Hiya! This is part 1 of my timeline leading up to present-day for the entirety of my Star Fox inspired space exploration setting. This story assumes you are familiar with the setting and characters already.
Part 1 focuses on Oda and her friends first and foremost.
I will upload a part 2 some other time, detailing the next generation that takes over from here.
The thumbnail was drawn by
batspid2 and the full picture is [Found Here]
Odessa Orson - A tough mechanic gal with her head in the clouds, always fighting for what is right and the well being of those around her. Blue Panda.
Wanda O'Donnell - A stoic wolf who drowns out the barrage of thoughts in their head by doing kind gestures for others on impulse. Wolf.
Tsuki Yoshimada - A monotone lumbering kobold who carries a grumpy face, finding it difficult to open up to people. Dragon Kobold.
Edna Hunt - A shapeshifter struggling to see themselves. Shapeshifter.
Krystal - An up and going indie film director who made it big at the cost of her personal ambitions. Blue Fox.
The Pangea Meteor Watch assembled.
"Ground Zero" was hit by a large meteor and immediately a team was sent over to investigate. The team of scientists and researchers spent little time mulling over the contents of the meteor and quickly discovered the properties could help with the advancement in science at a much faster pace than they had been going so far. Instead of bringing it back, the group decided to stay and do experimentation remotely...
[1765 - 1969]
"Ground Zero" was dubbed I.R.I.S. for it's eye-like shape, through 300 years of hyper speed technology advancement they now boast a 31st century space age way of living. I.R.I.S. is considered quarantined to the rest of the world as it has been dubbed as "too advanced", it's not ready for flying vehicles, laser tools or advanced automation, things that would cause a radical change to society way too fast. It has been elected to stay here until the world is ready, the exceptions are distribution of medicine, preservatives and prosthetics.
Odessa was born.
Tsuki hatched.
Wanda was born.
Krystal was born.
Edna was born.
Following her father's footsteps, Odessa graduates as a mechanic and is handed an invitation to join IRIS to further her education, giving her the chance to upgrade from hot rods to space ships. With the family business going down and needing a way to provide for her sick father, this was Oda's only good option.
Tsuki lands her first job as a child actor in a famous kaiju franchise.
Struggling to keep a budget going, IRIS tries out funding Sci-Fi movies with actual real technology instead of expensive computer graphics. It was an immediate hit and praised for it's realism, film makes came to IRIS in droves to get a piece of the pie.
The most promising pitch to come out of this was a space ranger show about pilots fighting evil scientists in space. Fawkes Jameson landed the role of main character. Oda among with 5 other mechanics close to her were selected to work on and maintain ships on the show.
In addition, the Godzilla franchise had moved studios to IRIS to cut down on cost in special effects and building landscapes. This means Tsuki moved to IRIS. The next three movies have since been hailed as the gold standard of the Kaiju genre
The success of Star Fox spawned several seasons and the cast was expanded. Looking for a rival team, Wanda was cast as Fawkes' rival under the team name "Star Wolf". While Fawkes lived for the project, Wanda signed up to keep herself busy. Krystal decides to take up film as her academic endeavor.
Edna discovers the show and becomes obsessed with it.
Oda gets drunk at a party related to the show's season wrapping up. She doesn't remember where or with who, but she had a one night stand with someone. She figured out she was pregnant a few months later. The higher ups at IRIS saw this as a severe breach of rules and contemplated banning her for life. However, she got a second chance as the institute offered her an ultimatum: Leave or agree to test out injecting experimental nanomachines into her. She reluctantly agreed knowing it could very much ruin her life or even kill her, but she had no other choice as it could risk her father's health.
Distraught and her mind empty, Oda sits in silence outside the office, like a child outside the principal's. She happened to meet Tsuki here, who was also waiting for her turn. Tsuki is not really a people person, but she saw Oda was having it rough and tried her best to make small talk through her monotone tone. Oda IS a people's person and her words came flowing out like a waterfall. Oda explained her situation in full. When she asked Tsuki what she's here for she said she was trying to get herself a job here on IRIS, as she is extremely confident she will be recast as Godzilla for coming out as trans.
Despite her gruff and destructive display on the big screen she was actually extremely fascinated with organizing and cleaning and would love to get a job as an archivist or something. But she got told no, seemingly no one thought she was fitting for it based on her looks. Large lumbering tail, hunched back, 4 digit hands and she was a dragon. "They are probably scared I'll hoard it or some stupid shit" Tsuki let out in frustration. Oda felt for her. The two of them didn't see each other for a while after that day, but their meeting felt like it had an impact.
Oda was too busy in the moment to really think about it, but she didn't know what being trans was.
Oda was injected with Nanomachines in December. They seemingly did not do anything to her at all, but a promise was a promise and she was allowed to keep her job.
Oda's father dies of heart complications.
Elijah was born the next day. He was allowed to stay on Iris until he is of school age.
Oda was crushed by the events that transpired the last few months, she spent her blood tears and sweat making sure her father could live on. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, she took this as her being passed the torch. She will give this kid the best god damn care anyone could dream of.
Tsuki lands a job on IRIS as a cleanup janitor for the garage, meaning close proximity to Oda for most shifts. Tsuki had gotten new piercings and was wearing eyeliner now, when asked about it she lectured Oda about gender identity. "It could happen to anyone really, not everyone realizes right away." She murmurred. "It could even happen to your kid over there, about to walk into an oil spil- oh shoot". Tsuki quickly dashed over to save a baby from becoming an oil sponge.
Already with a new friend and a kid to take care of, Oda's mind brightened. Sad tears became happy tears.
Krystal's passion film project "Dinosaur Planet" experiences intense success with test audiences, catching the eyes of producers for Star Fox. They offer her a large money sum to incorporate this story into star fox. She reluctantly agreed as her economic situation could really benefit from it. She was still set to play her role from her short film in star fox and was flown out to IRIS.
