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Road Rovers: Accelerate Chapter 1
Chapter 1 "Old Friends"
Colleen was sleeping in her dog house when a stray cat walked by. She barked at it until a stranger kicked the cat away from them, Colleen then ran towards the stranger to attack them for the cat to run into Colleen's dog house then activates the shoot to send the cat down. As Colleen goes back to her dog house from the confrontation and sleeps, the Master calls her and the others to head towards the base. As everyone heads their way to the launching bay to the base, the cat also goes on one too. Once everyone becomes a cano-sapien...
Master: good morning Rovers, I hope you all had a good night's sleep.
Hunter: Maybe, I had a great dream of something beautiful opening up in front of me.
Exile: ehh... You mean?
Hunter: yeah, a gate filled with all the tennis balls I could chew on.
Group: Ooh
Blitz: Well, I had a dream about biting the last tooshie on my list.
Exile: Don't be a weird boy
Shag: Rah rah rah rrah rah
Hunter: Oh interesting
Colleen: *yawns* what did he say?
Hunter: He said-
Master: No time Rovers, look *points at the screen* the prison that holds Donovan Bell was attacked.
Exile: By whom?
A close up shot of...
Hunter: Zachary Storm
Colleen: What does he want with Bell, they have nothing in common.
Master: Don't underestimate anyone, Donovan Bell and Zachary Storm together can just be as dangerous.
Blitz: *brings in Muzzle* then let's give Muzzle his new and old chew toys.
Hunter: All right let's hit the road Rovers!
Group: *signature howling and towards their vehicles*
As the Rovers head towards the bay to the prison, the cat walks in.
Master: Oh hello there *picks up the cat* and who may you be?
Once the Rovers arrive at the prison they start looking everywhere and asking questions, while in the meantime Donovan and Zachary start talking in Storm's ship.
Donovan: So why did you release me, weather man?
Zachary: Just a favor or two, I need to acquire some illegal equipment that I can't get.
Donovan: That's right 'cause you're in the military.
Zachary: That's right all because they had a chance and I- Not the point, I want to get revenge on the military and the Road Rovers.
Donovan: Well you got some compilation though.
Zachary: I know, Parvo. I'll deal with him and his girlfriend later, right now all four of us have five dogs we want to put down, so what'll be the big deal when the two of us get rid of those Rovers?
Donovan: *laugh* I think I know someone who can get you what you need.
As Storm and Bell discuss their plan, the Rovers find nothing on the lead for either two criminals. On their way back to the base the Rovers discuss what Storm and Bell could be up to.
Colleen: So what could we narrow down about Storm and Bell?
Hunter: Well other than having a grudge against us, nothing.
Shag: Rah rah rah rrah rah
Hunter: Yeah, we never did know much about Bell. Perhaps Hubert could sniff out some stuff.
Exile: You comrades keep searching for Bell and Donovan, Blitz and I will go back to base.
Colleen: *Hunter ends the transmission* Why are they going back to base when we can just talk to Hubert from our ships?
Hunter: Good question, Eh... I guess Hubert has other things to do besides helping us.
Colleen: Probably.
Exile and Blitz landed back at base and found Hubert for information on Bell, only to discover more of him.
Hubert: *on his computer* Even if I'm not out there using my nose, I can still use my head to sniff out anything from anyone *sniff* and one of you needs to take a shower.
Exile: That's not me.
Blitz: Me neither
Hubert: Well no time, here's everything you need on Bell in this flashdrive. Oh and I also have put in Storm too. *Gives them the flash drive and sniffs out someone who needed a bath* Ah ha, a cat? *Cat tries to scratch him*
Master: oh don't worry about her, Hubert. She's just a new companion. Isn't that right, Natty.
On the ship of Exile and Blitz, they contacted the others about Bell.
Blitz: Apparently gold tooth have been involved in a lot of bad things. Like gambling, stealing, even throwing things at dogs.
Hunter: Okay, now I'm really angry at this guy.
Exile: Not only that, but rumor has it he knows people that can make ships go-
Hunter: Exile? Blitz? Hold on, we're coming!
The Rovers' ship is attacked by Bell and Storm as they lose communication. Storm tries to shoot down the Rovers' ship with the new weapon.
Zachary: It's right there, aim it right there.
Storm's ship keeps shooting at the Rovers' ship, until it shoots near a boat with the passengers escaping before the wave crushes them.
