Arusha the Xenomorph Indominus
Backstory Proofread and Edited by
Name: Arusha
Species: XenoIndom (Xenomorph Indominus Hybrid)
Age: 37
Gender: Female
ED Form Height:16ft
ED Form Length: 27ft
Feral Height: 27ft
Feral Length: 60ft
Vore Role: Heavily Pred (will hardly ever be Prey)
Close Friends: Arusha and Fluffy (Owned by Me), Mama and Arez (Mom and Dad,
MesozoicGamer), Joshua (SnaccFren, Me), Wolfy (Me), Johnathon (SnaccFren,
), Firefloof and Patricia (
RavenHorn76), Douglas and Sarah (
XM1C), Xela (
Smart-7), ParaTiger (
theparatiger), Michael (Snaccfren,
DrOctoberFesta) , Azon (Snaccfren,
Occupation: Demolitionist, Leader of Shadows of the Mist
Personality: Tough, Fierce, Ready To Fight, Protective, Loyal, Snuggaholic (only shown around friends or family that have earned her trust)
Description: Down on the planet LV-816, inside a huge bunker to be protected from the Xenomorph population, a group of scientists were experimenting with Xenomorph and dinosaur DNA, trying to make successful hybrids they could raise and train the resulting hybrids to be powerful allies for the USCMC. One such hybrid was a Xenomorph Indominus named Arusha, who grew up the first few years of her life learning just like any other kid; sometimes even being taken onto the Vulotra Space Station to learn more about the history of mankind and dinosaur-kind alike. She was intrigued to learn about the United States Colonial Marines, an American military branch that serves as the United States Interstellar Force and is always ready at all times to operate in environments far from home. One company of Marines were stationed on Vulotra, armed and ready in case anything terrible happened on LV-816, most of which weren’t keen on Arusha’s presence, given ‘bugs’ like her were what they always hunted and took out to protect colonists.
As Arusha grew into her teenage years, she was able to fully control her ability to swap between feral and anthro forms at will, choosing to be her Anthro form while on the station. The company was still dealing with mixed feelings and uneasiness at her presence, even more so when she had applied to join the Colonial Marines. After six months of tests and physicals to make sure she was fit, she was accepted into the USCMC. She was soon given her first-ever orders, to board the first shuttle off the station and head back to Earth’s solar system, where she would board a station orbiting the Earth; the Roosevelt Station. She happily gathered her things and boarded the first shuttle along with half of the company that was on board Vulotra. They were to not only get new recruits but to make sure that she didn’t cause trouble. The jump to hyperspace brought the shuttle just outside of Earth’s orbit. The shuttle began to slow down and carefully use their vector thrusters to reorient as the Roosevelt Station came around in orbit. The shuttle then docked onto the station.
Arusha gathered her stuff and proceeded inside the station, feeling nervous but also excited as she went inside. Arusha went where she was told to go to meet her combat trainer; an anthro Spinosaurus named Douglas who had many years of combat experience. After a bit of navigating through the corridors of the station, she soon arrived at the barracks. The doors opened automatically where the company that went along was already waiting for her. They all turned around on the spot and stepped aside, revealing Douglas. He was much older than everyone around him, but still young due to him never aging past 35 biologically. His long face adorns big and noticeable scars. On the right side of his head his eye appeared to be missing or scratched out in a way. His good eye widened at her appearance “What in the absolute hell is that?!” he had shouted in a mix of shock and disbelief. One of the company begrudgingly spoke “That’s…our newest recruit, Arusha. She’s a Xenomorph-Indominus hybrid cooked up by the geeks in the lab on LV-816 to be one of our powerful allies; she chose to join the USCSM instead.”