Due to heavier action sequences being added they were looking for stunt doubles for Krystal, and Odessa just so happened to fit in perfectly. Oda and Tsuki blossomed a friendship with Krystal over time, including Wanda by osmosis because they noticed the wolf tends to keep to themselves. The wolf would tend to brush their gestures off, but something about that kid of Oda's always seeming interested in them tugged at just the right heart strings. Wanda would start talking eventually.
Edna felt something brewing inside her as she watched the latest season of the show, almost like a kinship with Krystal... her emotions went haywire and she would feel this warmth in her chest any time she watched, was it love? Was it that she had a crush on Krystal? No... was it that she wanted to BE like Krystal, could that be it? Edna would dare to shapeshift into Krystal while locked into her room for privacy... it felt... different... it felt good? She could not hold this form for long as her nerves could not handle the thought of being spotted like this.
For the sake of clarification on Edna's feelings, she didn't know the true answer was "I wish to be a woman".
Wanda finally feels like they can let their guard down among their friends and confesses to them in private she thinks she might be a woman. Krystal and Oda give Wanda their support though not knowing all too much about being trans themselves. But Tsuki stepped forth and gave Wanda a big reassuring hug. With the most reassuring monotone "I got you." whispered from her lips, Wanda started crying for the first time in a really long time. The next morning Oda recalled the first time she met Tsuki after her transition, and offered Wanda to do her eyeliner for her.
[2004] Q1
Star Fox concludes it's final season with blockbuster scale invasion story that end up not making as much money as it spent producing it. Star Fox was cancelled until further notice. It was heartbreaking for everyone involved. Krystal moved home with all of the other actors, but Wanda pleaded to stay as her kinship with Oda and Tsuki had grown so strong and felt as though space ship traveling was her true calling in life. As the show basically covered the costs of arwing pilot training, Wanda was easily hired for the job.
Distraught with the news of her favourite show ending, Edna didn't quite know what to do with herself. Her mind wandered and somehow her final conclusion was "I need to go there.", trying to find some sort of closure for herself.
Eli became of school age, forcing Oda to move to Pangea to actually be there for her kid as a good parent. She is allowed to work from home, but has to take the bullet train to IRIS for bigger assignments. She's managed to go into a deal with Tsuki and Wanda to babysit Eli when their shifts line up.
[2004] Q3
Edna started to plot out a way to get into IRIS, her shapeshifting abilities made it very easy for her to sneak into places as she can just quickly disguise herself. Though her anxiety was through the roof she managed to make her way in by constantly shifting into guards she spotted. Once the escort finally made it's pit stop in the garage, she stepped out and quickly zipped off behind some junk and barrels. Her breath was heavy and she had to tell herself to calm down. To relieve some tension she disguises herself as Krystal to calm her nerves with some familiarity.But... she was hiding behind Oda's station, and was quickly sussed out by Oda who knows her blue vixen friend better than most people.
"Hey... you're not Krystal, are you?" She questioned, scaring Edna half to death as she put her hand on her shoulder. "DON'T HURT ME" she yelped in response. Oda shook her head and offered her a hand, and invited her to Oda's dorm. This was obviously someone having a rough day she thought to herself. Edna meekly let herself go of her disguise once inside, revealing herself as a shiny hisuian zoroark. Her wild hair got frequent compliments from Oda, admiring it's colour and volume.
The shapeshifter ended up talking about her entire life's story, or lack thereof to Oda as if she was her therapist. She's struggled to get a hold of who she is, what she is, where she belongs. The only thing she had ever found comfort in was the tv show filmed here and that's why she decided to come here, not sure what she was looking for. Tears started rolling down her cheeks as Oda's hand stroke her back. Anyone could have told Edna that this wasn't the right place for her to be, that she needed help and shouldn't intertwine her escapism with her real life... but... Oda isn't just anyone. However, this was bigger than her and she wouldn't know how to directly help, but she was very confident she has a few friends who absolutely could while she's busy back at home with her son.
As Tsuki arrived on IRIS to baton pass with Oda, Edna was pushed into her and Wanda. "This girl needs your help."
"Who is this?" Wanda questioned. Oda strapped her duffel bag over her shoulder and responded "Exactly."
As if the planets aligned, Oda managed to convince higher ups that Edna was worth hiring as she showed a complex understanding for the arwings' controls and mechanisms, something she never admitted to being through paying insanely close attention to the controls in the show, as they used actual real space ships for it. She would get Wanda has her teacher for a year until she can prove herself 100%. However, one caveat, she was forced to present as herself without any shapeshifting. This was fine at first but would eventually wear down on her mentally, with the only outlet for self expression being the private dorms. Where she and the others were free to experiment with their looks. Edna even shapeshifted into her friends to show how they'd look with different piercings, hairstyles, boobs, etc etc. Night time was usually the highlight of the day for everyone.
Wanda had started transitioning medically thanks to Tsuki's guidance, but was stricken by a one two punch as she was denied getting piercings due to "Guidelines requiring you look like your ID photo" and then was denied to have IRIS cover the medical expenses of HRT as it wasn't deemed "necessary" for her to have. Meaning Wanda would spend most of her money on medication and even miss hours due to taking time off to go get them in Pangea. Tsuki had hers covered by her acting career and already had piercings before she got here.
While Oda happiness was rising from the friendships she gained and the experience of being a good mother, the weariness of her friends wore down on her mind like a splinter, seeing their problems pile up just like her it did her father.... She was always the optimist of the group but even she could see the cracks forming. Her final thread finally snap one morning when getting Eli ready for school, tying the shoes of her kid she was asked "Hey mom? I think I might be a boy."