Exile: Ah oh. Time for new missiles *launches the missiles*
Zachary: *ship moves quickly* Ha, new missiles? *Hits the ship near the bridge* Okay, just a minor scratch but still nothing Hahahahaha!
Door gets slammed and growls start coming
Donovan: What was that? *Holds a laser gun*
Blitz: Oh we never said what kind of missile it was, did we?
Exile and Blitz: Muzzle them!
Muzzle: *breaks down the door and attacks everyone*
Exile: Good thing we don't have to witness that. *Blitz agrees*
Hunter: *arrives* Hey guys, what's going on? *Hears the screams inside Storm's ship* oh, Muzzle is on them.
Colleen: Shag could you do the honors and pull them down
Shag: Rah dah *salutes and pulls Storms ship down with a grappling hook*
On the ground, the cops cuffed the criminals while Blitz and Exile put Muzzle back to the Hannibal Lector to get up.
Hunter: there there Muzzle, you'll get some food back to the base.
Muzzle: *whines*
Colleen: We should probably destroy that laser or take it with us.
General: No worries ma'am, that laser is part of the US military to disassemble and study. It's in safe hands.
Colleen: Neat
Blitz: I hope I was pretty good today, Colleen.
Colleen: Oh yeah *shakes Blitz's hand* Welcome to the team newcomer, you did an excellent job today, mmm... "Bryce" right?
Blitz sulks as everyone goes back to base to be congratulated. While the cop car that holds Bell and Storm...
Donovan: *shakes* hopefully this doesn't happen again to me
Driver: I don't know, since you'll be with some good people to take care of you.
Back in the Rover base, they all had breakfast as the Master worries about a few things.
Shag: *pours everyone's breakfast* Rah rahrahrah
Blitz: *everyone else chows down* this doesn't have toilet water does it, Mop Boy?
Everyone stops for a moment.
Shag: *shakes his head "no"*
Blitz: *everyone sighs in relief* oh good *chows down too*
Hunter: *Looks* What's wrong, Master?
Master: Oh it's nothing Hunter *feeds Muzzle*
Hunter: You could always talk to us about anything.
Master: In time Hunter, in time.
Hunter: Well to the power of the pack!
Group: *Howls*
Colleen was sleeping in her dog house when a stray cat walked by. She barked at it until a stranger kicked the cat away from them, Colleen then ran towards the stranger to attack them for the cat to run into Colleen's dog house then activates the shoot to send the cat down. As Colleen goes back to her dog house from the confrontation and sleeps, the Master calls her and the others to head towards the base. As everyone heads their way to the launching bay to the base, the cat also goes on one too. Once everyone becomes a cano-sapien...
Master: good morning Rovers, I hope you all had a good night's sleep.
Hunter: Maybe, I had a great dream of something beautiful opening up in front of me.
Exile: ehh... You mean?
Hunter: yeah, a gate filled with all the tennis balls I could chew on.
Group: Ooh
Blitz: Well, I had a dream about biting the last tooshie on my list.
Exile: Don't be a weird boy
Shag: Rah rah rah rrah rah
Hunter: Oh interesting
Colleen: *yawns* what did he say?
Hunter: He said-
Master: No time Rovers, look *points at the screen* the prison that holds Donovan Bell was attacked.
Exile: By whom?
A close up shot of...
Hunter: Zachary Storm
Colleen: What does he want with Bell, they have nothing in common.
Master: Don't underestimate anyone, Donovan Bell and Zachary Storm together can just be as dangerous.
Blitz: *brings in Muzzle* then let's give Muzzle his new and old chew toys.
Hunter: All right let's hit the road Rovers!
Group: *signature howling and towards their vehicles*
As the Rovers head towards the bay to the prison, the cat walks in.
Master: Oh hello there *picks up the cat* and who may you be?
Once the Rovers arrive at the prison they start looking everywhere and asking questions, while in the meantime Donovan and Zachary start talking in Storm's ship.
Donovan: So why did you release me, weather man?
Zachary: Just a favor or two, I need to acquire some illegal equipment that I can't get.
Donovan: That's right 'cause you're in the military.
Zachary: That's right all because they had a chance and I- Not the point, I want to get revenge on the military and the Road Rovers.
Donovan: Well you got some compilation though.
Zachary: I know, Parvo. I'll deal with him and his girlfriend later, right now all four of us have five dogs we want to put down, so what'll be the big deal when the two of us get rid of those Rovers?