Douglas took a deep breath “Alright then, guess I’ll have to work with what I’ve been given. Arusha, come with me and we’ll get you sorted out then the training begins.” he said before leading her past the company and to the armory. Douglas showed her a wide variety of weapons and attire. “This here is the armory, fitted out with the best the USCMC has to offer. we’ve got Heavy MGs, my personal favorites. We also have rocket launchers, grenade launchers, assault rifles, shotguns, you name it we’ve got em. Take your pick.” Arusha took the time to look around, picking out the Demolitionist’s Mk57 compression armor along with the EVI-87 Zvezda Plasma Rifle, the M42A1 Pulse Rifle, L56A3 Smartgun, and the Microburst Launcher, setting the 4 weapons and armor set on the table, “These are the ones that speak to me the most, Douglas, sir.” she said as Douglas took a good look at everything, grabbing each of the weapons one by one and making sure they were still in one piece considering the man running the gun cage hadn’t cleaned the guns this week. Douglas nodded as he held up her armor of choice to her body “I’ve been told you’ve got a feral form, yes?” he asked to which she nodded “Alright, this armor you’ve picked is built for the humans and smaller anthros of the Colonial Marines. We’ll take your dimensions for both forms and custom build your armor. It will adjust to fit the form you’re in. While that's happening, we’re going to head to the Simulator HoloRooms that a friend of mine helped implement onto the station. They’ll be where we’ll go to train.” Arusha listened as Douglas spoke, nodding before letting him lead her to the floor below where the HoloRooms were.
After twenty minutes of walking through the corridors and taking the elevator down a floor, Douglas took her to one of the many HoloRooms implemented into the station. He put in some commands and loaded up a scenario where she had to fend off a large batch of hostile Xenomorphs from a group of Colonists. In the sim, Arusha was the only surviving member of her squad in the scenario. “Ready for your first training mission?” he asked, handing her the M42A1 as she stepped into the large white room. He pressed the button and the room shimmered before resembling a base, barriers appeared in front of her as the hissing and screeching sound of the hostile Xenomorphs filled the chamber. Her motion tracker started beeping rapidly with multiple dots coming from the northeast to the northwest “Multiple hostiles inbound!” She could hear Douglas shout from behind the door. She opened fire the moment she saw them, firing controlled bursts to conserve ammo. They started flooding the corridors quicker and quicker, leading to her pulling out a grenade and throwing it; she got behind cover as it went off. She heard them screech and disperse before opening fire at them again. She soon heard an alarm go off as a Xenomorph Crusher ran past her and slammed into the wall of the room the colonists were hiding in before the scenario ended.
She stood up, taking a few deep breaths before stepping out of the room she looked at Douglas and inquired of her performance, “So….how did I do?”
Douglas, having a stern look on his snout, yelled, “How did you do?! You threw a grenade in a sealed-off corridor on a ship in outer space! That could’ve burst the airlocks and sucked you, the hostiles, AND the colonists all out into space and killed the mission if this was real life! Not only that but you failed to stop an elite Xeno from getting past you and to the colonists! You’ve got a long way to go before you can command a team of your own, rookie!” He was very disappointed in her, causing her to look down a bit. She looked back up at him “Sorry sir, I was surrounded and didn’t see that elite until it charged past me, my bullets bounced off its skull.” he looked back at her, shaking his head a small bit, “That’s because that was what we call a Crusher, made from large quadrupeds such as Rhinos or Hippos. Their skulls are rigid and bulletproof; the way to defeat one is to get behind them and open fire on the rest of their body.” She nodded as she listened to him. She accepted that she failed her first training mission and was taken to the gym rooms down another floor to train in physical combat.
She was confused at first why she was being taken to the gym and asked Douglas who chuckled “Well, you’re part Xenomorph aren’t you? You’re bound to end up in more physical combat than your comrades. Therefore, you’ve got to train with your legs, arms and that tail of yours to make sure you’re well-trained in all manner of combat; range and hand-to-hand, got it?” After listening to him explain she nodded. It did make sense to her that she may as well be ready to use any form of combat necessary. She stepped inside and saw some Marines tussling with Androids to test their skill against an opponent who could fight back like them. Before long she was sparring against an android, her tail lashing around and sending it into a wall with a loud thud, causing the room to go quiet and the people in it to look towards the android as it slowly got up. Douglas being the one to break the silence “Damn rookie, your hand-to-hand combat is on par with the rest of us, if not more. it’s just your ranged combat you need more practice on.”
