This takes place in a metropolis that I've dubbed Empire City for now. This takes place after the stories that are set in African Savanah. At some point Gloria was captured and taken to the city's zoo becoming one of their star attractions. She grew to love it the attention of the zoo guests coming to see her enclosure and swim in her personal pond. That was until Nala ended up being brought to the zoo as well and their rivalry was immediately rekindled with who could be the most popular animal there.
One day after closing Nala left her enclosure and the zoo itself intrigued by what was outside her pen. It wasn't uncommon for some of the zoo animals to leave their enclosure and go out. However, there were some rules. And Gloria was certain Nala wouldn't follow them.
Immediately Gloria was proven right. A fox couple were preparing to take a photograph together using their smartphone connected to a selfie stick. Nala popped out of a bush photo bombing or more like photo scarring the pair. From there she preyed upon a hot dog stand, hiding nearby and stealing from the raccoon vender every time he served a customer. She didn't leave until she had tried everything on the menu. Then it was into the city, catching a ride on top of a double decker bus and lying flat on top of it. Occasionally she popped her head below giving the riders a scare that they weren't certain was real or not.
Once she arrived at a district that she thought would be exciting. There were plenty of restaurants, shops, and night life that she wanted to experience. Gloria had followed her the whole way taking her own bus. She didn't scare anyone but the creaking and groans from the bus's roof did concern some riders.
"Hold it right there furball you're coming with me!" Gloria commanded. "You've caused enough trouble for these furs for one night."
Nala froze and cringed at the familiar voice. She exhaled trying to keep her composure, she turned and faced Gloria paws on her hips trying to hide any fear. "And what if I want to enjoy the night life like the predator I am?"
Gloria snorted, a thin layer of steam coming from her nostrils. "I'll drag you by your tail if I have to. And if I accidently pull it off your big butt, I'll drag you by your ears." Gloria stomped towards her head lowered eyes staring daggers into Nala's.
Nala gulped backing up slowly too scared to run and take her eyes off Gloria.
Gloria gained ground with just a few feet between them, unseen by either of them was the fire hose lying on the sidewalk. Nala tripped over the hose stumbling past the fire hydrant, her foot caught the wrench still attached to the top of it. She fell landing on her big butt. The hydrant rumbled; a bulge formed from its valve making its way through the hose until a blast of water erupted from the hose's nozzle. Uncontrolled the hose whipped in the air spraying water like a geyser. Gloria yelped as she was drenched with the cold water completely soaking her.
Nala got up rubbing her sore bottom when she took notice of the scene playing out. While the hose seemed like it had a mind of the own flailing around with no fire to put out, Gloria was getting a generous dose of it. She held her paws up trying to block the water and grab the hose while keeping her eyes closed.
Seeing the opportunity Nala stood up and grabbed the hose. She spit the water out that had entered her mouth like a fountain and opened her eyes, to see her feline foe taking aim with the hose.
"Drink up!"
Nala bumped the wrench with her rump turning the valve on full blast, aiming the stream of water at Gloria's muzzle. Gloria gasped as the surge of water shot into her muzzle forcing her to drink it.
"Glrphph!" Was all she could say. Gulp, gulp, gulp. The water began filling her already big belly bloating it up bigger and bigger like a water filled weather balloon. Her booty inflated next swelling up. She took a step forward trying to get Nala, but with the added water weight in her backside she lost her balance and fell backwards. She fell with a mighty thud her entire body, and especially her big booty, jiggled and sloshed from all the water inside her.
But Nala wasn't done yet, now unable to move Gloria was an easy target. She continued to fill up Gloria only changing her aim as the bloated Hippo inflated bigger and bigger. All poor Gloria could do was flail her arms and legs that became impossible. They filled up with water, one by one her fingers swelled making a faint popping sound as they looked more like overripe sausages. Her breasts inflated filling up to like overinflated yoga balls, that jiggled and bounced on top of her belly now the size of weather balloon. But the body part that was getting it the worst was her blimp butt, they were like two gray hills sloshing and jiggling behind her. They were so big they half her body size.
Once Gloria was the size of a hot air balloon Nala was satisfied. With a flick of her tail, she turned the wrench turning off the water. She stood in front of her foe paws on her hips taking in her work.
"Hmmm, this is a good look for you," Nala said rubbing her chin. "Maybe you should join next year's parade!"
Gloria was still too shocked to give a rebuttal, her body gurgled and sloshed.
With that Nala left slapping her rump at her inflated foe, heading out into the city to enjoy the night life.