Donovan: *laugh* I think I know someone who can get you what you need.
As Storm and Bell discuss their plan, the Rovers find nothing on the lead for either two criminals. On their way back to the base the Rovers discuss what Storm and Bell could be up to.
Colleen: So what could we narrow down about Storm and Bell?
Hunter: Well other than having a grudge against us, nothing.
Shag: Rah rah rah rrah rah
Hunter: Yeah, we never did know much about Bell. Perhaps Hubert could sniff out some stuff.
Exile: You comrades keep searching for Bell and Donovan, Blitz and I will go back to base.
Colleen: *Hunter ends the transmission* Why are they going back to base when we can just talk to Hubert from our ships?
Hunter: Good question, Eh... I guess Hubert has other things to do besides helping us.
Colleen: Probably.
Exile and Blitz landed back at base and found Hubert for information on Bell, only to discover more of him.
Hubert: *on his computer* Even if I'm not out there using my nose, I can still use my head to sniff out anything from anyone *sniff* and one of you needs to take a shower.
Exile: That's not me.
Blitz: Me neither
Hubert: Well no time, here's everything you need on Bell in this flashdrive. Oh and I also have put in Storm too. *Gives them the flash drive and sniffs out someone who needed a bath* Ah ha, a cat? *Cat tries to scratch him*
Master: oh don't worry about her, Hubert. She's just a new companion. Isn't that right, Natty.
On the ship of Exile and Blitz, they contacted the others about Bell.
Blitz: Apparently gold tooth have been involved in a lot of bad things. Like gambling, stealing, even throwing things at dogs.
Hunter: Okay, now I'm really angry at this guy.
Exile: Not only that, but rumor has it he knows people that can make ships go-
Hunter: Exile? Blitz? Hold on, we're coming!
The Rovers' ship is attacked by Bell and Storm as they lose communication. Storm tries to shoot down the Rovers' ship with the new weapon.
Zachary: It's right there, aim it right there.
Storm's ship keeps shooting at the Rovers' ship, until it shoots near a boat with the passengers escaping before the wave crushes them.
Exile: Ah oh. Time for new missiles *launches the missiles*
Zachary: *ship moves quickly* Ha, new missiles? *Hits the ship near the bridge* Okay, just a minor scratch but still nothing Hahahahaha!
Door gets slammed and growls start coming
Donovan: What was that? *Holds a laser gun*
Blitz: Oh we never said what kind of missile it was, did we?
Exile and Blitz: Muzzle them!
Muzzle: *breaks down the door and attacks everyone*
Exile: Good thing we don't have to witness that. *Blitz agrees*
Hunter: *arrives* Hey guys, what's going on? *Hears the screams inside Storm's ship* oh, Muzzle is on them.
Colleen: Shag could you do the honors and pull them down
Shag: Rah dah *salutes and pulls Storms ship down with a grappling hook*
On the ground, the cops cuffed the criminals while Blitz and Exile put Muzzle back to the Hannibal Lector to get up.
Hunter: there there Muzzle, you'll get some food back to the base.
Muzzle: *whines*
Colleen: We should probably destroy that laser or take it with us.
General: No worries ma'am, that laser is part of the US military to disassemble and study. It's in safe hands.
Colleen: Neat
Blitz: I hope I was pretty good today, Colleen.
Colleen: Oh yeah *shakes Blitz's hand* Welcome to the team newcomer, you did an excellent job today, mmm... "Bryce" right?
Blitz sulks as everyone goes back to base to be congratulated. While the cop car that holds Bell and Storm...
Donovan: *shakes* hopefully this doesn't happen again to me
Driver: I don't know, since you'll be with some good people to take care of you.
Back in the Rover base, they all had breakfast as the Master worries about a few things.
Shag: *pours everyone's breakfast* Rah rahrahrah
Blitz: *everyone else chows down* this doesn't have toilet water does it, Mop Boy?
Everyone stops for a moment.
Shag: *shakes his head "no"*
Blitz: *everyone sighs in relief* oh good *chows down too*
Hunter: *Looks* What's wrong, Master?
Master: Oh it's nothing Hunter *feeds Muzzle*
Hunter: You could always talk to us about anything.
Master: In time Hunter, in time.
Hunter: Well to the power of the pack!
Group: *Howls*
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 15.8 kB