As the years went by Arusha continued to train directly under Douglas’ command. She learned everything he knew and had to teach her. When she was taking the time to relax in-between training sessions she did her best to hang out with some of the other marines. She struggled for a couple of years until one of the newer ones that came before she was recruited chose to open up to her and try hanging out with her. They both discovered that there was more they had in common than they thought. The two became good friends. The Marine eventually offered to try and help the others open up to her as well. Arusha was quick to accept because Douglas had planned for her to be able to have her own team. She’d need their trust if she was going to be a Commander. After a while, and with the Marine’s help, she had befriended almost the entirety of the company that joined her on Roosevelt Station. She was soon climbing to the rank of Commander. This resulted in being assigned her own team to lead on missions to protect the colonies across the galaxies.
7 years had passed since Arusha joined the Colonial Marines. She was now 28 and proudly commanded her own team. She was still training under Douglas and sometimes even helping him train new recruits. She lightly jabbed Douglas in the arm one day as they watched recruits train, chuckling “I remember the day we met. You didn’t give me a chance to settle in. You had me pick out my gear and threw me into one of these HoloRooms. I failed on the first test run but now I’m far more efficient with getting missions done… I couldn’t have done it without you.” she said, causing Douglas to chuckle “Yea, and I chewed you out big time but look at you now Arusha, a commander of your own team, and helping me train new recruits for the Colonial Marines. You’ve become a fine Marine and I’m glad to be your Combat Trainer.” Arusha couldn’t help but smile at his compliment. It made her happy to hear praise from her mentor, an emotion she rarely showed to those she didn’t trust.
Another 9 years had passed and she was now 37 with a rather well-formed team of Marines with the help of Douglas. The two were talking on the command deck of the station when they saw a freighter, part of which was on fire exiting the jump to hyperspace with a space station behind it, one that made Arusha’s heart drop a moment. It was Vulotra and it was in bad shape as well and the freighter didn’t seem to be slowing down as it headed towards Earth. Arusha quickly tried to radio the freighter only to hear the sounds of Xenomorphs and gunfire before a Raptor’s screeching in pain and a “NOOOOOO!!!!!” could be heard in between bursts of static. Arusha quickly threw the radio down and sprinted out of the command deck calling up her team and having them prepare a shuttle for Earth. She told them not to ask questions as Douglas tried to call her name to get her attention. He grabbed hold of her arm and got her to turn around. “What is it, Arusha?” he questioned. She was breathing fast and heavily as she looked at him. “That was Vulotra, the station I spent half of my life growing up on before being transferred here. I’m going down to check for survivors.” With that she pulled away and ran to the hangar where her team was prepping a ship.
Douglas thought to himself for a moment then made sure he had his gear with him before quickly rushing to the hangar with her, knowing how much a home meant to someone. They both boarded the ship and they took off. The ship followed the freighter and station down to Earth. The crew watched in horror as it burned up on atmospheric entry from its speed. It crashed into a large valley and kicked up debris and sent it flying. Arusha’s pilot slowed down the ship and avoided the debris. The pilot slowly landed before Arusha leaped off the ship and ran to the freighter’s command deck which had been smashed open from the impact. She saw dead Xenomorphs everywhere and what looked to be a dead Raptor scientist. Her team got off and quickly began doing what they did best. Pumping lead into any living hostiles. Arusha searched the command deck and heard a groaning as everyone’s guns trained on the source, watching as what appeared to be a Xenomorph Protogen hybrid that was on top of the scientist’s body rose up. After clearing up his name and revealing he was like Arusha, the Xenomorph Protogen was now known as Veorzo. Arusha offered him a spot on her team. The XenoProto gladly accepted her offer before grabbing his fallen creator’s body and burying him nearby using a large pile of loose rocks. After some time, he returned and shook Arusha’s hand “Veorzo…welcome to Shadows of the Mist, an Elite Marine Squadron..” Arusha stated, Veorzo smiled happily and began helping the squad look through the crashed station. Eventually they all went back up to Roosevelt Station. Veorzo too began training under Douglas’ command to make sure he was indeed ready to be on Arusha’s team.