Oda's world was spinning, she was so happy for her son and wanted to assure he had the right upbringing and the most loving family... but the thoughts of her friends suffering from discrimination swam around in her head, heartbroken to ever imagine her son growing up with the pain Wanda, Tsuki and Edna carries... She gave Eli a big hug and said "Then you are my boy."
Oda sent Eli away to the bus stop. Returning inside to their apartment her rage took over for the very first time in her life and she punched a wall in frustration, creating a hole between her room and the neighbours. What?? Oda hurried over, apologized and paid for the damages while taping her side of the wall over with cardboard and tape. It's been 7 years since she accepted the nanomachine experiment and it's only seemingly now that they triggered. Her heart was racing like a formula 1 hot rod, like a tornado, or like a teen finally getting medication for their adhd. She felt like running for a trip.
Clearing her head and letting her mind wander, Oda felt like she could achieve anything. Thinking about how everyone around her was hurting, she mustered up the courage to tell herself "she can be more than this". Upon arriving home she started reading, and reading, reading, reading and reading. Like a study montage from a movie about college kids turning a leaf, Oda decided she'll rise above her profession and make it a goal to climb the ladders at IRIS herself, because who the fuck else is gonna do it if she doesn't even try to start?... but turns out her energy surplus is so VAST she gets bored extremely easily reading word after word. So, of course, she started lifting weights while reading to keep her hands busy. Odessa Orson became a super powered being of pure adrenaline.
This is the part where you imagine she got extremely buff over night, but alas, not the case. She met up at IRIS the day after with her clothes barely fitting her and she was drenched in sweat. She was skin and bones! Edna, Tsuki and Wanda came to her rescue and got her over to the cafeteria. Edna kept going back and forth getting cold water bottles for Oda while Wanda and Tsuki borderline interrogated her on what was happening. While Oda explained everything between water bottles at break neck speed, her trusty friends couldn't help but laugh. "Odessa, girl, you need to eat." Wanda chirped. "How else do you think we got tits huh girl, you can't gain mass when you skip every meal." Tsuki continued.
While the nanomachines in Oda very much boosted her stamina to insane numbers, they only multiply her actual stamina by a set number. This blue panda has been awake for 27 hours with nothing to eat and been active for every second of it. "Oh... yeah, you know, that makes sense". She let out, dazed, before slamming her face on the cafeteria table and falling asleep. Wanda drove her home for the day and looked after Eli until Oda woke up.
When Eli came home he was very excited to see aunt Wanda being over for a visit. Wanda lifted him up for a hug and asked how school was, Eli didn't answer, instead excitedly proclaimed "Wanda, I'm a boy!". Wanda smiled and ruffled his hair.
Over the course of 4 years Edna had changed her looks and face 7 times trying to find what's right to her. She's been going strong as a furret for a while now and has found her new permanent face... for as long as she's allowed to present that way.
Tsuki's long long long wait for a hair transplant was finally here, she was on leave in 2007 for a month so her scalp could heal. This caused a long needless debate with higher ups at IRIS about breaking conduct of changing ones appearance. It was all over the news as Tsuki Yoshimada is a well known name outside IRIS. News and rumors spread about the leadership at the space port and they got in hot water with investors, finally yielding and allowing it + Tsuki's demands to let Wanda have piercings.
Wanda's mind started to wander as Oda was less around and and she was assigned for solo missions more often. She was awarded several medals of honour over the course of 4 years for her "heroic" calls to action assigned by IRIS. Wanda became known as one of the better pilots the institute had ever seen, a position worthy of celebration but she found little want for celebrating it.
Oda moved on from the garage she called her home, the ships she called her pride and joy, as she proved herself to be fit for higher positions within the institute. This woman would work tirelessly to climb the ranks and gain some authority and respect from her peers. For every year she stood higher both metaphorically and physically as her muscles increased. From daddy's girl to mechanic, to lead mechanic, to flight overseer. Oda wrote paper after paper after paper tirelessly, it felt like she was barely visible to her friends anymore, a hermit they meet once a month or so when their lunch times line up... unless she's busy doing paperwork.
[2011] Q2
The gang feels like it's lost it's spark after 10 years, the last few especially felt like everyone has moved on to cope with their feelings in their own ways. Tsuki and Edna were the only ones regularly meeting up.
It was nearing the 10 year anniversary of "Star Fox Adventures", the most successful season of star fox to have ever aired on television. Years of planning and building up had finally lead to this plan being set into motion. With Oda's influence as a high ranking officer on IRIS she approved a request, secretly made by herself, for celebrating the anniversary of the show inviting all the actors, editors, directors, camera people... Before she had even sent invitations out.
It was a bright and sunny day, it was May. Everyone but Pepper's actor accepted the invitation to the celebration. It was the first time both Wanda and Oda had seen each other in a while, they had gained significant mass to their figures and made a few "new haircut??" jokes. Though it might not have been entirely too much of a joke on Wanda's part, as Oda's hair is absolutely full of gray hairs from her stressful work. The two of them were however absolutely dwarfed in comparison to Krystal, who had since had several Enlarge potions and shot up to over 10 feet tall, and who knows how many feet wide. Wanda remarked she finally matched her positive aura, making Krystal blush. "Think I can still fill in for your stunts?" Oda elbowed Krystal, who giggled shyly.
Edna and Tsuki were done with their shifts and Edna practically dragged the big lizard with her out to join in. She was absolutely ecstastic and super shy at the same time. Oda welcomed her old friends with wide open BUFF arms, taking little time before she introduces Edna to Krystal. Edna could barely speak, but it's okay, Krystal can read minds after all and was very flattered. The old friends gathered together for a group hug for a photo. Krystal leaned over with a shy wave, Oda and Wanda had their arms around each other's shoulder. Tsuki is trying to give a smile, she is trying sooooo hard! And Edna, front and center, with a big smile and two peace signs thrown up.
