some as he was awakened to squawking from a bird, trying to get some extra sleep in, only to hear some wings flutter and a beak nudging at his shoulder. He gently tried to nudge it away, “Just 5 more minutes…” he mumbled, earning an eager chirp from the source of the beak and some soft licks to his face, drawing out some giggles as he sat up. As he sat up and rubbed his eyes to wake up, he felt 2 small taloned feet on his legs and was shocked when he saw a white Phoenix looking back at him with its amber eyes “Morning sleepyhead! Hehehe.” the Phoenix chirped, nuzzling into his neck some. Josh couldn’t help but smile at the friendliness and carefully rubbed its neck. “H-hehe…well...I did have a 12-hour ride from my home to the visitor center down the mountain before driving here. The name’s Joshua. What’s yours?” he couldn’t help but smile. It was his first day, and he’d been woken up by one of the many creatures that roamed the academy as the Phoenix chirped at the neck rubs. “The name’s Illume. Nice to meet you, Joshua! Hehehe.”
Josh giggled as he heard the name of the gorgeous Phoenix. “Illume…that’s a wonderful name, hehe, and thanks for waking me up.” he said as he gently gave her some break scritches, making her chitter and flutter her wings happily. “Hehe, wouldn’t want you missing any of the fun at the academy! Come, there’s someone I think you’d like to meet!” She quickly hopped off the bed and briefly flapped her wings, hovering a bit before letting herself touch the ground again, nodding her head at the door for him to follow her. Josh got out of bed after watching her hop off it and nodded for him to follow, putting on a fresh set of clothes after heading to the bathroom, coming out to find her with his hoodie dangling from her beak. He couldn’t help but find that she was a cute and playful Phoenix as he grabbed his hoodie from her beak, put it on, and followed her out of his room. Illume chirped and chittered at Josh and walked out of his room, leading him to the main room of the academy, an atrium with large reinforced glass panels surrounding most of the room, broken up by walls and pillars for structural support and including rooms. Josh’s eyes were wide with awe as he saw the sun lighting the massive room up wonderfully, showing all the other students from the ground floor to the top playing and interacting with many different creatures.
Josh was brought back to reality by Illume letting out a loud squawk. “Hehehe, come on, silly! There’ll be plenty of time to explore later!” she chirped, giggling and gently hitting his head with the tip of her tail to get his attention. The human laughed and followed her into a giant movie theater-style chamber where a movie was actively playing. “Wooaahhh…a huge movie theater as well? This place is amazing..” Josh said quietly in awe as he saw that one of his favorite films, Jurassic Park, was onscreen. He smiled happily and planned to watch it another day, following Illume out of the theater room, where she led him to a large library. “Woah, there must be thousands of books here…” he said, Illume letting out a giggle. “There are 295,630 books here, ranging from History, Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Magazines, you name it, it’s most likely going to be somewhere here.” Josh couldn’t help but smile. “Wow…that’s an insane amount. I’d be here for decades reading them all!” he said with a chuckle at just how big the place was…how big the academy was in general. Illume smiled and flew up briefly, carefully landing onto Josh’s shoulders, and clenched down on them with her talons before doing something that surprised Josh; She flapped her wings and effortlessly lifted him off the ground as she flew back into the atrium and started to fly down a couple of floors, reaching the ground floor as she carefully set him down and hopped off his shoulders with a chirp “Hehe, enjoy the ride?” she giggled as Josh’s face was awestruck with shock and disbelief.