Likes: Safe Soft Vore, Snuggling (Only with Trusted Friends/Family), Chub, Family/Friends, Douglas, Veorzo, Fluffy, Her Team, USCM, Listening to Old Music (particularly music from the 70s-90s), Playing in the Snow, KFC, Dancing, Swimming, Learning New Things
Dislikes: Spiders, Not Being Able to Help, Hostile Xenomorphs, Losing Lives, Failing to Save Civilians, Monday Mornings


Backstory Proofread and Edited by

Name: Arusha
Species: XenoIndom (Xenomorph Indominus Hybrid)
Age: 37
Gender: Female
ED Form Height:16ft
ED Form Length: 27ft
Feral Height: 27ft
Feral Length: 60ft
Vore Role: Heavily Pred (will hardly ever be Prey)
Close Friends: Arusha and Fluffy (Owned by Me), Mama and Arez (Mom and Dad,

Occupation: Demolitionist, Leader of Shadows of the Mist
Personality: Tough, Fierce, Ready To Fight, Protective, Loyal, Snuggaholic (only shown around friends or family that have earned her trust)
Description: Down on the planet LV-816, inside a huge bunker to be protected from the Xenomorph population, a group of scientists were experimenting with Xenomorph and dinosaur DNA, trying to make successful hybrids they could raise and train the resulting hybrids to be powerful allies for the USCMC. One such hybrid was a Xenomorph Indominus named Arusha, who grew up the first few years of her life learning just like any other kid; sometimes even being taken onto the Vulotra Space Station to learn more about the history of mankind and dinosaur-kind alike. She was intrigued to learn about the United States Colonial Marines, an American military branch that serves as the United States Interstellar Force and is always ready at all times to operate in environments far from home. One company of Marines were stationed on Vulotra, armed and ready in case anything terrible happened on LV-816, most of which weren’t keen on Arusha’s presence, given ‘bugs’ like her were what they always hunted and took out to protect colonists.
As Arusha grew into her teenage years, she was able to fully control her ability to swap between feral and anthro forms at will, choosing to be her Anthro form while on the station. The company was still dealing with mixed feelings and uneasiness at her presence, even more so when she had applied to join the Colonial Marines. After six months of tests and physicals to make sure she was fit, she was accepted into the USCMC. She was soon given her first-ever orders, to board the first shuttle off the station and head back to Earth’s solar system, where she would board a station orbiting the Earth; the Roosevelt Station. She happily gathered her things and boarded the first shuttle along with half of the company that was on board Vulotra. They were to not only get new recruits but to make sure that she didn’t cause trouble. The jump to hyperspace brought the shuttle just outside of Earth’s orbit. The shuttle began to slow down and carefully use their vector thrusters to reorient as the Roosevelt Station came around in orbit. The shuttle then docked onto the station.
Arusha gathered her stuff and proceeded inside the station, feeling nervous but also excited as she went inside. Arusha went where she was told to go to meet her combat trainer; an anthro Spinosaurus named Douglas who had many years of combat experience. After a bit of navigating through the corridors of the station, she soon arrived at the barracks. The doors opened automatically where the company that went along was already waiting for her. They all turned around on the spot and stepped aside, revealing Douglas. He was much older than everyone around him, but still young due to him never aging past 35 biologically. His long face adorns big and noticeable scars. On the right side of his head his eye appeared to be missing or scratched out in a way. His good eye widened at her appearance “What in the absolute hell is that?!” he had shouted in a mix of shock and disbelief. One of the company begrudgingly spoke “That’s…our newest recruit, Arusha. She’s a Xenomorph-Indominus hybrid cooked up by the geeks in the lab on LV-816 to be one of our powerful allies; she chose to join the USCSM instead.”
Douglas took a deep breath “Alright then, guess I’ll have to work with what I’ve been given. Arusha, come with me and we’ll get you sorted out then the training begins.” he said before leading her past the company and to the armory. Douglas showed her a wide variety of weapons and attire. “This here is the armory, fitted out with the best the USCMC has to offer. we’ve got Heavy MGs, my personal favorites. We also have rocket launchers, grenade launchers, assault rifles, shotguns, you name it we’ve got em. Take your pick.” Arusha took the time to look around, picking out the Demolitionist’s Mk57 compression armor along with the EVI-87 Zvezda Plasma Rifle, the M42A1 Pulse Rifle, L56A3 Smartgun, and the Microburst Launcher, setting the 4 weapons and armor set on the table, “These are the ones that speak to me the most, Douglas, sir.” she said as Douglas took a good look at everything, grabbing each of the weapons one by one and making sure they were still in one piece considering the man running the gun cage hadn’t cleaned the guns this week. Douglas nodded as he held up her armor of choice to her body “I’ve been told you’ve got a feral form, yes?” he asked to which she nodded “Alright, this armor you’ve picked is built for the humans and smaller anthros of the Colonial Marines. We’ll take your dimensions for both forms and custom build your armor. It will adjust to fit the form you’re in. While that's happening, we’re going to head to the Simulator HoloRooms that a friend of mine helped implement onto the station. They’ll be where we’ll go to train.” Arusha listened as Douglas spoke, nodding before letting him lead her to the floor below where the HoloRooms were.