A camera crew was filming the event and interviewing everyone, asking what they've been up to since the series ended. Most notably was Fawkes who has gone on to direct his own movies, most of them starring his buddy Falco. Oda watched the camera crew with a keen eye, keeping track of what actor they are interviewing next. They approached Wanda after a while, and against Wanda's wishes as she kept insisting "I don't want to partake", Oda butted in and spoke for her. Warmly spoke of her friend and the amazing work she did on the show. It felt very natural and sweet until Oda shifted gears... and brought up on live television that Wanda have to fund her own medical transition as IRIS refuses to cover it.
People were looking at each other with strange looks, is this a bit? Is she being serious? Wanda was trying to get Oda to stop talking for her but she decided to shrug Wanda off, moving over to Edna who was frozen in place being seen on live television with none other than Krystal by her side. Oda continued her commendation of her friends, calling Edna a genius and a sweet friend... who is forced to hide herself daily because IRIS won't allow her to wear the face she identifies with. Moving on, the crowd is gone deathly silent. The lumbering spokeswoman's grip on the microphone tightened as she moved on to Tsuki, who didn't object to this whatsoever. "This is Tsuki Yoshimada, she is a well respected actor who you all might remember from 4 years ago, when IRIS tried to remove her for getting a surgery to alter her appearance. You remember how that went, right?".
Oda felt herself tense up and her breathing got heavier and her voice emotional, she turned to the camera to share her own story. "They experimented on me so I could cover my father's hospital bills, while I was pr-" she exclaimed, interrupted by her fist destroying the microphone in her grip. Upon realizing she destroyed something in her anger, it subsided and her tears started rolling. The camera crew moved away as their equipment was damaged, and the feed was shortly cut afterwards. Krystal, Wanda, Tsuki and Edna came to Oda's rescue and consoled her, moving away from the commotion. The skies had turned gray and rain was surely coming soon, they decided to move into the garage, somewhere nostalgic for them all.
Wanda was upset, trying her best not to be too hard on her friend who is clearly emotional, she couldn't help herself from asking "what the fuck did you just do?". Oda sniffled, but eventually cracking a confident smirk and responding "I'm going to clean this place up."
[2011] Q3
Oda's trick had quite literally shook the modern world, the image of IRIS had been forever tainted by casting fuel to the fire already looming over the leadership due to the incident of 2007. Investors were demanding an immediate resignation of the current leaders and to hold an election for a humanitarian leadership, as this is a multibillion company that is absolutely necessary for Pangea to keep functioning as it currently does. IRIS is the biggest export within renewable energy, life saving medicine, prostethics and food preservation. The revalation that the most important workers and scientists of our world gets treated as expendable appendages to save a small sum of money is abhorrent.
[2011] Q4
It is made public knowledge the leaders of IRIS were intentionally cutting corners to line their own pockets, outclassing the wages of every worker by 1 to 1000. A massive strike starts.
[2012] Q1
An election is refused by the workers, instead they are electing to hold a meeting with the top ranking officers, engineers, pilots and scientists to collaborate on a leadership that will benefit every sector. Odessa Orson's name was brought up over and over, as she has been involved with every side of IRIS the past decade and have an incredible amount of connections who can vouch for her. Without even inviting her, or even notifying her once that they're considering her, Oda found out she was elected as Fleet Admiral of IRIS while reading the papers eating cereal. She spat her cereal out, much to her son's dismay, responding "Eww gross".
[2012] Q2
She's here, she's finally able to take on the role she has craved for so long. Being a voice of the people and standing up for the little people, her first executive order is funding ALL medication across the establishment. She was shortly after informed she was denied this by investors as they didn't know how much it would cost them. Oda sneered, "Fine then. I'll fund everyone their needs with my salary. I don't need it.".
Oda's immediate second decision... hire Tsuki as her secretary. No one was better at archiving and crunching numbers than her, her office was a mess of papers and empty pizza boxes within even 3 weeks of being at her job. Tsuki smiled for the first time in several years. It started with the two of them, and they're back at it once again.
Immediate third executive order is abolishing the need to keep a dress code, let people express themselves any way that are deemed fit as long as they carry a piece of their IRIS identification on them. Edna could for the first time step down the halls as herself, she's a furret. She's a furret! Oh my god she's a furret! She couldn't help but skip and jump going down the hallway to Oda's office, she's Edna! She's Edna the furret! She leapt into Oda's arms and shapeshifted her arms longer to reach around her for a hug. Oda's never seen a bigger smile on her face.
Wanda... Wanda was still hard to crack, she might seem a bit peeved by the methods to get where they are now but... she entered the office last, she seemed to have a pretty intense frown going on. She slowly took her steps towards Oda, as did she towards Wanda. Her frown cracked and she laughed, her smile grew wide and the two of them joined hands (yes like in the predator movie) and ill wills were definitely buried.
They reached the top, they made their community a safer place to be.
"what now?" Edna piped up.
"What now?" Oda questioned back. "Well, it's time to make sure the next generation never has to go through what you did!"
The IRIS Academy started up next year, offering valuable life experience and skills to students from all over the world in every subject they have to offer. Machinery, medicinal, flight, cartography, "SCIENCE", history, botany, space exploration.... It became the boarding school dreams were made of.
Epilogue, Oda's Office:
"What if we call them Pupils?" Oda asked while toying with a rubiks cube in her chair
"What" Tsuki asked.
"You know, they're students, but it's IRIS, so we call them puuuuupils..."
"No." Tsuki responded.
"Aw why not!" Oda moaned.
"You're setting them up for bullying, it's so easy" Tsuki said, surprisingly adamant for not changing her tone.
"Huh... yeah you might be right" Oda thought. Her rubiks cube exploded.
Part 1 focuses on Oda and her friends first and foremost.
I will upload a part 2 some other time, detailing the next generation that takes over from here.