After taking a moment to collect himself, he tried to wrap his head around it. “Wait, how did you just do that? I’m 5ft 9in tall, and you’re what? 4ft 7in?” he questioned, causing Illume to giggle. “I thought you knew. Us Phoenixes can carry immensely heavy loads, and we’re also known to be very faithful to our owners.” she said, adding the last fact with a quiet giggle. Josh’s eyes widened as he listened to her, especially at the last part. “W-wait…what do you mean?...Are you saying that I’m…I’m your owner?” he managed to get out, Illume chirping and fluttering her wings. “Well…yes! Hehehe, you’re a rather adorable human! And.. I’ve not picked an owner before today.” she added that last part with a noticeable blush on her cheeks, which she tried to hide with a wing. Josh blushed a bit and gently hugged her happily, causing her to gently wrap her wings around him in return with a delighted chirp, nuzzling into his arms before gently hopping free “Hehehe, come on! We need to go to the stables if you want to meet my friend! Hehehe!” Josh giggled and nodded, standing back up and following her as she ran off to the stables, and came to a stop as he pushed open the large barn-like doors that led to the stable, gasping in awe as he saw all the different magical beasts that sat in the different stable segments. He noted that none of the stables were messy or cramped like a traditional stable. Instead, they were incredibly tidy and designed like student rooms, with proper bedding, entertainment, and a place to clean themselves.
Illume giggled and flew back when she noticed Josh petting one of the Quetzalcoatl’s snouts. “Hehe, there’ll be plenty of time to hang out with the others, Joshie! I want to show you my friend. He’s just up ahead! I’ll have to warn you, he’s VERY affectionate and playful, hehe.” she giggled, the Quetzalcoatl giving Josh a playful lick with its serpentine tongue and nuzzling him before nudging him along to Illume. Josh gave it one last rub on the snout and waved before running after Illume as she led him down to one of the larger stable rooms; where Josh slowed as he looked at the larger stable, slowly opening the door to reveal a gorgeous sight. Inside the stable was a 10ft tall Gryphon with gorgeous dark blue and silvery white plumage, unable to say hey before the large gryphon happily tackled and hugged him. He could only let out a yelp before he was sent into a brief tumble, finding himself in the grip of the Gryphon’s front legs and gently pinned against the chub gut he had as he happily hugged and snuggled Josh. He giggled and gently rubbed and hugged the Gryphon’s chest in return, earning some happy chirps and licks to his head from it. “Hehehe, hi there! I’m Axle. What’s your name?” Axle asked Josh, who was giggling from the licks “Hehehe, that tiiickles, stooop it! And my name’s Joshua, Joshua Direfang, hehe, nice to meet you, Axle!”,
A few weeks passed since Josh had arrived at the academy and met Illume and Axle, spending most of his days in the stables cuddling with Axle and Illume. He even spent time studying there, giggling when he’d walk into the stables one day to hear something letting out gas, finding Axle letting it rip out on the bed with his hind legs propped up against the wall and his tail raised. Josh cleared his throat quietly, startling Axle, whose cheeks went red quickly. “O-oh, Josh! I-i didn’t realize you were coming over today. Sorry about that; I thought I was alone.” he said, covering his face in slight embarrassment. Josh couldn’t help but giggle. Even though Axle was just letting it rip, the stables didn’t even smell that bad, instead smelled of a delightful lavender mixed with grape and blueberries, hugging Axle’s neck. “Hehe, no need to be sorry, we can always just say you were…’freshening’ the air of the room for me once I arrived, hehe.” he giggled, Axle blushing more at how Josh described passing it off and hugged him back, chirring happily and nuzzling his human friend, the two have already formed a relatively strong bond over the past six weeks.
More time passed, and soon it was time for a test, a test of trust. Each student had to pick their beast of choice and fly up the mountain, picking one of its many caves and trying to survive the night with full trust of student and beast. It was the middle of winter, and Josh, having spent most of his time with Illume and Axle, had to pick between the two, choosing Axle as the time counted down to noon. With the firing of the starting pistol, Josh quickly got onto Axle’s back, and the two flew off towards one of the higher points on the mountain, separating from the rest of the pairings. They both soon found a cave and flew in, Axle having told Josh he had a plan that would benefit them both and wouldn’t require starting a fire. Josh was curious to know his gryphon buddy’s plan as night fell, and a strong wind blew the cold air into the cave. He cuddled up to Axle’s chest fluff between his front legs, embracing the fluffy warmth he provided, before feeling Axle gently licking the top of his head affectionately. Josh giggled some and gently petted his beak, earning some delighted chirps before Axle spoke. “Do you trust me to keep you warm, Joshua? In this test?” Josh looked up, seeing that Axle had opened his beak wide above his head, revealing the lilac-colored insides of his buddy. It was self-explanatory what Axle had in mind, and he gave a soft nod. “I trust you, Axle.”