After twenty minutes of walking through the corridors and taking the elevator down a floor, Douglas took her to one of the many HoloRooms implemented into the station. He put in some commands and loaded up a scenario where she had to fend off a large batch of hostile Xenomorphs from a group of Colonists. In the sim, Arusha was the only surviving member of her squad in the scenario. “Ready for your first training mission?” he asked, handing her the M42A1 as she stepped into the large white room. He pressed the button and the room shimmered before resembling a base, barriers appeared in front of her as the hissing and screeching sound of the hostile Xenomorphs filled the chamber. Her motion tracker started beeping rapidly with multiple dots coming from the northeast to the northwest “Multiple hostiles inbound!” She could hear Douglas shout from behind the door. She opened fire the moment she saw them, firing controlled bursts to conserve ammo. They started flooding the corridors quicker and quicker, leading to her pulling out a grenade and throwing it; she got behind cover as it went off. She heard them screech and disperse before opening fire at them again. She soon heard an alarm go off as a Xenomorph Crusher ran past her and slammed into the wall of the room the colonists were hiding in before the scenario ended.
She stood up, taking a few deep breaths before stepping out of the room she looked at Douglas and inquired of her performance, “So….how did I do?”
Douglas, having a stern look on his snout, yelled, “How did you do?! You threw a grenade in a sealed-off corridor on a ship in outer space! That could’ve burst the airlocks and sucked you, the hostiles, AND the colonists all out into space and killed the mission if this was real life! Not only that but you failed to stop an elite Xeno from getting past you and to the colonists! You’ve got a long way to go before you can command a team of your own, rookie!” He was very disappointed in her, causing her to look down a bit. She looked back up at him “Sorry sir, I was surrounded and didn’t see that elite until it charged past me, my bullets bounced off its skull.” he looked back at her, shaking his head a small bit, “That’s because that was what we call a Crusher, made from large quadrupeds such as Rhinos or Hippos. Their skulls are rigid and bulletproof; the way to defeat one is to get behind them and open fire on the rest of their body.” She nodded as she listened to him. She accepted that she failed her first training mission and was taken to the gym rooms down another floor to train in physical combat.
She was confused at first why she was being taken to the gym and asked Douglas who chuckled “Well, you’re part Xenomorph aren’t you? You’re bound to end up in more physical combat than your comrades. Therefore, you’ve got to train with your legs, arms and that tail of yours to make sure you’re well-trained in all manner of combat; range and hand-to-hand, got it?” After listening to him explain she nodded. It did make sense to her that she may as well be ready to use any form of combat necessary. She stepped inside and saw some Marines tussling with Androids to test their skill against an opponent who could fight back like them. Before long she was sparring against an android, her tail lashing around and sending it into a wall with a loud thud, causing the room to go quiet and the people in it to look towards the android as it slowly got up. Douglas being the one to break the silence “Damn rookie, your hand-to-hand combat is on par with the rest of us, if not more. it’s just your ranged combat you need more practice on.”
As the years went by Arusha continued to train directly under Douglas’ command. She learned everything he knew and had to teach her. When she was taking the time to relax in-between training sessions she did her best to hang out with some of the other marines. She struggled for a couple of years until one of the newer ones that came before she was recruited chose to open up to her and try hanging out with her. They both discovered that there was more they had in common than they thought. The two became good friends. The Marine eventually offered to try and help the others open up to her as well. Arusha was quick to accept because Douglas had planned for her to be able to have her own team. She’d need their trust if she was going to be a Commander. After a while, and with the Marine’s help, she had befriended almost the entirety of the company that joined her on Roosevelt Station. She was soon climbing to the rank of Commander. This resulted in being assigned her own team to lead on missions to protect the colonies across the galaxies.