The thumbnail was drawn by

Odessa Orson - A tough mechanic gal with her head in the clouds, always fighting for what is right and the well being of those around her. Blue Panda.
Wanda O'Donnell - A stoic wolf who drowns out the barrage of thoughts in their head by doing kind gestures for others on impulse. Wolf.
Tsuki Yoshimada - A monotone lumbering kobold who carries a grumpy face, finding it difficult to open up to people. Dragon Kobold.
Edna Hunt - A shapeshifter struggling to see themselves. Shapeshifter.
Krystal - An up and going indie film director who made it big at the cost of her personal ambitions. Blue Fox.
The Pangea Meteor Watch assembled.
"Ground Zero" was hit by a large meteor and immediately a team was sent over to investigate. The team of scientists and researchers spent little time mulling over the contents of the meteor and quickly discovered the properties could help with the advancement in science at a much faster pace than they had been going so far. Instead of bringing it back, the group decided to stay and do experimentation remotely...
[1765 - 1969]
"Ground Zero" was dubbed I.R.I.S. for it's eye-like shape, through 300 years of hyper speed technology advancement they now boast a 31st century space age way of living. I.R.I.S. is considered quarantined to the rest of the world as it has been dubbed as "too advanced", it's not ready for flying vehicles, laser tools or advanced automation, things that would cause a radical change to society way too fast. It has been elected to stay here until the world is ready, the exceptions are distribution of medicine, preservatives and prosthetics.
Odessa was born.
Tsuki hatched.
Wanda was born.
Krystal was born.
Edna was born.
Following her father's footsteps, Odessa graduates as a mechanic and is handed an invitation to join IRIS to further her education, giving her the chance to upgrade from hot rods to space ships. With the family business going down and needing a way to provide for her sick father, this was Oda's only good option.
Tsuki lands her first job as a child actor in a famous kaiju franchise.
Struggling to keep a budget going, IRIS tries out funding Sci-Fi movies with actual real technology instead of expensive computer graphics. It was an immediate hit and praised for it's realism, film makes came to IRIS in droves to get a piece of the pie.
The most promising pitch to come out of this was a space ranger show about pilots fighting evil scientists in space. Fawkes Jameson landed the role of main character. Oda among with 5 other mechanics close to her were selected to work on and maintain ships on the show.
In addition, the Godzilla franchise had moved studios to IRIS to cut down on cost in special effects and building landscapes. This means Tsuki moved to IRIS. The next three movies have since been hailed as the gold standard of the Kaiju genre
The success of Star Fox spawned several seasons and the cast was expanded. Looking for a rival team, Wanda was cast as Fawkes' rival under the team name "Star Wolf". While Fawkes lived for the project, Wanda signed up to keep herself busy. Krystal decides to take up film as her academic endeavor.
Edna discovers the show and becomes obsessed with it.
Oda gets drunk at a party related to the show's season wrapping up. She doesn't remember where or with who, but she had a one night stand with someone. She figured out she was pregnant a few months later. The higher ups at IRIS saw this as a severe breach of rules and contemplated banning her for life. However, she got a second chance as the institute offered her an ultimatum: Leave or agree to test out injecting experimental nanomachines into her. She reluctantly agreed knowing it could very much ruin her life or even kill her, but she had no other choice as it could risk her father's health.
Distraught and her mind empty, Oda sits in silence outside the office, like a child outside the principal's. She happened to meet Tsuki here, who was also waiting for her turn. Tsuki is not really a people person, but she saw Oda was having it rough and tried her best to make small talk through her monotone tone. Oda IS a people's person and her words came flowing out like a waterfall. Oda explained her situation in full. When she asked Tsuki what she's here for she said she was trying to get herself a job here on IRIS, as she is extremely confident she will be recast as Godzilla for coming out as trans.
Despite her gruff and destructive display on the big screen she was actually extremely fascinated with organizing and cleaning and would love to get a job as an archivist or something. But she got told no, seemingly no one thought she was fitting for it based on her looks. Large lumbering tail, hunched back, 4 digit hands and she was a dragon. "They are probably scared I'll hoard it or some stupid shit" Tsuki let out in frustration. Oda felt for her. The two of them didn't see each other for a while after that day, but their meeting felt like it had an impact.
Oda was too busy in the moment to really think about it, but she didn't know what being trans was.
Oda was injected with Nanomachines in December. They seemingly did not do anything to her at all, but a promise was a promise and she was allowed to keep her job.
Oda's father dies of heart complications.
Elijah was born the next day. He was allowed to stay on Iris until he is of school age.
Oda was crushed by the events that transpired the last few months, she spent her blood tears and sweat making sure her father could live on. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, she took this as her being passed the torch. She will give this kid the best god damn care anyone could dream of.
Tsuki lands a job on IRIS as a cleanup janitor for the garage, meaning close proximity to Oda for most shifts. Tsuki had gotten new piercings and was wearing eyeliner now, when asked about it she lectured Oda about gender identity. "It could happen to anyone really, not everyone realizes right away." She murmurred. "It could even happen to your kid over there, about to walk into an oil spil- oh shoot". Tsuki quickly dashed over to save a baby from becoming an oil sponge.
Already with a new friend and a kid to take care of, Oda's mind brightened. Sad tears became happy tears.
Krystal's passion film project "Dinosaur Planet" experiences intense success with test audiences, catching the eyes of producers for Star Fox. They offer her a large money sum to incorporate this story into star fox. She reluctantly agreed as her economic situation could really benefit from it. She was still set to play her role from her short film in star fox and was flown out to IRIS.
Due to heavier action sequences being added they were looking for stunt doubles for Krystal, and Odessa just so happened to fit in perfectly. Oda and Tsuki blossomed a friendship with Krystal over time, including Wanda by osmosis because they noticed the wolf tends to keep to themselves. The wolf would tend to brush their gestures off, but something about that kid of Oda's always seeming interested in them tugged at just the right heart strings. Wanda would start talking eventually.