Axle let out a happy and quiet roar before gently bringing his beak down over Josh’s head and chest, licking over his body, causing some quiet giggles to come out of the boy. Josh gently rubbed the sides of Axle’s beak as he closed them, carefully lifting his head and using a front leg to support Josh’s body as he carefully took the first swallow, Josh’s upper body bulging out Axle’s throat as he now carefully licked along the human’s belly and upper legs, bringing more giggles from his human. Josh was gently rubbing the walls of Axle’s throat, surprised at just how soft and gentle they were at holding him despite his situation, before lightly squirming as he felt Axle’s tongue licking over his belly, giggling a bit as another swallow started to push Josh into the Gryphon’s crop, and he could feel Axle’s beak shut over his feet. He purred happily and swallowed again, gently pushing Josh past his crop to a ‘fork’ in the throat before Josh could faintly see one of them close up, and another swallow started to push Josh down to the right, into Axle’s storage stomach. Josh couldn’t help but enjoy the warmth of Axle’s body as a few more gentle swallows sent him down into Axle’s storage stomach, getting himself comfy and lightly hugging the walls happily. “Hehe, it’s cozier than I expected in here, Axle. I hope you enjoyed my taste. I certainly won’t mind being in here any other time than this test we had to take, hehe.” Josh commented, his comment about him tasting good being answered by a delighted belch from Axle, who blushed on the outside and covered his beak. “Oh my, hehe…must’ve been something I ate, hehe.” he cheekily commented back. The two couldn’t help but giggle as Axle lay on his side and curled up in the cave, nuzzling his slightly swollen tum and tucking a wing over his head and the gut.
Josh slept soundly in Axle’s belly, woken up at what he had to guess must’ve been 9am as he could feel and hear Axle’s wings flapping, smiling as he hugged the walls. “Hehe, morning Axle. Heading back to the Academy?” his question was answered by a “Yep! I tried to wake you up, but you must’ve been tuckered out from something because you wouldn’t wake up!” from Axle. He could see the platform the pairs flew off from at the start of the Test yesterday at noon, and he carefully landed on one of them and coughed Josh up. Axle was nuzzling his head and licking him clean as the Director came up, surprised they were early and wasn’t surprised to see Josh’s clothes drenched, as he knew how Gryphons were known to be loyal and caring creatures. “Joshua, Axle! You’re both back early, and I see this test of trust worked out splendidly between the two of you.” he commented, the two nodding happily as the last three hours passed and the others returned. Some of the pairings had their own ways of warming up. Quetzalcoatls gently coiled their partner to warm them with coils, a dragon starting a fire for them and using their body heat to help, for some examples.
Two more seasons passed, and it was nearing the end of Summer once again. Josh and the other students lined up for the graduation ceremony, all of them eager as they were standing opposite of the beasts they hung out with the most during their year. One by one, they walked into groups, bowing politely to one another, before Josh walked up to Illume and Axle, bowing respectfully to them as they did the same before the 3 walked up to the stage on the ground floor of the main atrium, where Josh was given his graduation medal and Rider’s badge, hugging his new companions happily and leaving the academy with them. Axle gave Josh a ride on his back as they returned to Josh’s home with the supplies he came with safely inside Axle’s storage stomach, and Illume flew ahead, the three very happy now to officially be companions/best friends.
