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Road Rovers: Accelerate Chapter 3
Chapter 3 "Factory Playcare"
The screams of a female for help, the screams of Colleen while struggling to go to her. Which causes Hunter to wake up and look around in his room. He goes into the kitchen for some water then talks to Colleen.
Colleen: Tough time sleeping?
Hunter: Oh, hey Colleen. I guess you could say that.
Colleen: *sits down* What's on your mind?
Hunter: *sits* Just a moment to clear my head, from... a scream.
Colleen: A scream? Of who?
Hunter: O-of *shakes a bit knowing it was Colleen's* of mine.
Colleen: Oh, well what were you screaming from?
Hunter: I-I don't want to talk about it. *Covering his face*
Colleen gets up and hugs Hunter for comfort, then she gets some water too and both go to bed. Morning came, everyone was up for breakfast and enjoying themselves together and watching TV until news broke through.
News Anchor: Breaking news, Japan has been receiving disappearances inside a toy factory in Tokyo. Most if not all the men that were working there have vanished, with only the women coming out injured. More will be informed after these messages.
Master: *turns the TV off* Rovers, I think you know what you're doing today.
Exile: tearing up chew toys for new chew toys?
Master: No, Exile
Hunter: All right, Japan here we go. Let's hit the Road, Rovers.
Group: *howling*
The group head towards the bay and to the vehicles and head off. Once arriving the locals wanted to interview the Rovers and answered as many questions as they could before entertaining the factory. Upon browsing the place they see many destroyed parts and items, and then stumbled upon action figures of themselves.
Blitz: Oh look how handsome I look.
Shag: *smiles* Rah Rah Rah Rah Rah.
Colleen: They even got my hair perfectly done.
Exile: Hehe, pretty goodski.
Hunter: Cool, all right Rovers, we're not here to take our toy selves... Maybe, our mission is to investigate what is going on, so... Shag, would you hold on to mine? *Everyone else gives him theirs too* huh there isn't one for Muzzle?
Once Shag hid the toys inside his fur and then everyone started to look around and split up next. Shag, Blitz and Exile were heading to the base while Hunter and Colleen looked for anyone else that was around on the floor with them talking to each other.
Colleen: *yells and echoes* HELLO!
Hunter: *covers his ears* I don't think that's a good idea.
Colleen: Gotta try something to get someone's attention.
A slithering sound happens.
Hunter: What was that?
Colleen: Don't know, but it's coming near.
Hunter: Get ready
Colleen: On it *pulls out Blitz's chomper bazooka*
Hunter: isn't that Blitz's bazooka?
Colleen: Who's? Watch out! *Blast at a tentacle with a hand on it*
Hunter: *watching the hand getting chomped* What the heck is-
Colleen: *grabbed and dragged to an air vent while struggling to hold on and screams*
Hunter then has a flashback to his dream, but then saves Colleen with the bazooka while helping her up until Hunter gets dragged into another vent. Colleen grabs the bazooka and runs off to find the others. Meanwhile Shag, Blitz and Exile were at the basement looking for anyone that was left.
Shag: Rah Rah rahrahrah.
Exile: No sure, Comrade Shag. Blitz?
Blitz: *sniffs* hmm, no.
Exile: then let's look through storage. *Opens the door*
Shag and Blitz sulks as they have to look around for any survivors which lasts quite a long time. Shag Blitz and Exile grouped back together.
Exile: I didn't find anyone.
Blitz: Me neither
Shag: Rah Rah Rah Rah. Rah Rah Rah?
Exile: There's vending machine there?
Shag runs up to one but doesn't have anything for currency of the vending machine then punches the thing which startles Exile and Blitz. They walked to the venting machine then Shag screamed at the multiple hands that were after them. Blitz couldn't find his bazooka.
Exile: *Shag pulls out his rocket launcher* Shag, please don't kill us all with that. *Ice beams the few hands*
Blitz: *tries to bite the hands* where are you going you sissy little hands *gets dragged towards a nearby vent and uses his claws to stop*
Shag also gets dragged but couldn't fit in a vent with Exile still standing and freezing the last hand then helps Blitz get out.
Blitz: plea-he-he-he-se Exile, help.
Exile: I'm... trying. *One hand breaks free then grabs Exile towards the air vent*
Blitz and Shag watch in horror as Blitz gets dragged too. Colleen comes in.
Colleen: All right buddy, I've got one mean bazooka and I'm not afraid to use it. *Looks everywhere and only finds Shag against a vent* Shag? *Runs over to him and helps him up* Where is everyone else?
Shag: Rah rahrahrah Rah rahrahrah.