Edna felt something brewing inside her as she watched the latest season of the show, almost like a kinship with Krystal... her emotions went haywire and she would feel this warmth in her chest any time she watched, was it love? Was it that she had a crush on Krystal? No... was it that she wanted to BE like Krystal, could that be it? Edna would dare to shapeshift into Krystal while locked into her room for privacy... it felt... different... it felt good? She could not hold this form for long as her nerves could not handle the thought of being spotted like this.
For the sake of clarification on Edna's feelings, she didn't know the true answer was "I wish to be a woman".
Wanda finally feels like they can let their guard down among their friends and confesses to them in private she thinks she might be a woman. Krystal and Oda give Wanda their support though not knowing all too much about being trans themselves. But Tsuki stepped forth and gave Wanda a big reassuring hug. With the most reassuring monotone "I got you." whispered from her lips, Wanda started crying for the first time in a really long time. The next morning Oda recalled the first time she met Tsuki after her transition, and offered Wanda to do her eyeliner for her.
[2004] Q1
Star Fox concludes it's final season with blockbuster scale invasion story that end up not making as much money as it spent producing it. Star Fox was cancelled until further notice. It was heartbreaking for everyone involved. Krystal moved home with all of the other actors, but Wanda pleaded to stay as her kinship with Oda and Tsuki had grown so strong and felt as though space ship traveling was her true calling in life. As the show basically covered the costs of arwing pilot training, Wanda was easily hired for the job.
Distraught with the news of her favourite show ending, Edna didn't quite know what to do with herself. Her mind wandered and somehow her final conclusion was "I need to go there.", trying to find some sort of closure for herself.
Eli became of school age, forcing Oda to move to Pangea to actually be there for her kid as a good parent. She is allowed to work from home, but has to take the bullet train to IRIS for bigger assignments. She's managed to go into a deal with Tsuki and Wanda to babysit Eli when their shifts line up.
[2004] Q3
Edna started to plot out a way to get into IRIS, her shapeshifting abilities made it very easy for her to sneak into places as she can just quickly disguise herself. Though her anxiety was through the roof she managed to make her way in by constantly shifting into guards she spotted. Once the escort finally made it's pit stop in the garage, she stepped out and quickly zipped off behind some junk and barrels. Her breath was heavy and she had to tell herself to calm down. To relieve some tension she disguises herself as Krystal to calm her nerves with some familiarity.But... she was hiding behind Oda's station, and was quickly sussed out by Oda who knows her blue vixen friend better than most people.
"Hey... you're not Krystal, are you?" She questioned, scaring Edna half to death as she put her hand on her shoulder. "DON'T HURT ME" she yelped in response. Oda shook her head and offered her a hand, and invited her to Oda's dorm. This was obviously someone having a rough day she thought to herself. Edna meekly let herself go of her disguise once inside, revealing herself as a shiny hisuian zoroark. Her wild hair got frequent compliments from Oda, admiring it's colour and volume.
The shapeshifter ended up talking about her entire life's story, or lack thereof to Oda as if she was her therapist. She's struggled to get a hold of who she is, what she is, where she belongs. The only thing she had ever found comfort in was the tv show filmed here and that's why she decided to come here, not sure what she was looking for. Tears started rolling down her cheeks as Oda's hand stroke her back. Anyone could have told Edna that this wasn't the right place for her to be, that she needed help and shouldn't intertwine her escapism with her real life... but... Oda isn't just anyone. However, this was bigger than her and she wouldn't know how to directly help, but she was very confident she has a few friends who absolutely could while she's busy back at home with her son.
As Tsuki arrived on IRIS to baton pass with Oda, Edna was pushed into her and Wanda. "This girl needs your help."
"Who is this?" Wanda questioned. Oda strapped her duffel bag over her shoulder and responded "Exactly."
As if the planets aligned, Oda managed to convince higher ups that Edna was worth hiring as she showed a complex understanding for the arwings' controls and mechanisms, something she never admitted to being through paying insanely close attention to the controls in the show, as they used actual real space ships for it. She would get Wanda has her teacher for a year until she can prove herself 100%. However, one caveat, she was forced to present as herself without any shapeshifting. This was fine at first but would eventually wear down on her mentally, with the only outlet for self expression being the private dorms. Where she and the others were free to experiment with their looks. Edna even shapeshifted into her friends to show how they'd look with different piercings, hairstyles, boobs, etc etc. Night time was usually the highlight of the day for everyone.
Wanda had started transitioning medically thanks to Tsuki's guidance, but was stricken by a one two punch as she was denied getting piercings due to "Guidelines requiring you look like your ID photo" and then was denied to have IRIS cover the medical expenses of HRT as it wasn't deemed "necessary" for her to have. Meaning Wanda would spend most of her money on medication and even miss hours due to taking time off to go get them in Pangea. Tsuki had hers covered by her acting career and already had piercings before she got here.
While Oda happiness was rising from the friendships she gained and the experience of being a good mother, the weariness of her friends wore down on her mind like a splinter, seeing their problems pile up just like her it did her father.... She was always the optimist of the group but even she could see the cracks forming. Her final thread finally snap one morning when getting Eli ready for school, tying the shoes of her kid she was asked "Hey mom? I think I might be a boy."
Oda's world was spinning, she was so happy for her son and wanted to assure he had the right upbringing and the most loving family... but the thoughts of her friends suffering from discrimination swam around in her head, heartbroken to ever imagine her son growing up with the pain Wanda, Tsuki and Edna carries... She gave Eli a big hug and said "Then you are my boy."