Likes: Safe Soft Vore, Snuggling, Chub, Family/Friends, Listening to Old Music (particularly music from the 70s-90s), Belly Rubs, Giving Friends/Family a Ride in My Maw/Belly, Making Gifts for Friends and Family, Playing in the Snow, KFC, Dancing, Swimming, Learning New Things
Dislikes: Spiders, Graphic and/or Perma Digestion to Friends, Hard Vore, Rude People
Art and Axle©

Backstory Proofread and Edited by

Some of my Older Watchers will most likely remember this Gryphon, and how he came to me via a dream involving an academy. Well recently I got an updated Gryphon base, cleaned up the colors a bit, and then did a major revamp and more proper backstory for him that includes the Academy and even shows a bit of what the place has in store! ^^
WARNING!!! Later in the story there is a brief bit of gas involved, those that aren't interested in it, please avoid Paragraph 8 in the story.
Name: Axle
Species: Gryphon
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 7ft (at the Shoulder) 10ft (at the top)
Length: 24ft (Beak to TailTip)
Vore Role: Switch-Pred Pref
Personality: Loyal, Protective, Caring, Playful, and Attentive
Description: Josh loved almost all creatures he met and had always wanted to befriend one of the more magical ones, so when he heard of an academy to meet and befriend them, he signed up. This academy was known as the Riders of Magic Beings. Only 3 months passed before he got a letter of acceptance with an address telling him where to attend the academy. Josh didn’t recognize the address and did some research. His eyes widened as he noticed that it was a secluded forested region in the mountains, with no visible roads, just dirt paths. After gathering anything he might need, he took a bus to a visitor’s lounge a couple of miles down the mountain from the Academy. After talking with the receptionist there, he rented a small Jeep, loaded his stuff, and carefully drove up the mountain. His eyes widened in awe as he saw the academy come into view. It was like a resort built into this massive oak tree that seemed to go into the clouds. Magical creatures of all kinds could be seen scattered along the base of the tree to the top with the massive branches used for rooms or even landing platforms for some of the flying creatures.
He pulled up towards the tree; the roots shifting to open up a passageway to the garage as he drove in the roots closing behind him as he was greeted by the Academy Director. “Ah, you must be Joshua Direfang! Welcome to Riders of Magic Beings, where you’ll meet all ranges of magical beasts ranging from Gryphons, Dragons, Wyverns, Phoenixes, Basilisks, Quetzalcoatls, and more! Grab your things, I can take you to your living quarters for your stay.” Josh grabbed his things and followed the director inside an elevator that took them up to the main hall where Josh’s mind filled with wonder as he saw many other students playing with some of the creatures. Most of them seemed like they were wild animals just hanging out, while others seemed to be companions of sorts, dressed up with scarfs or accessories to distinguish them from the ones that weren’t ‘tamed’. He was led to the room where he would stay in for the year and set his stuff down, smiling back at the director and nodding. He was handed a list of the activities to attend and study to make the most of his stay. “Make sure to study and interact with the creatures here. The more you interact with them, the more likely one or more of them might choose to be your companion when it comes to the ceremony at the end of the year.” the director said as Josh nodded in understanding.
Josh was feeling a bit tired, considering the bus ride to the academy was nearly a 12-hour ride due to his house being so far from the mountains he decided to head to bed. He would acquaint himself with the other students and even some of the creatures living here in the morning. Morning arrived, and Josh groaned some as he was awakened to squawking from a bird, trying to get some extra sleep in, only to hear some wings flutter and a beak nudging at his shoulder. He gently tried to nudge it away, “Just 5 more minutes…” he mumbled, earning an eager chirp from the source of the beak and some soft licks to his face, drawing out some giggles as he sat up. As he sat up and rubbed his eyes to wake up, he felt 2 small taloned feet on his legs and was shocked when he saw a white Phoenix looking back at him with its amber eyes “Morning sleepyhead! Hehehe.” the Phoenix chirped, nuzzling into his neck some. Josh couldn’t help but smile at the friendliness and carefully rubbed its neck. “H-hehe…well...I did have a 12-hour ride from my home to the visitor center down the mountain before driving here. The name’s Joshua. What’s yours?” he couldn’t help but smile. It was his first day, and he’d been woken up by one of the many creatures that roamed the academy as the Phoenix chirped at the neck rubs. “The name’s Illume. Nice to meet you, Joshua! Hehehe.”