7 years had passed since Arusha joined the Colonial Marines. She was now 28 and proudly commanded her own team. She was still training under Douglas and sometimes even helping him train new recruits. She lightly jabbed Douglas in the arm one day as they watched recruits train, chuckling “I remember the day we met. You didn’t give me a chance to settle in. You had me pick out my gear and threw me into one of these HoloRooms. I failed on the first test run but now I’m far more efficient with getting missions done… I couldn’t have done it without you.” she said, causing Douglas to chuckle “Yea, and I chewed you out big time but look at you now Arusha, a commander of your own team, and helping me train new recruits for the Colonial Marines. You’ve become a fine Marine and I’m glad to be your Combat Trainer.” Arusha couldn’t help but smile at his compliment. It made her happy to hear praise from her mentor, an emotion she rarely showed to those she didn’t trust.
Another 9 years had passed and she was now 37 with a rather well-formed team of Marines with the help of Douglas. The two were talking on the command deck of the station when they saw a freighter, part of which was on fire exiting the jump to hyperspace with a space station behind it, one that made Arusha’s heart drop a moment. It was Vulotra and it was in bad shape as well and the freighter didn’t seem to be slowing down as it headed towards Earth. Arusha quickly tried to radio the freighter only to hear the sounds of Xenomorphs and gunfire before a Raptor’s screeching in pain and a “NOOOOOO!!!!!” could be heard in between bursts of static. Arusha quickly threw the radio down and sprinted out of the command deck calling up her team and having them prepare a shuttle for Earth. She told them not to ask questions as Douglas tried to call her name to get her attention. He grabbed hold of her arm and got her to turn around. “What is it, Arusha?” he questioned. She was breathing fast and heavily as she looked at him. “That was Vulotra, the station I spent half of my life growing up on before being transferred here. I’m going down to check for survivors.” With that she pulled away and ran to the hangar where her team was prepping a ship.
Douglas thought to himself for a moment then made sure he had his gear with him before quickly rushing to the hangar with her, knowing how much a home meant to someone. They both boarded the ship and they took off. The ship followed the freighter and station down to Earth. The crew watched in horror as it burned up on atmospheric entry from its speed. It crashed into a large valley and kicked up debris and sent it flying. Arusha’s pilot slowed down the ship and avoided the debris. The pilot slowly landed before Arusha leaped off the ship and ran to the freighter’s command deck which had been smashed open from the impact. She saw dead Xenomorphs everywhere and what looked to be a dead Raptor scientist. Her team got off and quickly began doing what they did best. Pumping lead into any living hostiles. Arusha searched the command deck and heard a groaning as everyone’s guns trained on the source, watching as what appeared to be a Xenomorph Protogen hybrid that was on top of the scientist’s body rose up. After clearing up his name and revealing he was like Arusha, the Xenomorph Protogen was now known as Veorzo. Arusha offered him a spot on her team. The XenoProto gladly accepted her offer before grabbing his fallen creator’s body and burying him nearby using a large pile of loose rocks. After some time, he returned and shook Arusha’s hand “Veorzo…welcome to Shadows of the Mist, an Elite Marine Squadron..” Arusha stated, Veorzo smiled happily and began helping the squad look through the crashed station. Eventually they all went back up to Roosevelt Station. Veorzo too began training under Douglas’ command to make sure he was indeed ready to be on Arusha’s team.
Likes: Safe Soft Vore, Snuggling (Only with Trusted Friends/Family), Chub, Family/Friends, Douglas, Veorzo, Fluffy, Her Team, USCM, Listening to Old Music (particularly music from the 70s-90s), Playing in the Snow, KFC, Dancing, Swimming, Learning New Things
Dislikes: Spiders, Not Being Able to Help, Hostile Xenomorphs, Losing Lives, Failing to Save Civilians, Monday Mornings
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Xenomorph
Gender Female
Size 1810 x 2036px
File Size 5.2 MB