Colleen: That's awfully scary. And they all went through the vents. Come on. *Talks towards the room that has the cooling system and hears laughter* Okay Shag, on the count of three we run inside but don't shoot. *Shag agrees* Okay... 1... 2... 3! *Kicks the door inside and she and Shag aim their bazookas at the thing that was capturing all the men in the factory*
???: So you come to face me now. *The captured victims tied and hanging in a web*
Colleen: Who are you?
Jorōgumo: Jorōgumo, and I'm here to take all of you Rovers. And add you two to my collection here.
Colleen: Oh yeah, well let's fight first!
While Colleen was fighting Jorō, Shag used Blitz's bazooka and aimed it at the victims and the other Rovers to release them all. Colleen was still fighting Jorō while Blitz and Exile escorted the people out, Hunter used his ball launcher to hit Jorō until Colleen threw one last kick to the face and pulled it for a swing launch against the wall.
Hunter: Man, I wouldn't want to get in on her bad side. *The others agreed*
Colleen: *stomp by stomp on each hand and notices a strange bump* hey.
Exile: What's wrong Comrade Colleen?
Colleen: *rips the arm to reveal robot parts* someone who wanted to lure us here and capture us. *Rips off the head to reveal...*
The group: Ben Arnold
Hunter: What an unexpected twist.
Colleen: Who was that again?
Hunter: The guy that was working for Parvo, and now wants to capture us for a delivery.
Blitz: Am I welcome to biting him in the tooshie?
Exile: Don't be weir- You know what. Maybe we let him.
Hunter: *Blitz's tail wags* You're right Exile, this time we'll let Blitz have at it.
Colleen: He's all yours.
Blitz: *bites Ben's tooshie*
Ben screams in agony while the others laugh but then try to restrain both of them. Before leaving, Colleen grabbed the rocket launcher and destroyed the Jorōgumo mechsuit.
Colleen: One ridiculously capable machine now perished.
Blitz: Excuse me, pretty lady, but I would like an explanation for the taking of my bazooka.
Colleen: Oh sorry, thought you wouldn't mind, Blinky.
Blitz: *Shag comes up and gives back the Bazooka* Danke, Shag.
Everyone left, taking in Ben back to America and sending him to jail. With the Rovers back to base, everyone started playing with their toy selves and Hunter gave Muzzle his toy self too.
Muzzle: ?
Hunter: Well they didn't have one of you, so I asked before we left if they could make one for you, so...
Master: Thank you Hunter. A very kind thing for him.
Hunter: You know you will have to go there.
Master: Go where?
Hunter: Nothing
The screams of a female for help, the screams of Colleen while struggling to go to her. Which causes Hunter to wake up and look around in his room. He goes into the kitchen for some water then talks to Colleen.
Colleen: Tough time sleeping?
Hunter: Oh, hey Colleen. I guess you could say that.
Colleen: *sits down* What's on your mind?
Hunter: *sits* Just a moment to clear my head, from... a scream.
Colleen: A scream? Of who?
Hunter: O-of *shakes a bit knowing it was Colleen's* of mine.
Colleen: Oh, well what were you screaming from?
Hunter: I-I don't want to talk about it. *Covering his face*
Colleen gets up and hugs Hunter for comfort, then she gets some water too and both go to bed. Morning came, everyone was up for breakfast and enjoying themselves together and watching TV until news broke through.
News Anchor: Breaking news, Japan has been receiving disappearances inside a toy factory in Tokyo. Most if not all the men that were working there have vanished, with only the women coming out injured. More will be informed after these messages.
Master: *turns the TV off* Rovers, I think you know what you're doing today.
Exile: tearing up chew toys for new chew toys?
Master: No, Exile
Hunter: All right, Japan here we go. Let's hit the Road, Rovers.
Group: *howling*
The group head towards the bay and to the vehicles and head off. Once arriving the locals wanted to interview the Rovers and answered as many questions as they could before entertaining the factory. Upon browsing the place they see many destroyed parts and items, and then stumbled upon action figures of themselves.
Blitz: Oh look how handsome I look.
Shag: *smiles* Rah Rah Rah Rah Rah.
Colleen: They even got my hair perfectly done.
Exile: Hehe, pretty goodski.
Hunter: Cool, all right Rovers, we're not here to take our toy selves... Maybe, our mission is to investigate what is going on, so... Shag, would you hold on to mine? *Everyone else gives him theirs too* huh there isn't one for Muzzle?
Once Shag hid the toys inside his fur and then everyone started to look around and split up next. Shag, Blitz and Exile were heading to the base while Hunter and Colleen looked for anyone else that was around on the floor with them talking to each other.
Colleen: *yells and echoes* HELLO!
Hunter: *covers his ears* I don't think that's a good idea.
Colleen: Gotta try something to get someone's attention.
A slithering sound happens.
Hunter: What was that?
Colleen: Don't know, but it's coming near.