Josh giggled as he heard the name of the gorgeous Phoenix. “Illume…that’s a wonderful name, hehe, and thanks for waking me up.” he said as he gently gave her some break scritches, making her chitter and flutter her wings happily. “Hehe, wouldn’t want you missing any of the fun at the academy! Come, there’s someone I think you’d like to meet!” She quickly hopped off the bed and briefly flapped her wings, hovering a bit before letting herself touch the ground again, nodding her head at the door for him to follow her. Josh got out of bed after watching her hop off it and nodded for him to follow, putting on a fresh set of clothes after heading to the bathroom, coming out to find her with his hoodie dangling from her beak. He couldn’t help but find that she was a cute and playful Phoenix as he grabbed his hoodie from her beak, put it on, and followed her out of his room. Illume chirped and chittered at Josh and walked out of his room, leading him to the main room of the academy, an atrium with large reinforced glass panels surrounding most of the room, broken up by walls and pillars for structural support and including rooms. Josh’s eyes were wide with awe as he saw the sun lighting the massive room up wonderfully, showing all the other students from the ground floor to the top playing and interacting with many different creatures.
Josh was brought back to reality by Illume letting out a loud squawk. “Hehehe, come on, silly! There’ll be plenty of time to explore later!” she chirped, giggling and gently hitting his head with the tip of her tail to get his attention. The human laughed and followed her into a giant movie theater-style chamber where a movie was actively playing. “Wooaahhh…a huge movie theater as well? This place is amazing..” Josh said quietly in awe as he saw that one of his favorite films, Jurassic Park, was onscreen. He smiled happily and planned to watch it another day, following Illume out of the theater room, where she led him to a large library. “Woah, there must be thousands of books here…” he said, Illume letting out a giggle. “There are 295,630 books here, ranging from History, Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Magazines, you name it, it’s most likely going to be somewhere here.” Josh couldn’t help but smile. “Wow…that’s an insane amount. I’d be here for decades reading them all!” he said with a chuckle at just how big the place was…how big the academy was in general. Illume smiled and flew up briefly, carefully landing onto Josh’s shoulders, and clenched down on them with her talons before doing something that surprised Josh; She flapped her wings and effortlessly lifted him off the ground as she flew back into the atrium and started to fly down a couple of floors, reaching the ground floor as she carefully set him down and hopped off his shoulders with a chirp “Hehe, enjoy the ride?” she giggled as Josh’s face was awestruck with shock and disbelief.
After taking a moment to collect himself, he tried to wrap his head around it. “Wait, how did you just do that? I’m 5ft 9in tall, and you’re what? 4ft 7in?” he questioned, causing Illume to giggle. “I thought you knew. Us Phoenixes can carry immensely heavy loads, and we’re also known to be very faithful to our owners.” she said, adding the last fact with a quiet giggle. Josh’s eyes widened as he listened to her, especially at the last part. “W-wait…what do you mean?...Are you saying that I’m…I’m your owner?” he managed to get out, Illume chirping and fluttering her wings. “Well…yes! Hehehe, you’re a rather adorable human! And.. I’ve not picked an owner before today.” she added that last part with a noticeable blush on her cheeks, which she tried to hide with a wing. Josh blushed a bit and gently hugged her happily, causing her to gently wrap her wings around him in return with a delighted chirp, nuzzling into his arms before gently hopping free “Hehehe, come on! We need to go to the stables if you want to meet my friend! Hehehe!” Josh giggled and nodded, standing back up and following her as she ran off to the stables, and came to a stop as he pushed open the large barn-like doors that led to the stable, gasping in awe as he saw all the different magical beasts that sat in the different stable segments. He noted that none of the stables were messy or cramped like a traditional stable. Instead, they were incredibly tidy and designed like student rooms, with proper bedding, entertainment, and a place to clean themselves.