Oda sent Eli away to the bus stop. Returning inside to their apartment her rage took over for the very first time in her life and she punched a wall in frustration, creating a hole between her room and the neighbours. What?? Oda hurried over, apologized and paid for the damages while taping her side of the wall over with cardboard and tape. It's been 7 years since she accepted the nanomachine experiment and it's only seemingly now that they triggered. Her heart was racing like a formula 1 hot rod, like a tornado, or like a teen finally getting medication for their adhd. She felt like running for a trip.
Clearing her head and letting her mind wander, Oda felt like she could achieve anything. Thinking about how everyone around her was hurting, she mustered up the courage to tell herself "she can be more than this". Upon arriving home she started reading, and reading, reading, reading and reading. Like a study montage from a movie about college kids turning a leaf, Oda decided she'll rise above her profession and make it a goal to climb the ladders at IRIS herself, because who the fuck else is gonna do it if she doesn't even try to start?... but turns out her energy surplus is so VAST she gets bored extremely easily reading word after word. So, of course, she started lifting weights while reading to keep her hands busy. Odessa Orson became a super powered being of pure adrenaline.
This is the part where you imagine she got extremely buff over night, but alas, not the case. She met up at IRIS the day after with her clothes barely fitting her and she was drenched in sweat. She was skin and bones! Edna, Tsuki and Wanda came to her rescue and got her over to the cafeteria. Edna kept going back and forth getting cold water bottles for Oda while Wanda and Tsuki borderline interrogated her on what was happening. While Oda explained everything between water bottles at break neck speed, her trusty friends couldn't help but laugh. "Odessa, girl, you need to eat." Wanda chirped. "How else do you think we got tits huh girl, you can't gain mass when you skip every meal." Tsuki continued.
While the nanomachines in Oda very much boosted her stamina to insane numbers, they only multiply her actual stamina by a set number. This blue panda has been awake for 27 hours with nothing to eat and been active for every second of it. "Oh... yeah, you know, that makes sense". She let out, dazed, before slamming her face on the cafeteria table and falling asleep. Wanda drove her home for the day and looked after Eli until Oda woke up.
When Eli came home he was very excited to see aunt Wanda being over for a visit. Wanda lifted him up for a hug and asked how school was, Eli didn't answer, instead excitedly proclaimed "Wanda, I'm a boy!". Wanda smiled and ruffled his hair.
Over the course of 4 years Edna had changed her looks and face 7 times trying to find what's right to her. She's been going strong as a furret for a while now and has found her new permanent face... for as long as she's allowed to present that way.
Tsuki's long long long wait for a hair transplant was finally here, she was on leave in 2007 for a month so her scalp could heal. This caused a long needless debate with higher ups at IRIS about breaking conduct of changing ones appearance. It was all over the news as Tsuki Yoshimada is a well known name outside IRIS. News and rumors spread about the leadership at the space port and they got in hot water with investors, finally yielding and allowing it + Tsuki's demands to let Wanda have piercings.
Wanda's mind started to wander as Oda was less around and and she was assigned for solo missions more often. She was awarded several medals of honour over the course of 4 years for her "heroic" calls to action assigned by IRIS. Wanda became known as one of the better pilots the institute had ever seen, a position worthy of celebration but she found little want for celebrating it.
Oda moved on from the garage she called her home, the ships she called her pride and joy, as she proved herself to be fit for higher positions within the institute. This woman would work tirelessly to climb the ranks and gain some authority and respect from her peers. For every year she stood higher both metaphorically and physically as her muscles increased. From daddy's girl to mechanic, to lead mechanic, to flight overseer. Oda wrote paper after paper after paper tirelessly, it felt like she was barely visible to her friends anymore, a hermit they meet once a month or so when their lunch times line up... unless she's busy doing paperwork.
[2011] Q2
The gang feels like it's lost it's spark after 10 years, the last few especially felt like everyone has moved on to cope with their feelings in their own ways. Tsuki and Edna were the only ones regularly meeting up.
It was nearing the 10 year anniversary of "Star Fox Adventures", the most successful season of star fox to have ever aired on television. Years of planning and building up had finally lead to this plan being set into motion. With Oda's influence as a high ranking officer on IRIS she approved a request, secretly made by herself, for celebrating the anniversary of the show inviting all the actors, editors, directors, camera people... Before she had even sent invitations out.
It was a bright and sunny day, it was May. Everyone but Pepper's actor accepted the invitation to the celebration. It was the first time both Wanda and Oda had seen each other in a while, they had gained significant mass to their figures and made a few "new haircut??" jokes. Though it might not have been entirely too much of a joke on Wanda's part, as Oda's hair is absolutely full of gray hairs from her stressful work. The two of them were however absolutely dwarfed in comparison to Krystal, who had since had several Enlarge potions and shot up to over 10 feet tall, and who knows how many feet wide. Wanda remarked she finally matched her positive aura, making Krystal blush. "Think I can still fill in for your stunts?" Oda elbowed Krystal, who giggled shyly.
Edna and Tsuki were done with their shifts and Edna practically dragged the big lizard with her out to join in. She was absolutely ecstastic and super shy at the same time. Oda welcomed her old friends with wide open BUFF arms, taking little time before she introduces Edna to Krystal. Edna could barely speak, but it's okay, Krystal can read minds after all and was very flattered. The old friends gathered together for a group hug for a photo. Krystal leaned over with a shy wave, Oda and Wanda had their arms around each other's shoulder. Tsuki is trying to give a smile, she is trying sooooo hard! And Edna, front and center, with a big smile and two peace signs thrown up.
A camera crew was filming the event and interviewing everyone, asking what they've been up to since the series ended. Most notably was Fawkes who has gone on to direct his own movies, most of them starring his buddy Falco. Oda watched the camera crew with a keen eye, keeping track of what actor they are interviewing next. They approached Wanda after a while, and against Wanda's wishes as she kept insisting "I don't want to partake", Oda butted in and spoke for her. Warmly spoke of her friend and the amazing work she did on the show. It felt very natural and sweet until Oda shifted gears... and brought up on live television that Wanda have to fund her own medical transition as IRIS refuses to cover it.
