Gurgles n Dragons
Mmmmm, such an excited lil cutie, so awfully eager to slide down this warm slimy throat of mine <3 I'm gonna enjoy feeling you slosh from side to side inside this big bubbly tummy of mine <3 Constantly weighing me down over the next few days till my belly's finally done greeting you >//////< Those hearty belches are gonna be a constant reminder of how much you're loving it in there~ <3 I bet you always wanted to be panda food anyway >////< <3 I saw the excitement in your eyes when I opened my maw... You just couldn't resist taking a trip down to the bottom of my steaming hot gut .////. <3
Mika belongs to:
Celestine belongs to:
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Mika belongs to:

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Category Artwork (Digital) / Vore
Species Red Panda
Gender Male
Size 3928 x 2111px
File Size 4.99 MB
I don't think I could get away with just sitting on your lap cutie .////. If I sat this massive fat wobbly rear of mine down on you, it would probably hide your entire body underneath it >/////< Maybe your leggies and face could barely stick out .////. <3