Illume giggled and flew back when she noticed Josh petting one of the Quetzalcoatl’s snouts. “Hehe, there’ll be plenty of time to hang out with the others, Joshie! I want to show you my friend. He’s just up ahead! I’ll have to warn you, he’s VERY affectionate and playful, hehe.” she giggled, the Quetzalcoatl giving Josh a playful lick with its serpentine tongue and nuzzling him before nudging him along to Illume. Josh gave it one last rub on the snout and waved before running after Illume as she led him down to one of the larger stable rooms; where Josh slowed as he looked at the larger stable, slowly opening the door to reveal a gorgeous sight. Inside the stable was a 10ft tall Gryphon with gorgeous dark blue and silvery white plumage, unable to say hey before the large gryphon happily tackled and hugged him. He could only let out a yelp before he was sent into a brief tumble, finding himself in the grip of the Gryphon’s front legs and gently pinned against the chub gut he had as he happily hugged and snuggled Josh. He giggled and gently rubbed and hugged the Gryphon’s chest in return, earning some happy chirps and licks to his head from it. “Hehehe, hi there! I’m Axle. What’s your name?” Axle asked Josh, who was giggling from the licks “Hehehe, that tiiickles, stooop it! And my name’s Joshua, Joshua Direfang, hehe, nice to meet you, Axle!”,
A few weeks passed since Josh had arrived at the academy and met Illume and Axle, spending most of his days in the stables cuddling with Axle and Illume. He even spent time studying there, giggling when he’d walk into the stables one day to hear something letting out gas, finding Axle letting it rip out on the bed with his hind legs propped up against the wall and his tail raised. Josh cleared his throat quietly, startling Axle, whose cheeks went red quickly. “O-oh, Josh! I-i didn’t realize you were coming over today. Sorry about that; I thought I was alone.” he said, covering his face in slight embarrassment. Josh couldn’t help but giggle. Even though Axle was just letting it rip, the stables didn’t even smell that bad, instead smelled of a delightful lavender mixed with grape and blueberries, hugging Axle’s neck. “Hehe, no need to be sorry, we can always just say you were…’freshening’ the air of the room for me once I arrived, hehe.” he giggled, Axle blushing more at how Josh described passing it off and hugged him back, chirring happily and nuzzling his human friend, the two have already formed a relatively strong bond over the past six weeks.
More time passed, and soon it was time for a test, a test of trust. Each student had to pick their beast of choice and fly up the mountain, picking one of its many caves and trying to survive the night with full trust of student and beast. It was the middle of winter, and Josh, having spent most of his time with Illume and Axle, had to pick between the two, choosing Axle as the time counted down to noon. With the firing of the starting pistol, Josh quickly got onto Axle’s back, and the two flew off towards one of the higher points on the mountain, separating from the rest of the pairings. They both soon found a cave and flew in, Axle having told Josh he had a plan that would benefit them both and wouldn’t require starting a fire. Josh was curious to know his gryphon buddy’s plan as night fell, and a strong wind blew the cold air into the cave. He cuddled up to Axle’s chest fluff between his front legs, embracing the fluffy warmth he provided, before feeling Axle gently licking the top of his head affectionately. Josh giggled some and gently petted his beak, earning some delighted chirps before Axle spoke. “Do you trust me to keep you warm, Joshua? In this test?” Josh looked up, seeing that Axle had opened his beak wide above his head, revealing the lilac-colored insides of his buddy. It was self-explanatory what Axle had in mind, and he gave a soft nod. “I trust you, Axle.”