Artwork by: icon_jackajack21:
Nala belongs to Disney.
Gloria belongs to Dreamworks.
One day after closing Nala left her enclosure and the zoo itself intrigued by what was outside her pen. It wasn't uncommon for some of the zoo animals to leave their enclosure and go out. However, there were some rules. And Gloria was certain Nala wouldn't follow them.
Immediately Gloria was proven right. A fox couple were preparing to take a photograph together using their smartphone connected to a selfie stick. Nala popped out of a bush photo bombing or more like photo scarring the pair. From there she preyed upon a hot dog stand, hiding nearby and stealing from the raccoon vender every time he served a customer. She didn't leave until she had tried everything on the menu. Then it was into the city, catching a ride on top of a double decker bus and lying flat on top of it. Occasionally she popped her head below giving the riders a scare that they weren't certain was real or not.
Once she arrived at a district that she thought would be exciting. There were plenty of restaurants, shops, and night life that she wanted to experience. Gloria had followed her the whole way taking her own bus. She didn't scare anyone but the creaking and groans from the bus's roof did concern some riders.
"Hold it right there furball you're coming with me!" Gloria commanded. "You've caused enough trouble for these furs for one night."
Nala froze and cringed at the familiar voice. She exhaled trying to keep her composure, she turned and faced Gloria paws on her hips trying to hide any fear. "And what if I want to enjoy the night life like the predator I am?"
Gloria snorted, a thin layer of steam coming from her nostrils. "I'll drag you by your tail if I have to. And if I accidently pull it off your big butt, I'll drag you by your ears." Gloria stomped towards her head lowered eyes staring daggers into Nala's.
Nala gulped backing up slowly too scared to run and take her eyes off Gloria.
Gloria gained ground with just a few feet between them, unseen by either of them was the fire hose lying on the sidewalk. Nala tripped over the hose stumbling past the fire hydrant, her foot caught the wrench still attached to the top of it. She fell landing on her big butt. The hydrant rumbled; a bulge formed from its valve making its way through the hose until a blast of water erupted from the hose's nozzle. Uncontrolled the hose whipped in the air spraying water like a geyser. Gloria yelped as she was drenched with the cold water completely soaking her.
Nala got up rubbing her sore bottom when she took notice of the scene playing out. While the hose seemed like it had a mind of the own flailing around with no fire to put out, Gloria was getting a generous dose of it. She held her paws up trying to block the water and grab the hose while keeping her eyes closed.
Seeing the opportunity Nala stood up and grabbed the hose. She spit the water out that had entered her mouth like a fountain and opened her eyes, to see her feline foe taking aim with the hose.
"Drink up!"
Nala bumped the wrench with her rump turning the valve on full blast, aiming the stream of water at Gloria's muzzle. Gloria gasped as the surge of water shot into her muzzle forcing her to drink it.
"Glrphph!" Was all she could say. Gulp, gulp, gulp. The water began filling her already big belly bloating it up bigger and bigger like a water filled weather balloon. Her booty inflated next swelling up. She took a step forward trying to get Nala, but with the added water weight in her backside she lost her balance and fell backwards. She fell with a mighty thud her entire body, and especially her big booty, jiggled and sloshed from all the water inside her.
But Nala wasn't done yet, now unable to move Gloria was an easy target. She continued to fill up Gloria only changing her aim as the bloated Hippo inflated bigger and bigger. All poor Gloria could do was flail her arms and legs that became impossible. They filled up with water, one by one her fingers swelled making a faint popping sound as they looked more like overripe sausages. Her breasts inflated filling up to like overinflated yoga balls, that jiggled and bounced on top of her belly now the size of weather balloon. But the body part that was getting it the worst was her blimp butt, they were like two gray hills sloshing and jiggling behind her. They were so big they half her body size.
Once Gloria was the size of a hot air balloon Nala was satisfied. With a flick of her tail, she turned the wrench turning off the water. She stood in front of her foe paws on her hips taking in her work.
"Hmmm, this is a good look for you," Nala said rubbing her chin. "Maybe you should join next year's parade!"
Gloria was still too shocked to give a rebuttal, her body gurgled and sloshed.
With that Nala left slapping her rump at her inflated foe, heading out into the city to enjoy the night life.
Artwork by: icon_jackajack21:
Nala belongs to Disney.
Gloria belongs to Dreamworks.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Inflation
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Female
Size 2248 x 1639px
File Size 3.4 MB