People were looking at each other with strange looks, is this a bit? Is she being serious? Wanda was trying to get Oda to stop talking for her but she decided to shrug Wanda off, moving over to Edna who was frozen in place being seen on live television with none other than Krystal by her side. Oda continued her commendation of her friends, calling Edna a genius and a sweet friend... who is forced to hide herself daily because IRIS won't allow her to wear the face she identifies with. Moving on, the crowd is gone deathly silent. The lumbering spokeswoman's grip on the microphone tightened as she moved on to Tsuki, who didn't object to this whatsoever. "This is Tsuki Yoshimada, she is a well respected actor who you all might remember from 4 years ago, when IRIS tried to remove her for getting a surgery to alter her appearance. You remember how that went, right?".
Oda felt herself tense up and her breathing got heavier and her voice emotional, she turned to the camera to share her own story. "They experimented on me so I could cover my father's hospital bills, while I was pr-" she exclaimed, interrupted by her fist destroying the microphone in her grip. Upon realizing she destroyed something in her anger, it subsided and her tears started rolling. The camera crew moved away as their equipment was damaged, and the feed was shortly cut afterwards. Krystal, Wanda, Tsuki and Edna came to Oda's rescue and consoled her, moving away from the commotion. The skies had turned gray and rain was surely coming soon, they decided to move into the garage, somewhere nostalgic for them all.
Wanda was upset, trying her best not to be too hard on her friend who is clearly emotional, she couldn't help herself from asking "what the fuck did you just do?". Oda sniffled, but eventually cracking a confident smirk and responding "I'm going to clean this place up."
[2011] Q3
Oda's trick had quite literally shook the modern world, the image of IRIS had been forever tainted by casting fuel to the fire already looming over the leadership due to the incident of 2007. Investors were demanding an immediate resignation of the current leaders and to hold an election for a humanitarian leadership, as this is a multibillion company that is absolutely necessary for Pangea to keep functioning as it currently does. IRIS is the biggest export within renewable energy, life saving medicine, prostethics and food preservation. The revalation that the most important workers and scientists of our world gets treated as expendable appendages to save a small sum of money is abhorrent.
[2011] Q4
It is made public knowledge the leaders of IRIS were intentionally cutting corners to line their own pockets, outclassing the wages of every worker by 1 to 1000. A massive strike starts.
[2012] Q1
An election is refused by the workers, instead they are electing to hold a meeting with the top ranking officers, engineers, pilots and scientists to collaborate on a leadership that will benefit every sector. Odessa Orson's name was brought up over and over, as she has been involved with every side of IRIS the past decade and have an incredible amount of connections who can vouch for her. Without even inviting her, or even notifying her once that they're considering her, Oda found out she was elected as Fleet Admiral of IRIS while reading the papers eating cereal. She spat her cereal out, much to her son's dismay, responding "Eww gross".
[2012] Q2
She's here, she's finally able to take on the role she has craved for so long. Being a voice of the people and standing up for the little people, her first executive order is funding ALL medication across the establishment. She was shortly after informed she was denied this by investors as they didn't know how much it would cost them. Oda sneered, "Fine then. I'll fund everyone their needs with my salary. I don't need it.".
Oda's immediate second decision... hire Tsuki as her secretary. No one was better at archiving and crunching numbers than her, her office was a mess of papers and empty pizza boxes within even 3 weeks of being at her job. Tsuki smiled for the first time in several years. It started with the two of them, and they're back at it once again.
Immediate third executive order is abolishing the need to keep a dress code, let people express themselves any way that are deemed fit as long as they carry a piece of their IRIS identification on them. Edna could for the first time step down the halls as herself, she's a furret. She's a furret! Oh my god she's a furret! She couldn't help but skip and jump going down the hallway to Oda's office, she's Edna! She's Edna the furret! She leapt into Oda's arms and shapeshifted her arms longer to reach around her for a hug. Oda's never seen a bigger smile on her face.
Wanda... Wanda was still hard to crack, she might seem a bit peeved by the methods to get where they are now but... she entered the office last, she seemed to have a pretty intense frown going on. She slowly took her steps towards Oda, as did she towards Wanda. Her frown cracked and she laughed, her smile grew wide and the two of them joined hands (yes like in the predator movie) and ill wills were definitely buried.
They reached the top, they made their community a safer place to be.
"what now?" Edna piped up.
"What now?" Oda questioned back. "Well, it's time to make sure the next generation never has to go through what you did!"
The IRIS Academy started up next year, offering valuable life experience and skills to students from all over the world in every subject they have to offer. Machinery, medicinal, flight, cartography, "SCIENCE", history, botany, space exploration.... It became the boarding school dreams were made of.
Epilogue, Oda's Office:
"What if we call them Pupils?" Oda asked while toying with a rubiks cube in her chair
"What" Tsuki asked.
"You know, they're students, but it's IRIS, so we call them puuuuupils..."
"No." Tsuki responded.
"Aw why not!" Oda moaned.
"You're setting them up for bullying, it's so easy" Tsuki said, surprisingly adamant for not changing her tone.
"Huh... yeah you might be right" Oda thought. Her rubiks cube exploded.
Category Story / General Furry Art
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 801 x 400px
File Size 225.2 kB
Listed in Folders
Of course!
Oda https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45473300/
Edna https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50945054/
Wanda https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42494772/
Tsuki I've not uploaded yet, but https://twitter.com/Koboldium/statu.....71796735672324
Oda https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45473300/
Edna https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50945054/
Wanda https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42494772/
Tsuki I've not uploaded yet, but https://twitter.com/Koboldium/statu.....71796735672324