Hunter: Get ready
Colleen: On it *pulls out Blitz's chomper bazooka*
Hunter: isn't that Blitz's bazooka?
Colleen: Who's? Watch out! *Blast at a tentacle with a hand on it*
Hunter: *watching the hand getting chomped* What the heck is-
Colleen: *grabbed and dragged to an air vent while struggling to hold on and screams*
Hunter then has a flashback to his dream, but then saves Colleen with the bazooka while helping her up until Hunter gets dragged into another vent. Colleen grabs the bazooka and runs off to find the others. Meanwhile Shag, Blitz and Exile were at the basement looking for anyone that was left.
Shag: Rah Rah rahrahrah.
Exile: No sure, Comrade Shag. Blitz?
Blitz: *sniffs* hmm, no.
Exile: then let's look through storage. *Opens the door*
Shag and Blitz sulks as they have to look around for any survivors which lasts quite a long time. Shag Blitz and Exile grouped back together.
Exile: I didn't find anyone.
Blitz: Me neither
Shag: Rah Rah Rah Rah. Rah Rah Rah?
Exile: There's vending machine there?
Shag runs up to one but doesn't have anything for currency of the vending machine then punches the thing which startles Exile and Blitz. They walked to the venting machine then Shag screamed at the multiple hands that were after them. Blitz couldn't find his bazooka.
Exile: *Shag pulls out his rocket launcher* Shag, please don't kill us all with that. *Ice beams the few hands*
Blitz: *tries to bite the hands* where are you going you sissy little hands *gets dragged towards a nearby vent and uses his claws to stop*
Shag also gets dragged but couldn't fit in a vent with Exile still standing and freezing the last hand then helps Blitz get out.
Blitz: plea-he-he-he-se Exile, help.
Exile: I'm... trying. *One hand breaks free then grabs Exile towards the air vent*
Blitz and Shag watch in horror as Blitz gets dragged too. Colleen comes in.
Colleen: All right buddy, I've got one mean bazooka and I'm not afraid to use it. *Looks everywhere and only finds Shag against a vent* Shag? *Runs over to him and helps him up* Where is everyone else?
Shag: Rah rahrahrah Rah rahrahrah.
Colleen: That's awfully scary. And they all went through the vents. Come on. *Talks towards the room that has the cooling system and hears laughter* Okay Shag, on the count of three we run inside but don't shoot. *Shag agrees* Okay... 1... 2... 3! *Kicks the door inside and she and Shag aim their bazookas at the thing that was capturing all the men in the factory*
???: So you come to face me now. *The captured victims tied and hanging in a web*
Colleen: Who are you?
Jorōgumo: Jorōgumo, and I'm here to take all of you Rovers. And add you two to my collection here.
Colleen: Oh yeah, well let's fight first!
While Colleen was fighting Jorō, Shag used Blitz's bazooka and aimed it at the victims and the other Rovers to release them all. Colleen was still fighting Jorō while Blitz and Exile escorted the people out, Hunter used his ball launcher to hit Jorō until Colleen threw one last kick to the face and pulled it for a swing launch against the wall.
Hunter: Man, I wouldn't want to get in on her bad side. *The others agreed*
Colleen: *stomp by stomp on each hand and notices a strange bump* hey.
Exile: What's wrong Comrade Colleen?
Colleen: *rips the arm to reveal robot parts* someone who wanted to lure us here and capture us. *Rips off the head to reveal...*
The group: Ben Arnold
Hunter: What an unexpected twist.
Colleen: Who was that again?
Hunter: The guy that was working for Parvo, and now wants to capture us for a delivery.
Blitz: Am I welcome to biting him in the tooshie?
Exile: Don't be weir- You know what. Maybe we let him.
Hunter: *Blitz's tail wags* You're right Exile, this time we'll let Blitz have at it.
Colleen: He's all yours.
Blitz: *bites Ben's tooshie*
Ben screams in agony while the others laugh but then try to restrain both of them. Before leaving, Colleen grabbed the rocket launcher and destroyed the Jorōgumo mechsuit.
Colleen: One ridiculously capable machine now perished.
Blitz: Excuse me, pretty lady, but I would like an explanation for the taking of my bazooka.
Colleen: Oh sorry, thought you wouldn't mind, Blinky.
Blitz: *Shag comes up and gives back the Bazooka* Danke, Shag.
Everyone left, taking in Ben back to America and sending him to jail. With the Rovers back to base, everyone started playing with their toy selves and Hunter gave Muzzle his toy self too.
Muzzle: ?
Hunter: Well they didn't have one of you, so I asked before we left if they could make one for you, so...
Master: Thank you Hunter. A very kind thing for him.
Hunter: You know you will have to go there.
Master: Go where?
Hunter: Nothing
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 15.8 kB