Axle let out a happy and quiet roar before gently bringing his beak down over Josh’s head and chest, licking over his body, causing some quiet giggles to come out of the boy. Josh gently rubbed the sides of Axle’s beak as he closed them, carefully lifting his head and using a front leg to support Josh’s body as he carefully took the first swallow, Josh’s upper body bulging out Axle’s throat as he now carefully licked along the human’s belly and upper legs, bringing more giggles from his human. Josh was gently rubbing the walls of Axle’s throat, surprised at just how soft and gentle they were at holding him despite his situation, before lightly squirming as he felt Axle’s tongue licking over his belly, giggling a bit as another swallow started to push Josh into the Gryphon’s crop, and he could feel Axle’s beak shut over his feet. He purred happily and swallowed again, gently pushing Josh past his crop to a ‘fork’ in the throat before Josh could faintly see one of them close up, and another swallow started to push Josh down to the right, into Axle’s storage stomach. Josh couldn’t help but enjoy the warmth of Axle’s body as a few more gentle swallows sent him down into Axle’s storage stomach, getting himself comfy and lightly hugging the walls happily. “Hehe, it’s cozier than I expected in here, Axle. I hope you enjoyed my taste. I certainly won’t mind being in here any other time than this test we had to take, hehe.” Josh commented, his comment about him tasting good being answered by a delighted belch from Axle, who blushed on the outside and covered his beak. “Oh my, hehe…must’ve been something I ate, hehe.” he cheekily commented back. The two couldn’t help but giggle as Axle lay on his side and curled up in the cave, nuzzling his slightly swollen tum and tucking a wing over his head and the gut.
Josh slept soundly in Axle’s belly, woken up at what he had to guess must’ve been 9am as he could feel and hear Axle’s wings flapping, smiling as he hugged the walls. “Hehe, morning Axle. Heading back to the Academy?” his question was answered by a “Yep! I tried to wake you up, but you must’ve been tuckered out from something because you wouldn’t wake up!” from Axle. He could see the platform the pairs flew off from at the start of the Test yesterday at noon, and he carefully landed on one of them and coughed Josh up. Axle was nuzzling his head and licking him clean as the Director came up, surprised they were early and wasn’t surprised to see Josh’s clothes drenched, as he knew how Gryphons were known to be loyal and caring creatures. “Joshua, Axle! You’re both back early, and I see this test of trust worked out splendidly between the two of you.” he commented, the two nodding happily as the last three hours passed and the others returned. Some of the pairings had their own ways of warming up. Quetzalcoatls gently coiled their partner to warm them with coils, a dragon starting a fire for them and using their body heat to help, for some examples.
Two more seasons passed, and it was nearing the end of Summer once again. Josh and the other students lined up for the graduation ceremony, all of them eager as they were standing opposite of the beasts they hung out with the most during their year. One by one, they walked into groups, bowing politely to one another, before Josh walked up to Illume and Axle, bowing respectfully to them as they did the same before the 3 walked up to the stage on the ground floor of the main atrium, where Josh was given his graduation medal and Rider’s badge, hugging his new companions happily and leaving the academy with them. Axle gave Josh a ride on his back as they returned to Josh’s home with the supplies he came with safely inside Axle’s storage stomach, and Illume flew ahead, the three very happy now to officially be companions/best friends.
Likes: Safe Soft Vore, Snuggling, Chub, Family/Friends, Listening to Old Music (particularly music from the 70s-90s), Belly Rubs, Giving Friends/Family a Ride in My Maw/Belly, Making Gifts for Friends and Family, Playing in the Snow, KFC, Dancing, Swimming, Learning New Things
Dislikes: Spiders, Graphic and/or Perma Digestion to Friends, Hard Vore, Rude People
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Gryphon
Gender Male
Size 1900 x 1550px
File Size 1.74 MB
Hard Vore is...well...it's a type of vore where the prey is bitten into chunks and blood is involved, it's a common vore type involved with fatal vore and I personally hate it, hence most if not all of my OCs have it in their Dislikes
But I'm glad you like his ref ^^
But I'm glad you like his ref ^^